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Contest Entry |
"On your feet Smug. You've got a visitor." The smuggler opened his eyes and regarded the khaki covered guard on the other side of the poly-steel mesh door. A grin passed over the charismatic features of Smug's face as he settled his head deeper into the fabric pillow at the head of the cell-bunk and closed his eyes. "Tell him to go away George. I'm busy right now." "That would be a mistake Mr. Smug," came an unfamiliar voice. "What I have to say could profit you greatly. But my time is limited, and you will have to fore-go any games." Smug’s eyes flew open as a tall man in a grey suit stepped from behind George's back and presented himself at the cell door. Careful now. Rule number one of negotiating a new client. Never appear too eager. Out loud Smug said, "Well, I guess I could squeeze you into my busy schedule." Smug rose from the bunk and made a half mocking bow that ended in a sweeping arm gesture. "Please. Come into my office and be seated." After a calculated moment’s pause he grinned widely and added, "Sir." The suit nodded to the guard who entered a series of numbers into a keypad on the building's wall. As hydraulics whirred and the door slid open, the suit entered the cell and George said, "I'll be right outside if there's any trouble Sir. George looked hard at Smug and momentarily rested his hand on the butt of the gun resting in the holster at his side. "Don't worry George. I'll look after our new friend." Especially if Mr Suit here can get me out of this hole he thought. The suit placed a tablet on the cell's table, then took a seat and motioned for Smug to do the same. "Have a look at the map. You should recognize the area." Smug examined the tablet, then pressed a button and a holographic image filled the table. The smuggler walked around the image, checking out various buildings from various angles, zooming in once on one building in particular. "Looks like Shanghai Corporation Weapons Complex 12. That long strip of concrete is new though." "Correct. It is SWC 12. And it so happens Mr Smug that I have a unique need that you are uniquely qualified to fill." "What sort of need?" "I need to get 3 people here." The suit pointed to a large structure in the middle of the hologram. "Can't be done. Nobody gets into SWC 12 who doesn't belong there." "You did once." Whoa. Just how the heck did this joker know about that? Stall for time Smug. Until you can figure out what the score is. Figure out how to play the angles here. "My, you are well informed. I thought I had tied up all the loose ends related to that particular incident. Just why do you want to get three guys into SWC anyway?" "Because I want them to destroy this." The suit pressed a button on the tablet and the map was replaced by a hologram of a streamlined cylinder on wheels with two large projections from either side." "What is it? Sort of looks like one of those old fashioned jet planes you see in the old movies." "Very astute Mr Smug. It is in fact a jet airplane. The largest ever built." "Yeah, you don't say. Just how big is it? " "It's wingspan from tip to tip is over 5000 feet. Once complete it will weigh more than the great pyramid of Giza." Smug let out a low whistle. "Why would anyone want to build such a monster? What the heck does it carry that couldn't be floated with a portation field?" "We'll get to that in a moment. Perhaps now is the time to introduce myself. Do you remember where you were when the free nations issued the declaration of defiance? "You mean the message? Yeah, sure I remember. I'd just finished running a load of guys out of UOP into the North American Federation. It was early in my career. What's that got to do with you?" "I wrote the message, Mr Smug." Smugs mouth dropped open. "You? You started the corporate wars?" Holy shit Smug. You're running with the big boys this time. Don't mess this up. Your ticket out of this place has arrived. "Not by myself Mr Smug. But yes, I was there when the last of the free nations banded together to draft the freedom manifesto and send the New World League the declaration that started the war." Smug whistled again. "I guess I should thank you then. My business grew 10 fold when the war started. You wouldn't believe how many people want to get out of the corporate states. Or how much they are willing to pay." Which brings us back to the business at hand, Mr Smug. Are you interested or not? "Just why do you want to blow up a big airplane?" "Because it's not just an airplane. It is in fact a flying fusion reactor coupled to a neutron generator. The NWL calls it The Silencer. And if it gets airborne, well, the war is lost and the concept of freedom will be a thing relegated to history books. If there are any history books left to be read that is." "Whats it do?" "Essentially it flies about a mile high and targets a cone of neutrons at the ground about a mile in diameter. Everywhere the bottom of that cone touches, life dies. Hence the term Silencer. Everything in its wake becomes silent." Do the math Mr Smug. If it flies as slow as 500 miles an hour, thats a swath 500 miles long by a mile in diameter. 