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Part 1: Dust Bunnies
Written by Sean D. Rasmussen
Compiled by Billy W. Mitchell |
Dust Bunnies Dust Bunnies Dust bunnies, dust bunnies live everywhere, Hiding in the sofa and under the chair Dancing and twirling in the mornings light Scampering and hiding during the night Around the corner I see them peek In a game of Hide and Go Seek And under the bed where they sleep at times they keep me entertained with dust bunny rhymes Laughing and singing dust bunny songs, dancing around me when I come along Leaping and playing without a care They tickle my feet and play with my hair Dancing and hiding and playing their games Hitching rides on old toy trains Looking for treasures in every drawer, finding a penny and looking for more Looking forward to each new day and looking for new friends along the way With nothing to trouble their soft furry minds they look to the future and never behind If we watch them play for even a while The Dust bunny logic can make you smile Much can we learn from what dust bunnies teach Happiness and Joy is not out of reach Dust Bunnies at Play A small dust bunny woke early one day, smiling, happy and ready to play. It smiled and sang its happy song, and the rest of the bunnies all sang along. They hopped and danced to the bunny tune, from under the bed to each of the rooms. Laughing and playing bunny games too, ready for a new day with new things to do. Ready to play new bunny games, to tell stories and ride paper airplanes. Making bunny treats are so much fun, chocolate and peppermint snacks for everyone. Out into the yard the Dust bunnies go, to plant a garden, and watch it grow. In neat little rows two by two, carrots and squash and wildflowers too. All of the dust bunnies singing their song, making up lyrics as they sing along. All through the day until the sun goes down, the dust bunnies are happy, you don't see a frown. One more game of hide and seek they play, before they decide to call it a day. One by one they crawl back to their beds, and have dust bunny dreams running through their heads. Dust Bunnies at the Zoo I was awoken this morning by the sound of fuzzy feet the dust bunnies were awake and playing hide and go seek I knew it was early, pulled the covers over my head and before I knew it, the dust bunnies filled my bed They snuck under the covers and tickled my feet they hopped on the headboard and offered me treats They woke me up early to start a brand new day filled with wonders and new games to play "Good Morning, Good Morning", I heard them all sing as they danced all around me in a dust bunny ring They laughed and they played as I made us all cereal to make sure we started off with a nice healthy meal When breakfast was over and the dishes were done the dust bunnies bounded off to go have some fun Hiding in the bookcase to look for hidden treasures, and riding the ceiling fan are simple dust bunny pleasures I gathered them all up and we went outside on such a nice day we went for a ride I decided to take them all somewhere that was new and we all loaded up to go to the zoo Happy little dust bunnies filed out two by two looking in amazement with so much to do They got to see the elephant and giraffe and watched the monkeys and got a great laugh They all got a look at the zebra and the seal and then we all sat down for a break and a meal They shared with the pigeons and the squirrels too and had lots of fun there at the big zoo We went to the pool when we finished our meals and got to see the dolphins and seals They saw the big lion and the crocodile (and saw on the map that it came from the Nile) They even saw the bats sleeping upside down and a mother tiger carrying her cub around Every little dust bunny got an elephant ride and laughed when they watched how the otters slide It was getting late when I looked at the clock but they all got a toy at the souvenir shop They all waved goodbye at their friends at the zoo and as we were leaving the animals waved too All to the house the dust bunnies did talk about the animals they saw on their walk and how happy they were to go somewhere new and all of the friends they made at the zoo Dust Bunnies in Spring The Dust Bunnies were playing, on a day in spring. Enjoying sunny games, and learning many things. They played with the squirrels, and the field mice too. On a sunny day, there was very much to do. One climbed a tree, to learn the robin's song. Another was running with a squirrel, playing tag as they went along. They enjoyed the day, in the springtime breeze. Then they shared their meal, of bunny treats and cheese. They watched the shapes in the clouds, that were in the air so high. They watched the speed of hummingbirds, as they sped so quickly by. On the back of a friendly turtle, they then went for a ride. Who told them stories of ages past, of a prince and his bride. They watched a small lizard, who could change from