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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1916070
romantic short sory
I woke to my mom squealing downstairs. What time was it? I looked to my clock wich read 10:00. Ugh its wensday and I don't have school I roll over and bury my face in the pillow trying to will myself to go back to sleep. There was a pounding on my door "Danaia!" my mom yelled bursting through my door with a huge smile on her face "what?" I sat up groggily "I just got a letter!" she said delighted "and?" I asked not seeing where she was going with this "you got a full academic scolarship to Burrington Academy!" she sat down on my bed "isn't that amazing! You'll get the best education an-" "Wait!" I held up a hand interuppting her "isn't that the accademy that pick girls and trains them so they can act like princesses and they put them in mixers all the time so they can hopefully meet and marry princes? The one right beside Burrington? The school for princes? As in the academy owned by Burrington? The king form wherever and his son?" my mom nodded "mom! You have got to be kidding me! Only gorgeous rich girls get in there! Why would they want me?" sure I may get good grades and I'm seventeen but thats about the only thing I have in common with Burrington I'm not gorgeous, pretty maybe but not gorgeous I'm totally clumsy thanks to my height of 5'11 and with long brown hair thats does the same thing everyday no matter how hard I try to get it to do otherwise, the only realy noticible thing about me is my eyes which I get from my mom, unlike most people I have grey eyes which is pretty awesome in my book "well honey it doesn't say but there offering a scolarship and this could be a big step up for you" "I don't want to go" I said crossing my arms "Danaia please. This is something I have always dreamed of giving you but knew I could never afford. Danaia you can go be succesfull! Theres not much here to stay for" my mom paused motioning around. I looked at my dingy room in our two bedroom apartment. My mom had been trying to make it work ever since she got pregnant from a one night stand with a man she never saw again. We weren't poor, we were doing alright. This was my home. "Honey you're going to Burrington so you can make a better future for yourself. I'm sorry if you don't like it but start packing there coming to get you at four. Remember I love you." My mom kissed my forhead and walked out. I sat there in shock how dare she dismiss me like that? I threw a pillow at the door I sat in bed for another half hour and heard a knock on the door "I'm not changing my mind. If you don't start packing you're going to have to go to Burrington with only pajamas" my mother said through the door I sighed knowing she was sent on sending me and reluctantly gt off the bed to grab the duffel bag I kept under my bed. I didn't have alot of stuff so I just packed all my stuff before heading to the bathroom to grab my toiletries bag. I shuffeled into the kitchen and huffed "I'm not going to fit in there and probably won't even be able to keep up with their prigrams!" I argued "nonsense if you have trouble they have personal tutors and the teachers are always willing to help you. I'm sure you'll make friends there" she smiled sliding a plate of food infront of me. I finished eating when the doorbll rang my mother answered it as I sat at the table dreading my departcher "Danaia!" my mother called and I grabbed my bags walking to the door "its time to go" she hugged me "I love you" "I love you too" I replied knowing I couldn't stay mad at her for wanting better for me. She had given up everything to raise me I could do this one thing for her. We pulled up to the Academy an hour and a half later after driving through the city and out of ciy limits. I hopped out of the car and the driver handed me my bags "Thank you" I said and smiled and he smiled bak "you're welcome" he replied before hopping back into the car and driving away. I looked up at my new home for the first time and started feeling nervous. Something large hit me from behind with great force "oof" it said or rather he said I looked up into a pair of emerald green eyes. It took me a moment to compose myself before I could take in the rest of him he had shaggy black hair, a straight nose and was frowning "I'm so sorry are you okay?" he asked helping me up I gave a shaky laugh wiping my hands off "I'm fine thanks" he smiled then looked at me curiously "I don't think I've ever seen you around here?" he asked "oh uh um yeah I'm new here" I stumbled through my explanation "oh" he said smiling, " I'm suppost to meet Mr. Burrington but I don't know where his office is..." I let myself trail off feeling stupid he grinned at me "let me show you