500 square miles an hour. 12000 square miles every 24 hours. In 30 days it will have obliterated every city, town, and village in the free nations, leaving buildings and infrastructure intact." "Why don't you just shoot the thing down then? Didn't particle weapons make airplanes obsolete?" "Its the fusion generator Mr Smug. In addition to powering the neutron generator, it powers a shield. For all intents and purposes, it is a flying fortress. And the only way to destroy it is from the inside." "All you have to do is get my people close. They will do the rest." "And my fee?" Mr Smug, succeed in this mission and the free nations will grant you whatever request you might make. There's just one catch Mr Smug." What's that? The suit touched a button on the tablet and a holographic countdown appeared above the table. You have 30 seconds to decide if you want the job or not." Freedom, the promise of unlimited wealth. Besides, if things looked a little dicey he could always bail anytime he wanted. Really, what choice was there? Smug reached out to touch the tablet and the countdown stopped. "When do we begin?" he asked. ### The guard opened the door to the hanger and escorted Smug inside. Bright lights blinded him for a moment, but when his eyes adjusted he saw the suit standing with two men and a woman at a bench in front of a small hover-barge. As the guard removed Smugs handcuffs the suit and the three walked over to him. "Smug, meet the other members of your team. The suit pointed to a tall well built man of about 30. Thats Lance, he's in charge of the mission. This is Gerald, he'll set the charges on the Silencer. And this is Linda. Her job is to protect the team. The suit looked at the three and said, " This is Smug." Smug shook the hands of the two men, then kissed the hand of the groups lone female. He flashed her his famous smile. "You can call me Smug the Magnificent if you wish." Before Linda could respond Lance said, "What's the plan Smug?" "We'll go through the Japanese Shanghai tunnel. It will take us directly under where you want to be." "Lance raised his eyebrows. The tunnels been collapsed since the start of the war. It's impassible." "Smug smiled. Thats why I asked for all this gear." Smug pointed to the heavily laden packs on the workbench. "There are ways around that." "And after we get to the end of the tunnel?" "After that There is no plan. We've got to get close to the complex. Then look for a way in, a weakness." "What if there is no weakness?" "There's always a weakness. Somebody gets careless. Something gets overlooked. That's my job. To see what nobody else can see." "Very well then. We've got a long march and a short time to do it." Lance shouldered a pack. "There's a lot of gear in here Smug. You sure it's all necessary?" "Like I say, I won't know what we'll need till we get there." Silently he added, and the more you have to lug the more tired you'll get and the easier it will be for me to skeedaddle away should the need arise." Smug looked at the suit. "What about the special equipment I asked for?" "Already on board. Two we found in a museum. We used them as patterns to fabricate the other two." "Then I guess its time to go." "Mount Up," said Lance. Smug, go up front and tell the pilot what route you want." ### Hours later Smug awoke, and rose to peer out the view-port over Linda's shoulder. "Ugly, isn't it?" said the pretty woman. "It wasn't like this the last time I flew over Japan." "Now you know what were fighting for. Japan gets the brunt of the conflict. NWL lands forces. We beat them back. Over and over the cycle gets repeated. Each time the land gets more and more scared. More and more of the population dies." "Did you ever stop and think the fight might not be worth it?" Linda turned her gaze on Smug, and for a moment he felt naked. There was a gentleness in her face he had never seen directed towards him before, like a bright spotlight from a cops beam shining into the cubbyholes where he would hide as a kid. "I read your file Smug. It's no surprise you are who you are. But sooner or later you'll have to choose Smug. The day will come where you may have to fight for something greater than yourself." Smug forced a grin, his practiced grin that he could whip out at the drop of a hat. "Sure babe, whatever you say." But silently he simply said chumps. They're nothing but friggin chumps. Lance stepped from the cockpit into the main cabin. "We are close to the tunnel now." "Have the pilot put us down in the rail yard, as close to the tunnel mouth as he can get us," said Smug. Lance spoke to a crewman and soon the hover-barge was kicking up great clouds of orange dust as it settled to the ground. The engine roar ceased, replaced by the whine of hydraulics powering open cargo bay doors. Smug grasped the handles of one of the special equipement and walked out onto the debris covered rail yard, motioning for the other three to do he same. After