Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1911640-Ralfs-Journy
Rated: XGC · Novel · Fantasy · #1911640
this is an erotic story about an anthrpomorphic panda race this has horible spelling sorry
Ralf was sitting dow in a doctors office reading a magazine about health while waitng for his breeding session . When brushed the magazine to its next page something caut his eye a sentece stating the average penis size was seven piont two inches long and two piont five in gurth when fully erect. Ralf chuckled and grinned now proud of his nine and a half inch long and at least over three inch in girth penis . The black and white fur on his arms stood at atention when one of the doctors yeld his name .Ralf stood up and began to walk to one of the breeding stalls while reading that the average pandarian had three children every litter he was hoping to have only one or two after this. Ralf moved on to reading that most pandarians contain one point four gallons of sperm in each of thier large internle testicles coveniently placed beside of it ther wasa got milk add.Finaly they arrived at his stall he opend the door and went inside.Ralf surveyd the room the blue room it couldnt be more than five by five room resembeling more of a large closet than a room.Then e notice the camara in the top right corner of the stall.Ralf then looked over at the large hole in the wall coveniently shaped where all that could be seen was the penis and upper thieghs once inserted.Then Ralf started to think about whatwas about to be inserted into the tight vagina in between his buttcheeks.Rembering what was happening Ralf started to strip down while grunting his manly voice was eager yet scared at the same time.Once he got down to his underwear he saw the same penis that had given him five children pop through that hole.He scanned over it it was about then suddenly he rememberd he had a mesuring tape in his coat pocket.By the time he had retrived it the penis in the hole was waving inpaciently.So he decides to fellate it while he measures it to keep its owner complient.After his measurments are compleete he determins that it is eight piont seven inches long and was four piont three inches in girth.The owner pushes foward causing him to choke slieghtly so he decides its time to give him what he wants.He stands up and hoistes his underwear down then begins to slowly move his buttcheeks apart as he aproaches the hole allowing better access to his vagina.The second the glans touches his ass it thrustes forward penetrating him deeply he only groans out of pleasure as this massive cock went in and out of his vagina he could hear the same manly groans and grunts coming from the othe stalls every now andd then heard sounds very similar to a melon being smashed his geus was that it was sombody reching climax.When he heard the next squash it was much closer then a string of wild orgasums hit him all at once he started to druel as his vagina exploded with pleasure.Shortly after his mate reached climax spewing at least a gallon of semen inside him the excess of wich pourd out of his vagina and onto his ass and thieghs .He then colapsed pushing himself back up Ralf noticed something odd.There was a purple veiny shape on his mates penis.He was at cock hight so he decided to chek it out.Befor he could get a good look at it his mating partner pulled away before he was completely out Ralf started to lick his dick so that he could get a better look at this strange shape.Just like last time this worked and it stayed still.Ralf looked closely and saw that it was a purple birthmark shaped much like a lightning bolt.Ralf then pulled away and tapped on the wall five times wich had came to be known as a common signle for (its my turn now).Ralf started to get hard then he backed away and saw that his mate was complying with his orders then he thought about the circular white spot on his cheeks its very uncommon for a pandarian not to have a strict pattern he wonderd if his temporary mate had noticed.Dissmissing theese thoughts he thrusted into his mate wildly with an animal rage penetrating him deeper with each thrust .As he thrusted the thought of impregnating this mystearous man with his offspring drove him into a lust filld insanity.Ralfbegan to druel as he heard his mate moaning and sobing with pleasure.Then no more or less then three pints of cum started to pour out of his dick his legs locked up and hit his climax.Not yet satisfied Ralf began to thrust again he kept up for around twenty more minuts then he filld his mates vagina with at least a gallon of hot cum.After this Ralfs dick went limp falling out of his still orgasuming mates vagina and slapping against his thiegh splattering some semen on the flore.Ralf felt degraded and abused sobbing quitely he thought to himself "Im going to go get myself a mate so I never have to go to theese