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Rated: · Other · Other · #1898659
its about this girl Piper who moves to the big city of New York
When I was little I dreamed of moving to the big city of New York but now that it’s actually happening I kind of don’t want to live there. I have a lot of mixed emotions about New York, because I want to go there and I’m all up for making more friends, but what if I’m not prepared? What if they don’t me? What if they don’t like people from Kentucky? Those are questions I asked myself and I’m still asking myself.
When we got there I was amazed by all the building and how pretty the city looked at night, and how much traffic there was. I was starting to hate it here but once I started school I was okay until I came face to face with Anna. Anna is the type of girl that doesn’t care what others think of her, she always a guy by her side and nobody knew why and nobody had the guts to ask her, but when she didn’t have a guy by her side she looked all beat up and raged. I felt bad for her but then again so did everyone else.
I wonder what her family her family thinks of her. Was her family mean to her or was she like that because she wanted to be? One day she comes up to me and says “what’s your name” and I did the only thing possible and I said “Piper Riley” and then she give me this nasty look and walks away like nothing happened. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head. When she came up to me, I was like what is she going to do? When she left I went to my friend Kristi and I said
“Kristi! Do you know why Anna came up to me today?”
Kristi said, “No why did she come up to you?”
“Yeah I was so scared you should have been there” ,I said
Kristi, “I think not”
I said, “Yes you should have”
So after we had our little conversation we went to the café to eat lunch. I had two pieces of pizza with a peach tea. Kristi didn’t eat lunch she wasn’t hungry like I was. After lunch we went to algebra. When I got home mama was on the couch and dad was at work. Mama is a stay at home mom but I don’t get why, she says that she doesn’t need to work because dad brings home the bacon. So she just sits around the house cleaning, and I’m pretty sure the cleaning supplies got to her head because sometimes she can be a bit loopy. Dad would always ask what’s wrong with mama and I would always say cleaning. Dad would reply back with “ah okay”.
I don’t have any siblings but I wish I had a sibling but the good thing is you do more things, but your parents are constantly on my case. I can’t take it sometime I yell at them to just back off because it’s too much pressure, and sometimes you just crack!
It was raining last night I would have token a walk but there’s nowhere to walk all there is one building after another and its pretty to see them at night but it would be nice to have somewhere to walk every once in awhile.
Mama asked, “What’s wrong”
I said, “Nothing”
She replied with, “You seem down”
“No I’m fine” I replied. After that she went down stairs with dad, while I lay, lying in my bed.
The next day Kristi and I went to The Corner of Wall Street. It’s this café that only serves coffee and scones; it’s amazing and surprisingly cheap. After we got coffee went shopping. While we where shopping I met this boy his name is Hunter. He is so cute. I think Kristi is jealous of because she didn’t meet anyone like I did.
Kristi has always been the jealous type, that’s probly why she hadn’t had a boyfriend yet. She could always keep a secret, but sometimes I wish she couldn’t. It’s confusing, I know.
As the leaves start fall and weather gets colder and the crime rate goes down Kristi and I began to drink coffee and a lot of it, my parents start to think I have a “problem” but I’m perfectly fine well at least the same as I always am. Before school Kristi and I stop to get coffee, go figure, I order a non fat mocha latte and I don’t know what Kristi got, because I don’t pay enough attention to things like that. At school I start talking to this guy, Ethan Green, he’s a sophomore and I’m a freshman, so I don’t think I have a chance with him. Somehow Anna found out, how I have idea how, but now she’s teasing me about it.
Every year our family takes a camping trip. And this year we found a fairly close camping ground. Where the camping ground is I have no idea I just fallow my parents. Kind of like a nomad in the mid-evil times back in the evil days. And strangely I saw Anna there and we got to know each other she looks a lot better without makeup on, in my opinion. I always thought I looked better with makeup but not a lot just a little bit.
During the trip my family met Anna’s family and I still think Anna doesn’t like me. I think she thinks that I’m just someone to talk to, but I don’t like her either but I do like her enough to talk to her. Anna’s family is the kind of family that doesn’t care what their children do, and to be honest it’s kind of sad, I have no room to talk because I don’t know what it’s like to have parents that don’t care. I wonder if she ever gets lonely, I mean I would, psh I get lonely now. But that’s not the point.
Anna and I were walking in the woods and we hear something. We look at each other and then we both think it’s just an animal. Then we hear screaming from the upcoming trail that we were about to go to then didn’t because of the scream. And I know we should have ran back but we didn’t because I didn’t want her think I was scared so we kept walking.
About ten minutes into the walk, after we heard the scream, we hear another scream; I turn to Anna and say,
“Are you scared?”
Anna says, “A little bit, are you?”
I say, “Terrified”
Anna, “Wanna walk back”
I said, “Kind of, do you?”
And of course she said, “No I kinda like it ya know the moon light on my skin and being able to see the stars, it’s beautiful.”
I said, “I never thought about it like that before but what about the screaming?”
Anna, “I don’t know but it’s creepy to just think about it”
I said, “Yeah it is, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you such a brat at school?”
Anna replies with a smart Alec comment, “Because I feel like it! But I mostly do it to get my parents to notice”
I say, “So you do it so your parents will notice you?”
Anna says, “Yeah, it’s stupid I know”
“It’s not stupid, I mean I wouldn’t know, but there are other ways to get your parents to notice you”
Anna says, “Really?”
I said, “Yes, like if you actually tired at school and got good grades they might notice, or if you stayed off the streets and did things around the house they night notice then too”
Anna said, “I never thought to do that. Do your parents notice you?”
And of course I said, “All the freaking time. It’s so annoying because their always on my back about everything and sometimes I just crack under the pressure they put on me, it’s crazy.”
Anna, “Oh”
I said, “Yeah did you hear that?!”
Anna, “Yeah what was it?”
I said, “Yeah I don’t know what it was”
Anna, “I think we should walk back”
I replied immediately “Yes we should which way did we come from?”
Anna, “I think that way”
I said, “You think? Well let’s try that way and see if it’s the right way”
As we walk down the path we see this house that doesn’t look very inviting. So we walked past it and then ten minutes later we walk past the same house. And by this point I really want some coffee, maybe I do have problem with coffee, but I have is water so I have to make it last. I don’t think Anna was as scared as I was.
On our way back to the camp site we ran into this strange man. He was weird. He wore blood red over-alls, and he carried a large knife, which was weird because just ten minutes ago we heard a scream and it makes me think. What if he killed that person that screamed ten minutes ago?
As soon as I lay eyes on him I nudge Anna, Anna notices and says, “RUN!”
As soon as we start running, Anna falls, I turn back to get her, and we continue running. After like ten minutes of running we stop to take a break.
I say, “Do you thing we lost him”
Anna replies with, “depends, whose house is that?”
I said, “Oh my gosh, we have to keep running!”
Anna, “But I’m tired of running!”
I said “We have to or we’ll die!”
Anna agrees and we keep running. About an hour later we get back to the camp site and beg our parents to take us back to New York. They say no then we explain our story to our parents. They agree to go back home.
© Copyright 2012 Anna Sharp (hayhay14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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