the barge had left Lance asked "What are these things?" "They were called bicycles. They date from before the last century. Watch." Smug mounted the two wheeled contraption and pedaled a circuit around the three astonished warriors. "How do you keep from falling off?" asked Linda. Smug smiled. "It takes some getting used to. Get on and follow me." After a half hour of practice Smug judged them ready and switched on the light on the front of the bicycle. "Follow me." he said and pointed himself into the dark tunnel, followed by the others. For the better part of 3 days they made good time. During a rest stop Lance asked, "Can you shoot?" "Better than you." Lance smiled, but Smug felt no malice behind it. Why did this guy get under his skin so bad? Friggin Chump. "You don't grow up in the fringelands without learning how to shoot." "Show me what you can do Smug." Lance unholstered his side arm and handed it butt first to Smug. Smug grasped the butt of the weapon and for a second his finger twitched, involuntarily landing on the safety. No, better not. One he could get. But all three? Crazy. these crazy chumps. How have you all stayed alive this long? Smug inspected the weapon. An old style 50 caliber GlockenWesen Semi-Automatic with rocket propelled shells. He twirled the handgun about his finger, like the gunfighters in the old westerns he'd watch as a kid, and then took aim at a dangling piece of angle iron on the tunnel roof barley visible in the distance. Smug squeezed the trigger and almost instantly a cloud of dust sprang off the angle iron, then a moment latter the ping of lead on steel echoed throughout the tunnel. "Lance undid the belt that held the holster to his chest and handed it to Smug. "Good shooting Smug." "Your letting me keep this?" What kind of chumps are these guys? "You do know they dragged me out of prison for this cockamamie scheme, right?" "We know Smug. We know." Smug took up the point and they resumed the ride. Chumps he thought. Crazy chumps. During another rest period Linda bent over her pack to retrieve an insta-meal and Smug took advantage of the view. She caught him looking at her and a quizzical look crossed her face. Blood surfaced to the top of his cheeks and he cast his eyes downward. "Sorry," he said. She crossed in front of the fire they had built and stopped directly in front of him. Then, slowly, gently, she placed her hand on his cheek. "Tell me what you need Smug." He suppressed a tremble, hoping she didn't see. Then the old Smug returned. "Nothin. I don't need nothin. Just some sleep is all." "Ok Smug. Just remember your part of a team now. Your needs count too." "Yeah, well right now I need some sleep." "Goodnight Smug." Another long ride. Another rest period. Smug approached the silent Gerald. "Just how do you plan on destroying something that big anyway?" Gerald undid the flap on a large pocket on his leg and removed a thermos sized silver canister. He handed it to Smug and said, Don't drop it. One hard impact could set it off." Smug rolled the canister between his hands gingerly."What is it? High explosive?" Gerald shook his head. "Nope. Something new. It's a vial of pure antimatter contained in a magnetic bottle. Nobody knows for sure how big the bang will be. But the science boys assure me it'll take out the Silencer. And maybe half of Shanghai Corp with it." "If you don't know how big of a blast it'll make, how will we know if we're far enough away so we don't get caught in the blast." Gerald glanced at Lance, then smiled at Smug. "Don't worry Smug. Just get us to where we need to be, then turn around and start running." After another day's ride brought them to the collapsed part of the tunnel. The trio gathered around Smug expectantly. "I don't see how you can possibly get through this," said Lance. "The collapsed portion is known to be at least 10 miles long." "12.5 to be exact," said Smug as he began to undo the wheels from the frame of his bicycle. He motioned to the other's machines and said, "You need to do the same. It's a tight squeeze in places." The trio gave each other puzzled glances but did as Smug requested. After the bicycles had been collapsed into small packages Smug crossed to the side of the tunnel and brushed debris away from a small trap door. "What is it?" asked Lance. "A service shaft?" Smug shook his head from side to side. "No, it's an entrance to the tool room." "The what?" asked Linda. "The tool room. When the boys built the tunnel they would sometimes drill little hideaways into the side of the tunnel that the bosses never knew about. When they wanted a little break they would make the excuse that they needed something from the tool room and disappear for a while. There's a whole series of these little cubbyholes. It took me some time, but I connected a few of them up and made a bypass around the collapsed section." This time it was Lances turn to whistle. "Clever." "And profitable." "How did you ever find out about these cubbyholes?" asked Lance. "Like I say, there's always something that gets overlooked." Days