Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1903191-The-Write-to-Brag-Room
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by Noelle Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Activity · #1903191
Had a writing success? Tell us about it for a chance to win a MB! ~GRAND OPENING~NOW!
Thank you, Tina M. Courtney Author Icon, for the new ribbon!

Graphic design by Kiya Sama ~

*Shock* Did you get published?! *Delight* *Quill**RibbonB**Quill* Wow! you WON that contest? *Quill**RibbonV**Quill* I know how hard it is to land a literary agent, . . . and you DID it?! *Quill**RibbonO**Quill* *Gasp!* You earned what writing award? *Quill**RibbonY**Quill* It's just terrific that you got into that MFA in Writing program! *Quill**RibbonG**Quill* Did you really get a book deal?!!! *Quill**RibbonP**Quill*
Come on, spill it -- Don't hold back -- I want details!

Who says a brag is a bore? Not in this room! That's right. If you have something to boast about, you can do it here.*Wink* I want to live vicariously through you (and get inspired by your awesome-ness *Delight*). So yeah baby, if you won it, earned it, got it, published it, landed it, or were awarded it -- and 'it' has to do with *Writing*writing*Writing*, then you've got 'Bragging Rights' as far as I'm concerned! The room is filling up with interested people who want to hear all about it. Go ahead, get into the spotlight -- submit a Brag and tell us all about your writing success. You could win a merit badge!

***See below the Guidelines for Special Grand Opening Prizes*Exclaim****

Out of every twenty-five (25) Brags submitted, two (2) lucky winners will be chosen to receive a merit badge*:

Top Brag Prize - The one bragger that makes me most want to jump up and down and shout, "You're a star!"
Lucky Brag Prize - Chosen via virtual dice.

*All merit badges gifted will be of my choosing. Each will represent the winner's writing achievement. For example, if a contest winner is drawn, she/he may win a CONGRATULATIONS mb; if a newly published author is drawn, a PUBLISHED mb will be given; if a NaNoWriMo winner is drawn, he/she will win a NANO WINNER mb; if a writing school graduate is drawn, she will be gifted a SUCCESS mb; etc.
I reserve the right to increase or decrease prizes at any time, depending on available funds.


*Check5*Submit your writing achievemnt as a 'Brag' in the box below.

*Check1* This is an 'In and Out' - out with the old, in with the new. In that spirit, all accomplishments submitted should be newly achieved or earned, within the last three (3) months six (6) months from the date of your Brag posted here.

*Check2*All accomplishments submitted must be related to the craft of writing. Any Brag unrelated to writing will be disqualified from the merit badge drawing.

*Check3*When submitting your achievements, please provide as much information about it as possible. Keep in mind you have only 255 characters to write your Brag.
*Bulletr*Published?- give the title of your book or written work published, the name of the publisher, the release date, where we can read it or purchase it (if applicable). If you have the ISB-N & your published work is available on Amazon.Com, you may link it in your Brag by using the {tp-Amazon:##########} tag (replace the #s with the ISB-N).
*Bulletb*Won a WDC Contest? - give the {item:#######} link of your winning entry, the {item:#######} link of the contest, what place in the contest you won, what round/date you placed in the contest.
*BulletG*Got Accepted to or Graduate from a Writing School? - give the name of the school, the name of the writing program, the date you start or graduated.
*Bulletv*Earn a Writing Award or Honor? - give the name of the award, the organization/group/foundation/etc. who awarded you, describe what you wrote or what you did to win the award.
*Bulletr*Win an Off-site Contest? - give us the name of the contest, the title of your work that won, the date you won, and tell us how you placed. You may link to the contest site by using the {link:ANYURL} tag if you like.
*Bulletb*Land a Literary Agent? - Give the name of your new agent, the date landed, and the genre of your work being shopped to publishers.
*Bulletg*Get a Book Deal? - tell us what you can!
*Bulletr*Won NaNoWriMo? - Give the date you reached 50k words, the title of your novel, and your final word count.
*Bulletb*Got a Dream Job as a Writer or Editor? - Tell us about it!
*Mailr*Any questions? Please email Noelle Author Icon

*Note*For the most part, we will be using the honor system here. However, I may check any Brag for accuracy before prizes are distributed. Thank you!*Smile*

*Check4*All Brags must be Rated 13+ or below.

*Check3*Braggers can submit more than one Brag for DIFFERENT writing accomplishments, but please submit only once per accomplishment.

*Check1*There is no set deadline or date for each round drawing. For every twenty-five (25) qualifying Brags entered, two (2) winners will receive merit badges. During the Grand Opening Round, there will be six (6) merit badges awarded out of the first fifty (50) Brags received. Only one merit badge will be given per winning Bragger per round.

*Check2*Sorry, the following items DO NOT qualify as valid Brags for this In and Out or the merit badge drawing:
*No* Forfeited Contest Wins (i.e. If you won a contest simply because you were the only writer who entered the contest during a particular round)
*No* WDC Account Anniversaries
*No* NaNoWriMo Participants who did not reach 50k words during the November of participation
*No* If you paid a fee to have your story published in an anthology or magazine.
*No* If an item in your portfolio received an awardicon of any size as part of an auction or raffle package winning.
*No* If an item in your portfolio received an awardicon or you received a merit badge for any reason other than a writing challenge or writing contest win.