maditory sessions again".Ralf proceeded to grab his clothes and walk naked to first the cleaners and then the shower of course within the confines of the doctors office . While in the shower Ralf noticed most of the other Pandarians where quite happy and still had raging erections some would even spert a long thick strand of cum out just thinking about there expieriance.Ths didnt help with Ralfs depresion but knowing he had a larger penis than everyone other than one guy in the room helped a little.The other pandarian that was bigger than him didnt look to happy either so he went over to talk to him.Therecoversation started quick and easy they talked for at lest twenty minuts abouts how embareced the other pandarians should be for bieng bred this way.Finally Ralf asked this well hung strangers name he replies (Jake).Ralf comes home to his baje hous and his five boys:Timmy Robert Nathen Nathanyell and Lyle he rushes quickly to the bathroom and locks the door so none of his boys will see him cleaning his theighs and his cheeks.Ralf then imeadietly administers a pregnancy test!Ralf seighs lets his head drop back closes his eyes and says (thank god) its negative.The next morning Ralf gets up and takes Lyle andRobert to thier baseball game while Nathen watches and continually asks why no one has called foul yet why the two teams are dressed in similar orange and grey uniforms what happend at the docters office witch alf continually replies by saying cause theres not been one because its practice and your not old enough yet.Meanwhile poore eleven year old Nathanyell is having his first session at DR Randeys office.After what seems like an eternity the baseball game end and Ralf goes to pick up Nathenyell.Once he gets to Randeys office he sees Nathanyell standing at the door step sobing Nathanyell gets into the car and says"it hurt" a tear comes to Ralfs eye as the speeds up and leaves.Once home Ralf remembers that he needs to restockthe fridge and heads off to the mall for grocieries.Ralf bumps into Jake there and they talk for about an hour and Ralf got Jakes phone number.Abot seven months latr after Nathanyels second session Ralf calls Jake on the verge of crying forcing out manly grunts to keep to keep from crying they have a comforting conversation near the end of witch Ralf states "I cant believe they pared a littl boy up with a fourteen yea oldd that has a six incher Jake invites Ralf over to his house and says to show up on Wednesday witch is two days from now.The next day Ralf is on the job working a crane at his usual dig site about mid day Ralf is on break and looks over at the highway where he could swear he sees Jake drive by he rubs his eyes and assures himself that hes going crazy!Ralf had skipped out onhis last session if he missed another he would be rereported to the police his built up hormones hit like a bomb he starts uncotrolobly thinking about sex and couldnt get himself to think of anything else at some piont he zones out and begins to drooll then he snaps back to reality when hefeels something wet in his pants he looks down to see a rage filld boner and a large wet spot he manedges to hide it from his co workers unil he can get home.The day after he heads over to Jakes house and manages to kill four hours by getting drunk playing ping pong and crying to some movies.Ralf wakes up in his bed with the second worst hangover hes ever had in a drunken stumble he shambles his way to the bathroom the slips and falls on one of Lyles toys and it gos streight into his vagina he would have shit himself in pain but a green firetruk was bloking the passege.So Ralf had to spend three days in the hospital getting the now destroyed metle fire truk removed from his vagina wichsomehow only sustained minor damage.Once home Ralf checks his messages and finds an invte to diner at a resteraunt from Jake .The next Thursday Ralf goes on a date with Jake they drink wine ate pizza and made out.Ralf then thout he had found his perfect mate.After dating for countless monthes they both sign a mating contract and went eight months each wthout any kind of realese then they went into a rut.Ralf had Jake over they both instinktivly went to Ralfs bed room and loked the door.Ralf got naked almost instantly and Jake dims the lights Ralf lying on his back waiting for Jake to take him Jake starts to close in then Ralf turns over showing his spot and shaking his butt in a way that showd his vagina to Jake Jake freezes as he notices the spot on Ralfs ass Ralf looks back sensually and sees a purple bolt on Jakes huge cock then Jake and Ralf say simeltainiously "Oh my god your him" then Jake leaps onto the bed beside him and begins to feel him up from Ralfs effiminent legs to his chuby belly and his small six pack to Ralfs stocky shoulders the two stoky pandarians begin to make out and rub eachother Jake cant hold it