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America, must chose its destiny for the future. Now is the time to REBOOT AMERICA!


America, after many trials and tribulations, has reached another crossroads where we must chose our destiny for the future; in fact our very lives depend on it!  Sadly many of us have forgotten the ethics, principles and ideals that have made this country great.  For too many people, the "American Dream" seems totally out of reach, and instead they feel that they are living the "American Nightmare."  The nation is "stuck" in an overall state of gridlock, with people in great numbers expressing feelings of anger, frustration, divisiveness, weariness, apathy and melancholy.  We must act now to do whatever we can to change that.  Throughout the history of our country the American people when they join together, can turn the very worst challenges into the very best outcomes.  This is definitely one of those times where that must happen.  We must start investing in each other and our country, and remember that America's greatest resource is the people who live here.  There is no challenge too great, task too hard to accomplish, or goal we can't reach, if we join together as a nation.  The following are mostly "common sense" ideas, principles, guidelines and simple things, that every single American, and America as a whole country can start doing immediately to make the USA the very best place in the world to live.  Now is the time for a wake up call reminder and to REBOOT AMERICA!

NOTE: Reboot America 2012 is not a political party, nor is it affiliated with any political party - it is simply a movement for change.

For All Americans:

The "Value" Of Human Life - Every human life is extremely important to the cycle of the universe yet somehow that importance has been lost over time.  First you must value your own life.  Live each day to the fullest as if it is going to be your last because it very well could be.  Promise that you are going to make the world a better place because you are in it.  That is the best legacy that anyone can leave when they die.  Understand and appreciate the "true" value of the lives of others.  Every person's life has great value but not in a monetary way.  A person's "value" should never be judged by how much money they have, or whether or not they are able to "work" for pay.  Our country has unfortunately mistakenly accepted that misguided idea.  Everyone (young, old, healthy, sick, rich or poor) has ideas and talents that when nurtured properly are a valuable contribution to those around them and society as whole.  We must all do whatever we can to make sure that every American has proper food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education, a good paying job if they are able to work, and enough financial resources to live a comfortable stress free life.  Until that happens we deserve a failing grade, there is no good excuse for that failure, and we should be ashamed of ourselves as a nation!  A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, a country is only as strong as it's weakest citizens, and you can measure the true moral values and integrity of a country by how they are treated.  We must promise to be the best that we can be at all times and do whatever we can to also help others to achieve that goal as well.

Respect Yourself And Everyone Else - Don't do anything to others that you would not want them to do to you.  All crime, violence, bullying, harassment, discrimination, prejudice and racism should not be tolerated and must be stopped immediately.

Get Smart! - Bad Behavior = Ignorance

Pay It Forward - If someone shows you a kindness "pay it forward" and do something special for someone else, so eventually all the dominoes of discord in this nation will fall down.

"Charity" Begins At Home - Take Care Of Americans First - This does not mean be selfish.  If our country falls apart we will no longer be able to help others in the rest of the world and we all suffer.  The American people are some of the most generous in the world and that is a very good thing.  Since we are all citizens of the planet earth, as well as Americans, it is a natural feeling that we would want to help those in need in other countries.  Too often though, when tragedy strikes Americans will not hesitate to send money to other countries, yet they will totally ignore the needs of their fellow Americans who may be right in front of them who need the help just as much if not more.  Before you donate funds to a foreign country think about how many of your friends and neighbors right here in America that you can help with that money, and instead consider donating to help someone here at home.  In fact do not think of it as "charity" think of it as an investment towards the betterment of your country.  If you want to help others around the world (and there is nothing wrong with that) also pledge that for every dollar you donate, or other forms of help that you wish to give another country, you will provide the exact same dollar amount or type of help to someone here in America as well. 

Do not allow the improper actions of a few; to negatively influence your view of other groups of people.

Learn To Empathize - Never Judge Or "Look Down" On Others - You truly have no idea what someone else is feeling or what they have been through unless you are actually in their body and as we all know that is impossible.  Most people don't want or need your "pity" or "sympathy" (unless someone has died.)  Instead try to imagine what it might be like to "actually experience" yourself what they may be dealing with, try to (empathize) with them, and most important provide help if they need it.

