Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1910583-The-Beach
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #1910583
An erotic story involving bondage play and multiple partners...fiction.
The Beach
The cabin we rented, for the week we stayed in Florida, was very secluded, and included a private beach. The owner was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and flashing green eyes. Her light green linen business suit covered her from neck to knees but the way she moved suggested that she had a very sensual side.
“The beach,” she said with a twinkle in her green eyes, “has a ten foot stone wall along one side of it and a hundred foot tall rock face on the other side. No one would see what you were doing on that beach.” For a second I blushed and started to look down but I caught the gleam of lust in her gaze. Confused I looked back up at her, but the gleam was gone replaced with her business-like manner; making me wonder if I had seen it or if the need to be alone with you was making me so horny I was seeing things. “If you will sign here, and on the last page, for insurance purposes, I will get the keys and take you over.” Her hand seemed to linger on yours when she handed you the pen and I could feel my jealousy begin to build. Maybe I had been mistaken about the look she gave me? Maybe it was my man she was looking at? Then she turned and was the efficient business woman again. I shook my head again more than slightly confused. The last page seemed to be a waiver of some sort, I tried to read it but you signed it in your perfect handwriting and handed it back to her before I could see more than a couple of words.
I let you take our bags out to her car, which was a beautifully restored ’72 Nova SS painted a Midnight Blue. You caressed the fender as you walked by your dream car.
“You like her?” Sylvie purred at your back, “I found her in Mississippi and had her restored. She comes with the place so you can get around. I will drop her off later when my assistant returns from doing his errands.” Her hand rested on yours on the fender, partly caressing you and partly caressing the car. I turned away, not wanting to see another woman touch you and felt her hand brush against my ass as she walked by to get into the car. I had to be mistaken…she couldn’t be feeling both of us up, could she? My confusion deepened.
I looked at you and saw you licking your lips, your gaze fixed on my halter-top encased breasts and my nipples hardened at your gaze. It had taken quite a bit of talking and begging for me to wear the Red halter-top with my jeans and high heeled sandals for you. I had lost so much weight that I felt I should celebrate it in some way and I know you love to look at me but the feel of my still huge breasts being so exposed and held up by a scrap of cloth and two thin ties around the back of my neck makes me feel practically naked. And you made a point of telling me every time you caught someone staring at my breasts, from the flight attendant, who almost dumped a soda down my cleavage when I took off my jacket, down to the cab driver who almost crashed three times trying to watch my boobs in the mirror while you helped me “adjust” them more comfortably in the halter-top, or at least that was what you claimed you were doing. I think you enjoyed showing me off to the world, letting the world know I was yours and yours alone. It made me embarrassed, though extremely horny; to know that there were people looking at me.
Sylvie drove for about a half an hour and pulled into a long gated driveway that seemed well kept and devoid of the wildlife that most of Florida seems to teem with. The grounds, Sylvie claimed, were kept free from any pests that might interfere with her guest’s trek into the wild.
“Early on,” She giggled, “when I first opened this place, one couple tried to shall we say, ‘picnic’ in the forest, and was driven off by a small alligator. They were so startled that they forgot all their clothes and the picnic basket right there in the forest. Since then I have had a grounds keeper and animal control patrol the grounds once a day and the fenced are checked twice a day.” She licked her lips, “Though I was, most enjoyably, able to dissuade the couple from suing me, I do not intend to lose my custom to the wildlife that live in this state.”