brown to green. Each agreed that its special trick, was the best they had ever seen. The sun was getting low, and the bunnies had to get along. They waved goodbye to all their friends, and sang the robins song. Dust Bunny Angel The dust bunnies have an angel with patchwork wings of white, who watches over them as they play and as they sleep at night She keeps them safe as they play all their bunny games, and loves the sound of their laughter and knows each dust bunny name She keeps them safe from all harm as they run and play, and watches over each one throughout every day She makes sure they don't bump their heads or hurt themselves climbing trees. She makes sure that they don't get stung by ants, wasps or bees Sometimes she sits there quietly listening to their songs, or gently persuading them away from doing anything wrong. She sits upon a small white cloud or sometimes upon a shelf "I have the best job in the world” she often says to herself For she watches little dust bunnies play in the mornings light and enjoys their songs and laughter and dust bunny stories at night Dust Bunny Band The dust bunnies had an idea so bold and so grand They decided to make a dust bunny band with flutes and horns and lots of drums They all got started, it was loads of fun Looking for instruments was such a fun chore When a good one was found they would hunt for more A tiny toy drum and a small baby rattle and a horse that went "Neigh" when you pulled on the saddle A Christmas tree trumpet all covered in string Small toy guitars and brass bells to ring Bicycle horns that blew some strange notes, And a little toy banjo with a string that was broke A xylophone that was made of Popsicle sticks and a New Year’s toy that made some strange clicks a little toy flute and a wind chime all were gathered by them in due time When they were ready they made up some chairs from toothpicks and cloth that they had found there All arranged and seated with instruments in hand They started a concert of the Dust Bunny Band Their first song was soft, gentle and sweet Followed by a break for dust bunny treats Then they returned with smiles on their faces all with their instruments and back to their places They performed music with a smile on everyone I applauded loudly when they were all done And as they danced and did bows all around I was amazed at the beauty of the dust bunny sound People tend to not hear the music life makes they shut it away, the biggest mistake But the dust bunnies laughter in the name of fun Produces the sweetest music under the sun Dust Bunny Camping The dust bunnies went camping with me last week, in a place that I know of near a clear cool creek. We started out that morning and hiked past the trees, singing and playing in the cool winter breeze. They played with the squirrels in a game of squirrel tag, offered it peanuts from out of a bag. As they hiked they sang bunny songs, dancing and playing as they marched along. They got to explore the camping place, with looks of wonder on every bunny face. They saw the leaves of orange, red and yellow, and saw the tracks of raccoons and armadillo. They all helped putting up the tents, and then had a snack of bunny trail mix. They looked around and found new things, petrified wood, and a feather from a birds wing. They looked across the stream and saw a grown deer, and all were excited to see it so near. They watched it take a sip from the stream, and disappear in the forest as silent as a dream. The sun was setting so we made a small fire, and sat around it singing songs for a while. Roasting marshmallows and making treats, watching the sunset as we eat. Soon all went inside their little tents, tired little bunnies, their energy all spent. They giggled and played until they went to sleep, listening to the sounds of the water in the creek. The next day it was time to break camp, I fed them all breakfast and turned out the lamp. As we cleaned the campsite, I saw them all look and wave to the deer that they saw at the brook Dust Bunny Day Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, come out of bed, open your eyes and raise your heads. the sun is rising, there is lots to be done, it’s a new day for everyone. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, run and play, throughout the hours of the day, Play your games and have some fun, spread your joy to everyone. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, do your dance, around the tables, chairs and lamps. Do your dance to make us smile, with the Bunny Hop, single file. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, play your games, ride around on old toy trains, Make a game with a spinning top, and have some fun and never stop. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, sing your song, have everyone there sing along. Make up words as you play, to bring sunshine in everyone’s day. Dust Bunnies, Dust bunnies, tell your tale, make up stories of dolphins and whales. Tell us the story of the Dust Bunny Knight, and how he lived in the Castle of Light. