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Rated: GC · Other · Fanfiction · #1900496
My first attempt at writing a NSFW story,Hanz goes to Dappers house for a training session
                                              Dig a Pony

I slept in unusually late for me, waking up around 11am and I looked around, since Pinkie wasn’t in the bedroom. I couldn’t find her anywhere upstairs, so I headed downstairs and found her in the kitchen, apparently she loves cooking even when not using ponies as the special ingredient, because she was cooking a fresh batch of muffins for lunch. "Good morning Hanzy, I see you’re up late" She said as she giggled and set the tray of muffins on the table to cool off. "Y-yeah, sorry love. I don’t really know why I slept in so late."  I then sat at the table and took a muffin, biting into it and it tasting delicious.

"Ohhh, it’s ok. But shouldn’t you be going soon for your appointment with that magician? You told me you were to meet him at noon." I gasped, realizing I’m almost late for my appointment "Oopsie, I completely forgot!  I think I better get going then, love!" I said as I got up and took an extra muffin to eat along the way "Alrighty Hanzy, have fun, and I hope you learn some cool tricks!" Pinkie said as she waved me goodbye and I made my way back to Dappers' house on the edge of town, it being a modest place compared to my manor.

I finished my muffin and knocked on the door nervously, I for some reason felt shy around this unicorn; perhaps it was because he knew so many spells? As I pondered the idea, Dapper masquerade came to the door with a smirk, somehow already knowing it was me before he even saw me. "Ah, you’re right on time, Hanz.  I’m happy to see you’re so punctual." I nodded shyly and smiled "Of course, it’s my job as a leader to be punctual for my appointments.....now, how will this tutoring thing work?" He invited me inside and I walked in, the door shutting behind me magically and he lead me into the living room, taking out a big book of spells.

"Well, for starters, I want you to read pages 1-25 in this book, and then when you’re done, I want you to pick a spell from those pages to practice."
I nodded and got to reading, and the day went rather flawlessly after that. Thanks to his teaching, I managed to perfect the art of opening and closing doors with my magic, as well as manipulating objects. I felt so excited because I had always preferred to just do things like an earth pony would, yet this was much easier!

After a few hours of practicing and learning, he yawned a little and said it was getting time for our tutoring session to end and I frowned "Awww, but I was having such a fun time, Dapper!" He nodded "Yes, but all this teaching wears me out. I'll teach you more tomorrow, but I believe it is now time for you to give me my payment before you head home, correct?" I bit my lip nervously and realized: I had forgotten my bits at the house! "Erm.... I-I just realized that I forgot my money....can I just pay you tomorrow?" He shook his head "No Hanz, you agreed to pay me at the end of each day. You’ll just have to pay me some other way, I suppose."

I looked confused and tilted my head "W-what do you mean, Dapper? I don’t have any money...." He smirked and took a step towards me "Heehee, well, have you ever slept with a stallion before?" I blushed deeply and gasped, stepping back once "W-what?! B...but isn’t that painful?" He stepped closer to me and grinned, leaning forward and licking my horn teasingly, which made me shiver and blush deeper, it feeling oddly pleasurable to me "Heh, did that feel painful, Hanz?" I stopped moving backwards and slowly shook my head, it leaving me curious to learn more. "I..I suppose not....but I’ve never been with a stallion, you’d have to take the lead."

"That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear" He said as he got closer and took a little of my horn into his mouth, suckling softly and I couldn’t help but let out a light feminine moan, starting to get turned on by it "Mmmn, t-that feels really good, Dapper...." I said as I relaxed, my smaller than average stallionhood starting to get hard, he then stepped back and leaned back against the wall "heehee, then how about I teach you something else for free: do what I just did, but to my other horn" I blushed and nervously walked over to him and kneeled down, looking up at him shyly before giving his half aroused length a lick "L-like this?" I asked, and he nodded while getting harder, so I slowly took his tip into my mouth and started sucking softly, it tasting odd to me because I had never done something like this before.

