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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1901659
A Woman is invited to a Halloween party to find the reaper and become his Angel.
Jaxon sat on her bed, looking down at the small note she had found in her mail box. Her long chocolate brown hair hung in soft curls framing her face. Who sent this? Her mind was whirling with ideas, and possibilities. She nibbled her full bottom lip anxiously as her dark brown eyes read it over and over again.

My Dearest Jaxon,

I have waited so long to hold you in my arms. I can wait no longer my love. Please, meet me, be with me finally my Jaxon. Come to a Halloween party. Will I be the grim reaper? Or the blood thirsty vampire? I crave you Jaxon, please be there. 1655 Walnut street. 10pm. I will be waiting, Angel.


Sitting back, Jaxon tossed the note on her night stand. She was nervous, it was Halloween night tonight. For all she knew this man could be some stalker guy. Could it be someone she knew? Her heart pounded hard against her chest. She wanted to go, but she didn’t know if she should. It was risky… and she didn’t like taking Risks.

She looked over at the clock, it was 8:00 p.m. Two hours… She had to make a decision now. If she were to get there in time she would have to come up with a costume. She hardly ever dressed up for Halloween, she was too old for that sort of thing anymore.

What if this man… this ‘Z’ was in fact someone she knew? Hell it might even be someone she liked! She knew a few men whose names started with the letter Z. A shiver ran up her spine, she knew how crazy this was, but she had to do it. Curiosity killed the cat… and tonight she might as well ‘meow’.

Jaxon got up from her bed. Her slender body moving with the grace and elegance of a dancer. She knew exactly what costume she would wear. It would work perfectly. She would love to wear this outfit even if it wasn’t Halloween. It fit her like a second skin.

She reached into the closet pulling out the clothes and smiling. She would find out who this man was, she had to. Though she was still a little scared, excitement began to course through her veins. His note was almost mesmerizing, he had to be a very poetic, and romantic man.

She bounced a little her breasts rising and falling within her silk blue t-shirt. Tonight she was going to have fun, she hoped he wasn’t a lunatic… gods please don’t let it be that. She laughed softly at herself as she started to get ready.


It was late, trick-or-treating was well over with at this point. Orange and brown leaves blew across the sidewalk as Jaxon approached the large house. It was dark, and gave her the creeps. But she could hear music within, the sound of several voices, people having a good time.

She was slightly relieved by that. Lots of people meant that someone could not easily harm her. Feeling a slight boost of confidence she headed for the front door. Her white dress swirling around her, and her white feathered angel wings bobbing lightly as she pranced up the stone walk way.

The door opened the moment Jaxon knocked. A tall woman stood in the doorway. She was dressed as a street walker. She wore a short black leather skirt and a black halter top. Her leather boots went all the way up to her thighs, and her face was covered in way to much make up. She smiled softly in welcome. “Hey! Welcome to the party!” The woman was slurring her words, it was obvious she already had a little to much to drink.

Jaxon smiled softly. “Thanks!” She walked into the house as the woman held the door open for her.

The whole house was well decorated. Spider webs and bubbling cauldrons were everywhere. Jaxon was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of people there, though she had already spotted two grim reapers and three vampires. This was going to be a little harder then she thought. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a man dressed up as a large penis. She blinked looking a the man, she nearly choked. “Gives a whole new meaning to a dick head.” She said softly to herself, chuckling. She moved over to a small table getting herself a cup of apple cider.

Zain noticed her the moment she walked into the house. She was a vision of perfection. As she walked in he could not take his eyes from her. The hypnotizing sway of her hips, the way small chocolate curls fell into her face. He took in a deep breath. She had come, he really hadn’t expected her to. He had known her for three years, and she was not the biggest risk taker.

He smiled softly to himself. He was thankful for the black mask covering his eyes, and the makeup. He knew almost for certain she wouldn’t recognize him. Not to mention they haven’t seen each other in a good six months. Now… she simply took his breath away.

