Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1902567-All-Too-Well-Part-1
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1902567
This is my first fan fiction, so please no haters.
Chapter 1

Me and Niall were just on our way to Jessica and Liam's when i rememberd i had to pick up Elizabeth from yoga. Elizabeth has been friends with me since 2nd grade. And i am always told that i am like a sister to her meaning "you get to drive me places" so im stuck doing that. But when i picked her up, on her way to her appartment she said "I don't feel like going home, Gale isn't home and i don't want to be there alone in the dark."
"Well we're going to Jessica and Liam's if you want to come" i said swerving to the rout to Jessicas.
"Thank you" Elizabeth said, as happy as a bee.
We got to Jessica's. "I don't know Sami, the sighn says 'DO NOT DISTURB'" Niall said in a worried voice.
"If she didn't want me to disturb, would she show me where the spare key is?" I said taking an extra key for their appartment out from under a flower pot. I open the door and all the lights are off. I see a flicker of light coming from the bedroom. I went to go see what it was, and of course its Jessica balling her eyes out to Chronicle while Liam's asleep. "Hello? Anybody home?" I said waving my hand in Jessica's face.
"I am, but Andrew isn't." She said pouring more tears out of her eyes.
I walked over to Liam and hit him on he back of the head to wake him up. "Huh?" Liam said, still half asleep.
"Get up lazy buns, don't make me get a spoon" I said thrateningly.
"I'm up!" He said wide awake now.
Niall and Elizabeth walked in. "Well good morning sunshine" Niall said giggling.
"Shut up" Liam said angrily.
"Okay, okay" Niall said still chuckling a little.
"Sorry to interrupt but what the fork is so funny that we can hear all the way from the kitchen?" Harry said as he peeked through the door.
"Oh nothing, just Liam's a little sleepy head, that's all." Niall said begining to laugh again.
"Sami control you food loving weirdo" Louis said barging in.
"Don't you think i'm trying" I said trying to cover his mouth.
"Here just show him this" Zayn said tossing me a chicking wing.
Niall instantly stoped as his eyes widend staring at the chickin wing. "Nialler, i will give you the wing if you calm down" i said. He nodded his head and started nibbleing at the chicken wing.
I love Niall. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me since the break up with my exboyfriend Kyle. I use to think that no one could take his place, untill he dumped me for Lela Soran and i found Niall. The awsome thin is that we are at that stage where we can be fun but serious because i gave him a little "something something" for his birthday two months ago. After the movie was over Jessica flipped out because Louis, Harry and Zayn were here erlier and made complete mess in the living room. So after we cleaned it up there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I said being happy to put down a broom.
"Hi" I heard a sertaint four-inch-fuzball say. I shut the door behind me. "What are you doing here, how did you know were i was if you don't even know were i originally live?" I said whispering.
"Why are you whispering, and i do my reaserch." Kyle said akwardly
"Okay well nice seeing you, now if you escuse me i have to go clean up hair gell out of a rug." i said unexsitedly turning toward the door.
"Sounds fun, can i help?" he said grabbing my wrist.
"Kyle, it was really hard to get over you. I thaught i would never be able to love again, but then i found Niall, and you had your chance but you screwed up. And there are no re-dos in real life. So good bye Kyle. Forever." I said slamming the door in his face.
"I know i fucked up, but i'll find a way for you to forgive me" He said yelling outside the door as i slid down it starting to tear up.
"What wrong baby?" Niall said kneeling infront of me.
"K-kyle." i stutterd.
"That prick? What the hell does he want?" Jessica said yelling from the kitchen.
"It's just nothing' forget it." I said whiping away my tears, then going back to work.
"You know, if you ever want me to get him off your back, i'm here." Niall said comforting me.
"I know, i'm just trying to get him off my mind." i said washing Zayn's "Hevy Strong" gel out of the rug.
After cleaning i drove home, Elizabeth crashed in the middle of cleaning on Jessica's couch, so she let her stay the night, and Niall was too exausted to move a finger so he stayed in their guest room. But i new i still had homework and i had to feed Rajah, my cat. When i got home i herd a noise, i checked to see if it was Rajah, but he was lying down in his bed almost dead asleep. Then all of a sudden i hear a familliar "Hi."
"Oh god, not you again" i said.
"Yup, little ol' me" Kyle said.
I was exausted so i just said "Look i don't know what you want--"
"I want you" He said cutting me off.
"As i was saying, i don't know what you want but i am beat and really want to go to bed, so do whatever you want just keep my house clean, and don't touch any Food or Niall will personaly cut you" i said walking into my room. He walked in.
"I don't want you to sleep, i want to talk." he moaned
"Ok listen here you little nub, you had your chance and you blew it, now don't you have something worse to do than stalk me like go fuck Lela or something?" i said unbeleviably.
"Ok if you want to be a bitch about it than fine be that way but Lela and i broke up because she was to much of a slut." he said debating me.
"She's the slut? You're the one who left your own girlfriend who you have dated for 2 years to go out with someone you barely even know." i siad almost screaming at the top of my lungs.
"I will admit that was a stupid move, but i just can't get over the fact that i still l-" i cut him off.
"Don't say it!" I yelled.
"Love you" He whisperd.
At this point i started to tear up. "Kyle i still love you too, just not the way i use to"
"I understand if you never want to forgive me, i'll leave you alone, goodnight" He said walking out of my room with his head down in shame.
"Kyle wait" I said.
He backed up "What?"
"How bout you, me and Niall all go out for luch Sunday?" I said not beleiving the words coming out of my mouth.
"Okay!" He said in excitement. "I'll see you Sunday, Gnight Sami!" as he walked out of my room, out of my appartment.
"I loath myself" I said covering my head with a pillow, falling asleep like that.