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, make us smile, as we watch you for a while. Your bunny magic is so grand, as you play hand in hand. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, it’s time for bed, where bunny dreams fill your head. Be rested for a brand new day, to sing and dance and laugh and play. Dust Bunnies, Dust Bunnies, with the purest hearts, no day is ended because another does start. Every minute is full of fun, Dust Bunnies, share this secret with everyone. Dust Bunny Dream (the Balloon) A dust bunny had a dream, so real did it seem. of flying away in a balloon. Way up high in the air, it soared without care, in the light of the crescent moon. Past the pyramids of Egypt, and masted sailing ships, that lay anchored in the deep blue sea. It heard angels sing, as they flew on pure white wings, watching over you and me. It flew over England and France, and watched people dance, in the castles that are there. On the highest mountain, animals played around a fountain, and waved at the bunny in the air. It flew toward the stars, past the Earth and Mars. Up, up, up to outer space. There it saw the Milky Way, but knew it could not stay, although it was a beautiful place. So with the night almost gone, the balloon took it home, back to its friends and family. It flew back to its bunny bed, with a fluffy pillow under its head, as the morning light rises for all to see. Dust Bunny Dreaming The dust bunnies were all sleeping, sleeping in their beds. Each had fun dreams, fill their little heads. One was dreaming of the zoo, with lions, tigers and bears. Dreaming of a party, with all the animals there. Another was dreaming about, going to outer space. Skiing on a comets tail, to a fun filled place. To a circus, another dreamed, to see the funny clowns. Watching the acrobats, and trapeze artists hang upside down. Another dust bunny dreamed of the sea, and of dolphins, fish and whales. It dreamed of mermaids with long green hair, and of a boat with golden sails. One dreamed of the snow, glistening a purest white. A place to build snow bunnies, that would play in sheer delight. Another dreamed it was a knight, with a mount called Belvidere. Rescuing the smallest princess, from monsters far and near. Up in the air, another dreamed, on a red balloon, Flying over forest and field, and over the desert's dunes. All dust bunnies have pleasant dreams, when they go to sleep. No bad dreams come their way, and no nightmares do creep. They dream such dreams of fairy tales, and in the morning light, they share their adventures with others, of their dreams at night Dust Bunny Easter The Bunnies all gathered happily around my feet Last night too excited to hardly even sleep Yet when the dawn came I heard them all say "Wake up, wake up, because it is Easter Day." As I roused myself amongst the dust bunny cheers I helped them to wash their faces and ears I then set them down in furry little rows and dressed them all up in their Easter clothes All pretty and clean we left with a lurch all in the car to go to a small church There sitting on old hymnals so they could see there they all learned how Easter came to be They listened in silence as the old preacher spoke of the three days in a tomb until the Savior woke It was the first time I've seen them still for such a while but when they all left each wore a small smile But when we came home it was so much fun when they saw a colored basket for everyone With shrieks of delight they hurried around looking to see what wonders that could be found Peeking in drawers and under chair legs dancing and laughing when they found chocolate eggs All went in a pile in the middle of the floor where they emptied their baskets to look for some more Looking under the couch and in the bookcase finding them all, no egg was safe After the hunt they had chocolate eggs and treats and curled up on the sofa and softly fell asleep I sat and watched them, asleep in a pile and noticed that even sleeping, they softly smile I wonder at times on what's in their soft dreams But they still show me each day what Easter means Dust Bunny from Outer Space Flying in a rocket ship, with a smile on its face, comes a unique dust bunny .One from outer space. It sits at bunny sized controls while gazing at planets and moons, thinking of new things to see, and friends it will make soon. It played hopscotch on Saturn's rings, got a suntan on Mercury, built a snowman on Pluto, and on Venus it planted a tree. It rode the tail of Haley's Comet because it won't be around again soon, and sat talking and eating moon pies with the man in the moon. It watched the Earth's dust bunnies through a telescope, and decided to visit these happy little folk. So it loaded up its spaceship with space bunny treats, and off to Earth it did fly to find new