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this chapter is alot longer than the first two because I couldn't bare to split it two |
Velongrick sighed “I had hoped she would be more of a challenge, such a waste though I doubt she's done yet” multiple icicles appeared in the air with a simple flick of the wrist, he sent them flying at Alucard, of course they didn't hit directly on target some merely grazed him or cut into him as they passed by “Somehow I agree with you but before she can reform you'll be dust!” Velongrick smirked, his fangs showing slightly “Then prove it” as they fought, Seras felt the air had become dense with pure energy then she heard a voice in her head {You had better get a good distance away from here young blood, when I reform the energy in the air will be too much for you to handle so move it} Seras hesitated {But what about....} Raziel's voice became angered {He'll be fine now get your ass moving!!} Seras retreated to a fairly good distance but made sure she could still see the fight. Seras knew she wasn’t up to scratch for this fight that angered her; but she still suffered problems when it came to drinking blood. So she stayed back and watched {Master hasn’t had this much fun in a while} she smiled to herself; she followed their movements as best she could, studying their forms learning new ways to fight. Although he fought dirty Velongrick was a great fighter, his form with his broadsword was decent, and Seras guessed he had been a peasant at one time but at the time of turning was adopted into a noble vampire line; the thought of noble vampires amused her greatly but she kept her laughter in her head. Lightning bolts began to strike the snow, scorching it causing the ice strain under the immense pressure making it harder to fight. Raziel's voice booms across the snow-capped ice “To those who defy the will, your ashen body shall be buried under the snow” her voice booming with an unusual power, a bolt of lightning strikes Velongrick arching to the ground without a scratch to him “And so the damned shall bear the curse, from death unto death, life into thee nor life's nectar” Velongrick's arm that was struck by the lightning bolt begins to burn agonisingly, causing Velongrick to scream in pain, the heat reseeding from the entire arm into the point of impact, searing the flesh and bone with an ancient mark. Bats swarmed then melded together, Raziel reformed “You wanted to know wherefore I earned my title, I cannot say Instead I'll show you” Velongrick turned into a bat Raziel grinned “Fool” she raised her arm, her hand flat; with a devilish laugh she quickly clenched her hand into a fist another bolt struck him, forcing him back into his real form “You will not escape me” she closed her eyes and let out a strong harmonious note that echoed over the frozen wastes, in the white haze wisps of shadow began to take form, large bats made from darkness appeared around Velongrick. Fear flickered in his eyes; the bats screeched and began to close in on him. As the bats circle around Velongrick images flash before Velongrick's eyes. Images of a young girl born who played with the son of a powerful household, causing trouble; an image of black fills Velongrick's mind for a brief second “Such pain, such soul-shattering pain” his voice echoes in the darkness of the black. He then saw how she got her powers, he smirked “I see now....these bats are feeding off my powers...that's why I can't move” he laughed then looked at Alucard “Sorry my old rival but it is not you who will kill me” Raziel raised her arm and flicked it off to the side “Let madness take you!” the bats then leapt at Velongrick and tore him apart. A fiery glint appeared in Alucard's eyes, it was something that Seras had only seen once before; her master had found a new rival. “Excellent, such raw power; such control! The signs of a true vampire!” Alucard laughs reaching into his coat and pulling out not just a gun but a slender velvet lined silver box “I have waited years for the perfect target to use this on” Alucard opens the case, revealing a single bullet cradled within the velvet “Forged from metal blessed a man of the holy wars!. This single bullet packs more of a punch than even the girl's gun” Alucard gloats evilly “Now please, don't disappoint me…LET'S KEEP THIS SHOW GOING!” Alucard gloats while pulling the magazine from his pistol and placing the bullet carefully inside before loading the magazine back into the pistol “Are you ready?” Alucard laughs as he brings the pistol up to his chest, holding it in hand with arms crossed over his chest. Raziel grinned broadly and her fangs grew a little “The holy wars.....I have heard many such claims on weapons said to be blessed by men of those days and every single one has been a lie” she laughed crazily “So bring it on and prove to me that your weapon is truly blessed by the warriors of old” she pulled out her blade and held a gun ready {if what he says is true then once I defeat you, I will be strong enough....to kill him!