later the four emerged from the improvised tunnel on the other side of the collapsed section and reassembled the bicycles. Another five days of riding and they found themselves directly under Shanghai weapons complex 12. ### "Give me that tablet." Smug hit a button and a 3d schematic hologram projected in front of him. "There," he said. "That steam pipe passes right through the hanger. Blow the pipe here, let the steam out and we'll have a quick crawl and be right in the hanger. Blow another hole from inside the pipe. Drop out, set the charges, back out the pipe and we're on our way back the way we came." Lance looked over Smugs shoulder at the hologram, then clasped Smugs shoulder. "Good work Smug. You've done your job and done it well." Inside Smug felt odd. He could only describe it as warm and fuzzy. Damn, it was worse than recovering from a bad trip. "Alright." Smug Shouldered his pack and watched as Gerald set a small explosive device on the ferrocrete steam pipe. "Lets get to it." A muffled explosion echoed throughout the tunnel, followed by the whistle of superheated steam condensing into thick foggy vapor. Smug could barely see now, but he felt Lance's hands on his shoulder, turning him back in the direction from which they had come. "This is as far as you go Smug," said Lance. "I don't understand." "You've done your job. Head back the way you came Smug." Panic gripped him, as the warm and fuzzy feeling evaporated. "But we are a team. Teams keep each others back." "Sorry Smug. I can't let you come with us." Smug stood perfectly still, an awful suspicion beginning to crawl up his spine. Had he been duped? How many times had he played people? Maybe the master player had finally met his match. "Well, ok then. I'll just wait here until you blow that thing and then we'll all head back." Linda moved in front of him and gently stroked his cheek. "We aren't going back with you Smug." "I don't understand." "It's a one way mission Smug. Once we breach the hanger we've only got seconds before SC responds. There's not enough time for us to make it out. " "What type of lame hair brained fool of a plan is that? What moronic retard came up with that idea.Desperate now, Smug's mind raced. Look, give me a few minutes, I'll come up with something. I'm good at this sort of thing. Just give me a few minutes. That's all I ask. I just need to think." "Sorry Smug." Linda leaned closer and soft lips brushed his cheeks. Then she waved and disappeared into the vapor and darkness along with her two companions. Scant minutes passed. Alone, Smug shook his head. Crazy bunch of chumps. What did they mean one way mission? He let out a sigh and glanced down the tunnel. The foggy vapor had cleared now, quicker than he had expected. Just one step. One step was all it would take and he'd be headed back to a life of wealth and privilege he'd only ever fantasized about. "Dang it." He heard a dull explosion from the open steam pipe. The fools must have blown the other end and be dropping out into the hanger right now he thought. A muffled rat-a-tat-tat. Gunfire. Shit. They'd been caught instantly. What hair brained moron had come up with this plan? Smug found himself shucking his pack and hoisting himself into the open steam pipe. Idly, that part of his brain that had kept him alive all these years asked a question. Umm, what ya doin Smug ? Shut up. Uh, Smug old buddy, this ain't a good idea. I know it. You still need to shut up. His knees and hands began to hurt as he crawled through the pipe. Especially his hands. The pipe still radiated residual heat from the steam. He wondered if the team had burnt themselves as they climbed through. He saw the opening the trio had blown. He slithered close and peered out into the brightly lit hanger. Below him, under the massive bulk of the Silencer he made out the trio, hands held high, covered with the deadly machine guns of SC troopers. You have to do something Smug. Quick brain, quick. Come up with a plan. But no plan presented itself. Smug saw Lance look towards the open pipe where Smug was hidden and nudge Gerald. A profound sadness passed through Smug and for the first time in his life the smuggler wept as he realized what was going to happen. So, it was true. Time did slow down at the end. Smug watched Gerald's arm draw back, then blur forward and release the silver canister into a silver arc flying through the air. "Shoot, Smug. Shoot." came Lances voice, but elongated and slowed like it was moving through water or thick air. Hardly even aware of what he was doing Smug saw his arm come up level, the GlockenWessen in his hand, and watched the weapon track the silver canister. He felt his finger squeeze the trigger, and watched the bullet streak through the air. A hit. A fireball engulfed the canister, growing, growing. Smug saw a beautiful blue flame engulf the Silencer, then his friends, all the while getting bigger and bigger and closer to him. He could feel the heat now. But it was nothing compared to the warm and fuzzy feeling that now engulfed him. <<<<>>>> |