back anymore and neither can Ralf Ralf flips over into doggy position and Ralf starts thrusting uncontrolubly into him.Ralf startes to moan as his vision blurs Ralf wakes up Jake still thrusting into him.Ralf heard the familier loud wet squash as he orgasumd multiple times and almost screemed in joy as Jake released his seed into him Jake falls over exausted and used after realesing both gallons of his sperm into Ralf.Ralf rolls Jake over and begins pumping him,,, hard.Jake grunts and squeels as Ralfs dick fills his vagina.Ralf grins as he loves hearing the moans of his mate.Causing his veiny log begins to throb causing Jake to have quite a few orgasums.With quite alot of effert Ralf keeps up there sex for another two hours before climaxing and spewing gallons of cum into Jake.The next morning Ralf and Jake both take a pregnancy test and test positive they go to a hospital and have an ultrasound Ralf is pregnant with three and Jake has twins.Three mounths later Ralfs penis begins to lactate milk and he loses the ability to ejaculate.Two months later Ralf goes into labor Jake then carries him to his bed .Ralf lies on his back raises his legs and uses his hands to part his cheeks Jake is with Ralf for two days of nonstop screaming until Lyle Jr Leon and Greg are born.Ralf realizes that Jake has given him eight children now and hes onley given Jake five.Years later all of Ralfs other children hve grown to maturity Ralf is now twenty three and Lyle JR Leon and Greg are now twelve.Jake wants to have a romantic night so he buys cheesy movies and uses candles to light up Ralfs living room Ralf allowin his mind to drift while holding handswithJake finally has had enough of this movie and takes of his pants to show Jake his erection without taking off his underwear.The confused and inbaressed Jake tryd to h ide his intentions but the drool insured that wasnt gonna happen
so Jake takes off all that hides his genitals and begins to flash Ralf with his now wet vagina while parting one cheek to the side with
one hand and with the other masterbating.To wich Ralf replies "Ive got somthing different in mind " Ralf then walks in front of jake
and uses his underwear as a condom while Jake blows him.When Ralf feels thathes close he uses his pelvic muscles to force himself to ejaculate early.Ralf pulls out, his underwear now literaly soaked pouring semen onto his flore.Jake asks Ralf why he came so fast?Ralf replies while taking off his underwear"Beacuse now Ill still be rock solid for later.Ralf walks behind Jake then starts shoving his underwear up his ass/vagina.Jake definetly dosent like it as much as Ralfs cock but Ralf can tell he likes it enough.Ralf continues until Jakes vagina is so sensitive that every shove causes a louder orgasum.Ralfs penis is throbing with anticipatio by now so he pulls outshis now elbow deep arm and discards his formerly black unerwear wich is now staind half brown half white and soaked in his jizz.When his glans touches the rim of Jakes vagina it causes Jake to moan.Then Jake goes completely silent Ralf starts to penetrate Jake fucking him as hard as he can.Ralf still nowhere near orgasum heres a slapping sound coming from nearby .So, Ralf forces out another fake ejaculation and whispers into the now incapacitaed yet concious Jakes ear"Ill be back fuzz ball ".Ralf nearing the sound slowly opens his son gregs door to see greg masterbating by shoving a four inch wide six inch long green ribbed dildo into his vagina;while continuously repeting"Yes yes dad yes".Ralf almost fell over a fourth disgusted a fourth proud a fourth turnd on and a fourth amazed!Greg had allways had such a small tight vagina that he wasnt able to take supositories without having somone hold his vagina open.Greg never ate much or he would be constipated for a day or more making him slm and to other children aqurd because almost all pandarians are very chuby and muscular.And of all Ralfs children Greg was the only one to atian his flexability.Ralf snaps out of this daze as he sees Greg jam the dildo in Ralf hid thinking Greg was about to get up a few seconds later Ralf decides to look back into the room to see Greg suckng his own tiney five inch dick with the dildo still up his ass!Ralf looks down and sees hes been jerking off the entire time.Ralf starts to think and after twenty minuts decides that Greg has been through breeding sessions before and can at least watch him have sex.Then just before he speaks he gets an even better idea he could have sex with Greg if they used condoms.Ralf feels embaraced that he would even think of somthing like this but Rafs thoughts sugest it would be welcome after hearing Greg screem"Oh father!" while jaming a second blue dildo that was an inch longer and an inch thiner deep in his anus and into his vaginle tract.He guesd this blue dildo represented him.Ralf finaly said in a quiet