Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1915118-Dear-Me
by Murc
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Educational · #1915118
A letter to myself about my goals for the new year.
Dear Me,

It has been quite some time since I've written to you; almost a year in fact. I am glad to see that you have returned to WDC, and I hope that your time spent here is constructive and enjoyed.

I know that you have a tendency to create New Years resolutions, only to eventually forget about them and fall back into that same old rut that you've been living in for a long time. This year, you need to really focus on your goals. You can achieve them, you just need to be determined. I saw a quote recently that was written by Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock. He said, "The reason people often fail is because they get overwhelmed by how much there is left to do, rather than be proud of what they have already achieved." Be proud of how far your writing has come. Don't give up. Over time, you will discover your own voice and finish that novel or screenplay that you've always dreamed of publishing.

A friend recently told me, "In order to discover your own writing style, you must write one million words." I know you have done a great amount of writing, but one million is a large number. For now, don't be dead-set on creating a goal to write that novel or screenplay. Just keep writing, every day. Over time, you will grow accustomed to sitting down and writing more words at a time. Eventually, writing will become a habit, and not one of those bad habits like smoking. Continue to read 'how to write' articles and books. The one that you are currently reading will be very beneficial to you. Finish it, then start a new one. I have been told that each aspiring writer should read one to two hours each day. By reading, you will learn how to write. Keep it up.

Now, for the all-so irritating goal that you've been trying to accomplish for as long as I remember. I know that you want to lose weight. Remember, that your body does not transform over night. If one starves themselves, the weight will inevitably come back when you return to eating regular amounts of food. You've studied fitness and bodybuilding for eleven years now, you know what to do. You need to create a daily eating schedule, in which you eat five to six small, healthy meals each day. Eating several times per day like this will keep your metabolism elevated, because it has to continually work to digest the food. Diet is more important than exercise, although exercise should not be neglected. Be sure to cut out as many saturated and trans fats as possible. Fat is still good. Good fat does not make you fat, it lubricates your joints and your organs. Omega fats, in fact are very healthy, so eat those sardines that you've been avoiding. Minimize your sugar intake. I know you like it, and are more than likely addicted to it, but you know what they say, "Eating sugar, makes you crave sugar." If you can get away from it by eating apples and oranges (fructose), instead of candy bars and ice cream (sucrose), you will greatly reduce your caloric intake. Remember to watch those starchy foods, as well. Potatoes are very high in starch. A better choice would be oatmeal, brown rice, or yams. You know well enough, if you take your time and prepare a good meal, that you can make healthy food taste good. Just load it with pepper, that always works, or add some chicken.

Also, remember to exercise. I know funds are low, and the gym is not really an option right now. But, you do watch the news every day, and they have been telling us that there are plenty of home workouts that you can do to burn calories and build muscle, although you already knew this. As long as you move your body you burn calories. Do some squats, lunges, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, go for walks. There are many different things that you can still do to become physically fit. How about you take even thirty minutes a day to workout. Experts say that "a workout should last at least twenty minutes to keep your heart rate elevated". When you workout, don't just laze about. Push yourself. You can, and if you try hard enough, will lose that weight.

Remember what The Rock said. Be happy about what you have accomplished, instead of dwelling on the future. I believe that is why you have failed so many times in the past. Be positive. Try hard this year. You will accomplish what you put your mind into.



Word Count: 788
© Copyright 2013 Murc (mec86 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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