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Rated: · Poetry · Dark · #1905625
i've posted 3 poems as 1 item because of their shortness. (compaired 2 most of my stuff)
(How Can We) Help?

How can we be expected to help each other
When we can not trust one another
For this, that, and the other?

With all the guns and shooting
And someone always looting
There's always someone co-hooting
For some reason or another.

It's safe to say, by now
That we can't help each other now
Cos we can't trust each other now
A few reasons why...one of which: Pow Pow!
It could be the death of you, that night
It's sad that we can't help without a fight

So I think we might
Or, at least, we should
I think we could
Realize this:
Any good humanity
Is not full of vanity
It's about helping one another
Because of this, that, and the other.

Dear God,

Why do you fill the world with so much agony?
Is it because from our greatest tragedy will come our greatest gift?
Why do you take the people we love....
Before we can let go?
Why don't you give us warning...
Before we have to go?
Why would you make it...
So easy to doubt you?
Your existence, your being....
Isn't it suppose to be undoubted?
Shouldn't it not be possible to doubt you?
Yet, more so, people do...
How could you make it so easy?
People loosing their hope, their faith...
And you won't answer the questions, nor the calls, clearly...
You make life a riddle, so unsolvable...
You squeeze us until we're dry...
And you still don't stop there....
The riddle won't be solved until it's to late...will it?
The song will never be complete,
Nor sound perfect....
Until the very end....
One last question I must ask....
Why is our greatest moment on earth...
Always our last?

A Note On A Love Lost. (Lost Love)

I gave my heart and it was returned ripped apart.
I received only a taste of joy...
But it will stay with my always.
I...I thought u were the light at the end.
Instead u only made this world of mine darker.
Now all I see is sadness.
A never ending darkness.
And no answers to these questions.
I...thought you might have been the answer I...was searching for for so long.
when I was with u...
I thought I would never again be alone.
Not knowing, of course, that I was really...
More alone then I had ever been before.

So what of a love unspoken?
Well I...didn't think I had to speak.
I thought it was clear...

A dream?
Well, maybe it was...just that...
But I thought...well....
I always dreamed that...
That 1 day I would meet a girl that
Perhaps I....could love without fear...
And when I found her she'd....love me to.
Well I...had thought I found her and she was...
Everything I had dreamed and more exept she...
didn't love me to.
Even though I had thought that...she did...
I guess she didn't think I could offer her anything.
And she....was right.
I have nothing.
well, not quite...
Nothing to offer...
I had this fragile heart.
Now it's shattered....

So what of the sharp edges of a broken heart?
I can never touch it again...
It will never be put back together and...
It will be a constant reminder of this misadventure.
Love is dead...
It can not exist here anymore...

But I have 1 final note...
I would do it all over again...
If only for that sweet taste to last a bit longer...
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