He moved carefully through the throng of people. Zombies, vampire, cowgirls, and farm animals were all around him, but all he could see was her. He watched her move to a small corner, she sat down sipping her apple cider. He stayed far enough away so that she didn’t notice him. He watched her throat work as she took a drink. Zain felt heat immediately coiling in his body, need rising in him like never before.

Jaxon tapped her fingers lightly on her paper cup. Maybe he wasn’t here. Could her friends just be playing some little joke on her, to get her to come to a Halloween party? She frowned looking down at the apple cider in her cup. Where was he?

Zain moved a bit closer, he could smell her perfume. She was dressed perfectly, she was an angel. His angel, only his. He had to have her, possess her. The urge to grab her and kiss those soft lips of hers was clawing at him.

The music in the room slowed, a soft romantic tune played. The monsters in the room came together, dancing slowly, bodies pressed against each other. Zain smiled softly and reached into his hooded cloak taking out a red rose. He had removed every thorn himself.

Jaxon closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She loved his song, it was one of her favorites. She smiled, listening to the soft melody, though her peace was broken rather abruptly. She jumped, nearly out of her skin, as she felt something soft, and silky touch her lips. She opened her eyes seeing a red rose in front of her face. She glanced up at the person holding it.

She Blinked up at the man, from what she could tell he was handsome, he was tall, dark, and mysterious. Was this her ‘Z’? She stood up setting her cup aside looking up at the tall man. Her heart was beating so loudly she was afraid he might hear it.

“For you Angel.” He spoke softly to her. His eyes drifted over her body, burning into her soul. “Dance with me.”

Gulping Jaxon took the rose, and his hand. She recognized his voice, but she couldn’t place it. She wasn’t sure where she heard it before. She knew this man, but she couldn’t tell with the mask he was wearing. She reached up around his neck as he held her waist possessively. Both of them swaying to the music. “ Who are you?” She asked, her voice shaky.

Zain smiled looking at her, pulling her against him, knowing she would most likely feel his excitement. But he didn’t care, he was tired of hiding from her. “You will know soon enough, my Angel.” His voice was a soft caress, like the wings of a bird.

They danced, their bodies molding together, like two halves of the same whole. Her cheek brushed against his, and Jaxon felt it all the way down to her toes. No man had ever affected her like this before. She wasn’t sure how to react. Her heart was beating so fast it was almost painful. She found herself gasping just to breath.

His fingers played along her waist, sliding around to her back. He wanted to feel her skin beneath his hands, he had to. She was like silk, like heaven. He let out a soft groan against her ear, he pulled her harder against him, pressing his arousal against her.

Jaxon’s eye lashes fluttered against her cheeks as he groaned. Her knees almost went out from under her the moment he pulled her harder against him. For some reason she was not afraid, not one bit. She knew this man, she knew she did. His voice was like music to her ears, she recognized it. Hell she even recognized his touch. Who was he!?

As the song ended Zain stepped back, his eyes met hers, hot and possessive. “Come with me.” He said softly. It was not a question, but a simple order. He had to be alone with her, touch her, kiss her. He had never needed a woman so much in his entire life.

Jaxon’s heart skipped a beat. How could she deny him anything? The way his eyes burned on her with so much need. She glanced around them wearily. She was very uncertain for a moment. She wanted to go with him, but… did she dare?

Taking in a deep breath Jaxon softly nodded her head to him. She had to find out who he was. She felt her own needs burning low in her belly, but the fear was still in her mind. As they walked together through the crowed, she noticed that everyone else looked like a blur, only he was real.

After going up a small flight of stairs Zain pushed open the door to a large bedroom. The room was dark and secluded, though she could still hear the music from the party below. She followed him, entered behind him. She shuddered as he reached past her to shut the door. “You don’t know who I am Angel?” He moved across the room leaning against the wall.

“No… I know that I know you… but…” Her voice trailed off.

Zain smiled watching her, she was so nervous, he wanted to kiss that fear off her face. He reached up pushing back his hood, Only now Jaxon realized he had gloves on that made his hands look like a skeletons. So he was the grim reaper.

