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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1903351
Karenie and her friends try to change the law that people are not to live past 30.
Secret Heroes
Theme: You can accomplish anything when you try.

         “No!” Karenie screamed as Jacyn, one of Superior’s workers, held her back. His grip was extremely tight, so tight that it felt like metal chains were tied to her arms. She desperately struggled to escape his grasp, but all attempts failed. He was just too strong. Out of her tear filled eyes she saw her mother walking shamefully towards her execution. Karenie couldn’t bear to look, instead her eyes kept darting to Superior, who had smirk as evil as the devil on his face. She couldn’t believe this was happening, why did her mother have to turn 30? It isn’t fair, Superior was 48 already, but he doesn’t want anyone else to be as wise as him, since being old means being wise. Now, one of superior’s workers was slipping her mother’s head in the noose. Superior gave the signal and in a split second, the platform was lowered and her mother was hung.
Karenie woke up and nearly jumped out of bed. Realizing it was all just a dream, she sat down, trying to catch her breath. She was thankful it wasn’t real…yet. After all it was only a week until her mother’s 30th birthday. It worried her so much to think that this was the last week she had with her mother, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She got up and threw on her robe. It was as shabby as an old rug, but her mother had bought her a few years back, but it had some sentimental value to her. She would never think of getting rid of it, after all it could possibly be the last thing she would ever get that belonged to her mother. She rushed downstairs to find her mother preparing plates for the eggs and toast that cooked while she was still asleep.
“Are you hungry?” Mother asked when she noticed Karenie. She shook her head. The whole situation of thinking about next week gave her a loss of appetite. She sat on the couch next to her sisters, Jenna and Becky.
Becky got up to help mother with the food.
“Mother you shouldn’t be slaving over the stove, go rest on the couch. I will finish up here.” said Becky in calm, caring tone.
“Oh no dear, I will have plenty of time to rest,” mother replied. “I should be doing all I can do for you children while I still can,” she added.
“Mother, please don’t talk like that!” Karenie screamed from the couch, tearing up.
“Everything will be okay mom, don’t worry,” she added.
“Karenie shut up!” Jenna screamed as she grabbed Karenie’s arm.
“You’re just making things worse. You know there’s nothing we can do about it.” She added.
Mother sighed as she sat on the couch in front of the girls.
“It is true there’s nothing you can do children. I need to talk to you about what is going to happen when I’m gone. Things are going to change. I expect you to take my place Karenie; after all you are the oldest.” She said pushing a strand of Karenie’s honey golden hair from her face.
“Mother, I will not let them take you,” Karenie nearly hissed, running to her room, followed by Becky. She threw herself onto her bed, sobbing into the pillows. Becky went to lie next to her.
“How are we going to stop this Karenie?” Becky asked. Her big greed eyes started to tear up.
After Karenie looked up from her pillows, she hesitated a moment, and whispered, “I have an idea.”

         Sunlight shined brightly through Karenie’s window, hitting her face with a sudden burst of warmth. She rose out of bed and rushed to get ready. After she was ready, she went and woke up Becky and waited for her to get ready. It was a good thing that Mother and Jenna were still sleeping, they couldn’t know about the plan. Becky and Karenie snuck out the door as quiet as a mouse, hopefully they would be back before the others woke up.
Karenie and Becky walked down Parkway Drive and took a left at the bus station. They approached a bench were a couple of familiar faces were sitting.
“Hey!” one of the kids yelled when they saw the girls.
“Hey Kark!” Becky smiled as she went up to him and hugged him. Kark was Becky’s boyfriend of one year. He was tall and tan and his serious expression quickly faded at the sight of Becky. Next to Kark was Dina, who was extremely timid, and seemed scared to be there.
“Okay, we can’t talk here,” Becky said as she glanced at everyone.
“We need somewhere more private,” She added as she grabbed Karenie by the arm and pulled her into a small ally between bus stops. The others followed, making sure not to be seen by buss employees.
Karenie took a deep breath and began her speech to Kark and Dina.
“Here’s the plan” She took out a crumpled up map from her coat pocket and began again. “This is the map of the government building. There are several entrances that are guarded by Superior’s workers, but one is not as well guarded.” She pointed to the entrance on the map. “We will sneak our way into here and make our way into Superior’s office. When no guard is looking we will kill him.”
“You do know that can get you killed right?” Dina asked hesitantly.
“It’s either me or her,” Karenie replied.
“Well, what are we supposed to kill him with? Our bare hands?” Dina asked quietly.
“My father has an old gun I can get my hands on, and if I aim just right, maybe I can get him,” Kark replied.
“That’s a good idea,” Karenie smiled. “How soon can you get that gun?”
“How soon do you need it?” Kark asked.
The meeting continued for about an hour, the plan was set for tomorrow.