The cabin was more beautiful than I could have dreamed of. It was all glass and stained wood. It had sky lights and French doors that opened to the beach. The stairs up to it were a dark marble as were the floors inside. The counter tops were a light pink marble and the cabinets were cherry. I fell in love the moment I saw it. As I walked around in awe, noting that the cabinets and the fridge were full of food, I could hear the two of you talking in low voices. My jealousy spiked again but I chose to ignore it when I looked out the French doors to the tri-level deck that lead down to the beach. To the left of the doors the deck stretched toward the stone wall Sylvie had told us about, a stone bench on the edge and a barbeque were under the shadow of the wall. To the right was a hot tub, lit with tiny low watt candle-like bulbs. I stepped down to the second tier of the deck to see several loungers below the hot tub with a built in fire pit and a bar over by the barbeque. The third level housed an outdoor shower and a changing room both screened in by lattice and ivy. I was tempted to strip down to my bikini bottoms and go for a swim but I didn’t want to leave you alone with Sylvie for too long. When I returned to the cabin you were shaking Sylvie’s hand.
“You won’t know when but I will be seeing you. Enjoy!” She looked at me with a wolfish grin as she stepped out the door.
“What was that all about?” I asked you. You waggled your eyebrows at me and said, “You’ll find out sooner or later.” You grabbed my arm and pulled me into your arms. As you pulled my body close to yours I could feel your hard-on pressed against my belly.
“Have you seen the bedroom yet?” You rasp in my ear. At the shake of my head you steer me towards one of the solid wood doors to the right of the kitchen. The first one held a huge bathroom with a large spa type shower and a Jacuzzi tub big enough for four of us.
“This has possibilities…” you grinned down at me. That grin and the gleam in your eyes make me wet just thinking of those possibilities. The second door leads to what looks like a movie theater with a TV that is so big it takes up most of the far wall. A single love seat with cup holders in each arm and an ottoman in front of it are the only seating arrangements. A floor to ceiling shelf is filled with DVDs, from love stories to Horror and Action flicks to Porn, a quick look through the titles showed that the choices of porn rang from hard core bondage to the soft core plot driven ones that we usually prefer. There is no network TV though, so no news or sitcoms this week. The next room is the big open living room with a bar and a huge fireplace. On the far side of the fireplace is the last door. Thinking of the promised lover’s bedroom delight, we open the door expectantly. There are a set of stairs awaiting us. We walk up the stairs to a large open room with tall cathedral ceilings. Sky lights with built in shades let in a cool glow from the sun while floor to ceiling shaded windows on the beach side do the same. On the front wall of the house sat an enormous bed thick with black satin sheets and coverlet. Red oversized pillows peppered the bed and the surrounding floor making it look like a wonderful place to roll around. Right in the center of the room a large circular open tub stood with a shower head hanging over the center of the tub. A towel rack and warmer was off to one side of the tub and there were D-rings built into just about everything. You walked to a door and opened it to find an enclosed toilet and Vanity sink. Another closed door hid the linens and an assortment of straps, whips, and a basket of very shocking adult toys. You turned to grin at me and my stomach filled with butterflies.
“You know what I can do with these, don’t you?” you drawled as you pulled a black satin strap from its hook. I nodded my head; we had talked about bondage and my curiosities about it. You folded the satin over a long finger and with a feather soft touch rubbed the satin down my cheek, my chin and as I closed my eyes and lifted my head, down my chest to rub the satin across my breasts and cleavage. You pulled back the halter-top to expose my nipple and rubbed the satin across it making my nipple hard. The bikini bottoms under my jeans were feeling quite moist. I moaned when you rearranged my bikini top to cover me up again.
“Tease,” I tried to say but it came out as a gravelly moan, much to your delight.