the way" he winked walking ahead of me. He gave me the grand tour on the way to the office "and our final destination" he paused making a dramatic bow "his office" I laughed and he smiled when a man walked out he nodded "Mr. Burrington" he nodded back before turning to me "it was a pleasure to meet you" he bowed and walked off, I stared after him he was quite intresting I smiled to myself "Danaia Sanders?" asked Mr.Burrington "Thats me" I replied "please come in" I walked in and sat in the chair in front of his desk waiting while he took his. Mr.Burrington explained where I would be staying with my roomate, my class schedual and the dances (or as he called the balls) at the end he looked at me "any questons?" "yes actuall just one" I said "proceed" he replied "why did you pick me to come to this school? We obviously don't have the money and this school are for gorgous girls to meet princes?" I asked and he laughed "we like to keep a variety of girls in Burrington Academy" he filled me in before pushing a button "can you have Charles come and show Mrs.Sanders to her room" he asked "right away Mr.Burrington" replied a womens voice. Mr.Burrington got up and showed me to the door. When he opened it a man who looked about thirty was standing on the other side of the door I steped out and the door closed right behind me making me jump "Mrs. Sanders" he said "please just call me Danaia" I insisted and he smiled "alright Danaia" "thank you Mr.?" "please if I'm calling you by your first name you can call me Smith" he smiled and I smiled back "alright Smith where too?" I asked "just follow me" Smith kept up friendly chatter the whole way to my room "and here is your room Danaia. Three school uniforms should be waiting for you in your closet and they are manditory to wear to class" "thanks Smith" I smiled at him before saying good bye I walked into my room and saw a girl with waist length red hair and blue eyes "hi" she gave me a warm smile "I'm Annie, yu must be my new room mate Danaia, right?" I smiled back "yes thts right" "thats and intreting name I like it" "um which on is mine?" I asked looking at the beds and closets since they looked exactly alike "oh right over there" she said pointing to the one closest to her "thanks" I said laying my suitcas before unpacking "where'd you get that top?" Annie asked suddenly I blushed knowing obviously she was from a rich famil "from 'My vintage closet'" wich is my favourit store in the world "no way! its really cute" she loooked down at the light blue top "I really hate to be that kind of room mate but I have a date tonight and have been really stressing over what to wear would you mind..." she trailed off and I smiled "of course you can borrow it feel free to search my closet any time" she smiled and hugged me "same to you" we laughed "so wht kind of things are you into?" she asked "well I love books and I'm really into the band 'Your Majesty'" "no way! I love 'Your Majesty'! There the best! And if you like books you should ceck out the libary. Do you know where it is?" She asked and I shook my head "come on I'll show you"she grabbed myhad pulling me along. It wasn't a long walk to the libary though Annie stopped to ntroduce to some of her obviously many friends "well here it is" Annie sai throwing oend a pair of double doors and I gasped "this is amazing!" I exclaimed spinning around in a circle there were books fro the ceilings to the floor on all four walls Annie laughed at me "I have to get ready but I'm guessing you wanna stay in here?" she asked I nodded and she left I looked around the libary before spotting a book that looked intresting just above the fire place I looked at the couch and imagined myself spending hours there curled up and lost in a good book. I looked back up at the fire place wondering how I was supposed to get up there. Another book caught my attention then Burrington's rules. I should probably know those shouldn't I? I pulled on the book but it didn' come out instead a stair case leading up to the fire place came ot. Well that solved my proble didn't it? I climbed the stairs reaching the top just bfore the stair case retracted. Now how am I supposed to get down? Oh well time for that later I grabbed the book I spotted earlier and then tried all the other books to see which would open the stair case again- none of them did- as comfy as that couch looked it was probably cold but up here the fire kept me just warm enough so I nestled down and began reading.I don't know how much time passed before I heard the doors to the library opn and close I peeked over the edge of the fire plae and saw the mysterious black hair, green eyed boy. I dropped my book and he looked up at me and smiled "you" he said "you" I replied and he laughed "what are you