Chapter 2

It was my turn this Sunday to pick where we went, i chose Texas Roadhouse because i know how much Kyle hates country anything. I could tell Niall was alredy getting annoyed with Kyle. I wish i could go back to that night and just let him walk out the door, out of my life, forever. But as Jessica says, i'm to much of a "caver." Which is true, just i hate admiting it. When we arrived, i saw a familiar ramp look alike hair style, than a curly one, than one that is to beutiful for words. Of course it was the boys. Besides Liam who was sick from oversleeping the week befor. So Jessica is at home taking care off him. I think Elizabeth is at her appartment with Gale. I don't get why she lives with her, Gale pisses Elizabeth off all the time. But oh well, her fault. But annyways we were about to order when Louis said "Kyle come to the bthroom with me?"
"Sure dude, Sami you know my usual?" Kyle asked.
"Yup, you go." i answerd.
As they boys headed towards the bathroom. i orderd for Kyle, Zayn orderd for Louis. So as the boys were in the bathroom "Dude stop flirting with Sami, i know she is a pretty cool chick, but she has moved on to Niall and you have got to except that bro." Louis told Kyle.
"I'm not flirting." Kyle said denying Louis. "I just, ugh, i miss her alright."
"I get that but there is no reason for you to try to take her out of this, dude they alredy had sex with eachother." Louis said, then covering up his mouth.
"They what?" Kyle said not beleiving what came out of Louis mouth.
"Sorry bro, but its to late." Louis said, putting his hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him then walking out. Kyle stayed there crying. Louis came back. "Where is Kyle?" i asked Louis.
"Oh, he is stil in the bathroom, he umm... slipped." Louis said winking at Niall.
"I'll be right back" Niall said leaving to the bathroom.
In the bathroom. "What do you want?" Kyle said screaming at Niall
"Dude don't be a little mother fucker, i came in cause Louis-" Niall got inturrupted.
"Oh cause Louis has done so much you sex monkey." Kyle said with more tears runing down his face.
"He told me you were in trouble, but apparently you are just acting like the little prick jessica described to me." Niall said screaming at the top of his lungs. Finially he barged out of the bathroom and to our table. "We're leaving." He said grabbing my arm. "But our food just got here." I said trying to convince him to stay.
"After we eat." He said marching over to his plate. We finished eating and Kyle finially came out of the bathroom. We got into the car "Can we stop by Jessica's, i want to see how Liam is doing." i asked Niall.
"I guess so, as long as Kyle stays in the car." Niall said demandingly.
"Niall Irish Horan, it is twenty-one degrees out side, he is coming in with us." I yelled.
"Fine." He said knowing that i was right.
"Thanks Sami." Kyle siad softly.
We arrived at the house. "Hey Jess, how is Liam?" i asked.
"He's getting better." Jessica siad showing us to the room he was resting in.
Liam starts to wake up a little. "Time to feed him" Jessica said getting Liam his soup.
"Get that spoon out of my face Jessica." Liam yelled.
"Oops, sorry Lili, i thaught i grabed a fork." Jessica siad running to get a fork.
"Well we just wanted to-" I got inturrupted.
"Is that Kyle?" Jessica siad pointing at Kyle.
"Yep." He said.
"Aww hell no, hold my fork." Jessica said.
I held her back. Kyle ran in a corner. "Go back to Liam!" I said running after him.
Niall started to go after me "Don't, let them talk." Liam said sipping his soup.