He pushed back his hood and then took the mask off. His features were strong, beautifully handsome. “ Do you know me now Angel?”

Jaxon covered her mouth, surprise lighting her face. She couldn’t believe it! “Zain!” Her voice was trembling now. She would have never guessed it was him. Zain had worked with her for a few years, until about six months ago when he got a different job. She had always liked him, secretly she had always had a little crush on him, her friends at work teased her about it all the time. She was grief stricken when he left.

With a grin Zain pushed himself off to the wall, tossing the mask onto a night stand. “I’m sorry Jaxon… I couldn’t help it, I needed to be with you.” There was a hint of fear now in his own voice. He was afraid she would reject him now that she knew who he was.

There was not an ounce of rejection in her dark brown eyes. She stared up at him unblinking, her heart pounded wildly. Her eyes met his hot gaze and she was instantly lost, she could hardly make her mouth work to speak.

He moved quickly toward her, the movement hardly registered in Jaxon’s mind. He was close now, his body brushing against hers. He removed his gloves and lifted his hand, his fingertips lightly brushed her soft cheek.

Electricity was arching between them, engulfing Jaxon in heat. She couldn’t believe it was him, tears swam in her dark eyes. Her hands slowly slid up his chest to rest on his shoulders. She not only needed the physical contact, but she felt as if she might fall over.

“I need you.” He whispered softly to her, he leaned in and kissed her cheek lightly. Immediately both their bodies tensed.

It was far more then either of them had ever imagined. Jaxon found herself arching her back pressing her body against his. She was never like this, but he lit the passion inside her like no one else ever had. “Zain.” She whimpered his name. It was more of a plea then anything else. Her hands were pulling at his black reaper cloak.

Zain smiled softly to himself. The sound of his name on her lips making him harden even more. She was a temptress, a siren. He had to touch her, to possess her. His lips trailed kisses to her ear, he nipped lightly and then moved along her jaw line. He could feel her body trembling against his. He could hear her breath become labored. His lips found hers, hungry and possessive.

Jaxon gasped as he kissed her, hard and passionate. The room faded around her, and she swore she felt the earth move beneath her feet. The rose she had been holding so tightly in her hand dropped to the floor. One hand trailed up the back of his neck, she grabbed a fist full of his shoulder length black hair. A soft moan rumbled in her throat.

Within seconds, up became down, black became white. They were lost in each others kiss. Neither of them cared if anyone walked into the room. They could not help themselves, the need for each other was almost animalistic.

Reaching around her, Zain found the zipper to her long white dress. It ran between her feathered wings to her lower back. The sound of it unzipping was like music to his ears. He had to feel her skin against his. The need for her was urgent, untamed, and wild.

Colors burst behind her eyes lids as she felt his tongue probing her mouth. Her nails dug into his shoulder and scalp. Faintly she heard the zipper of her dress, the cool air hit her hot sensitive skin. She knew she should protest, tell him he was moving way to fast, but she didn’t. She wanted this from the moment she got his letter.

“So soft.” He murmured against her lips as his hands lightly skimmed over her bare back. He felt like an addict, and she was his drug. He slid the dress and wings from her slender body. He let the clothing fall to a heap around her feet.

Jaxon shivered as the air hit her skin. She stood before him now, only in her white cotton panties. Her breasts ached for his touch, her hardened nipples brushing against the silk of his black shirt. “You’re playing with fire, Zain.” Her voice was a moan, a passionate plea.

“Mmm well then, that would explain why I am going up in flames.” He took a step back so he could look at her.

She was perfect. Every curve, every hallow. Her narrow rib cage and full breasts calling to him, begging to be kissed. He smiled softly moving toward her again bending his head low as his finger tips brushed the underside of her breast. His tongue teasingly stroked along her erect nipple, tasting her soft skin, consuming her.