A Special Note On The Treatment Of Our Most Vulnerable Citizens - The Poor, Sick & Elderly - Don't even dare to judge these people because remember disease and tragedy do not discriminate on the basis of age, race or sex.  You are just one step away from walking in their shoes at any moment!  If you think their circumstances could not happen to you - you better think again! 

Recycle As Much As Possible & Clean Up Your Own Mess - If you make a mess whether it be literally or figuratively, it is your responsibility to "clean it up" yourself as soon as possible, and never expect others to do it for you.

Vote, Vote, Vote! - Make sure to register and get out to vote.  If you cannot physically get to the polls apply to vote by absentee ballot.  It is your right, and remember that people have fought and died to give you that right.  Do not let their sacrifice be in vain.  You have no right to complain if you do not like how things are with our government or elected officials, if you do not vote to fix them. 

For Yourself:

Take Care Of Yourself First - This does not mean to be selfish in a negative way.  This means do whatever you can to stay healthy both physically and mentally.  If you do not take care of yourself first, you will not be able to function properly or help anyone else.

Knowledge Is Power - The more you know the farther you will go.  Do whatever you can to go to school and get a good education.  The Internet when used properly is also one of the greatest tools ever invented to gain some of that knowledge so learn how to use it. 

Always Be Honest With Yourself And Others - Honesty really is the best policy.

Don't Try To Please Everyone - No matter how hard you try someone will always be unhappy about what you do.  Please yourself and at least one person will always be happy and that person is you!

Always Follow Your Dreams And Trust Your Instincts

Do Not Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today - We do not live forever and unfortunately there may not be a tomorrow.

Don't Be Shy Or Afraid To Take Risks - Don't let your fear of the unknown hold you back otherwise you could miss out on meeting wonderful people and doing some of the greatest things that life has to offer.

Be Creative And Inventive - Some of this country's greatest achievements and improvements were made by those who learned how to develop those skills and shared their talents and accomplishments with the rest of us.

Make A Bucket List - Set goals for yourself in life, as this helps make you the best person you can be.  Make your goals as realistic as possible.  Review them often, and if for some good reason you cannot do some of them, replace them with new goals.

Promise that you will do at least one thing that you enjoy doing, and one act of kindness for someone else each day.

Never Be Afraid To Say, "I Love You" - Use those words as much as possible as they contribute greatly to the betterment of the world.

Take the time to smile, use the words "please" and "thank you," and compliment others around you as much as possible.

Reflect on and learn from the past, always live in the present, but look forward to the future.

Music & Laughter Are The Best Medicine

Don't Be A Victim - Be Victorious!

It's Not Over Until They Are Throwing The Dirt On Top Of You!

Pedestals Were Made For Statues Not For Humans - There is no excuse for arrogant behavior.

Stop Playing The "Blame Game" - You, are the only one responsible for your actions and are the only one accountable for any consequences - good or bad - that result from those actions.  Also take the time, before making any decision, to ask yourself if you will be able to look back on it without regret. 

Remember That We All Make Mistakes - Always admit gracefully when you have made a mistake, and remember that ALL humans make them.  Always take the time to say you are sorry if you have hurt someone else as a result of those mistakes, and do whatever you can as soon as possible to make amends to the other person or correct the situation.

When You Are Angry Or Frustrated - Stop, think and count to 10 before saying anything to anyone.  Remember that once any words are spoken, they can never be taken back.

Always Honor A Person's Right To Privacy

Do Not Gossip - If you do not hear something directly from a person don't automatically believe that it is true or tell anyone else about it.  In its worst form, gossip can literally destroy a person's life.

Don't Assume - Take the time to get ALL the facts that are relevant to a situation.  When dealing with others make sure to find out about both sides of any story that you may hear.