Chapter 3

"Kyle?" i asked creeping in through a crack in the door.
"Go away." Kyle said sobbing.
"But i don't want to go away, i want to talk." I said sitting down next to him.
"Sex monkeys?" Kyle asked. "What the fuck?"
"No, Kyle you don't understand, Louis can over react. Alot." I said trying to calm him down.
"He was telling me how you guys are together and i have to accept that. But i am still in love with you." Kyle Whisperd.
A tear peeked out of my eye "Kyle please."
He went on "Do you know how hard it is for me to see you with him, after all we went through?"
"How hard it is for you? What the fuck?.. I didn't come out of my room for two weeks when you left me for Lela. You know that bitch fucked up my entire life the second i steped into that school on the very first day. But you went and left me for that fucked up whore anyway." I screached so loud everybody else in the other room heard.
"That's my girl" Jessica said giving Liam his last sip of soup.
"Okay i will admit for the thirteen millionth time, i fucked up but you should forgive me, i mean we are young-." i stoped Kyle
"Young? I'm 17, You're 16, i know it would be forgivable if i was single and still 12, but not anymore." I said proudly.
"You know what? I'm out. goodbye Sami, forever." Kyle said walking towards the door.
"How are you going to leave if you can't drive yet?" I yelled across the house.
He stopped. "Fine, I'll stay, but we have to work through this, Deal?" He asked holding out his had.
I hugged him. "Okay break it up" Niall said moving me away from him.
"Nialler chill, you are still my sweetie." I giggled.
"Hey, i don't mean to be rude but we're beat so do you guys mind leaving?" Jessica yawned.
"Sure, good night Jess" I said, waving out the door.
"Good night Liam." Niall yelled making sure he heard him.
So when we left i dropped Kyle off at his house and we said we'll see him next month, so we have a monthly visit now. On our way home me and Niall just had an akward conversation about our relationhip and how Kyle isn't going to interfear with it. When we got home i first collapsed on the bed. Niall climed in bed and hiverd over me "Hi there cutie" He said kissing my lips softly. I kissed back harder deepening the kiss. He started taking off his shirt. "What are you doing" i asked.
"I thaught we could maby.. well you know." He siad trying not to give away what we were about to do.
"Maby what?" I said knowing alredy wht his responce would be.
"Don't make me sing it." He begged.
"Please? You know you want to." I begged back.
"Ugh fine, ♪♫I want you to rock me♫♪" He sang.
"Okay" I spazzed helping him take off his shirt. By the time we were done Niall was mimicking Liam and Jessica "You were so loud" He said in a nagging high pitched voice. I was trying my hardest not to laugh. I kissed him on the lips than went to bed. "Good night my food loving angle" I said half asleep not even knowing i said that.
We woke up the next morning. "Good morning my irish loving angle" Niall siad kissing my cheek.
"Where did you get that from?" i asked.
"Last night, you told me 'good night my food loving angle' befor you fell asleep.
"I must have been talking in my sleep again. I do that some times. Specially when i go to bed after having a cup of tea." I said remembering the lyrics to Little Things.
"Speacking of little things, do you want to call up Elizabeth and see how her 'Gale' problame is?" he asked me.
"Totally!" i said reaching for my phone. Typing in the sentance i always use for this "Hey girl jump on Skype real quick" Which i got from a guy on Youtube. Thank you Jessica.
"Sure" She replied as i took out my laptop, her doing the same.
"Hey girl" I said in a very high pitched voice.
"Hi" She said with a very long "i".
"Ha so hows it going?" i asked.
"It is getting worse." She sounded sad.
"What is Gale doig over there?" i said being nosey.
"She is saying how the christmas directions should be up now so we don't need to worrie about puting them up in the winter. I mean dude, we live in an appartment, chill." She said wishing that she had the guts to actually say that to her.
"What did you say!" Gale yelled in the backround.
"Nothing Gale, i'm on Skype with Sami and her boyfriend." She said winking at me.
"I'm going to cut you" I said threatningly.
"Try blondie" she said.
"Hey i wouldn't be talking" Niall said.
"Oh hush up you blonde, irish leprecon." she used as a comeback.
"Well we have to go check up on Liam." I said using it as a good bye.
"Can i come?" i want to see Harry." It seems like shee has been flirting with Harry lately.
"Sorry, Harry isn't going to be there. He has solo recordings today." I told her.
"Okay, talk to you two love birds later than. bye" she said than hung up.