doing up there?" "I had to grab a book" I said holding mine up "and how are you planning to get down?" he asked "jump?" I said looking to the grown it looked kinda far down "seriously?" "yup" I nodded standing up "well you're up there can you grab the book six stacks up with the green cover?" "sure" I replied picking up my book and standing. Six stacks is higher than you think and the fire place may have been high up but it wasn't that wide. I stood up on my tip toes trying to reach the book but no luck so I jumped my fingers grasped the book and it was in my hand. My left foot landed securley back on the fire place but my right foot missed, I started falling backwards my arms flailing until I was completly falling I braced for impact but instad of hitting the floor I was caught I opened my eyes -not even realizing I had closed them- and met the gaze of two green eyes I blushed and looked down "thank you" I mumbled trying to get down I struggled for a few minutes before he finally let me down "heres your book" I said holding it out to him "thank you" he laughed "I guess that solved the getting down part" he smiled "hey Danaia..." Annie trailed off eyeing the boy "who were you looking for?" the boy asked Annie nodded to me "Danaia" he looked at me with curiosity filled eyes "Danaia" he said more to himself than to me pondering it for a moment before straightening as he was just realizing we were still here "well I won't keep you. It was a nice to see you again Danaia" he paused taking my hand "come on" Annie whispered pulling me along with her was he a prince? I wasn't going to have a crush on a prince. Even if he did have amazing eyes. What was I thinking! What prince would want a girl like me? "Danaia theres a ball next weekened and I was wondering if you have a dress?" Annie asked me pulling me from my thoughts "don't you have a date?" I asked she shook her head and sighed "he bailed so I decided to take you to the school dress maker insead" she smiled "dress maker?" I asked "yes for the ball! You know were we go to meet guys?" she asked I nodded "great lets go!". At the dress makers the lady took my measurements "what colour looks best on you?" Annie asked "ummm" I replied colour wasn't really a big factor wen buying clothes for me "Seriously?" said Annie and her and the dress maker went into a conversation about which would look best with my skin one and hair. They decided on a dark blue and or black, both if she could make it work she told me the dress would be ready by friday the day of the dance before we went back to our room. "I have that class too!" Annie and I were going over my class scheduale before class to see which of them were together. I only had one class without Annie it was art but I was with Kaylee a girl with carmel colour skin with brown eyes so that was easier. Kaylee pulled me down the hallway "so this is where we take art" she opened a door and I was in a room with a bunch of easils with canvasas on them sitting in a circle. In the middle the floor was raised in a circle as a stage with a light directly shining down on it "sometimes Mr.Herth lets us paint whatever we want but other times he has somethig for us to paint like a bowl of fruit or flowers or" she paused looking around "boys from Burrington" I blushed as people started filling in around us "okay ladies we have a boy from Burrington coming in today and at the end of class we will show the results of todays work" some of the girls giggled and smiled "now ladies please concentrate on your art" he paused spotting me "oh! You must be Danaia! Do you know any ofthe girls in this class?" he asked looking at me expectantly I nodded "Kaylee" I pointed to her "well then you will sit beside her" he announced and I sat down beside Kaylee. Once all the girls were seated Mr.Herth called "you can come in now" and in entered the green eye boy he was a prince! I knew it! Why did I fell so dissapointed? I looked at him he was wearing a plain white shirt and plain black jeans I looked up to his face and he was looking at me I blushed and looked back down at the canvas. He got up on the stage "ladies as you know Mr. burrington here will ask one of you to do the same for his class" Mr.Herth said mainly to me my eyes widened the burrington prince? thats who the green eyed boy was? A sense of dread hit me if I thought I had no chance with him before there was even less of one now. Burringtons were extremely rich and apparently handsom and I was just.... me. I started with his face doing a close up that only went to his shoulders. I did all of it in black and white except his eyes. Those I spent the most of my time on. "alright ladies time to show your drawings and paintings." Kaylee ooked over at mine "thats really good! I like what you