friends to meet. The dust bunnies were all playing when the spaceship did land, and out popped the space bunny with bunny gifts in hand. It showed the dust bunnies lots of things from its travels to the stars, and told them stories and sang songs that it learned in Mars. They played and danced all through the day until time to go to bed. The dust bunnies wanted it to stay but it had to go instead. The space bunny would return and visit them all very soon, but it had to get supplies for the man in the moon. The space bunny comes to visit now, once or twice a week, to play with Earth's dust bunnies and to give them treats. Dust bunnies are all the same, whether in Earth or outer space, all they want are new friends and a smile on everyone’s face. The space bunny still ice skates on Pluto, and sees the man in the moon. It dances in Jupiter's atmosphere and visits beaches in Neptune. If you look through a telescope, you might see the strangest thing, the little space dust bunny playing hopscotch on Saturn's rings. Dust Bunny Halloween The dust bunnies are in a hurry, getting ready for Halloween. decorating the house in a flurry, in black, orange and green. They are putting up spooky ghosts and decorating every wall. Trying to see who can put the most decorations in the hall. They all are dressed up ready for Halloween night. Each has punch in a cup lit up with a green glow light. One is dressed in toilet paper, as a bunny mummy, another is dancing a little caper, dressed as a clown so funny. One has wings and is a bat, and another is a tinfoil knight, One is dressed as a kitty cat. All are dressed up for Halloween night. The laundry hamster is also coming tonight, snacking on a green sock. dressed up with a bubble pipe as the detective Sherlock. The Halloween party starts soon, so we go to the party place. Under the light of the full moon, There are smiles on every face. A pumpkin was glowing bright, at the party door. Glowing with an eerie light at those dancing across the floor. The bunnies were having fun, doing different things. The laundry hamster did run, to get a spider ring. They bobbed for apples and played games, They danced across the floor. They got to see spooky things and wanted to see more. They got to carve a pumpkin, with a scary face. In a sack race they were jumping all about the place. The night passed by all too soon, and then it was time to leave. All are smiling under the moon, eating their treats on Hallows Eve. Dust Bunny Hide and Seek The dust bunnies came peeking, out from under the bed. They all had woke from sleeping, and were ready for a new day ahead. They woke and sang a happy song, as they danced around my feet. They convinced the bluebirds to sing along, as I gave them bunny treats. They all got in a bunny line, as they all marched along. All marching in perfect time, to a bunny marching song. They played a game of hide and seek and scampered through the place. Behind the curtains I would see them peek with small smiles on their face. One was seen looking through bristles of the broom, and one was hiding under the chair. One in the laundry room chatting with the laundry hamster who lives there. One was hiding in the cat food bag, another behind the shelf. One was seen under a rag, singing songs to itself. After the game of hide and seek, and all of them had their turn. With songs, dances and leaps, to the kitchen they returned. They sat around the table each telling bunny rhymes Trying to see it they were able to see if it was possible to have a better time. Dust Bunny Hide and Seek (part 2) The dust bunnies were playing hide and seek, around the table legs I see them peek. Hiding in the dresser's top drawer, running and scampering across the floor. One was hiding and giggling in my shoe, and in the dresser hid more than a few. In the cupboard and under my hat, one hid behind my gray tabby cat. Behind the bathroom mirror and under an easy chair, and in the closet, you can see them hiding there. Behind the curtain, and in pockets of jeans, they were all sorts of hiding places it seems. One was hiding in the lamp, and another with the envelopes covered in stamps. One was even with the stuffed toys I keep there, asleep in the lap of an old teddy bear. The bunny who was "it" did not peek, it did not know where they sneaked. It counted to ten and began the game, and somehow found each dust bunny again. So should you see a dust bunny or two, hiding behind the drapes or in a pair of shoes. Perhaps behind a table you may see one peek, know that it’s a game of dust bunny hide and seek Dust Bunny Independence Day I took the dust bunnies out tonight to see the fireworks light up the night. They watched the sights and all were amazed of the things they saw on Independence Day All stood at attention as the Anthem was played as upon the flagpole Old Glory was raised. One asked me why it thought it saw a tear upon some people’s faces at this time