He moaned dominantly and finally reached his full hardness, my own length looking small compared to his and I took 3 more inches into my mouth, rubbing my tongue along his thick tip and tasting the first precum I had ever tasted, it being a little salty but bearable.  "Mmmn, k-keep going Hanz, and I'll give you a reward for being a good student." I nodded and couldn’t help but get turned on as well, embarrassed by the fact that I was actually enjoying the act of being sexual with another stallion.

After a few minutes of sucking on his thick stallion stick, he pushed a hoof against my forehead gently "E-enough, now for the real fun Hanz. Just turn around for me and I'll do the rest" I looked confused, not sure how two stallions could have sex, but I turned around for him anyways, and quickly felt his weight on top of me and his hooves along my upper back, feeling his warm, dripping tip pressing against my rear "H-hey!  This feels kinda weird, Dapper" I said nervously, but he reassured me and pressed his tip against my tight tailhole, which made my ears stand up and my eyes open wide, the sensation making me bite my lower lip gently.

After giving me a moment to relax, I felt him starting to push his thick stallionhood into me, which made me bite my lip harder from the mix of pleasure and pain, I had never done something like this before.... but it felt so good! "O-ohhhh, D-dapper!" I moaned out as he started to thrust deeply but slowly inside of me, my legs feeling weak but I tried my best to not fall over.

"Just relax Hanz, this won’t take too long, thanks to how tight you are" He chuckled a little and kept thrusting harder and faster, which made me lower my head and moan from the sensations, my insides gripping his cock like a glove and making me feel every inch of him. After a minute or so, I started blushing deeply because I was dripping precum onto the floor below me, embarrassed by the thought that I was about to be forced to cum by a fellow stallion, but the amazing sensations made me not protest.

"I-I’m getting close, D-dapper!" I moaned out, and by the throbbing of his length inside of me, I could tell he was getting close as well to blowing. I pressed back against him firmly, wanting to take his entire length, but as I did so, he thrusted up and I gasped out, his wide tip slamming against something inside of me that forced me to cum instantly "I-I’m cumming, Dapper!" I moaned out loudly, having the most intense orgasm I had ever felt, emptying every last drop I had onto the floor.... It had never felt this good with Pinkie!

"Heehee, couldn’t hold it in, could ya, Hanz?" Dapper asked me tauntingly, feeling an ego boost due to me cumming so abruptly, so he took his time, making a few deep, slow thrusts inside of me before he too started to cum, which made me blush deeply and my ears perk up. This felt so new and odd, the flood of his warm, thick mating fluid filling my insides was like nothing I had felt before, it giving me a strange feeling of fullness, and I started taking slow, deep breaths to try and relax.

I panted softly, giving him all the time he needed to finish his peak and eventually he slowly pulled out of me with a bit of a "Pop!" Noise from the combination of my tightness and the wetness of his cum, and he walked around to me and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek
"I can tell that you really enjoyed that, Hanz... perhaps we can do this again next time?" Dapper asked hopefully, and I nodded with a deep blush "Y...yes Dapper, I’d love to do this again sometime....perhaps on Thursday?" He nodded and smiled, then got a towel to clean us up, which was a good idea now that I think about it.... Pinkie would kill me if she found out!

After we were both all cleaned up, I was ready to go home... Dapper really wore me out, so I was tired. "Well Dapper, I had a wonderful time, and I look forward to our next training session." I walked over to the door and opened it, and he smiled softly "Thanks Hanz, I look forward to it too. Perhaps next time I’ll teach you a very special trick" Dapper said with a wink and I nodded, closing the door behind me and starting to walk home, but because I was so tired, I passed out barely 5 steps away.... or I think I did, because when I awoke, I was in the bed with Pinkie back at my house.

I looked around to check if what had just happened was just a dream, or reality.... and after looking myself over, I couldn’t tell. Though there is one thing I do know: I still felt that odd feeling of warmness inside of me.

© Copyright 2012 Traumkampfer (traumkampfer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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