The following couple of days were filled with sex, sleep, and an occasional swim in the ocean. Then it was Friday and we had plans to go to town and catch dinner at an Italian restaurant that Sylvie had told us about. I left my hair down for the occasion and wore the black and red wrap dress that you loved so much. I did my make up with care, not wanting to seem like a prostitute, but wanting you to see me as a sexy woman. I put on the stiletto’s that made me almost the same height as you and neglected to put anything on in the way of undergarments. If a stiff breeze blew my dress open I would be showing my freshly shaved pussy to the whole world but I knew that when I told you at the restaurant you would become harder than a rock. I clung to the railing as I descended the stairs afraid that one false step would send me straight to the hospital. I wondered how the hell we were going to make it to the restaurant and back to the car without flashing the rest of the customers. I thought as I reached the bottom of the stairs maybe the five inch stilettos were not a good idea, then I saw the look in your eyes as you saw me sway across the floor. As long as I walk slowly I should be fine, I thought, treasuring the hungry look on your face. I gripped your arm and let you walk me to the Nova. As I got in I let my leg show all the way up to my thigh. Your intake of breath let me know that you had seen it. As you drove the half hour to town your hand rubbed up and down my thigh. I leaned my seat back and inched forward a little, letting my legs open a little. You reach further up my thigh but cannot quite reach far enough to tell that I am not wearing any underwear. I tease you letting you see my bare leg but not uncovering my pussy for you. You try concentrating on the road as I pinch my nipples through the silky thin dress; anyone looking at me as I walk in to the restaurant would see how erect my nipples were. I knew that the thought of my nipples would tease you through the rest of the ride. As we exited the car and entered the restaurant I whispered in your ear, “Oops, I forgot to put my underwear on.” Your step faltered and you almost knocked me down in the process of regaining your balance. You looked as if your mouth had gone dry and the hunger in your eyes had nothing to do with the food at the restaurant. The hostess sat us in a corner booth with dim lighting, as requested by you. You leaned over and whisper in my ear. “I was going to make you take them off and give them to me, so you have saved me a step.” The leer on your face made me wetter than ever. “Now pull up your dress so I can see your pussy.” The white tablecloth draped across the table to the floor hiding what I was doing from the rest of the room as I did as you told me to do, but if the waitress came over at just that moment she would see my cleanly shaven snatch. I swallowed thickly not sure where this was going but wanting you so badly I couldn’t say no.
“Now, spread your legs for me,” you whispered hoarsely, as you saw my cleanly shaven pussy lips in the dim light. I complied and you reached your hand to my lap. I sucked in a breath as a waitress crossed the floor to approach our table. Your hand caressed my smooth mound as she reached out table. From directly across the table she could not see anything, I prayed that she would stay there and not come any closer to the side. We ordered and the drinks were brought, each time she approached the table my heart came up into my throat. You kept your hand rested on my mound, not parting my lips as I wanted you to, not feeling my wetness as your hand sat there on my mound, soothing and teasing my pussy. You were showing much more restraint than I was at the time. I try to put my hand in your lap but you push me away before I can do more than feel your rock hard cock through your pants. “No touching,” you smiled at me. I snorted indignantly, but settled down and did not try to touch you again. When the waitress returned you ordered a hot fudge sundae with two spoons for us to share and when she brought it to our table was when she saw what was going on. My face turned beet red and I tried to cover up with the tablecloth but you clenched my hand preventing me from doing that. The waitress was a beautiful slip of a girl with not much in the way of a chest but her eyes shone when she saw your hand on my pussy there at the table. “Don’t let me stop you,” she purred as she set the sundae on the table. She looked around at the few people left in the restaurant that evening and then purposefully dropped one of the spoons right into my lap. “Oh, how clumsy of me, let me get that for you.” She slipped surreptitiously under the tablecloth and under the table. My gasp of shock brought more attention than she did sliding under our table in plain view of everyone. You lifted the table cloth as she spread my knees apart and her head peeked out from between my legs.
“Can I offer you anything else this evening?” she said in a very professional waitress voice.
“I believe my girlfriend will be needing a napkin to clean her up, if she stands up right now everyone will see her pussy juice drip down her legs” you said as you casually handed her a napkin.
“I won’t need that,” she said as she leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes and tried to not make a sound as her lips and tongue did as much damage as your hand did. “Well sir,” she said after a few minutes. “I do believe I will need that napkin after all. She seems to enjoy what I am doing too much and I do have other tables to see to.” She deftly wiped the access fluid from my lips and inner thighs, then wiped her face and slipped out as quietly and as unnoticed as she had gone in. The ice cream had semi melted and the cherry had slid down the side of the sundae.
