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Details of the map. |
Myrtle Forest: Home of Shellie and Darkie. The place is full of happiness and unaware about any dangers that lurk nearby. The forest trees grow tall and provide everything the inhabitants ever need. A lot of line fields, rivers, large lakes, and more exist in this vast, straight land. Little Inlet (Myrtle Forest): The part of Myrtle Forest that sticks out into the ocean for a little ways. It is also considered the path to the ice cap. It is a 40 mile journey from the tip of Little Inlet to the tip of Mining Ice. Even though it is very dangerous and freezing temperatures is all year round, many are tempted to go there in search for hidden minerals worth a fortune. It is rumored the Coolstone Igneous rock can only be found there. Silver Mountains: The steepest, tallest mountains of the world are found here. It makes a great barrier for the ancient evil Sorcerer who had once nearly destroyed the planet. Other than Skull Island and the very southeast corner of the planet there are no traces that she is still alive. Northern Tip: Northernmost tip of the circular world, any “land” that is visible is purely frozen ice and rock. Deep underneath is the ocean and ocean floor. Oops misspelled on the map. Mining Ice (Northern Tip): This is where the rumored Coolstone Igneous Rock can be found. Dormant volcanoes make up this area, unless there is an active volcano. This is the most treacherous place to live, especially when the civilization are not technologically advanced. While it is covered in snow and ice, this is the only place of the Northern Tip where there is land. Wasteland Ice Ridge (Northern Tip): This is the most isolated part of Northern Tip where even wild animals do not dare roam. It is rumored to be covered by ancient dark magic. Artic Ocean (Northern Tip): The northern most part of the world that is all sea except for the “land”. Mysterious Pathway (Artic Ocean): The spot that holds a secret. Whirpools, violent thunderstorms, and creatures that don’t exist anywhere else live here. Rumors of a hidden portal to Earth can be found here. No one knows if Earth even exist though. Sandy Dunes: What the wind blows is carried into this desert and dropped down to where wind does not exist. The sand slowly gives way to the bottom where it is pure rock. Anything that lives here is either crazy or wild. Since there is no water to be found and no rain the plants and animals here thrive on the sun or moon. Inhabitants here are not very friendly. Low Plains: This is the largest ecosystem on the island. Second to the forest, there are many wildlife and inhabitants thriving. Great farming soil. The capitol of the island is located here (Bluegrass City). Deep Plain Lake (Low Plains): This is the deepest and largest lake of the island. An ancient evil minion could be lurking underneath. Shallow Marsh: A tiny place that is covered in water, but very shallow anything can walk through. Stays the same temperature + or – 5 degrees F. Shallow Marsh Lake (Shallow Marsh): No need for a boat, a person with pants raised to their knees can walk through. Plenty of sharks here. Ego Forest: This forest is full of undead and living alike. Some believe the undead spawns when the moon is up powered by ancient dark magic. Ego Bay (Ego Forest): Full of undead and living alike, this bay is considered to be the stronghold of an ancient evil minion. Shallow Bay (Ego Forest, Narrow Mountains): The bay is very shallow for a very long time before deepening. It is safe from sharks and swimmable in. However, the dangers from Ego Forest and Narrow Mountains make it dangerous. It is rumored to hold the ancient sea snake that, in its own self, is more dangerous than the ancient evil minions. It is much weaker than the sorcerer though. Narrow Mountains: Covered in mist, the paths through is very treacherous. These mountains are steep, but not near as tall as the Silver Mountains. Volcanoes erupt frequently. Several ancient evil minions could be found in the caves. No one knows how to destroy them though and hope they don’t wake up. Narrow Swamp: This swamp is full of thriving creatures, untouched by the darkness. It is very deep waters where reptiles, fish, birds, amphibians, insects, and mossy trees grow to monstrous sizes. Many of the animals and plants living there are unique to this swamp. Narrow Swamp Lake (Narrow Swamp): This lake is very deep, but not as deep as Deep Plains Lake. Even though it is tiny, the bottom of it could be an ancient evil minion instead of an actual bottom. Rumors have it that the bottom is magma and this is how the swampy waters stay warm all year round. |