of year I told them the story of when the country was new, of the flag that was waving , the Red ,White and Blue. Of the country that was once colonies and of the battles for the right to be free. I told them the stories of Washington, Lincoln, and Revere and through many battles that flag is still here; the flag that flies over the land of the brave and the free. A flag that flies high from sea to sea. I told them a sad story of September Eleven where over two thousand souls have entered heaven. But even after the fall of the towers two, our country united under the Red White and Blue. They learned that all races of this great melting pot, kept this country free through battles they fought. I told them the truth of the tear that was cried was one of sorrow but also one of pride. It was getting dark and they set in a row ready to watch the firework show. Their eyes were widened in amazement and delight as they saw the multi-colored lights. They hopped up and down as the fireworks did boom and looked up in wonder at the colorful blooms They danced in excitement of the thrill of the show but all too soon it was time to go The audience stood and sang a single song "God Bless America", the verses were sung, sad and long. each of the audience were holding their neighbor's hands and in a single voice came the cry "One Nation Under God , United We Stand!” Dust Bunny Knight Long ago and far away, in the Castle of Light. It is there do I begin the tale of the brave dust bunny knight. He wore armor made of tinfoil and his sword was made of wood. He was the model of chivalry and his manners were always good. He rode upon a gray tomcat and with his sword and lance, trolls and ogres stepped aside, for evil had no chance. He would bravely go where monsters lived, deep within the gloom, bop them on the nose with his wooden sword, and send them to their room. His gallant steed was a four clawed fighter, but wise beyond his years. His speed was unmatched and his battle meow was feared. The mighty steed had a name, Belvidere was he called, as he walked in dignity and in grace around the castle halls. All of the bravest knights were summoned before the king, to find the youngest princess, kidnapped she had been. It seemed a fearsome dragon flew into the castle doors. It reached and grabbed the princess and left with a fearsome roar. The bunny knight left right away and saddled Belvidere, It left to find the princess, and the evil dragon most feared. He rode through the castle gates, and many people cheered, "There goes the brave Dust Bunny Knight and his mount Belvidere." They traveled the kingdom looking for clues as to where the dragon went. At night they made up camp and ate chocolate and peppermint. One day they spotted a pixie, high up in a tree, who told our brave adventurers where the dragon would be. They thanked the pixie warmly, and gave it chocolate snacks. Off they went to the dragon’s lair, and spotted dragon tracks. Inside they saw the dragon with scales of yellow and green, making the princess hula hoops out of its blue smoke rings. Our heroes silently crept up on the dragon in the caves dim light. Then Belvidere shouted, "MEOOOW" and gave the dragon a fright. The dragon jumped, scared to death, and it smoke rings all turned square, for he knew he faced the dust bunny knight and his mount Belvidere. The dragon pleaded with the bunny knight, “Oh don't send me to my room, I have just found a new friend and was lonely in this gloom." "If you take the princess home, let me come along with you, to play with my new friend, and the other children too." They waited for the dragon to pack its dragon things, and off they rode on a cart made of blue smoke rings. On a cart pulled by dragon they made such a sight, when they came back to the castle all danced with delight. Now in the castle lives the dragon, as happy as you've seen, and all the children visit him, and jump through his smoke rings. When the children go to bed, you may softly hear, the dragon chatting with his friends, the dust bunny knight and Belvidere. Dust Bunny Life Dust bunnies dancing, in the morning light. Telling stories and singing songs, with eyes so shiny and bright. Playing their games, without a care in the world. With lives full of happiness, their hearts full of good. With bags of peanuts, they feed the squirrels. The joy of their wonder, more precious than diamonds or pearls. They view life's beauty, in a different way. Inventing new songs, and new games to play. They look at the stars, and try to count them all. They play in the red leaves, when summer turns to fall. In winters cold snows, snowmen they make. They then relax with hot coco and cake. A dust bunny’s life is full of such things. Waiting for tomorrow, and the new things it brings. Dust Bunny Song A dust bunny was singing just the other day, a simple little bunny song, as it went to play. So soft and sweet like a lullaby, and the sound