dd with the pastels" I smiled at her "Thanks yours is good too" she smiled at me "Danaia since you're new how would you like to go first? Then Kaylee and so on" Mr. Herth said the green eyed boy looked at me or Mr.burrington I still didn't know his first name I turned my easil around since it was on wheels and saw everybody studying it "wonderful work" Mr. Herth said and I quickly turned it back around and then Kaylee went. When the bell rang he approached me "you know, you know my first name but I don't know yours, I kinda feel at a disavantage here" I said and he laughed "I don't know your last name and you know mie" "Sanders" I replied "what?" he asked looking confused "my name is Danaia Sanders" "I'm Blake Burrington" "nice to officially meet you I guess" "so as Mr.Herth pointed out I get to pick a girl to model for a Burrington art class" he smiled at me "and?" I said getting nervous what if he waned me to do it? Who was I kidding? He probably just wanted me to ask Kaylee that calmed me down "I want you to come model so were going to have to pull you out of your next class" that didn't. I opeed my mouth to protest when Mr.Herth interuppted "I'll take care of that you kids better hurry" he gave u a warm smile before Blake grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the school only lettin m stop to change into jeans and the light blue top Annie wanted to borrow then gragged me into a car "I don't really think you want me to model" I said hoping he realize he didn't "whys that?" he asked "Well as you saw Kaylees much prettier than me and she would be thrilled to do it" I said and he just looked at me "and you arn't?" "No! I get really nervouse and would make a terrible model" I was getting really nervous now he just smiled "were here" he opened the door pulling me out with him "lets go" "really I don't thin-" he cut me off "don't worry your going to just fine plus were aready late" he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the front doors and into a room similar to the one at Burrington Academy except there stage was at the front of the room with a straight line of easils in front of it. There were already boys seated and a teacher standing in front of them "I was begining to think you weren't coming" remarked one of the boys "well hello mrs.?" The teacher asked "please just call me Danaia" "alright Danaia will you please go up to the stage and sit on the chair?" I nodded and went to the front crossing my legs I could already feel a blush creeping up my cheeks "Blake looks like we got ourselves a blusher!" one of them yelled makig me blush harder "looks like this class is gonna be a fun one!" another one remarked and te others cheered I shot a horifid look to Blake and he winked at me "boys can you atleast try to be civil to Danaia?" "yes Mrs. Yeltch" the boys said in usion. The bell rang and I got up and walkd over to Blake who was putting his painting away "so you get to see my painting of you but I don't get to see you painting of me?" I asked and he gave me an amused look "fine" he said picking it up and handing it to me. His was like mine a close up except much better "this is amazing!" "don't sound so shocked" he laughed and I smiled I liked his laugh "what class do you have right now?" "ummm I have lunch" "me too and not to judge the cafeteria food isn't the best so you wanna go get so real food?" "I can't I don't have any money" "my treat since I made you model for my art class" I looked at him "just as friends" he held up his hands in mock surrender and I smiled "fine as long as we don't have to take the limo" I agreed "you don't like my limo?" he asked pretending to be hurt "I'm kidding yes I have a car" we walked out of the school and he motioned to a sleek black lamburgine "wow" I said and he smiled "lets go" I got in "where are we going?" I asked "you'll see" he gave me a smile and I rolled my eyes "is this what you do with all the girls?" I asked and he pretended to look wounded "whatever do you mean?" he asked trying to sound innocent and I laughed I looked up and to my surprise we were going through a drive through "fast food?" I asked "what? To good for fast food?" he raised an eyebrow at me "no I just never pictured you as one to eat fast food" I mused looking out the window "what do you want?" he asked "uh whatever your having I guess" Blake ordered and we parked in the parking lot "so tell me about your life" Blake said biting into his burger "well I grew up hre in the apartment buildings over on kingsten with my mom" I shrugged "theres not much to tell" "what about your dad?" He asked I looked down at my food suddenly not hungry my mom had told my dad when she was pregnant he just nevr wanted anything to with me "I never met him he left before I was born" I