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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1902660
Chapter 10: Wolf's Wrath
Chapter Ten

Zero and the Red Moon Wolf ended up in some type of alternate dimension that had the appearance of a forest from some type of movie with tons of dead trees, but the sky was red as it would normally be if the Red Moon was in the sky. “Where the hell are we, Wolf?” Zero asked. “This is my own personal battlefield. A place perfectly suited for my true form.” The Red Moon Wolf answered, growling at Zero and walking around him like a panther about to pounce on its prey. “You appear to be an easy kill, but I’m not stupid. I don’t underestimate the hidden skills my prey may have. Your scent wafts with an ancient energy. I’ll have to take a careful approach…” The Red Moon Wolf said before disappearing. Zero looked around quickly to try finding the Red Moon Wolf, but all he could see were trees all around him. As quickly as it disappeared, the Red Moon Wolf ran full speed out of the trees and tackled Zero, sending him flying through five trees and smacking into a large rock.
Zero stood up and unsheathed his sword, waiting for the wolf to strike again. A howl echoed through the forest, and when Zero was distracted, the Red Moon Wolf clawed Zero’s back and disappeared again. Zero leaned himself against a tree as blood dripped down his back, but before he was ready, the Red Moon Wolf appeared in front of Zero, grabbed him by the leg, and threw him straight into the ground before disappearing.

The Red Moon Crystal made itself a shield from its arm while the Red Moon Hybrid threw explosive fireballs to try destroying the shield. “Your brute force alone won’t be able to stop me, Hybrid. Face it. You alone can’t stop me. My armored body is far too tough to destroy.” The Red Moon Crystal said. “Who says I need to destroy you? I’m just stalling for time.” The Red Moon Hybrid said, snapping its finger to set the Red Moon Crystal on fire. The Red Moon Crystal roared and charged at the Red Moon Hybrid.
The Red Moon Wolf constantly hit Zero and disappeared in a constant cycle that seemed endless while Zero’s blood shed all over the ground and trees with every attack. “Fool. You’ll never be able to defeat me. They call me the sixth Red Moon Brute clone for a reason,” the Red Moon Wolf said, appearing on the branch of a tree, “I’m the second strongest of the seven of us.” The Red Moon Wolf added before jumping out of the tree and kicking Zero from high in the air. Zero coughed up blood as he tried to get up, but the Red Moon Wolf appeared in front of him and kicked him into a tree. “Face it, kid. You’re luck’s finally run out,” the Red Moon Wolf said, stepping on Zero. “It’s all over. You failed!” The Red Moon Wolf added, disappearing and reappearing on a high tree branch. The Red Moon Wolf howled and jumped down from the tree branch towards Zero at full speed. “Let’s see you stand up to this, human!” the Red Moon Wolf said.
“This is impossible. I can’t beat this thing. It’s disappearing far too fast…but I doubt a wolf can use magical power. Unless…it’s been moving at extreme speeds so I couldn’t see it. But that’s impossible. Wolves can’t move so fast…but this is a Red Moon Brute I’m talking about, so it could likely be moving so fast, I can’t see it.” Zero thought. Moments before the Red Moon Wolf struck, Zero rolled out of the way to avoid being hit by the attack at the very last second. The Red Moon Wolf picked up Zero and threw him through another tree in an angry moment of rage. “So you’ve figured out my little trick in my speed. I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out sooner. Although, you’re too late, kid. It’s over.” The Red Moon Wolf said, lunging at Zero.
The Red Moon Crystal was a foot away from killing the Red Moon Hybrid, but something with sharp claws stopped it in its tracks. “What is this foolishness?” the Red Moon Crystal asked, looking behind him to see what appeared to be the Red Moon Shadow. “This is impossible! How are you still alive?” the Red Moon Crystal said, trying to escape. “I’m far stronger than you, Crystal. You can’t beat me.” The Red Moon Shadow said before tearing the Red Moon Crystal in half with little effort.

Zero got out of the way at the last second before the Red Moon Wolf could land its attack, standing up and picking up his sword. “Face it, kid. You can’t win. As long as the moon is in this sky, I’ll remain in my wolf form. You’re finished.” The Red Moon Wolf said before lunging at Zero again. Right before its attack landed, the Red Moon in the sky disappeared, indicating nighttime had come and the Red Moon was shifting to Star City. The Red Moon Wolf returned to its human form, unable to use its speed and claws. The Red Moon Wolf stepped back, but Zero took the chance to strike and quickly took down the Red Moon Wolf. Upon the Red Moon Wolf’s death, the strange dimension returned to its original state. Zero dropped his sword, and fainted soon afterwards.