For All Consumers:

Buy Products That Are Made In America Whenever Possible

Take the time to let businesses and corporations know when they are not giving you the proper customer service in a constructive, polite manner, and also compliment them when they do treat you well.  - They cannot correct things if you don't tell them there is a problem.  Speaking out helps to improve customer service not only for you, but other customers as well.

For All Businesses & Corporations:

Serving the customer is your top priority and the customer is always right! - Do whatever it takes to satisfy your customers because word of mouth is your best method of advertisement, and you want your customers to only have positive things to say.  Encourage customer feedback and correct any problems as soon as possible.  Even if a customer has a problem, if you correct it quickly and to their satisfaction, you may end up with a lifelong customer instead of losing their business forever.

Keep as many as possible, if not all jobs in the United States using American workers. 

Pay Each Employee Properly - Equal pay for equal work for both men and women.  Each person should only have to work ONE job in America in order to support themselves and their families and they should be paid a proper living wage in order to do that.  To ensure that happens we should create a National Standard Living Wage Labor Board.  In addition to the Federal & State minimum wage laws, this board would create a minimum living wage amount for each TYPE of job and ALL employers would be required to pay ALL their employees at least that amount for their work in that field.  Federal & State minimum wage increases need to keep up with rising cost of living expenses as well and that is not happening.  Until people are actually paid properly for ONE job there will always be high rates of unemployment.  Just do the math!  If each person must work more than one job to support themselves or their families in order to survive, for every extra job they work, that is a job that is not available for someone who has no job at all.  That by its very nature contributes to the unemployment problems we face as a country, but you never seem to hear anyone mention that fact. 

Remember that any and all success that you enjoy as a business is because of each and every one of your workers and all are equally important and should be treated as such. - Always let your workers know when they are doing a good job and reward them whenever you can.  Keeping workers happy is one of the best investments any business can make.

The human body is not a machine, but just like a machine if it is overworked and stressed too much it will break down, and your business will suffer as a result. - Make sure you provide each employee with a safe and comfortable work environment, reasonable work hours, adequate vacation, sick time with pay, and healthcare benefits.  Keeping workers healthy is another one of the best investments any business can make.

Always listen to your workers and allow them to have input in company decisions and share equally in the profits.  - Those who are actually doing the job know better than anyone what works and what doesn't and are the best source of ideas for any improvements that need to be made.  If a worker has a "stake" in the company they are more likely to a better job.  Do whatever is necessary to keep your worker's satisfied and morale high.  They will do a better job for you and make your customers happier too.  A disgruntled, unhappy worker or customer is the worst thing that any company can have and your company will suffer as a result.

Stop The Greed & Exorbitant Fees - It is immoral and sooner or later it will catch up with you!

To All Our Elected Officials:

Remember That This Is The UNITED States Where Every State And Every Vote Must Count! - Our soldiers have fought and even died to bring freedom and the right to vote to other countries, yet citizens in our own country still cannot freely access polling places or be totally confident that if they do cast a vote, that it will be accurately counted.  Something is seriously wrong with that and it needs to be corrected immediately!  It seems like our politicians have a case of color blindness with their focus on blue and red states.  Since all states are a mix of both "colors," in reality it makes them ALL purple states.  It's time that they get their priorities straight!  They are supposed to represent, serve and protect ALL Americans regardless of what economic class they are or political party they belong to.  If your goal as a politician is to get as many votes as possible to get or keep your job, common sense would dictate that it is not wise to ignore or alienate large groups of potential voters.  It's pretty sad when more Americans vote for contestants on reality TV game shows than in an election because they feel that their vote actually counts, and is more effective in determining the outcome.  Just because a person is registered with a specific political party, it does not mean that they could not be convinced to vote for a person from a different party.  Politicians continually talk about the "middle and the "upper" class and ignore the millions of Americans that do not fit into either of those categories.  By neglecting such large segments of the population they continue to prove that they have NO CLASS!  It is their job to interact with all of their constituents, all the time - not just at election time, to know what their concerns are, and to create and vote for the legislation that addresses those concerns.  They need to truly start representing the people and not just themselves.  They continually pander to specific "focus" groups of people such as Evangelicals, Independent voters, soccer/security moms, NASCAR dads etc. to round up votes.  This disenfranchising behavior sends a very poor message to those who may not fall into one of those categories that their vote means nothing.  It should not matter if you live in a battleground or swing state, upstate or downstate.  The ONLY focus group should be, ALL of the American people! 