picked up a fry and started pulling it apart "I guess thats his lost" Blake said I looked up and he gave me a small smile "thanks" I paused and smiled back "so what about you?" "I grew up in alot of diffrent houses since we always travelled alot then when my dad opened up these school we settled down here" "wheres your mom?" "she actually lives in the mantion with my dad" "so you live at school?" "just like every other kid" I smiled and lunch went by fast after that. Blake ropped me off at the Academy before my next class and I ran to get changed before heading to liteture."where were you at lunch?"Annie asked when she saw me, her an KAylee sat waiting for an answer "I was with Blake Burington" "you mean the green eyed hottie from art?" asked Kaylee and I nodded "you mean Mr.BUrrington's son?" asked Annie and I nodded again "I want the whole story starting from the library" Annie demanded "library?" Kaylee asked confused "yesterday when I was looking for Danaia I found the green eyed hottie and her in the library alone" Annie gave me a wicked smile "his name is Blake not the green eyed hottie and were just friends" I gave them both a look "yeah maybe for now" Kaylee smirked at me "guys he's a prince and I'm-" I stopped talking "your what?" Annie asked "not worth his time" I finished they gasped "don't say that just wait tomorrow at that dance me and Kaylee are going to make you so pretty he'll want nothing more than to dance with you all night" Annie assured me "no, you have to make him jelouse first dance and flirt with other princes until he can't take it" "your right!" Annie said I sighed as the bell rang and Annie and Kaylee continued to discuss strategy all through last class as well. "I'm going to the library" I told Annie "okay don't forgt we have tomorrow off to get ready for the dance so were going for massages, face masks, manicures, pedicures and to get our hair done" "of course" I replied before heading to the library I pulled the rule book andsat atop the fireplace reading my book. I started to feel my eyelids get heavy as I didn't sleep much last night it being my first day at a new school and all okay, I might have been thinking of the green eyed boy or Blake but I didn't know that then I fell asleep "Danaia?" I woke with a start and looked down to see Annie and Blake looking up at me "oh hi uh what time is it?" "9:50 and curfews 10:00 so I thought I'd come looking for you when I ran into Blake who said he thought he knew where you might be" she explained "oh sorry we better go" I braced myself to jump from the fire place for the first time wondering what it feel like I worked up the courage and jumped I landed on my feet but was taken off guard by the impact I stumbled backwards feeling strong arms around me right before I hit the ground "careful" Blake gave me a sly smile holding m closer and longer than neccasary not that I minded I could get lost in his eyes Annie cleared her throat pulling me from my thouts I jerked out of Blakes arms "uh thanks" I said awkwardly "we should get going" Annie said "good night" Blake smiled at me as we left "night" I replied. Back and our room Annie closed the door "he so has it bad for you" she grinned at me "he does not" I said thinking back to his eyes "not that you dont have just as big as a crush on him but come on its pretty obvious" I rolled my ees and threw a pillow at her making her laugh "getome sleep we have an early day tomorrow" she smiled before turning out the lights. I was woken up at nine and taken all around town for pampering everything went rather quickly I thought but the time slipped away the ball was at seven and we had and appointment at six with the dress maker then Kaylee was oming over to do make up and get shoes and jewlery. We ran to make it to the dress maker on time we entered and the dress maker led us to our dresses Kaylee was wearing a yellow ball gown with thick straps and sparkles all over the top, Annie was wearing a green ball gown with with spagehtti straps and a bow at the waste and ribbon around the top I gasped when I saw my dress it was a strapless dark blue ball gown with black lace covering the top, a bow in front that rested right under my chest with little diamonds every where. After thanking the dress maker we hurried back to our room to get ready Annie lent me a pair of silver strappy heels, a diamond necklace ( a real one!) and she did my make up silver and black. We were finished at 6:50 and went out to the front to wait with all the other girls. Six limos were sent to the Academy to fetch all the grls since the ball was at Burringtone. I was actually really excited about the ball "remember don't dance with him first make sure another guy is intrested in you" Annie said "okay! He's not intrested in