Jaxon whimpered softly, her hands started to pull at his clothes. She had never needed anyone before, not ever. And now she felt if she didn’t have him she would die. Quickly she pushed the cloak from his shoulders, her fingers immediately going to the buttons on the front of his shirt. She needed to feel his hot skin against her palms.

He moved back slightly allowing her to work at his shirt while he continued to tease her nipple into rock hard peaks. His tongue swirled erotically before he captured one of the pink buds between his teeth.

She cried out loudly and ripped open his shirt, hardly noticing the remaining buttons flying across the room. Zain held her nipple the tip of his tongue swirling over it before taking it all the way into his mouth suckling gently.

Tilting her head back Jaxon closed her eyes tightly, her fingernails racked along his bare chest. She had never noticed before how muscular he was. She knew this was crazy, but she couldn’t help it. It was to late to stop now. She felt his hands moving down her sides holding her hips for a moment. Then he started to slide her panties down her slender legs, she held her breath waiting in anticipation.

Zain moved to his knees he pressed a kiss to her hard flat stomach as he slid the offending panties down her legs. She truly was perfect. He inhaled her scent shuddering as his mouth found her belly button. His tongue swirled around it teasingly.

“Zain…please.” Jaxon was gasping for breath, her hands in his hair tugging lightly, holding on for dear life. She was surprised her own juices weren’t running down her thigh. His hand started to slide up her inner thigh and her breath caught in her throat. She felt his fingertips start to run along her wet slit.

She was like wet velvet, hot and welcoming the invasion of his fingers. He stood, not removing his hand, he started to back her up toward the bed , his fingers pushing past her neither lips. She was dripping with excitement for him, only for him. “You are so wet” He whispered softly to her as he pushed her back on the bed.

“Don’t stop.” Jaxon managed the words through clinched teeth. His fingers were probing even deeper, pressing inside of her. She felt as if she were going to fragment, and explode right then and there. He was driving her to madness.

The world fell away and there was only the two of them and the ecstasy they were sharing. At that moment there was no Jaxon, there was no Zain. There was one being moving perfectly in time. It was like the earth had opened up and swallowed everything but them.

Jaxon started to grind her hips against his hand making his fingers go deeper, faster. She was throbbing, and needed release. He was making her wild, she was never wild, not like this, not till now. She whimpered softly as he withdrew his hand, she felt empty, alone.

Zain slid her further up on the bed. He looked down and her flushed naked body. She was amazing, he truly hadn’t expected her to accept him, but now, now she was his. She would always be his. He shrugged out of his open shirt letting it fall to a crumples heap on the floor. His hands then moved to his trousers, unbuttoning them slowly, teasing her.

There was silence, Jaxon simply couldn’t speak. She watched him moved his nimble fingers unbuttoning. He was not undressing fast enough. He had seen her body, now she wanted to see him in all his glory. As he pushed the pants down off his hips and lower still, she gasped. His body was beautiful. He was rock hard from head to toe. Hi erection jutted out seeking her, throbbing with the need for attention.

Slowly, seductively Jaxon sat up in the bed and slid toward the end of it. She reached out grabbing Zain by his hips and pulling him toward her. Her hands seeking his heat. She wrapped her small, slender fingers around his erection and started to stroke gently. Her gaze resting on his face, watching every expression, every reaction.

Gasping, Zain tilted his head back. She was driving him insane. He wanted to be inside of her! He had to feel her tight, wet, sheath milking him. His hips thrust toward her of their own accord, he cold hardly control his body.

She wanted to tease him, just like he had teased her. However her own teasing was causing her to want him even more. She slid off of the bed and onto her knees in front of him. His hard length level with her face. She looked up at him almost innocently as her tongue darted out from between her ruby lips seeking his salty tip. She swirled her tongue around the head of his manhood and then took him deep into her warm mouth sucking softly.

Zain’s hands started to run through her silken hair. He crushed a fist full of her chocolate curls and groaned out loudly. “Jaxon.” He thrust his hips forward, wanting to bury his cock in her mouth. She was heaven and hell mixed together. It was like nothing Zain had ever imagined.