“Let’s go,” you breathed in my ear, “before you get messy again.” I didn’t know how you could stand it. I had almost cum from your hand on my pussy, to say nothing about the waitresses tongue washing my pussy lips clean. If either of you had brushed my clit I would have been done for. The whole restaurant would have heard me Cuming. The ride home was equally disturbing, as you made me untie my dress and leave it open so you could play with my nipples and pussy while you drove. When you pulled into the drive and all the lights were out, including the ones we had purposefully left on, my wet pussy was forgotten. You told me to stay in the car and went to unlock the door. As you pushed it open and entered the darkened house I felt a hand close over my mouth. A blade appeared before me and a female voice ground in my ear;
“Get out of the car, slowly.” Doing so was awkward half dressed and even more so with a hand over my mouth and a blade to my throat. “Get out of that dress” The voice commanded again. I felt a shiver as I let the dress fall to the ground. The headlights of the car illuminated the arm that held the blade. I could see that it was beautifully tattooed and though still feminine, was well muscled. The woman behind me had no trouble forcing me to the door and into the house. Once inside I hoped you would save me from whatever she had planned. I looked for you in vain though. I deduced that you must be upstairs. She apparently came to the same conclusion because she ushered me out the French doors to the deck. With all the lights out I couldn’t tell where we were until I felt the warm sand sifting thru the open toes of my heels. The moon was out and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see that the beach had been prepared for something. A series of stakes were pounded into the sand and the woman had me standing right in the middle of them. The blade disappeared from my neck and the hand returned with a wet cloth in it. She pressed it to my face and I felt myself passing out.
When I awoke I could hear your voice vaguely but I could see nothing. I could feel the sand beneath me; my naked body was warmed by the heat it still carried. I could feel the cloth binding my eyes and upon trying to move, I could feel the cords biting into my wrists and ankles. I was staked out, spread eagle, in the sand. I couldn’t move or see anything. Fear crawled over my skin making me shiver despite the heat. Your voice called for me quietly and I whispered back, “I am here. What happened?”
“It’s Sylvie, She has lost her mind or something.” You whispered hoarsely. Another voice piped in then.”I have lost nothing, and will gain much this evening.” I turned my head to the other side to hear her sultry voice. My fear made my heart race.
“You will not fight me, because if you do your little girlfriend will be punished. Do you understand?” You voice your agreement to do anything she asked as long as she didn’t hurt us. Her voice moved around me as she got closer to where you were. I couldn’t make out all of what she said but enough to realize she was giving you instructions. Then I felt you kneel between my legs, your hands brushed the inside of my knees, up my leg to my inner thighs. Then you paused as if waiting for a signal. I felt Sylvie straddle my head, her knees on either side of my face, the smell of her, tantalizing and hypnotic. As she lowered herself, her pussy pressed against my lips. I tried to turn my head but she held my head still with her knees. Again, when I had stopped fighting, she lowered her pussy to my lips again. She just held it there, her juices wetting my lips. I knew what she wanted; you had done it to me many times. I stuck out my tongue and licked her pussy lips and at the same time felt your tongue as it licked mine. A moan escaped my lips. Sylvie shifted above me, pressing her pussy firmly on my mouth. I licked again and pushed my tongue between her lips to find her clit and manipulate it. At the same time I felt your fingers enter my pussy while you licked and sucked my clit. I moved as much as I could to try to get you deeper inside me but you withdrew as soon as moved. I strove with my tongue, lips and sometimes teeth to give Sylvie what she seemed to want, my face covered with her delicious pussy juice. After several minutes she moaned and ground her pussy on my face. I pushed up with my tongue pressing on her clit as she came on my face. She came for what seemed like a long time before she pulled herself back to straddle me around the waist. She pulled the cloth from my eyes and wiped my mouth with it before kissing me deeply, her tongue delving deeply and tasting herself on my lips. It was a few moments before I realized that only your fingers were on me now, and that you