}. “You seem rather confident of yourself!” Alucard laughs, disappearing in a puff of black “Be careful, your confidence doesn't lead you to your death, I want this fight to last” Alucard's voice speaks from the ice sheet, moving constantly as to prevent giving away the location. “So you hide from me?” Raziel taunts. “If you are truly as powerful as you claim, why not attack head on?” Alucard partially reforms, his upper body hidden in the fog bank covering the ice “WATCH YOUR TONE!” he fires of his shot, it hitting Raziel but only in the arm not the chest as he was targeting “Very clever, using your abilities to create an ethereal projection of yourself. No matter, it will all be over soon enough” Alucard boasts, fully reforming and charging at Raziel. She stood her ground but at the last moment she moved turning and slicing across his back "I cannot and will not die here!" Alucard turned and looked at her hatred burned deep in her eyes but it wasn't aimed at him it was for someone else "You had better hurry up and beat me or you'll die....you can feel it right?" now that she had come to think of it she did felt weaker and her vision was going slightly fuzzy "I won't tell you why this is happening but if you can prove you deserve the power you have then I may just spare you're wretched life...mortal slayer" her eyes flashed completely black for a second but returned to normal. She bared her fangs and let out an unearthly roar then attacked with more ferocity than before. Her swordsmanship was almost masterful and she wasn’t a bad shot either. Seras continued to watch them fight. A thought then came to mind {Master said he had sensed two vampires here, if she is the other then….how does my master know her?}. “I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun!” he threw Raziel back with a well-placed kick to the stomach but she got back up again “I will not lose to you!” Wisps of shadow came out from under her feet, licking greedily at the snow and ice. The shadows sank into the ground staining it black “I’m done playing with you” she said coldly and with a harsh note of her voice, countless bats flew from out of the black stains and into the air they then turned and flew at Alucard. He shot at them but they drew closer and closer his fangs bared in a wide grin. The bats shredded him as they flew past. He couldn’t help but let out a roaring laugh. The bats dispersed and faded into nothing, his blood dripped onto the snow turning it crimson. Raziel dropped to one knee, the poison from the bullet seeped through her veins, Alucard slowly walked up to her “You can deny it if you like but I can see the scars in your eyes, you have killed an innocent it’s easy enough to tell” she gritted her teeth “I didn’t do it of my own accord!....a powerful succubus forced me to do it….he was the only one that never tried to kill me or sell me out” she looked up at him “After I killed him I drained that bitch dry…..I regret that night like no other all I can do is rid the world of others like me” the pain was too much now she could barely see. Alucard dug out the bullet and helped her to her feet. “Come with us" Raziel stood up "No thanks..." she turned her back and walked away "You have no place to go where you can feel comfortable, my master would be interested in acquiring your services and besides you took out our target she'll want to know who you are" Raziel stopped and turned "Your master is a woman?....." her curiosity was tweaked now, Seras walked up to them and stood beside Alucard "Yes and she's strong..." Raziel knew that he was right but to her the idea of him serving a woman was absurd “I’ll judge that for myself". They headed to the south east ice shelf there waiting was an airship carrier. They climbed on board once on deck Raziel met the blue eyes of a woman in a suit; she was still young, around 22 years of age. “So you’re the one that took out our target, which was very bold of you” Raziel kept her face void of emotion and did not speak “I don’t like people poaching our targets but this time I think I can make an exception. You have immense power that our organisation could use” Raziel glared harshly “I’ll rather be dust than be used by a human” Integra smiled slightly “Come let us speak in private”. Raziel followed her below deck to the captain’s quarters. “If you join us you can be entirely separate from the organisation, someone we can call upon in our darkest of hours” Raziel turned from her “Not interested” she said bluntly “We can give you shelter from the sun, blood packs, weapons, ammunition; you name it” she smiled slightly “Who makes your weapons?” Integra snapped her fingers and the door opened “Walter C. Dornez at your service” he bowed, Raziel grinned broadly “Walter….you’ve aged gracefully” she said coolly, he stood up straight “You two know each other?” Walter nodded “Yes, she’s the only vampire to have ever escaped my grasp I am ashamed to say” Raziel laughed Integra stared at her “To fight Alucard and have him not kill you as well as having escaped from the angel of death…..I must have you join me. Your skills would be immeasurably valuable to my organisation” Raziel turned to her “But I must know a brief of your history” in a flash Raziel stood right in front of Integra "Fine you want to know how I became a monster?" Raziel touched the palm of her left hand to Integra’s forehead. Images started to flash inside her head at first they were pleasant but they rapidly changed to horrific sights, Integra's breathing became ragged as the images stopped abruptly "what did you do?" Walter asked in a dark tone “Do not worry there will be no damage to her at all. I used my dream fasting ability. It allows one to experience my memories as I have” Integra regained her composer "Never have I seen such suffering, being hunted by your own family....and yet you still protected humans from other creature's like you" Raziel looked her in the eye "I refuse to let others face what I faced, it's something that should never happen to anyone". "Then we share a common goal, for you see my family has been working for centuries to prevent what happened many millennia ago, you see there was a time where vampires were rampant, going around drinking the blood of anything they could catch and turning them into ghouls, a few of my ancestors managed to hide out long enough to start a resistance cell, the Hellsing organisation" Integra removes her glasses from the end of her nose as she spoke, revealing her beautiful eyes "Your title suits your powers and is rather elegant, what is your name?" Integra asked "My name is Raziel Andarus" she smiled "Well then Raziel welcome to the Hellsing Organization". |