Stop The Negative Campaigning - Talk Only About Yourself And The Important Issues - When campaigning don't ever mention your opponent, focus only on yourself and tell the voters what you are going to do if elected.  Anything else is just biased rhetoric and a waste of our time.  If you're doing your jobs properly, and communicating with all of your constituents, you know what the issues are, and every issue is important to somebody.  It is your civic duty to inform us of where you stand on the issues, your goals and views, and our right to be educated and have that information before we cast our precious votes.
In order to guarantee this, regulations should be put in place so that no campaign ads of any kind can be run that even mention an opponent, and that do not focus on the issues or what the person running for office is going to do if elected. You may be pleasantly surprised to see the past problems with poor voter turn out, will in future elections, suddenly disappear.

Elections, Politics & Government:

All Elections Should Be Decided By Popular Vote - We must change the voting system to give each vote the weight that it deserves.  We must get rid of the Electoral College and elections must be truly decided by how many actual votes were cast at the polls.

Strict Term Limits For All Elected Officials - All local, state and Federal elected officials should only remain in office for a maximum of 8 years. 

Campaign Finance Reform - We need major campaign finance reform and the only way our country will truly be run properly again is to fix this major problem.  There should be general campaign funds set up for all local, state, and Federal candidates who wish to run for office.  All money would be directed to these various funds and divided equally amongst the candidates who wish to run for office.  No other money would be used other than this fund in order to prevent unfair advantage.  This gives any and all people who may wish to run for any elected position an equal opportunity to run, and not be discouraged from running based on lack of finances.  It also prevents improper influence by outside interest groups who donate money and try to obligate candidates to their causes once elected.

Limit Campaigns To A 3 Month Period Before An Election - In this modern day where messages can be received in an instant, there is no need for political campaigns to begin more than 3 months before an election.  That is plenty of time for a candidate to get their messages out and prior to that they should continue to be totally focused on doing their jobs for the constituents who elected them with no distractions.

Public Debate Requirement - During the 3 month campaign cycle for all elected positions there should be a series of debates to properly educate the voters on their choices.  There should be a minimum of 1 per month and no more than 6 total.  At least one half of the questions asked at these debates must be used from submissions by the general public in advance.

All media outlets should be required to donate equal shares of publicity to all candidates starting 3 months prior to the election - It is their civic duty to do so, and since their publicity time and space would be donated, that would greatly cut down on funds that would need to be spent towards running a political campaign.

Stop Harassing Political Phone Calls - All citizens should be able to opt out from receiving political based phone calls through the National Do Not Call Registry.

Some Solutions To Put Our Country On The Right Track:

National Community Service Program - This program would help coordinate and provide volunteer help to the poor, sick and elderly as well as other individual community based needs.  Education partnerships would be set up so participants could use their community service credits (coupons or vouchers) to be applied to the costs of local high school/college tuition/book expenses.  Partnerships with national and local businesses would also be established so that the community service credits could be traded in for goods or services at participating businesses as a reward for the volunteers.

The Economy:

Remember That Foundations/Buildings And The Economy Are Not Built From The Middle Or Top Down - Without a strong foundation the entire structure or country crumbles.  The number of people in poverty is growing by the day, and is among the worst this country has ever seen.  They are the "foundation" of this country, which has been rapidly crumbling for decades now.  The increasing number of elected officials who keep ignoring this fact, and their continuing attempts to cut programs for those in poverty that could correct this destructive course, shows that they are totally out of touch with reality.  This trend needs to stop if we are ever going to have a solid foundation for growth and prosperity.

