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Rated: · Short Story · Children's · #1910814
Life in the Micklemire mousehold.

Mrs Micklemire flung wide the curtains. In shone another day. Away in the distance was the dust of something coming down the road. She had been expecting a visit from her brother in law but it was their three little mice scampering home from Granarytown. Robby, Matilda and Bryan had been on a three-day forage.

Mr Micklemire had told them not to be long for the long-awaited Uncle Nockleweed was expected very soon. He came every autumn on a Friday to bring in something from the far off fields. The little mice were excited. Would it be a new toy? Would it be a dress for mama? Or would it be a new penknife for papa? A knock came at the door. Mrs Micklemire opened the door with the little Micklemires behind her. To their great surprise there was Uncle Nockleweed holding a large plastic bag. He entered the house and put it on the rickety table. He patted the bag and it made a squeak and a moan. This made the little Micklemires scurry under the table. Mr Micklemire said, “What on earth is that? Enough to make a mice’s tail stand on end.” Uncle Nockleweed put his hand in the bag. He pulled out a strange thing. It was five flutes and a leather sack held together with a piece of colourful tartan. Uncle Nocklewood said, “Listen to this.” He picked it up, put one of the five legs to his mouth and the bag under his arm. He energetically pumped the bag and a screechy sound broke forth.

It was a long time since Uncle Knockleweed had visited from Scotland. He had always wanted to play the bagpipes and here he was doing just that. The little mice didn’t like the noise. Mrs Micklemire held her paws to her ears and Mr Micklemire ran out of the house.

Soon night fell and Uncle Knockleweed was so tired of blowing, he fell fast asleep on the settle next to the fire. The little mice had a plan to get rid of this nasty thing, their heads were reeling.

Robby had been saving his chewing gum and Matilda and Bryan broke it into little pieces and stuffed it down the pipes.

When next morning Uncle Nockleweed woke and he thought he would serenade the family awake with musical treat. As hard as he could he could not make his bagpipes play. In fact he blew so hard the bag exploded. It woke the mice and all that was left was five pipes lying on the floor. Each mouse picked one up. Blew them very hard and out popped the chewing gum. They played a tune between them and their ma and pa danced. Uncle Nockleweed was so happy.
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