Zero awoke in his hotel room the next morning. He thought it was all an illusion, but when he looked outside, he saw things weren’t the same. The sky was dark with no signs of the sun shining. Zero noticed that the Red Moon was slowly overlapping the sun. “An eclipse is coming? That’s suspiciously weird. Unless it’s the eclipse that the Red Moon Psychic was talking about. It’s coming already? This isn’t good.” Zero said, putting his shoes on and heading outside.

Once he got outside, he saw a pitch black horse with a flaming mane of black fire gallop by without paying any mind to Zero. “That horse…it seems familiar somehow.” Zero thought until a ghostly reaper flew by Zero. “What’s going on around here?” Zero asked, going back into the hotel and going up to the roof. Strange demons and ghosts seemed to have the run of the city, killing any human that got in their way. “This is crazy! Since when did this happen?” Zero said. “It began when the eclipse started to approach.” A voice responded as Zac was standing behind Zero.

“How do you know about this? Are you a part of all this?” Zero asked. “No. It’s a prophecy. The Red Moon Eclipse is coming in two weeks. When the moon fully overtakes the sun, that’s when it’ll all begin. Star City will be destroyed that day.” Zac answered, pointing to the sun. “Red Moon Eclipse? The Red Moon Psychic mentioned the eclipse, but I don’t know what it’s all about.” Zero said. “The Red Moon Eclipse…is the day the Red Moon Demons will be at their peak in strength. They’ll be far stronger than they’ll ever be. That’s when they’ll strike.” Zac said. “Two weeks, huh? Well, I guess I better go prepare myself.” Zero said, starting to walk away until Zac stopped him. “I suggest you finish off the Red Moon Brute clones first before you attempt to fight during the full eclipse.” Zac said before disappearing. Zero looked down at all the chaos erupting through the city and headed downstairs to go attempt to deal with the strange appearances of reapers and demon horses.
The Shadow Rider and his horse were walking around the graveyard, waiting for Zero to arrive. “He’ll be here. I have a feeling he’ll arrive,” The Shadow Rider said, laughing a bit, “Things won’t be the same as before. This time, you won’t survive. If he dies, all hope for Star City will be lost.” He added.
Zero walked around the city, avoiding reapers and demon horses that came out of the shadows for some strange reason. “I suggest you finish off the Red Moon Brute clones first before you attempt to fight during the full eclipse.” Zero remembered Zac say. While he walked, Zero wondered what Zac meant. “Finish off the Red Moon Brute clones before the eclipse? If the Red Moon Demons will be at their peak of power on the night of the eclipse, then that’ll mean the Red Moon Brutes will also get stronger. It’ll be far worse if that one Red Moon Brute clone is still alive.” Zero added, remembering the Red Moon Hybrid back on the island. He didn’t know what kind of powers the Red Moon Hybrid had, but he knew that it was probably something devastating.

A dark horse rushed away from some location and smacked into Zero at full force. The horse brayed loudly after it fell to the ground and became nothing but a small ball of black fire, leaving a note behind. Zero picked up the note and read through it.
“Zero…I know you’re still alive. I’ve been waiting for a rematch for quite some time. I won’t accept my defeat in the stadium. I’ll finish what we started. I, the Red Moon Reaper, will end you.” Zero read. “Red Moon Reaper? I fought the Shadow Rider in the stadium, not this guy. Then again, I saw a guy who looked exactly like the Shadow Rider, but he was riding a horse instead of a motercycle. I have a really bad feeling about this.” Zero said, putting the note in his pocket.

“Andrews, excellent work on your last story with the cult at the clock tower. You’re a brave man, going out there when those demons are out and about. Now with this weird eclipse coming, it’ll be even more dangerous out there. I can’t give you a vacation, but I’ll give you a raise if you can get me another good news report for the news next week.” Sean’s boss said. “Why not put it on the news this week?” Sean asked. “Someone’s been screwing with the station. Everything got hacked, and we’re trying to fix it.” Sean’s boss answered until the lights started glowing red and it got darker in the room. The door was kicked open and lodged into the wall, and the Red Moon Hybrid walked into the room with two Red Moon Demons.
Sean quickly stood up and took out a pistol while the demons made their way over. “What are you doing here? You can’t be here during the day!” Sean’s boss shouted. “That’s where you’re wrong. Some searching through the Book of Fear has allowed us to find a curse that lets us move around during the day. Although…,” the Red Moon Hybrid said, trying to make a fireball in its hand but only made smoke, “our powers are disabled when the moon isn’t out in the sky. Isn’t that right, kid?” the Red Moon Hybrid added while Zac entered the room, holding the Book of Fear. “What do you want?” Sean asked before catching a CD thrown by Zac. “Put that on the news tomorrow. It’s a special surprise. You’ll see soon enough.” Zac answered before walking out of the room with the Red Moon Hybrid and the two Red Moon Demons. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m going after them.” Sean said, grabbing a camera off a nearby chair and following the demons. “It’s suicide, Andrews!” Sean’s boss shouted. “I don’t care if it’s suicide. This’ll score me the scoop of a lifetime.” Sean thought, quietly following Zac, the Red Moon Hybrid, and the two demons.