Providing Help For The Disadvantaged Actually Can Boost The Economy - Remember that any money that is provided to help the poor, sick or elderly ends up actually becoming a good investment in the economy.  Unfortunately most of these people are in a situation where they need so many different things, that they spend most of any money they receive almost immediately just to pay for the basic necessities of life.  Contrary to popular opinion, since they are spending rather than saving this actually boosts the economy. 

Forget About "Trickle Down Economics." - It does not work, the rich get richer and the number of poor people increases.  The only thing that ever actually trickles down is a word too nasty a word to mention!

Government Programs:

Several Federal Government programs are paid for by tax deductions out of American's hard earned paychecks.  A fixed proportion (dependent on the allocation of tax rates by trust fund) of the taxes received under the FICA/Federal Insurance Contributions Act and the Self-Employment Contributions Act are deposited in a trust fund on every business day.  Funds not withdrawn for current expenses (benefits, the financial interchange with the Railroad Retirement program, and administrative expenses) are invested in "special-issue" interest-bearing Federal securities, as required by law; and the interest earned is also deposited in the trust fund.  The cash exchanged for the securities goes into the general fund of the Treasury and is indistinguishable from other cash in the general fund.  We "trust" that the money that we have paid into that fund is going to be there when we need it most.  What most people do not know is the main reason that the "entitlement" programs are in trouble is that the government constantly borrows from those trust funds to pay for other unrelated expenses (including wars) and those funds have never been paid back.  Therefore regulations must be passed to ensure that every dollar taken to pay for government benefits or insurance programs must be used strictly to pay for those benefits, to administer those programs and not be used for anything else.  Often those who receive assistance from government social programs do not get enough help to even afford the basic necessities of life.  They regularly have to make difficult sacrifices deciding between which necessity such as food, clothing, shelter, heat, medical care and more that they must do without in order to pay for the other ones.  This often creates a very miserable and stressful existence and for those who have never had to experience this situation themselves, to imply otherwise, shows a total lack of knowledge.  Most people would never willingly chose this lifestyle if their circumstances could be different.  Continued attempts to freeze or cut funding from the social programs that were instituted to help our most vulnerable citizens is inhumane, totally unacceptable, and there is no good excuse for it.  It also prevents people from ever improving their situation enough to do without the assistance programs. Any country that engages in actions that purposely hurt its weakest citizens should be ashamed!

Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Medicare

These "entitlement" programs are America's attempt to do what is right to help its most vulnerable citizens.  Unfortunately the inappropriate actions of a very small percentage of people receiving these benefits, have incorrectly stigmatized everyone who gets help from these programs.  In fact the word "entitlement" has now often been given a nasty connotation instead of what it really means.  Basically when you pay for a service or benefit you are supposed to receive or "be entitled" to get what you have paid for.  These programs are not welfare, a hand out, reward, golden parachute or jackpot by any means, and most people are hard pressed to survive on them.  Yet, often claimants and beneficiaries are viewed as "victims," or "slackers" living off the government or "frauds" trying to scam the system and treated like criminals.  No system is perfect and there always seems to be a few bad people who try to ruin things for others.  Those people are the ones that the media always focuses on and that creates the illusion that the whole program is bad.  This in turn prevents the people who truly need these benefits from getting them properly.  It has been proven time and again that the majority of any corruption, fraud and waste in any of these programs is committed, not by the beneficiaries/claimants themselves, but the people who administer the programs and in the case of Medicare - the physicians and medical supply companies.  Before anyone has the nerve to put anyone down who relies on these programs, they had better actually learn what these programs really are.  They are insurance policies and benefit programs that people have actually paid for, and it is no different than paying for any other type of insurance (health, auto, life, homeowner's etc).  If someone actually collects on any of those insurance policies there is no stigma in that.  The only difference is that Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), & Medicare are administered by the Federal government and the others are administered by private companies.  Mistakenly many Americans think that Social Security only offers retirement benefits for senior citizens age 62 or older.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Social Security also provides Social Security Disability insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Survivor benefits and helps with the Medicare program. Educate yourself today at www.ssa.gov & www.medicare.gov 