The next day Karenie and Becky did the same routine as the day before. They woke up early and snuck out before anyone else in the house was awake. This time they walked down Parkway Drive and turned at the Bus station. They approached the ticket window where a big lady wearing too much lipstick stared blankly at them.
“May I help you, rug rats?” She growled showing her yellow teeth, splotched with red lipstick stains.
“Two round trip tickets to Cashton town please,” Karenie asked quietly.
“What are you little brats going to do there? Cashton is where all the government offices are. It’s no place for little brats to be running around.” She snapped.
“Just give us the freaking tickets lady!” Becky screamed.
“WELL THAN! Why, I have never seen ruder people!” The woman gasped in disgust. She handed them two tickets. “Get out of here, before I alert the authorities where you’re heading.” The scolding lady said as she slammed the ticket window shut.
The buss took them straight to Cashton with only a few stops in between. After they got there they met Kark and Dina where the bus let them off. Everything around them was so gloomy. Every building was Black and grey, and there were fogy clouds everywhere. Statues of Superior, the president, were everywhere. They walked toward the biggest building. The girls hid behind a rock as Kark knocked on the door. A huge guard came out and stared at Kark rude. The guard, who was at least 3 feet taller than he was, stared at him strangely.
“Um hello, ugly,” Kark said as he threw a rock at him and started running, the guard chased after him.
With the guard distracted, the girls snuck into the open door. Inside was very professional looking. There were many locked doors, chandeliers, and dark paintings. One door stood out the most. It was the biggest door they had ever seen, and it was locked with a golden padlock.
“Okay superior! Where are you? You think you can just kill anyone you feel like? Well I have a surprise for you, old man!” Becky yelled, pulling out the gun.
“Becky shut up! This isn’t the plan!” Karenie yelled as she and Dina hid behind one of the offices. Dina tried to grab Becky, but she refused to hide with them.
Suddenly, 10 huge guards, as big as the one at the door, came out and surrounded Becky. One of them shoved the gun out of her hands as another picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She kicked and screamed as he carried her away through one of the giant doors.
Karenie ran after them, “Let her go, you big lump!” she screamed as she tried to hit the guard. Her small hits didn’t even make him flinch. Another guard picked up Karenie and threw her over his shoulder. The guards carried them down a long hallway, and locked them in a room at the end of the hall.
“We’ll be back for you mutts later,” One of the guards smirked as they walked away, leaving the two girls completely alone.

When Dina was sure that the guards were gone, she ran out of the building in search of Kark. She found him sitting on a bench reading an old magazine.
“Dina, why aren’t you helping with the plan? Where is Becky?” He asked when he saw her.
“They have been taken by the guards! Your girlfriend decided to not follow the plan and got herself caught. Then Karenie tried to save her and got caught as well.” Dina stammered as fast as she could.
“That’s my girl…” Kark said with a half-smile. “Well, they will have to be released eventually, and we will be waiting for them when they get out.”

“Ouch, that stupid guard hurt me when he grabbed me!” Karenie yelled into the darkness of the room they were in. It was way too dark to see it, and tell if it really was broken.
“Get over it. We need a way out of here, and fast. That stupid guard took my gun!” Becky replied.
“Well, if you would have followed the plan, then we wouldn’t be here now.” The shocked Karenie scolded.
Becky was quiet.
“Becky, you need to talk to me!” Karenie shouted.
“Shush! Look over there! It’s light! Do you see that?!” Becky whispered.
Karenie saw the light and walked towards it. The light was coming from a small window. It was extremely dirty, and she could barely see through it. On the other side of the window was Superior’s throne. It was solid gold and had small designs carved onto the sides. Besides the throne, the other side of the room was completely empty.
“Maybe we can sneak out here,” Karenie whispered.
She looked around for some kind of tool to use to break the window.
“Hey look over there,” Becky said pointing to a corner of the room, “A brick”.

Superior walked into his office and sat on his throne. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and began reading to himself. Suddenly he heard the noise of shattered glass as he saw a big red brick fly towards him. Before he could move the brick hit him on his head and knocked him to the floor.
“Um… did I do that?” Karenie gasped.
“No time for talking! Climb out the window and run!” Becky yelled.
The girls climbed out the window and ran out of the office. Luckily there were no guards to stop them.
“I wonder where the guards went,” Becky asked Karenie as they ran out of the big grey building to the bus stop.
“I don’t know.” Karenie replied.
They used their tickets to get back home and snuck back into the house before anyone was awake.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Karenie heard as she nearly jumped out of bed. She got up and nearly flew down the hallway.
“What? Hello? Are you okay?” She screamed as she saw her mother sitting on the couch watching the news.
“Superior died last night and we have a new president! This man is completely modest and is going take away the age 30 death act!” Mother cried out with a burst of pure happiness.
“Mother do you know what this means?!” Karenie yelled out, smiling.
“Hey what’s the big deal out here guys?” Becky yelled from the top of the stairs.
“The age 30 death act has been canceled!” Karenie smiled back to her.
Becky yelled at the top of her lungs and rushed over to hug Karenie. The girls had done it.
They not only saved their mother, but now everyone can live a longer life. The best part was no one would ever know they were the reason for Superior’s death, so they would not get punished. They were secret heroes.
© Copyright 2012 BeckyMiranda (aleshiahanson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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