me anyway" "yeah right I saw you two together" I giggled and we entered th ball room it was amazing it was giant with hard wood floor and an amazing chandaleer the boys were already in the room. Annie, Kaylee and I were walking over to a table when I saw Blake I smiled at him and he started walking toards me. He was almost close enough to talk to when three boys stepped in front of him I looked to meet the gaze of the man in froto me he was tall (not as tall as Blake) had neat blonde hair and blue eyes "would you like to dance?" he asked me and Annie and Kaylee smiled at me "of course" I replied taking his hand I looked at Blake as we passed and he had a stony look on his face and his eyes were dark. I kept up polite conversation with Jhonn well we danced he was funny and nice so why wasn't I intrested in him? When the song ended I politly excused myself and walked off the dance floor "so I see you met Jhonn" Blake said alling into step beside me "yes" was all I replied "and?" he asked "and?" I repeated smiling enjoying myself maybe he did like me Blake sighed frustrated before grabbing my shoulder and turning me around with an annoyed look on his face I hadn't realized it but wewere now in a corner far away from anyone else "what did you think of him?" "well he was charming, cute, funny ,nice and a good dancer" I smiled enjoying as his eyes darkened with each word "but hes not really my type" I sighed and Blake smiled at me with a look of releif on his face "and what is your type?" he asked leaning closer to me "well I don't know the usual tall dark and handsome" I smiled at him he leaned closer so our lip were almost touching "hey Blake!" someone yelled ad Blake swore and looked at m I'll be right back he took off to the caller and I went to find Annie and Kaylee "so how are you nights going?" I asked when I found them "great I got three princes numbers" Annie smiled "Kaylee?" I asked "I met someone" she giggled and I followed her gaze to a guy who was staring at her "how about yours?" Annie looked at me I smiled "you were right" was all I had to say before they both squealed and hugged me "told you" Annie said and someone cleared there throat behind us I turnd to see Blake "would you care to dance?" he smiled at me "I'd love too" I took his out streched hand and let him lead me onto the dance floor. The night went by like a dreamad me and Blake spent the rest o the weekend together as well. "I planned a picnic for us" Blake said grabbing me around the waist on sunday evening "where?" I asked looking up at him "its a surprise" he smiled pulling me along with him into his car. I was bouncing with anticipation by the time he finally stopped the car. I got out "you didn't bring a bsket?" Iasked my brow furrowing and Blake laughed at me "you'll see we have to walk from here" he put his hand over my eyes "is this neccesarry?" I asked "yes" he replied leading me up a slope it seemed like forever before we stopped "okay you can look" he pulled his hand off my face revealing a table set up for a romantic dinner for two with the long white table cloth, candles and a breath taking viw of the city and the full moon shining down on it "oh my god this is amazing!" I turned around and hugged him feeling his arms wrap around me and his face burry into my hair "thank you" I whispered he pulled back this is my favourite place in the city whats yours?" "theres this place in North Park where no one goes its this little gazibo and you can sit and watch the stars thats my favourite place" he smiled "shall we?" I beamed at him and walked over to the table Blake walked ahead and pulled my chair out for me before grabbing out a silver plater with two burgers, fries and soft drinks on it I laughed "since this is our official first date I decided to get something I know you like" he set my food infront of me "is this okay?" he asked looking nervous "this is perfect" I smiled at him. "wait so are you telling me that you have never seen star wars?" Blake gave me an increduous look "no I'm sorry I'm not a nerd" I nudge his shoulder with my free hand since h was holding the other one as we were strolling toward his car "um excuse me I am not a nerd I just have good taste in movies" I laughed he acted offended "are you laughing at my ability to pick movies?" I got into his car and he started driving back to the academy "no I'm laughing at your ability to pick good ones" I smiled "oh so whats your idea of a good movie?" "um letters to juliet, pitch perfect, Mirror Mirror and so on" he wrinkled his nose "those are all chick flicks" "and?" "well I said 'good' movies" he said emphasizing the good "hey! Plenty of chick flicks are good" "to you maybe" he pulled up infront of Burrington Academy "tonght was really amazing" I looked p at