must be licking her pussy while you were fingering my pussy. She came again as she kissed me deeply and passionately, I nearly joined her but your fingers withdrew just before I could. I growled with the frustration, but Sylvie only laughed. “You will cum when I allow you to cum,” she crooned in my ear. Her hands squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples until I whimper with wanting. “Come here darling,” she said to you in her sultry voice. “Help me strap this up.” She stood where I could see her holding up a very large double strap-on. The Strap-on was one of the ones that are inserted into the wearer as well as the lucky recipient of the large rubber cock. You knelt down in front of Sylvie and lifted one of her legs so you can slide half of the cock into her well lubricated pussy, adjusted the straps and tightened them. Sylvie moaned her pleasure all the while. The look in your eyes said you were excited to watch but really wanted to participate too. Sylvie reached around and handed you a tube of something which made you smile predatorily at her. She positioned herself above me and gestured you to kiss me. Your face descended on mine and I kissed you back frantically. Your hands caressed and aroused my breasts and Sylvie’s hands joined yours in torturing me. My pussy practically cried out to be fucked but Sylvie only brushed the dildo between my lips not penetrating my swollen lips. Then you stood and moved behind Sylvie as she roughly pushed the dildo into me, and in the process pushed it further into her own pussy as well. Her breast pressed against mine as she allowed my pussy to adjust to the size of the huge dildo. Her lips sought mine out and she told me what you were doing to her while she kissed me with breathless little kisses.
“He is putting lube in my ass, with his finger, already it feels so good. He is stretching me, oh, there goes the second finger.” She kissed me deeply again.” I want him to do this to you too, after me. I want to have my rubber cock inside you while he is reaming your ass with his cock. “There go the fingers, oh god, here comes the cock. Oh he is rather large isn’t he, mmmmm.” She moaned. “I feel so completely full.” She started to move around, pulling the dildo out of me and forcing it back in, fucking me effectively with her rubber cock. Yet once again I was not allowed to cum and from your groans of frustration, you were not allowed either. Sometime during the time you were fucking her in the ass, she had untied my hands and as she shifted us around she presented a butt plug to me and requested that I insert it into her ass. Sylvie knelt in front of me on all fours and pressed her ass back against the plug. You were in as bad a shape as I was; you couldn’t keep your hands off me. I tried to be gentle as the plug looked enormous to me. But Sylvie pressed herself onto the plug, mercilessly. You stood behind me and pressed your already lubed cock into my back as you pulled my nipples and pushed your hand between my legs. I wanted to have your cock in me so bad that my hands were shaking and you had to help steady my hand so the plug would go deeply into Sylvie’s ass. She moaned with pleasure at the double penetration she was receiving with her toys. She rolled onto her back and held the dildo for me to impale myself on. I did so, slowly letting the dildo fill me as your fingers played with my clit again. I could feel my orgasm building, and your cock pressing into my ass accelerated the process. You went slowly at first letting my ass get accustom to your sizeable cock, but when I began to push back against you, you grasped my hips and fucked my ass hard. I could feel your balls bouncing off my pussy lips as they wrapped around Sylvie’s rubber cock. Sylvie’s hips beat the sand in time to yours. She put her hands on my breasts and squeezed my nipples, while she fucked me. Her own orgasm building Sylvie screamed as she fucked me, “Cum with me, “ She leaned up and caught breast with her lips and bit my nipple as she began to cum. Her hand went to my clit, giving it a twist and pinching it at the same time. The pain and pleasure pushed me over the edge and I began to cum. I could feel your cock pulsing in my ass, as you fill my ass with your cum. We collapsed together in the sand; you and I helped Sylvie divest herself of her toys.
The rest of our week there was spent, with the three of us together, showering, eating, sleeping, swimming, sunbathing…and fucking. When it came time for us to go back home, we promised Sylvie that we would be back next year for our week in the sun. But that is a different story.
© Copyright 2012 stormdrac (stormdrac at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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