of a bunny song to the heavens it did fly. The song was sweet and low, like a bunny hymn, and before too long I heard the voice of another bunny join in. A fine duet they made, singing a bunny song, and I could have listened all day to the notes so sweet and long. Singing a dust bunny song, one sang high and one sang low, somewhere as they sang along, the duet became a trio. Now three bunny voices all sang along. Singing in perfect harmony this little bunny song. I heard the voices of more bunnies soon join along, one or two clapped their paws in time to this bunny song. One found a toy guitar that it played as it was singing, and another added to the music with a small bell that was ringing. They danced and played, singing the bunny song. All through the morning and through the day until night came along. They sang throughout the evening until it was time for bed, one by one they quieted as dust bunny dreams filled their little heads. It was all so strange not to hear a peep, but all the bunnies wore a soft smile as they were fast asleep. I thought for a moment of the music of one dust bunny's song, on how they danced and how they played and how they sang along. I learned on that day just what a song can mean, that sometimes the smallest act can bring about the greatest things. I wondered if that song was the secret to one of life's great meanings, as I softly sang the words to the song that they were singing. Dust Bunny Vacation I took the dust bunnies on vacation the other day to show them the sights and places I used to play They had fun seeing all the sights there Laughing and playing without a care They saw the airport, eyes wide with delight watching the big airplanes take off into flight Everyone had a small suitcase filled with candies and gum to taste They saw the conveyor and all took rides while the X-ray machine peeked in on their insides In lines of two they hopped down the plane's aisles Laughing and giggling, their faces in smiles They smiled and laughed when we took to the air Higher than the clouds was a thrill beyond compare They got to see the pilot busy doing pilot things and each got a small pair of plastic airline wings When we landed smiles brightened each face when each realized we were in a new place We all went down to look and see and there was my sister looking for me She greeted us all with hugs all around while we waited for our bags to soon come down with bags in hand we all went away to see Mom and Dad and the place I did play The vacation was fun with Mom, Dad and Sis when I got there I could tell that I was missed Although we were weary from traveling the miles we stayed up late sharing laughter and smiles Before I knew it the whole week was gone and much too soon it was time for us to go home With hugs for all and kisses goodbye back on the plane and again we did fly The dust bunnies now know where I once did play once upon a time, in a land far away There they saw my Mom, Dad and Sis There they saw the family I miss And in the place so far away I think of my family every day I know they are right here, in my heart miles away, but never apart The Dust Bunny Picnic I went with the dust bunnies the other day to have a picnic and to watch them play I watched them jump, pounce, scamper and run as they enjoyed the warmth of the sun Around the bushes I would see them peek playing dust bunny hide and go seek Exploring new places and dancing with delight amazed at the view of a butterfly in flight Smelling the flowers and with squirrels they do chat Looking real nice with acorn-top hats Catching centipedes and counting their legs and exploring bird nests to get a peek at some eggs Making innocent wishes on dandelion fluff wanting only more friends with each little puff Looking for secret things under the leaves and watching the bluebirds in tops of the trees Then they sat down on the blanket to eat and each was so happy eating their treat A bit of sweet chocolate and an ice cream cone their bellies were full. It was time to go home. They crept in the basket to all take a nap I smiled to myself as I slowly headed back for as always the dust bunnies make me smile There is beauty around us, Enjoy it for a while. A Small Dust Bunny A small dust bunny was hopping along, playing and singing a dust bunny song. Looking for treasures all through the house, a small spinning top and a toy rubber mouse. It peeked out of windows, and hid under chairs, playing bunny games without out a care. In a paper airplane it caught a ride, across the living room it did glide. Smiling a small smile on its face, it invited the others in a game of chase. Then they played bunny hide and seek, from chairs and curtains you could see them peek. They all came together in their small seats, for chocolate and peppermint dust bunny treats. Playing and singing their bunny songs, making up the words as they go along. From morning to night they are happy in play, enjoying