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This is a super short story I wrote. |
“Please King Greg spare me! I will go back to the dark forest and live in peace and never attack you again, I swear.” The Goblin Queen begged. King Greg shook his head “No Goblin Queen, you and your treacherous magic has troubled our kingdom for too long. I shall rid us of your evil once and for all.” With that he drew his broadsword and hacked off the goblin queen's head. The Crowd who had gathered around his beautiful golden halls cheered. His royal chancellor stood before the crowd and cleared his throat “All Hail King Greg, Wise and Brave Ruler of this Kingdom.” The crowds cheered. “All Hail King Greg.” King Greg Smiled soaking in the praise and adoration from the crowd. Suddenly the amulet on his chest began to glow and vibrate. His smile vanished. “No please just a little more time!” He whispered to it in panic. “Is something wrong your majesty?” His royal chancellor asked noticing his change in expression. The king quickly shook his head. “No. Is just some wounds I sustained battling the Goblin Queen's horde.” “You should have told me about them sooner your majesty.” He turned and addressed the crowded. “I'm afraid our King must go to his bed chambers now. He has sustained injuries in his battle against the Goblin Queen. But do not worry our best medics and mages shall attend to his injuries and he shall be well enough for victory feast tonight.” The crowd cheered. “Really Chancellor, they're minor wounds.” The King protested. “No, I must insist that you get some rest. We can't have you collapsing in front of your people.” The Chancellor ushered the King of to his bedchamber. There, the mages attended to him casting spells and applying healing salves to his wounds. Then the queen who was said to be the most beautiful woman in all the kingdom, entered the room. Everything about her was perfect, her hair was smooth and long, here nose, eyes and mouth were of the right proportions and her beautiful silk dressed was tight enough to reveal her perfect hourglass figure. “Husband.” She exclaimed worriedly in a soft delicate voice. “I heard you were injured.” “Tis just a scratch” He said. “You know how the Chancellor like his drama. Beside, gazing upon your beautiful face has me already feeling better.” “Oh, You are truly are brave, facing the evil Goblin Queen by yourself.” “I do what I must to protect our kingdom.” “I know that's why I love you so!” She climbed onto the bed and they began to kiss passionately but they were soon interrupted again by the amulet. “Hold on for one second my love.” He removed his amulet from his robe and pressed it to his ear. “We're sorry but your Dreamscape session has expired, please prepare for wake up in 30 seconds.” “No please, give me one more week! Put it on credit card number 29883764” He hissed at the amulet. “Is something wrong my love?” His queen asked him. “No no, it was nothing important. Now where were we?” He started to pull her back into his embrace when suddenly everything thing vanished, his kingdom was gone, replaced by a dirty dark, dingy room that stunk of cigarette smoke. His luxurious bed with linen made from the finest silk was replaced by a dirty, holey mattress, His beautiful velvet royal robes turned into a grey scratchy set of pajamas. The Face of his beautiful queen was replaced by that of a not so pretty scowling bearded fat man, who had yanked the dreamscape helmet off of his head. “Look buddy yer time iz up. Time ta get up and go.” “No, No” Greg Screamed. “I wasn't done yet. My kingdom still needs me!” He desperately tried to snatch the helmet back from the man but he firmly smacked his hands away. “Sorry pal but yer kingdoms gonna have ta wait till ya get some more dough, yer bank account's empty and yer credit card's maxed out.” “But I just sold my house! And my Car!” “Yeah and that boughtcha another good two weeks. But that's done ended now.” The man said gruffly unhooking his feeding tube. “Now hurry up and get out of here, I got this bed rented out to another client who should be here any minute.” “No just one more day! Please, just give me one more day!” Greg sobbed pleadingly. The man shook his head unsympathetically “Sorry pal but no more money mean no more dreamin'. C'mon and get up. Don't make me have to get rough with ya.” Greg was silent for a minute and then he got up. The fat man nodded towards a locker. “Ya sold all yer clothes but we've provided ya a complementary set of shirt and pants in the locker.” Greg made as if he were going for the locker at first but then, in desperation, suddenly lunged at man in a last ditch attempt to take back the dreamscape helmet. He attempted to punch the man in the face but his malnourished body was not able to put much force into his attack. The man barley even flinched. He turned and returned Gregs attack with a hard punch in the jaw. Everything went black for a moment Greg's hopes raised up hoping he had returned to his beloved kingdom. But no, he woke up in the cold alleyway. With a bag of clothes that was thrown on his head. He sighed dejectedly and began to weep. His world was gone. His wife, the Queen, his one true love, and his kingdom, who all honored and respected him, it was all gone.Suddenly he sat up. He had an idea, a way to escape this false world forever and return back to his kingdom where he belonged. He had come across an item in this world which he believed could transport him to his Kindom without the aide of the Dreamscape system, with out having to return to this world ever again. At the time he was too afraid to use it. But now he had nothing to lose. He went to the street and made his way through the city. After walking several miles he came to his destination. His old house, he had already sold it to the city but he didn't care. He had come there for only the item which he had left hidden away in the house. The house was empty so the door was left unlocked and he walked in easily. He went to were his old bedroom was and looked inside the closet. It was still there hidden inside a blue shoe box. He sat down on the floor and opened the box. This was it, inside was the magical item that would allow him to return to his kingdom, the world where he truly belong, where he was King Greg, the Brave and Wise and leave this world for good, the cruel, false world where he was Greg the nobody forever. He placed it agaist the side of his head, and weeping tear of joy, he pulled the trigger. BLAM!! |