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A tiny man moves in with a woman |
My life was normal enough, until that one Friday. I was leaving work when suddenly I shrunk down to three inches tall. It was quite a shock to say the least. Luckily Tammy was right behind me as it happened and she was good enough to help me out. With really no other option I went home with Tammy that night. She was a great host and made me feel right at home, even as small as I was. We agreed there was not much to do, other then wait and see if the shrinking simply reversed itself. So we became room mates, of a sort. I just lived with her and did not contribute much. After all at my size, I could not do much more then wash a tea spoon. Though I did help out as much as I could, of course. She took care of all the big stuff, naturally. She cooked and cleaned and kept everything running. A big part of my repayment turned out to be just giving her someone to talk too. She had to have at least one hundred friends, but she really liked having a little safe guy like me to tell stuff too. And I was very safe as I could tell no one else. So for the first two weeks, we were close to normal room mates. She worked during the day, went out at night and we had only about two hours of contact everyday. I hardly even noticed that she was a beautiful woman, that I was now living with. Though the whole shrinking thing had been quite a shock, of course. But things started to change for me at the start of the third week. The first time I noticed things starting to change was when, one morning, she walked out of her bedroom in nothing but a small, tight and lacy black bra and panties. I was quite shocked to see her beautiful body on display. It made me wonder why I had not seen her in that way before. We had been living together for two weeks, and I only ever saw her fully clothed. I wondered why, to myself. I figured that, in part, I did not try to see her. I stayed out of her bedroom unless she was with me and I stayed out of the bathroom if she was using it. Much like a normal room mate situation. but things were hardly normal for tiny shrunken me. My whole world was her apartment and she was the only human contact I had with anyone. So my life was far from normal, yet here I was acting like a normal guy. A normal guy that had been shrunk down to three inches tall. Not so normal after all. Yet there was more then just that. After all, she also had to be consciously avoiding letting me see her near naked body. I tried to remember if she kept the doors closed while she was changing, or did i just not even think to look. Yet she had just walked past me and let me see her in full view in bra and panties. What was the reason? Was she just getting comfortable around me? would being comfortable matter? Would she let a normal, full sized room mate see her nearly naked? Was she thinking of me as less of a man? After all, I could do nothing more then look at her from a distance. So starting the next day I became hyper aware of her body. At first, it did not look like she was overly showing off. But then I noticed her feet. For the first two weeks she almost always wore slippers, but now she was barefoot. I wondered why I did not notice this before. After all her feet were the one part of her that were directly in my line of sight. She would walk by me, her beautiful giant feet thumping along on the carpet or smacking along on the tiled floor. I really noticed her sole as she would walk away from me. Though I only caught a glimpse of her sexy body a time or two, and almost always from a distance. By the start of week four, I knew i needed to see more. At the start of week four, living with Tammy at just three inches tall, I crossed the first line. I decided to spy on her. It was far easier then I thought. At my tiny size it was so, so easy to sneak around and hide. Not that she was overly watching for me anyway. We only officially saw and talked to each other for maybe two hours a day, mostly at dinner. The rest of the time she was home she mostly ignored me. So I started to sneak around and hide. Under her bed, under the dresser, or just behind one of her shoes I hid and watched her continuously. I was so shocked the first time I saw her perfectly toned, beautiful body. I knew she worked out all the time, but to see it was something else. I found myself near intoxication by her beauty, or more accurately her naked body. I would wait for who knows how long under her bed, just for a glimpse of her perfect, hard ass as she slipped out of a pair of tight jeans and into her pajamas. Our two normal hours a day did not change much, but other then that, I spent almost all my time stalking her around the apartment. I spent most of the day asleep, as she was not around anyway. Then I was awake from the time she got home and all night, sleeping only after she left in the morning. I'd spend countless hours watching her sleep in bed. I almost became a part of her shadow. And as my whole world became little more then watching her I started to slip slowly from being a tiny man, to being a tiny pet. I crossed the next line just into the fifth week living as a three inch tall room mate in Tammy's apartment. I was in my hiding spot |