their lives in every way. But when the day is over and it is time to turn out the lights, a small little dust bunny in paper airplane, makes one more flight. Return of the Dust Bunny Knight Past the Emerald Forest, in the Tower of Light. It is there I tell another story, of the brave Dust Bunny Knight. His name was feared by the monsters, that lived within the gloom. He would hit them with his wooden sword, and send them to their room. A four clawed fighter was his mount, his battle meow was feared. No braver mount had existed, than the one called Belvidere. The Bunny Knight was chatting with the dragon, when the summons came. The smallest princess was in dire need of rescuing once again. The princess had been picking flowers near the place she plays. A evil witch was waiting nearby, and took the princess away. The witch took her on a broom, to a place very far away. The princess was there kept, to neither run nor play. With haste our hero went to rescue, the smallest princess dear. Onward went the Bunny Knight, and his brave steed Belvidere. Through the forgotten paths they went, deep within the woods. Where the monsters lurk and creep, and are not being very good. Three times our hero faced, monsters from the gloom. Only to bop them on the nose, and send them to their room. Deep in the swamp our heroes went, Leaping from log to log, Avoiding quicksand and alligators, that live within the bog. They found the house the witch was in, hidden behind the trees. There our heroes devised a plan, to set the princess free. To the chimney Belvedere climbed, and let loose a ferocious yowl, Then the witch ran away, afraid there was a ghost on the prowl. Our brave heroes then rescued the princess, and took her back to the king. As for the evil witch, she was never seen again. Ten Little Dust Bunnies One little dust bunny was sick with the flu, it had a visitor and then there were two. Two little dust bunnies sitting in a tree, another popped out of a nest, then there were three. Three little dust bunnies on a beach shore, another came from swimming, and then there were four. Four little dust bunnies watching the high dive, found one under the bleachers, and then there were five. Five little dust bunnies building a house of sticks, found another in a tree, and then there were six. Six little dust bunnies counting stars in the heavens, one came down on a meteor, and then there were seven. Seven little dust bunnies washing all the plates, one came from the cabinet, then there were eight Eight little dust bunnies climbing potato vines, one peeked from behind an ear of corn, then there were nine Nine little dust bunnies looking for more friends, found another playing, and now there are ten. All the little dust bunnies are happy as can be, because all are pleased with dust bunny company. Ten little dust bunnies are getting all along, laughing and playing and singing bunny songs Attack Little Dust Bunnies Attack little dust bunnies, and spread your happiness. Make people smile again, and relieve them from all the stress. Attack little dust bunnies, and fill the world with joy. Spread your cheer like peanut butter, make the world your toy. Attack little dust bunnies, show us how to sing. Show the world your bunny cheer, and the happiness it brings. Attack little dust bunnies, teach us how to play. Bring in your sunshine, to brighten up our day. Attack little dust bunnies, show us bunny games. Make our lives happier, and make us smile again. Attack little dust bunnies, and chase away the blues. Make the world a better place, with a smile or two. Origin of the Dust Bunnies It was a Monday morning, much like all the rest. The weather bleak and dreary, as I lay there all depressed. I was tired of all of life’s problems, that had plagued me every day. So I crawled under my bed, and told the world to go away. There in the darkness, underneath my bed. I saw a small dust bunny, asleep near my head. It opened up one little eye, and smiled its bunny smile. and made me feel happier, than I have been in a while. It called over its bunny friends, and began to dance around. I felt only wonder, in the new friends I had found. They taught me songs and bunny games, as they played as dust bunnies do. From under the bed they drew me out, to see what they would do. One sang songs and another danced, around my dresser drawer. They played games of hide and seek, and scampered across the floor. They taught me how to make bunny treats, and more bunny songs. As I watched them at their play, I couldn't help but sing along. I read them poems from an old note book, in which I used to write. They listened with great intent, and squealed with such delight. We danced, sang, and played bunny games, all throughout the day. I didn't notice until much later, that my blues had fled away. The dust bunnies went to bed, to dream their bunny dreams. I sit here happily now, wondering what other joys they bring. |