*Check3*I reserve the right to disqualify and/or remove any Brag that does not follow the above rules.

The Write to Brag Room Mission:

To honor hard-working and talented writers who have taken advantage of opportunities presented to them and succeeded in their writing endeavors. The Write to Brag Room offers writers a safe and fun place to plug and share their achievements and, in doing so, hopes to inspire others to reach for their own writing stars.

*Confettir* *Balloon5* *Confettip* *Balloon4* *Confettib* *Balloon3* *Confettiv* *Balloon2* *Confettig* *Balloon1* *Confettio* *Balloon6* *Confettiy*
Grand Opening Round:

Welcome to the Grand Opening of the Write to Brag Room! To celebrate, I am tossing out the 3 month new rule and allowing the first 50 Brags of writing achievements SIX (6) months old or newer! Also, after 50 Brags have been received, I will be awarding SIX of them Merit Badges:
The top three brags I find the most impressive & inspiring will be named:
Top Brag
Awesome Brag
Fantabulous Brag

- and -
3 Lucky Brag prizes will be drawn via virtual dice
EACH will receive a Merit Badge that represents the winner's achievement!
The first 50 people who post a Brag will receive
Two tickets to "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. just for posting a Brag! *Bigsmile*

*Dollar*Donations are so much appreciated, that I will gift anyone who donates 25k gift points or more a GENEROSITY merit badge.*Heart* Donations can be sent to "The Write-to-Brag Room BankOpen in new Window., Group ID#1906892.
Many thanks to these generous supporters:
*Heart*NickiD89 Author Icon*Heart*

All Bragging Rights Reserved!

[12-08-12 @ 5:41pm] I recieved a Merit Badge for item "Poems by Tina M. GeorgeOpen in new Window. My next goal is to keep letting folk know about "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. It truly is awesome and one of a kind. My next objective is getting this group a ribbion "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window..
  Congrats To: Tina M. Courtney Author Icon

[12-08-12 @ 11:39pm] I won NaNoWriMo on November 29th with my novel Delightfully Wicked and I had 50,197 words! Witches, demons and angels...oh my!
  Congrats To: Cris Yeager Author Icon

[12-09-12 @ 6:03pm] William Wordsworth said: Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. 'Secret Agent Elve' was born through torture and abuse to happily ever after. First NaNo experience. 51625 words. I now have the confidence to say, "yes I am a writer." I DID IT!
  Congrats To: Cynaemon Author Icon

[12-15-12 @ 10:00am] I won three contests with this short story. 1st place in Oh Boy have I got a Story For You. 2nd place in Unmasked Short Story and 3rd Place in Separate Worlds Contest with publication. I've only been writing for a year. Here is the link

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1901043 by Not Available.

  Congrats To: Summer Wind is Healing Author Icon

[12-18-12 @ 7:32pm] PUBLISHED! Book two in The Trinity Falls Series, CLUB TIES is now available on Amazon from Wynwidyn Press! If you enjoyed Club Justice this new installment in the series picks up where the first left off!

Amazon's Price: Price N/A
ASIN: 0985545968
Amazon's Price: Price N/A

  Congrats To: Mara ♣ McBain Author Icon

[12-24-12 @ 7:49am] I am being published in the WDC First Ever Anthology with my poem, A Mermaid's Tears.
  Congrats To: bertiebrite hoping for peace Author Icon

[12-24-12 @ 7:51am] Forgot the link to the poem, silly me:

A Mermaid's Tears Open in new Window. (E)
Peices of glass on a shoreline . . .?
#1822461 by bertiebrite hoping for peace Author IconMail Icon

  Congrats To: bertiebrite hoping for peace Author Icon

[12-27-12 @ 10:30pm] Won a Writer's Cramp with

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1906143 by Not Available.
  Congrats To: A*Monaing*Faith Author Icon

[01-05-13 @ 8:40am] In late February of 2013 my ebook, "Across The Western Sea" will be published by Vesta House Publishing. It is a historial, inspirational novel about a man's persistant goal for religious freedom.
  Congrats To: Sandy Author Icon

[01-26-13 @ 11:54am] My article "Let's Go Diving!" is published in Southern Distinction Magazine, on newsstands now! *Bigsmile**Thumbsup*
  Congrats To: NickiD89 Author Icon

Total Displayed: 10

Submit a Brag:
Tell us about your writing achievement! Please remember to provide as much information as possible, including any applicable WDC links {item:#######}. Congratulations on your success - Write On!
Enter your Brag below:
(WritingML is allowed and will be processed.)

0 of 255 Characters
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*Bullet* Self Deletion: Not Allowed
*Bullet* Direct Follow Ups: Allowed
*Bullet* Post Limiting: Not Limited
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1903191-The-Write-to-Brag-Room