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Can you guess who kills who?. Incantation is in latin copy the text into google translate |
They continue further on the ice pack, Seras stopping for a brief second near the blood-stained snow “No need to worry, they are completely dry and cannot become ghouls” a voice starts to ring through Alucard and victoria's heads “Oh how easy this was!, you really think that girl will do you any good Alucard?, she will just slow you down!”. The outline of a tall figure can be vaguely seen through the snowy haze. “Talk is cheap” Alucard boasts pulling a pistol from his side and firing it at the hazy figure. “I would've expected more from you Alucard” the voice is now only a few feet away. “Police-girl stay sharp!” Seras nodded, fighting the cold, her anxiety and the desire from the overwhelming smell of blood in the air. Acting on pure instinct victoria unclips the blade from the freak-cannon on her back and grabs the small firearm from her hip.. “she's clever” the haunting voice echoes once more “just not clever enough!” a figure leaps out from the haze and grabs a hold of victoria, arms wrapped tightly around her waist “MASTER!” she screams as she feels a warmth running down her body “You always were a coward Velongrick” Alucard reloads his pistol with his fangs and fires where Seras was standing. Suddenly the blinding haze, the snow underfoot and the freezing winds were gone. Alucard finds himself bound to some sort of medieval torture device, Seras attached to another three feet away. “Wh..where..” Seras awakens from a daze “Police-girl, we have been taken hostage by the target and are being held within a zone of his own creation. he will be back soon and failure is not an option” Seras nods in acknowledgement “But before this goes any further, I need you to tell me the truth, you know this vampire don't you?, it's clear even to me” “I told you that the girl's clever, too bad that's not going to help you” a figure steps out from a wall, a man approximately twenty two years of age, black hair and roughly the same height as victoria, the vampire of him is clearly visible in both his physical appearance and the cold way he speaks “So many years I’ve been in this accursed place, waiting, biding my time I knew eventually i would be discovered and that of course would lead you to me” “all my life I’ve been searching, searching for something I’ve been missing, at first I managed to fill it with the blood of all those pitiful peasants but then that wasn't enough, I explored the world finding the greatest warriors there is and sucking them dry…Oh…It truly was fun, but yet it remained, the little feeling that something just wasn't complete. Eventually I managed to track down sanguiflores.. Using what I learnt from her I searched the world for eons, yet somehow you eluded me that was until I found out about the family hellsing, I knew one day you would be drawn to them” Raziel managed to regenerate and take form again “That fucker thinks he could keep me down with that weak attack? I'll make that him pay for underestimating me.... but first where has he gone?” she couldn't see him anywhere but she could faintly sense him and two other vampires “He's got them in his zone...guess I'll have to break in or break them out” she started muttering a Latin incantation, she drew her blade and cut her left wrist as the blood dripped onto the snow it took the form of a pentagram underneath her feet {Don't you dare die yet you two just hold on for a minute that's all I need} “Worthy cause…Velongrick…world…end” the voice echoes in Raziel's head... “They must be trying to warn me of something...” suddenly Raziel feels a sharp pain in her left side. “They’re in real trouble” the blood of the pentagram on the snow has been slowly seeping into the snow. “No time to waste” Raziel focuses her energy into the pentagram. the blood changing from its snow mixed lighter red into a vibrant inhuman red and slowly fading into black “Damn it!, I need a focusing item..” quickly looking around Raziel finds nothing but the blinding snow and haze, until a couple of hundred feet away she spies a colour in the snow. A small piece of dark red fabric “Yes” Raziel rushes over to the fabric, taking it in her right hand she runs back to the pentagram carefully placing smaller pieces torn from the bit of fabric strategically on the pentagram Raziel tries once more. “Rumpe porta, dilacerant sigillum a maledictionem eius voluntatem. proponere libera vinculis meis. Contere seras, rubiginosa catenas dissoluere prisonset eos illuc mihi” She repeats the incantation over and over the pentagram started to glow ever brighter. Seras could hear a faint chanting in her head that grew louder she smirked “What are you smiling about?” Alucard then heard it and he too started to smile “You are really stupid” Velongrick turned to him “You didn't finish her off properly” the world around them began to shimmer then it vanished altogether. They were back on the frozen landscape “I told you I would not go down that easy” Seras turned and saw her she was dressed strangely and she wouldn't have known that this woman was a vampire but her eye colour gave it away, a rich red-violet that burned with hate. “There’s no way you could've survived that.....” Raziel grinned evilly and laughed her voice crackling like lightning “As I told you I'm a monster” she vanished in a blink and reappeared behind him but Velongrick dodged her attack by turning into shadow “Hey that's our target bitch!” Seras yelled “I don't like killing fellow freak hunters but if you get in my way I will turn you to dust”. Raziel glared at her a low growl came from deep in her throat “I can make no promises young blood” this woman was not ne to be trifled with. "He feints an attack from the distance then gets up close and attacks from behind....bastard fights like child.” Alucard smirked "Couldn't have said it better but can you fight?" Raziel glared at him "Do not insult me, of course I can fight" her senses sparked off "Seras to your left 40 degrees, 60 velocity" Seras quickly fired off a shot in the direction she was given "A direct hit!" Raziel raised an eyebrow slightly "No you missed" Velongrick tried to strike at with his broadsword Raziel from the back but she blocked him with her katana "That won't work twice" she quickly turned and ducked as he tried to strike again her left boot hooked him under the chin and sent him flying "Hmm not bad for a woman" Alucard said to Raziel "You haven’t seen anything yet” she said coldly. Alucard grins evilly "finally a true challenge!" he checks the surrounding haze and confident of his target's location he says "Releasing control arch restrictions to level 5" and a black wolf forms on his side and runs off into the snow storm "Don't hog all the fun!" Velongrick came flying out of the haze bleeding Raziel charged her katana with electricity then shot off a wave of it at him "Seras!" "Right" she aimed at Velongrick but he vanished before she could shoot, out the corner of her eye she saw the flash of metal, Raziel blocked his sword swing "You're scent is familiar......now I remember you....Violet Nevan" Raziel bared her fangs "Show me wherefore you earned that name". "The violet nevan?" Alucard speaks quietly. "Perfect! Three of the most powerful vampires in one place! Let the carnage continue!" Alucard laughs with maniacal joy Velongrick lunges towards Raziel and Alucard screaming and soon there will only be one!” Alucard cackles softly “I couldn't agree more" as he raises his pistol to meet Velongrick's head, firing off a round that tears straight through, yet Velongrick keeps fighting "This can't be possible?" Raziel questions knowing that that silver bullet should've turned Velongrick to dust. “oh well" she charges energy into her blade, the energy building to a point that lightning actually arches from it's perfectly smooth surface "Please, your party tricks don't even amuse me" Velongrick taunts as he diverts his attacks from Alucard to Raziel, turning into black while running, whisping his way around Raziel's blade before attaching to it, instantly stopping the flow of energy, instead of Raziel's energy Velongrick's energy starts to build in the sword, crawling its way up the blade and the handle before arching up to Raziel, hitting her directly in the chest and throwing her a couple of hundred feet back, the ice straining from the impact of Raziel's singed body "Impressive, you've learnt well" Raziel's body suddenly falls to pieces with the pieces disappearing into the snow. |