“Red Moon Reaper…I don’t know how it has any knowledge of my fight with the Shadow Rider in the stadium, but it must be…” Zero thought, remembering the lookalike of the Shadow Rider who attacked him after defeating the Red Moon Psychic. “Maybe that thing then Shadow Rider mentioned when he first attacked me at the clock tower has become a reality for him. Something about a knight and a horse or something like that.” Zero added, walking around the city until he felt an evil energy within the graveyard. He looked around since he knew the energy he felt was very familiar. The Shadow Rider and his horse walked from the graveyard towards Zero, and the Shadow Rider showed off his demonic scythe.

“So you finally showed up. You know, I’ve been waiting quite some time since our last encounter at the clock tower after you killed Psychic. I feel I should repay the favor for eliminating that weakling. Since five of the Red Moon Brute clones are out of the way, I have no need to have to try competing with Wolf anymore. I’ll definitely repay the favor in the only way I know how,” the Shadow Rider said, jumping off his horse and landing behind Zero, “I’ll rip you to shreds with this scythe of mine, and I’ll snack on your soul while my horse eats your flesh and drinks your blood to wash it all down.” The Shadow Rider said, putting his scythe to Zero’s throat. “You’re not the same as you were back at the stadium. You’ve changed.” Zero said. “Foolish boy. I’m not that damn flesh bag of a human anymore. I’m the Red Moon Reaper now, and you best not forget it while I cut you apart.” The Shadow Rider said.

“Look around you. The dark horses, the reapers, and the monsters. All of them were in the alternate dimension of the dead I was stuck in after you killed me back in the stadium when we last fought. Although, thanks to the Book of Fear, I was able to escape that dimension, but I was left as a wandering spirit until I was found by the Red Moon Shadow. It gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. The Red Moon Shadow was able to repair my old body and add a few new tricks into it as well. In exchange,” the Red Moon Reaper said, dissapearing and reappearing, standing on top of the grave of someone who was killed during the Star City Festival Genocide, “All I had to do was work with the other six Red Moon Brute clones who were also made by it, given the task of killing anyone who stood in our way, and take over Star City. With the Red Moon Eclipse slowly appproaching, all the Red Moon Demons will be at their peak of strength, and that’s when we’ll strike.” The Red Moon Reaper added, disappearing again and reappearing on a large tomb. “Have you not noticed the absence of Red Moon Demons at night? We’ve been preparing ourselves for our grand attack by taking things during the day even though we’re powerless when the sun shines. We will be prepared to take this city as our own when the eclipse comes, and you won’t be able to stop us. But first…I intend to rip you limb from limb with my scythe and listen to your screams while they echo through this desolate graveyard,” the Red Moon Reaper said, throwing his scythe, causing it to land a foot from Zero’s arm. It jumped off the tomb and landed in front of Zero, making a group of miniature scythes appear around him. “I want to see the power it took you to kill Wolf and the others. I know you have that cursed mark on your arm. Although…I’m feeling like a nice demon.” The Red Moon Reaper said, grabbing his scythe and walking over to a grave, sitting next to it. Afterwards, he pointed up at the sky with the eclipse slowly coming. “I’ll give you until the moon rises. Deal out everything you have, and I won’t do a thing about it. Although, the moment my powers return, you’re dead.” The Red Moon Reaper said, closing his eyes.

Zero hesitated for a moment, but took out his sword and walked towards the Red Moon Reaper. “Reaper, you shouldn’t toy with him.” Zac said, stepping out of the shadows. “What are you doing here?” Zero asked, glaring at Zac. “I’m here for some personal business, but while I’m here, I feel I should set the stage for your fight with Reaper. The moon will rise shortly, and Reaper will have his powers back until dawn, but even so, the eclipse will grow closer. You have no chance.” Zac said, and after he said that, the moon began to rise, and the crimson shine of the Red Moon began to cover Star City again. The Red Moon Reaper smiled as a black aura surrounded him and a mysterious black mist surrounded the graveyard. His eyes were glowing red, and he let out a demonic laugh. “So it begins.” Zac said before snapping his finger and disappearing. “Looks like you waited too long. Time for you to die, kid.” The Red Moon Reaper said, letting out an ear piercing whistle. A black horse came down from the sky, and the Red Moon Reaper jumped on it with his scythe ready. “Now, you will face your reaping. I’ll send you on a one way trip to hell!” the Red Moon Reaper shouted while his horse brayed, charging full speed at Zero.
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