voice hopefully to keep the other kids asleep"Greg why use those when you could just ask Jake and I for the real thing".For a moment Gregs face was filld with embarassment then Greg realized what his father just said.But the grin on Gregs face faded quickly as he said"What if I get pregnant"witch Ralf replied to by saying"Youve been to way to many parties not to have condoms and dont think I dont know what you gave the last three birthday boys as a present".Sudenly Greg blushed"Well,James sure liked my butthole I wonder if you will".The four foot seven Pandarian was dwarfd by his six foot five father but even at that they looked almost identicle as they walked through to pose their asses at the now recoverd and patiently waiting Jake.Jakes penis began to dribble pre cum but the rest of him was confused and bewilderd as he then says"What is Greg doing here "!Greg then jingles a condom just below his vagina while him and his father look back lustfully from thier bent over positions.Jake walks foward and grabs the condom eagerly and says"Ididnt expect this ...but im still gunna take atvantage of it.After putting the condom on Jake starts to make his way into Gregs Anus and up his vaginle tract Jakes penis can barely fit but thanks to Gregs flexable muscles it does.Ralf not wanting to miss out on the action goes and gets a thick dildo with a small hole in the back of it that had a rubber bristled inside that was made to acomadate a seven inch long three inch in girth penis.The dildo itself was eight inches long and was five inches in girth .Greg had a five inch penis but he took after Jake in the dick department and was three and a quarter in girth.Further inspecting the dildo ralf noticed not only was it colord apropriately but it even had a pandarian foreskin he checkd to see if it stopped at an appropriat length it stopped two inches before the glans exactly where it normaly would then he peeld it back to see if it would do the same as a live pandarians foreskin when peeld back all the way it balld up revealing a pink veiny pandarian style dildo.Ralf pulld his foreskin back for reference unlike the dildo his foreskin seemingly disappeard into his pelvis until he either pulld it back out or it evntualy came out on its own.Moments later Ralf came back into the room and fitted the dildo onto gregs cock Greg then asked"Whats this for the inside feels good but why does it look like a".Suddenly Gregs question was answerd as his father got on his knees causing the wooden flore to creek then gripping the side arm of thier green couch.Greg hisitated greatly ramming his own father but evetualy gave in to his needs.The sex lasted for hours but at the end of the night it was just three people wtchin crappy movies in thier birthday suits.Until Ralf stood up Greg seeing his rater loose vagina exclaims quickly"Ican help with that "grabbing his fathers hand and ushering him quickly to the bathroom wher he tells Ralf tobend over after grabbing to needls.Ralf complies cautiosly then Greg jabes one needle into Ralfs ass cheek and the other into a preasure point just above his vagina.Ralf yelps then Greg pulls out the needles and goes back to bed Ralf later feels of his vagina and realizes its as tieght as Gregs now then he begins to masterbate with the green and blue dildos Greg was using earlier.Ralf orgasums harder and more than he ever has before Ralf moans with satisfaction realizing that his vagina is not onley smaller but is now more sensitive.The next day Ralfs breedin contract with Jake expires they go to court and its determind that Ralf and Jakes breeding sessions will start again tomaro and that another contract cant be established fore at least seven years.The next da Ralf is waiting fore his monthly session at Dr Randeys office an employe walks out and motions for him to follow them.He follow this employe to an examination room.Randey comes in himself and says"Strip we got to determin what class your in genitle size and fertility you know the drill every four months.Ralf strips down to nothing as randey examins his file average children per litter and genitals he exclaims"Class five of five".Ralf proceeds to the knew complex and is told he will spend two days here and is given a shot of concentrated hormones.The already drooling erect pre cum leaking Ralf is now put in a considerably larger stall.TThis time with three holes each with an eager penis already in it;one penis was seven point two inches long and three point one inch in girth;another, one to the right was eight point nine inches long and four point six inches in girth;the last cock to the left was six inches long and five inches in girth.But Ralf was addicted to the musk comming off the seven incher and began to blow it as soon as it was firmly in his mouth it explode causing Ralf to swallo a leter of sperm.After remembering blowjobs arent