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This story is about two girls who meet in a forest. They were running away but from what? |
Twelve I don't know where I am. Maybe in a forest? There's lots of trees which makes the sunlight seem invisible. I take a look around me so I can gather my surroundings. There's a lurid sense of dark which clusters itself menacingly beneath the trees, oozing forth a palpable sense of foreboding which seems to grow exponentially with each footstep I take. I begin to walk slowly and carefully to make sure I don't trip over anything. It's so quiet. Too quiet. I feel like somebody or something is watching me. I feel too scared to even breathe. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me. A twig snapping. "Who's there?" I call out showing more confidence than I actually have. I didn't get a reply. I tell myself that I must have just imagined it but then I think: What if I didn't? I start to hear thudding behind me. I turn around slowly to see what was there. Nothing. An eerie silence started to fill the air, yet there is no-one. I resume my walk but again I hear thudding. My heart begins to beat hard and I can feel the air around me beginning to thicken. I'm sure someone is following me. I freeze in my tracks. The sound of footsteps continue for a stride then stop. I try to walk again, but my legs feel like jelly. If someone is following me, I'd be an easy target. Trembling inside I turn around in total fear. I can see a dark figure approaching me. I try to scream but I can't. There's no point of no-one will hear me. I think about running but I'm frozen to the spot. It's starting to get cold. I can feel the freezing cold air going through my veins. I suddenly get a light tap on my shoulder. I jump out of my skin. I turn around not knowing what to expect. I see a girl that's a year or two older than me but what I notice about her is her chilling blue eyes. She seems familiar to me but I don't know who she is. "Hi, I'm Amaya..." I say. She nods slowly and speaks conscientiously, "I'm Porsche." That's where I know her from; she's Porsche Benson, a girl that went missing three years ago when she was twelve. I don't know what to say. There's too many questions going through my head. The forest enters another painful silence. Strangely, Porsche speaks first. "I know what you're thinking. I've seen that look before. Who am I? What happened? Why the hell am I here? Well, I'll tell you. If I can trust you." I study her. Watching her every movement. I see her eyes watching mine. I start to think: What has this girl got to hide? I wonder how I can prove to her that I'm trustful. I glare into her eyes saying, "You tell me your story, and I'll tell you mine." I don't know if she's willing to trust me but I don't care. It'll be good to finally tell the truth. I begin the Story of Me. "My name was Giulia, Giulia Moretti but I changed it to Amaya Swift. Just like that. I couldn't bear the thought of someone recognising me. The things they'd say? The things they'd do? It was an accident, I swear. However it doesn't matter what I say or do because no-one will listen." I pause for a second to compose myself and I start from where I left off. "It all began two years ago when I was twelve. I ran away from home and my family didn't care. They didn't love me, not after what I did. My friends started a fire and I was blamed. The fire killed an innocent child. I was getting death threats, at my school I was getting bullied. I wanted to die but then I remembered whenever I felt like giving up, I always had a bully somewhere hoping I'd lose. I wasn't going to let them win." I look at Porsche to notify her that I'd finished. She takes a deep breath then starts, "I guess it's my turn? Well my name is Porsche Benson. I'm fifteen years old. My life was normal, boring even, until I was twelve. I was kidnapped. I was locked in this basement for days on end. I finally escaped just under two weeks ago." I couldn't imagine what it was like for her. I didn't want to imagine what it was like for her. I just glare at her with tears in my eyes. She smiles at me. "Can I ask you a question? It's just I don't want to upset you." She nods her head. She looks at me waiting for me to speak. "Why haven't you gone back to your parents?" Porsche looks at me as if she expected this question. "Shame. I didn't know how they would feel having me back in their lives after so long. Yeah, they might be glad, for the cameras, but deep down with all the horror I've been through, would they really want me back?" Porsche adds, "What about you? Why haven't you gone back to your parents?" I didn't know. I look around hoping to find an answer but I couldn't. "I... I guess shame and I'm scared. Scared that everyone will know my past." "Do your parents live near-by?" I ask. She nods. "Go home!" I exclaim. She doesn't know what to make of my proposal. "Only if you will." She replies. I take a deep breath and agree. We walk slowly away from the sacred forest towards the local village. We arrive to find the village deserted. In front of us is a small house. Porsche slowly walks forward but before she does she whispers, "Thank you and good luck! I'll always remember this day and Giulia, remember that whenever you feel like giving up and you have a bully somewhere hoping you lose. Just remember never let them win." She looks back at me and smiles. She knocks on the door and is greeted by her surprised parents. It's such an amazing thing to witness. I remember my side of the bargain. I walk for a further three miles. I arrive at my village where I used to live. I see my old school. The park I used to play in. I see my house. I step forward and knock on the door. My Mum answers but I hardly recognise her. She used to have blond hair but now it's going grey. I must have put her through hell. Today is a day I'll never forget. Porsche Benson is a girl I'll never forget. I wonder what she's doing now? I wonder how she is feeling being back home? Who knows, maybe I'll meet her again in Our Sacred Forest? What seems like hours, it's actually only seconds, finally I greet my Mum. "Hi Mum, remember me?" |