Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1898858-Drinking-and-Driving
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1898858
this is my first short story.

When I was 13 years old my friend and I were at his house. His parents were going out that night so we had the house to our selves. When his parents left, my friend went over to the fridge and pulled out two beers. He handed me one and said try this. I said no thanks but he kept begging me and calling me names because I wouldn’t try the nasty beer. I finally gave in and decided to try it. It wasn’t as bad as I thought but I still knew it was wrong. So I decided to act like it was nasty, so I didn’t need to drink but my friend already drank his first beer and was on his second. I didn’t want to feel like a bad friend so I decided to drink the rest. By 12 o' clock that night my friend already had finished five beers and I finished four. He just kept on chugging the ice cold beers. I didn’t know what to do because I started getting light headed and I felt nauseas. I drank one more and quit, by then my friend has had seven beers. I got sick at least four times and then passed out.
That’s where it all started. My drinking went out of control from there I was drinking pretty much every night. My names Bob Nerwood and I’m an alcoholic. I am now thirty years old and have an addiction to ALCOHOL. I have been to rehab three times for alcohol abuse. But I just like to drink. I have had alcohol poisoning several times and almost died twice. My family will not talk to me no more and I have nobody to talk to. All of my friends have not talked to me in years because of what I do and the guy that started my addiction died of drinking and driving, He was killed instantly from impact.
Alcohol has taken over my life and my body the doctors say if I don’t quit drinking in the next year I will die. They say my liver is in really bad condition, and that I need to change my life. I think about changing my life all the time till I have one sip of alcohol because then I just wants to keep drinking. The really bad part about all this is that I know I need to quit. I can’t really work anywhere because I’m always drunk or because I have had several dui’s and no one wants somebody that has a criminal record. The longest I went with our drinking has probably been like four hours and that’s because I didn’t have any left.
I always drink and drive but I know that’s very bad. It’s just I have no one to take me home. It is very hard to drink and drive but I do it. I live an apartment right outside providence, RI. I don’t have any kids or a wife. My wife left me about four years ago because all I did was drink. It sucks because I have no one. I hope one day I can quit drinking for good. I don’t like the taste of beer, but I just got addicted.
My brother jimmy tried for a couple years to get me to go to rehab and finally I gave in. when I got there I didn’t care what they had to say I just wanted to get home so I could drink. I went to rehab three different times! Those three times I feel like was a waste of time. I didn’t pay attention to what anyone had to say. My mom and dad even got me to go once but it didn’t work. So after all the time and money they spent trying to get me to quit, they decided to give up. They knew what was going to happen if I kept drinking so did I, but I didn’t worry about it at the time. You know what was really bad? When I went to the beer warehouse they already had my beer ready to go because they knew I would be coming.
I always got kicked out of bars and got the cops called on me a couple times. I was in several fights because I was so drunk. I have a lot of broken bones from falling. I had three concussions in two months from falling and hitting my head. I would start drinking really early and quit at like six cause that’s when I would get so drunk and pass out. As soon as I woke up though I was right back at it. When I would walk down the street all the kids would stare at me like I was the scariest guy in town. I never really came out of my house because I was always to drunk or people say something to me. All my neighbors hated me. They all had kids and they thought I was the worst influence on them. Always falling over or couldn’t walk straight. I was a terrible influence on those kids.
I knew what I was doing was wrong. I just couldn’t quit I had to drink every day. It was an addiction... a bad addiction. i needed to quit but I couldn’t. I thought to myself how to quit but then I would just say a already tried and it didn’t work. Nothing helped me quit I tried everything. Now my life is different from everybody else’s. I don’t wake up every morning to go to work; I get up every morning to get alcohol.
Today felt different, I felt like I wanted to do yard work around the house. So I went outside (sober) and cut the grass, trimmed the hedges, and weed wacked around the house. Usually I have one of the neighbor hood kids do it for me so I could drink. Today was going to be a good I said to myself. I thought I was out of alcohol so I was just going to do yard work all day. When I went inside to get a water and seen a beer hiding in the back of the refrigerator. So I grabbed and that’s when my perfect day went from good to bad. I needed more I had to go to beer warehouse to get beer. Of course when I got there it was ready to go.
I went home and had 3 beers and went back outside. I cut the grass and then did the other yard work. I felt good that I wasn’t drunk. I was buzzed, but not drunk. I decided to go inside order some food and got water! It was so refreshing after the long day being outside in the hot and sun all day. The next day I woke up, I drank the rest of the beers and then I just laid around all day. Getting fat and lazier. I went to the bar that night to hang out with some girl I met online.
Her name was Amanda. When I got there I didn't see her so I went up to the bar and order two shots for when she got here one for me, one for her. When I seen her I waved my arm to come over. We talked for awhile and got to know each other. We decided we wanted to get something to eat by now it was already 12:00 A.M. we went to the diner at the end of the block. As we were leaving I felt like I was going to get sick so I went behind the trash can. As I was driving down the highway to her house I was swerving bad. Amanda offered to drive but I said no I got this. So we were driving and I swear I thought the red light was a green light so I kept going. I went straight through the red light and then you hear Amanda scream. I look at the window and there was a semi-truck coming straight towards honking his horn. He slams into the passenger side door… Amanda was unconscious. Cops everywhere, 3 ambulances one for me one for Amanda and one for the truck driver. I woke up the next morning in the hospital with cops around me and I was handcuffed to the bed. I looked around Amanda on the left of me and the truck driver on the right. Amanda had to cast on her legs, one broken arm, three broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken collarbone. The truck driver had a couple scratches that’s it. Now me… I had nothing wrong me a little headache and a lot of vomiting.
I was released from the hospital about an hour later and so was the truck driver. The only difference was I was in handcuffs and he wasn’t. I went straight to jail. The third day I was in jail I got a visit from my mom and dad. I could not be happier to see them. They bailed me out of jail after we talked for awhile. About three hours later I was on my way to rehab. I thought about it after the last incident I need to change for the better. I wanted to get better this time I almost killed someone cause of alcohol.
The next morning I was there, at rehab for the fourth time. This place was a lot nicer than the others. I thought to myself its time to change for the better. So that’s what I did. I now own half of Facebook. I have now live in Beverly Hills I own four cars. I have an Audi, Lamborghini, Porsche, and a Bugatti. I gave my mom and dad about 20 million dollars so they could do what they want. My brothers and sisters got about 2 million dollars each for whatever they wanted. My name is Bob Nerwood and I’ve been sober for 15 years.
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