exactly breeding Ralf stand up bedns over and takes this musk stick as far as it will go in his vagina.After three hours of brutal pumping Ralfs mate cums filling him with four gallons of sperm.Ralf feels twice as heavy as he was his ass to tieght to let any more than droplets go.After fucking the other two Ralf goes to shower in th middle of the shower a tall fat pandarian with huge triceps and biceps is flexing.Ralf is drawn in by the same musk he smelt in the shower and the large pandarian looks at him and says flexing his arms"Are you intrested in theese guns or this one".Then sprays a pint or more of cum onto Ralfs fur Ralf then asks"How did you do that"!?The large pandarian replies by saying" strain like your gonna shit and piss at the same time without squating while you exhale through your nose".Ralf gives this his full atention and strains as hard as he can then sprays out a pint and a half of semen onto the large pandarians thigh.The large pandarian with the now noticeable mohawk laughs deeply and says"With practice you can be like ol Mike here and blow your whole load that way it increases sperm count and pheramone prodution to; some day you might be the bull of this place if you where to practice.Speaking of that cattle line up".All the pandarians in the room lined up none hard but all wet Ralf being the twenty first and last.Ralf waited anxiously listening to the moans behind him as mike came in and dicarded his cattle.Suddenly Ralf was being penetrated once mike came he was visibly bloated.A month later Ralf had an ultra sound and discoverd he was pregnant with seven.After this Ralf relizes that hes capable of so much more than just constant sex.Depresion soon kicks in, Ralf thinks to himself as he goes about every day life at the dig site smohow so many people can be content with justl iving to work have sex pop out some children and repete.Ralf wanted sex to be so much more than it was to most peole even his beloved mate Jake went on with his norma routine stopping by only once and ahwile to talk for fifteenminuts or to arrange a play date for their sons.After just a few moths of the eight Ralf would be waitingRalfs already anoying sons where now unberable thanks to his moodieness.Ralf found himself arrangng dates with the profoundly mocho Mike of all people.Ralf couldnt stand being around Mike all he could ever talk about was his cattle and his "GUN".And the only activities they would do together would be lifting weights or inproving either Ralfs "GUN HANDELING" or"SHOTING".So much so that Ralf found semen in his urin and got turnd on by his own sent.But know matter how much of a pig Mike was he seemed to be the onley persn that realy loved Ralf Mike never intintionaly let Ralf know he loved him but his deep compassonet brown eyes and anxios embarssment betrayed his ego.Even while Ralf was"HANDELING HIS GUN" he just looked like he wantd to hug him.Mike definetly helped Ralf get through his pregnancy by the time he was due Ralf was looking forward to bringing Mikes chilren into the world.Soon the eight where born five healthy and brown eyed:Jorge,Ryan,Paul,Karter,and Blane;two small and blue eyed Mark and Sam but one was born green eyed and appeard to be the fates fitest and most well endowd of the children.Ralf couldnt think of a name until ,, a small tuft of hair resembeling a scragly mohawk became visible "Mikel"Ralf exclaimd!Ralf and Mike worked diligently to raise them.One day Ralf walks out and sees two ofhis boys(Mark and Mikel) the two four year olds where trying to see who could write thier name faster in semen they where definetly usesing Mikes "SHOOTING STYLE" so Ralf goesand asks how long hees been teaching them "HOW TO SHOOT" Mike responds by saying"Since they could understand words".After that Ralf followd Mik and observed him and the eight boys doing squats,lifting weights,and pouring their sperm into a pond every ten minuts Ralf thought thank god our back yard has seven foot high fencing."How are they almost caut up to Mike and I"Ralf thought as he observed them it looked more likethey where taking a white piss.It would seem that Mikel was the best at there studies due to his clearly visible muscles.Ralf thought about ow much he loved his family as he watched the deeply gining Mikel ejaculate on his fathers leg with one hand on the back of his head and one aiming from his shaft he turnd and super soaked sam Ralf chuckled and realized he had finaly found what he was looking for in somone he nver expected THE END SORRY THIS WAS KINDA SICK BUT YE I HOPE YOU TRIED TO LOOK PAST THE PORN AND THE CRAPPY KEYS/SODA FILLD KEY BORD AND BAD SPELLING AND AT THE LOE STORY I ORIGINALYWANTD TO MAKE A PANDA LOVE STORY BUT IT WAS CORRUPTED
© Copyright 2013 Mrpanda (mrpanda3477 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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