Without warning Zain grabbed her by her shoulder and stood her up pushing her back onto the bed again. He could wait no longer, she was his. He moved above her parting her thighs with his knee. He pressed his velvet tip against her entrance.

She dug her nails into his shoulders. Her eyes were wide open, searching his. She whimpered as he pressed against her, but he held himself there, not yet entering her. Nibbling lightly at her bottom lip she closed her eyes tilting her head back bucking her hips trying to urge him into her.

“Tell me you are mine Jaxon.” His voice was hoarse, and aroused. His eyes were burning into her very soul.

Jaxon opened her eyes and looked up at him as he spoke, she was breathing heavily, perspiration already coating her overly aroused body. She knew she was giving him more then her body, but she didn’t care. She leaned up and nipped lightly at his ear lobe, she whispered softly to him, “I am yours Zain.”

Fireworks seemed to explode between then as he pushed inside of her. Those words sank into his heart, they were imbedded there now, for all time. She was his now, and always would be. She would never escape him. He withdrew, nearly leaving her body completely then plunged in again hard and fast. Her slick inner walls were gripping him like a vice. He was caught somewhere between pain and ecstasy, torture, and pleasure.

Their bodies were one as he moved in and out of her. He was taking both of them to new heights. The friction was building bringing them both painfully close to the edge. The moment he felt he might not be able to hold out any longer he slowed down, almost stopping wanting and needing to prolong the moment.

Zain lowered his head and nipped lightly at her full breasts. His mouth found her left nipple, his tongue swirled around it teasingly as he surged in and out of her body. He licked and nipped at the nipple until it was so hard it felt like it might burst. He then moved to the other nipple, teasing and tugging, his hair lightly tickling her soft skin.

Jaxon wrapped her legs tightly around him pulling him deeper inside her. She couldn’t believe what she was doing, it was so unlike her. But merging with him like this seemed so natural. As if they had been made for each other. She felt each throb of his erection as the shaft grew thicker with each thrust. She was moaning loudly, hardly realizing that the people downstairs might be able to hear her.

She was digging her nails into his back. Her hips bucking up against his meeting him thrust for thrust. Jaxon screamed out loudly her nails sinking deeper. Her orgasm almost seemed to sneak up on her. She was trying to hold out, go just a little longer. She shook violently clinging to him, he was her only anchor to reality as she soared above the clouds and burst into a million pieces.

Zain quickly found her mouth with his, attempting to stifle her moans. He kissed her deeply feeling her grip and pulse around him. He surged deeper into her, harder. Riding her orgasm to its peak. She was milking him, gripping him urging him to cum with her. He could to no other than oblige.

He let himself go, and spiraled out of control. He groaned out loudly his hands grabbed her hips tightly pinning her to the bed as his hot seed started to shoot within her. “Jaxon, yes!” He groaned between clenched teeth staring down at her. His eyes boring into hers.

“Oh that’s it baby! Cum for me.” She coaxed him gently her hands moving to his firm buttocks gripping it tightly.

He surged in and out of her harder, nearly bruising her hips with his iron grip. He threw back his head nearly howling with pleasure. He could feel her rocking with after shocks, squeezing him tighter with every heartbeat.

Zain started to slow his violent thrusting. His breath coming now in short gasps. He had never made love to a woman like that. He wanted to collapse there on top of her, but he was more aware now of how small and fragile she was. He moved to the side with drawing from her heat and pulling her into the shelter of his arms. He whispered her name softly.

Jaxon frowned as he pulled out of her, she could feel their combined juices running down her thigh. She snuggled into his arms, her breathing rapid matching his. She reached up and brushed the hair from his face, tucking the slightly damp strands behind his ear.

“You are mine.” He said softly nipping lightly at her neck.

Jaxon knew then that her life would never be the same. She would never escape him, but then again she knew deep down she would never want to. She was the Reaper’s Angel.
© Copyright 2012 Angel Diamante (dark_desires at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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