him and his face was maybe an inch from mine "I think it could get better" Blake leaned in and captured my mouth in his giving me a long slow kiss before pulling back "good night" I smiled "night" I got out and waved as he drove away. I walked into the school and ran into a blonde girl with hazel eyes "so you and Blake?" "yeah" "listen Blake deserves some one like him" she stated "whats that supposed to mean?" I asked "your lower class hes upper hes rich your not do you get it? He deserves someone who can give him things someone who will boost his future and not just drag him down" she said before turning and stalking off I should have been angry and just forgot about it but what if she was right? I wasn't in Jakes class I couldn't give him anything he didn't already have I couldnt boost his future. I fell asleep thinking about it. I spent all my classes thinking about what the blonde girl said he was right I had to tell Blake. I couldn't hold him back whn he deserved so much better. The final bell rang and I went to the library to meet Blake like we had planned "hey" he said when I walked in I bit my lip "whats wrong?" he walked over to me "Blake what we have can't go on any longer" I pit it out the sooner the better "what do you mean?" he asked his face becoming an unreadable mask "I mean that we have to stop you deserve abetter future" "what the hell does that mean? I dont want a better future!" he yelled clearly outraged "its over Blake you deserve better than me" I said before running out of the room straight to my bed I could feel the tears running down my face "whats wrong?" Annie asked "I had to break u with him" "what? why?" "he deserved better than me" "oh honey" Annie hugged me an I cried into her shoulder explaining everything including what the blonde girl said to me. It was hours later that I stopped crying "I'm going to go get a drink" I said "okay I'll be right here" Annie said I walked through the halls and grabbed a drink from the vending machine on my way back I saw two people it was the blonde girl and Blake and they were, were kissing! I ran in th other direction and back into the room slamming the door "what happened?" Annie asked Kaylee was there too "I saw Jake making out with the blonde girl" I sobbed "I mean I know I ended it with him but its only been a few hours he obviously didn't actually care about me" Kaylee and Annie looked shocked "I'm so sorry" Annie said "I shouldn't have pushed you to go out with him" "no don't blame yourself its no ones fault but my own" Kaylee and Annie hugged me when there was a knock on the door Annie answered it "may I speak with Danaia?" I heard Blake's voice "she doesn't want to see you" Annie replied "I think I have a right to know why she broke up with me" Blake replied angry "is that why you were kissing that blonde girl?" Annie shot back I blocked out there fighting I couldn't take this I looked at Kaylee "I have to get out" I said and she nodded handing me my coat I ran out the door pushing pass Annie and Blake "Danaia!" I heard Blake yell but kept going everything was just blurring in my head I ran out of the school and kept going until I was out of breath before grabbing a cab and heading to north park. I sat on the bench inside the gazibo staring up at the sky. I had to have been there for hours just looking because I started to see the sun come up. "Danaia!" I heard somebody yell I turned my head to see Blake hurtiling towards me followed by Annie and Kaylee though he was way ahead of them Blake scooped me up in his arms kissing my very cold lips and squeezing me closer "you're and idiot" he said putting his forhead against mine "what?" I asked confused "listen to me I did't kiss that girl she kissed me if you would have stuck aroun a moment longer you would have seen me push her off. The only reason I was with her in the first place is because she told me she knew where to find you." "that doesn't change anything" I mumbled "yes it does. I foun out what she said to you and Danaia you need to realize none of that is true. I don't deserve better than you because you're all I want my future wont be better with out you" "but you deserve someone better-" B;ake stopped me by kissing me "don't you ever do something as stupid as break up with me for my own good ever again or go missing for a whole night do you have any idea how worried I was?" by now Kaylee and Annie caught up with us "Danaia he really is a good guy he sent a whole search team out for you and he told us what happened with the blonde girl so me and Kaylee decided we approve if you want to get back together with him" Annie announced out of breath "yeah"Kaylee agreed "what do you say?" Blake asked I smiled and kissed him
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