Chapter 4

After going to Jessica's, me and Niall went home. He's going to be in the studios all day tomorrow so i won't be able to see him untill midnight. But when we got home Niall instantly heard one of his bags of chips crying so he ran to the living room only to see Mr. Sexy himself, Louis Tomlinson, was there. "Louis, what the forks?" Niall said.
"What i got lonely since Harry is in recording today and Zayn's out getting his hair done." Louis pouted.
"Just let him stay Niall, he's not doing any harm." I begged.
"Ok, fine, but if that bag of chips dosn't leave his hands in five seconds i'm gonna bitch slap somebody!" He said in frustration while Louis was putting the chips away.
"Hey i just rememberd something, Don't you have school today?" Louis asked me.
"....Aw shit!" I said charging for the phone calling up Eliabeth.
"Sami what do you want i'm in school?" Elizabeth asked.
"I need you to tell the pricipal i was't feeling good today so i stayed home and i felt to weak to call up and tell them myself." I directed her.
"Okay, fine but next time don't expect help." She told me.
"Okay but next time don't expect anybody to pick you up from yoga." I used for her to reson with me.
"Really? But... Fine i'm on my way." Niall hung up his cell phone. "That was work, they want me in for recording early. Sorry babe, Louis take care of Sami for me while i'm gone for the next two days." Niall appologised then comanded.
"Yes sir Irish sir." Louis said saluting.
Niall left. "So what's up?" Louis asked sitting next ot me on the couch.
"I'm just about to watch the best three movies ever made, care to join?" I asked
"Do i have a choice?" He asked back.
"Well you hav a choice of which one we're going to watch first. Do you want Scream 4, Chronicle, or Pitch Perfect?" I said giving him a choice.
"Pitch Perfect!" He said excitedly.
"You know if you want i'll play cups when she does in the movie." I told him
"You can do cups? Oh my god, fuck the movie i want to see you doing it now." He demanded.
"Fine, get me a plastic cup." I told him clearing my throat sitting at the table.
I started playing the beat.
"I took my ticket for the long way round
two bottles of whisky for the way
and i sure would like some sweet company
and i'm leaving tomorrow what do you say
when i'm gone
when i'm gone
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone
you're gonna miss my by my hair
you're going to miss me everywhere
oh, i know you're going to miss me when i'm gone."
I did the beat over again for the second verse, this time Louis sang along.
"I took my ticket for the long way round
the one with the prettiest of veiws
it's got moutains
it's got rivers
it's got sights to give you shivers
but it sure would be prettier with you
when i'm gone
when i'm gone
you're gonna miss me when i'm gone
you're gonna miss me by my walk
you're gonna miss me by my talk
oh, i know you're gonna miss me when i'm gone."
"Louis, that was amazing!" I said
"You were the good one here, i sounded like a penguin." he debated
"Well then penguins have very beutiful voices." I said walking over to the TV putting the DVD in.
"Hey Sami."
"I have something to tell you but you have to swear on your life you will never tell Niall or just forget i even told you."
"I promise."
"I like you."
"Aww thanks Lou i like you too."
"No, not like that, more then friends like."
"Oh." I Begin to blush.
"Just forget i even said that ok?"
"Louis i-"
"Jus forget about it"
"I use to like you, in that kind of way befor i found out about Elanor. Then Niall came into my life."
All of a sudden he kissed me. It was weird. Then Zayn walked in the unlocked doorway.
"What the fork is going on here?" Zayn asked
"Nothing, we were just about to watch a movie" Louis answed as if nothing really did happen.
"Mhm, well mind if i join?" Zayn asked
"Well you might not like it, concitering it is just like High School Musical." Louis said trying to get him to leave.
"Okay, peace. But if i walk in on you two doing something like that again i'm telling Niall and Elanor." he threatend
"Aw shit, we're screwd" Louis said
"Because, your lips are so soft, i want to kiss htem again."
He kissed me again.
"Okay, Louis i'm sorry but we can't be doing this, specially behind everybodys back. I think it's best if you leave." I said walking away from him starting to tear up.
"No buts Louis, just go"
"LEAVE!" i said now poaring tears.

Chapter 5

Me, Jessica, and our friend Gabby were hanging out when Elizabeth told us that Gale got kicked out for making to much noise having sex with the elementary school janitor. Gabby asked her if she could move in since she is sick of helping her mom take care of her brothers. "Great, you can move in tomorrow. I'm sure Gale will be out by then." Elizabeth said.
"Okay, i'll see you Friday for the Four Lights band session." Gabby said excitedly. 'Four Lights' is mine, Jessica, Elizabeth, and Gabby's band. We are all ourselfs. I write half the songs and i play guitar. Jessica hels me with some of the songs and is a master at the piano. Gabby writes the rest of the songs. Elizabeth hels us with the beats. Therefor we are Four Lights.
It's my 18th birthday and Niall said he has a big supprise for me. I am sweating over at Jessica's and Liam keeps on tourchering me, telling me that he knows what it is and is trying to tell me but i want Niall to tell me. Niall walks through the door and i shot up like a firework. "Girl, sit the fuck down." Jessica said quoting one of the funniest videos on Youtube.
"She's right, Sami can you please sit down?" Niall asked me. I did so. "Okay, you know how i met your parents last month?" he asked me. I shook my head.
"Well, i got everyone plane tickets to Ireland for a visit in Mulingar for the next week." He said in supprise. I got up and ran to the bathroom, Jessica following after me.
"What, i thaught it was a good idea." Niall said sadly.
"It is just Sami is so excited she's puking." Liam joked. Niall got up and walked over to the bathroom then knocked on the door.
"Sami are you okay babe?" Niall asked.
"Super" I said then went back to puking. Jessica walked out.
"Is she okay? I want to talk to her." Niall told Jessica.
"She's fine. Jus got a little to excited that she.... well.... puked. Mutiple times." Jessica said with her head down.
"Ha! I told you." Liam said from the livingroom.
"Shut the fuck up Liam, nobody likes you" Niall screached.
"Hey! I like him." Jessica defended. I came out of the bathroom.
"Are you ok?" Niall said hugging me.
"Fine" i laughed "Just a little excited im going to meet your parents and Greg and i get to meet a bunch of Irish sluts and punch them in the dick that they have for flirting with my boyfriend."
"She's crazy i tell you" Jessica said "She would do that."
"And this is why i love you." Niall said with his arm arround me kissing me softly. "Well you better start packing we leave wednesday."
"What?!? But that's only two days away." I said shocked.
"Exactly. so ypu better call up Gabby and Elizabeth cause Jess, Four Lights and One Direction are going to Ireland"
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