Supplemental Security Income/SSI, Medicaid, Welfare, Unemployment Insurance

These programs were also America's attempt to do what was right to help its most vulnerable citizens.  They were created to be a safety net for millions of Americans, but for too many they have become their only lifeline for survival.  If we are ever going to decrease the amount of poverty stricken Americans we need to increase the funding of these programs not decimate them.  If you do not provide a person with enough financial resources to have proper food, clothing, shelter or medical care, they are going to be hard pressed to find any kind of job or even be healthy enough to be able to work at all.  This creates a cycle of poverty, which is the opposite purpose of why these programs were created in the first place.  Along with the financial aid, there must also be more programs created to help those who are able, get back to work or get an education, so that they will one day no longer need government assistance.  Until every American has a decent paying job that wants one, there is no good excuse for complaining about people who need to get some extra help to survive.


New Curriculum Standards - Teachers should not only teach the required basic subjects, but more importantly the entire national curriculum should be focused on teaching students skills and subjects that they can really use in their everyday lives to survive.  Some suggestions would be money management, how to get and keep a job, basic and advanced computer skills, home economics (cooking, sewing), how to buy and care for a home, child care and other care giving skills.  Also arts and sports programs need to be recognized as a very important part of a student's overall education, and not be treated as secondary programs that automatically get cut when times get tough.  In fact those students who participate in arts and sports activities often acquire the discipline and other skills that help them do better in their other classes as well.

National College & Vocational Training Fund Program - This would greatly help any person who wants to go to college or get vocational training but may never go to school because they cannot afford it, would help with the student loan debt crisis, and is a well placed investment in the future workforce of this nation.  For every semester that a student maintains a B average or above in their overall GPA, that semester would be paid for in full provided that they actually graduate with either a 2 or 4 year degree.  This type of program has proven to be successful all over the country in various areas and it is time we instituted it on a national scale.  In order to fund the program 5% of each state's lottery intake would be contributed to the fund.  In addition any private donations to the fund would be tax deductible.  For every dollar that is contributed, the Federal government would match it with an equal contribution.  Each year the fund would be divided equally among all the states.

Tax Reform:

Simplify the tax code

ALL income from worker's wages should be taxed fairly at a flat rate (for example somewhere between 10% - 15%) to balance the budget and pay for necessary government spending.

Remove tax loopholes and deductions for those who ship jobs overseas.

Increase tax deductions for charitable donations.

Abolish the estate and alternative minimum tax.

Immigration Reform:

America since its birth and by its very nature, is a land of immigrants who came to this country, sacrificed, worked hard, and followed the laws to become legal citizens, making it the great melting pot of cultures that it is.  Anyone who enters this country illegally is not only committing a crime because they are taking resources that belong to the actual citizens of this land, but they are also showing great disrespect to those who actually followed the laws, and that cannot be tolerated.  We must continue to protect and strengthen our borders to prevent illegal immigration.

Any employers or private citizens who hire illegal workers should be subject to a minimum $100,000 fine for each illegal worker that they employ.

Unfortunately since we currently have many undocumented people in this country, we need to find a way to fix this problem realistically once and for all.  Although they are here illegally, they came to this country because they wanted a better life for themselves and their families.  In order to achieve that, many have worked very hard in the shadows, and have endured deplorable, abusive living and working conditions as a trade off to keep their existence here a secret.  Mass deportations are unrealistic and cruel; so therefore we need to establish a ONE TIME - Path To Citizenship program.  This program would have a 2-year time period with a concrete beginning and end date.  All undocumented people currently in this country would have to register to be part of this program and complete the guidelines established in order to become a legal American citizen.  Only those with no criminal history would be allowed to participate, with guaranteed protections in place so they could participate without any fear of deportation for coming forward.  Anyone who successfully completes the program within the 2-year period would become American citizens and be allowed to stay here.  Those who do not qualify, register or complete the program would be immediately deported, and after the 2 year program expires any illegal immigrants who are found living in this country would be immediately deported as well.

Necessary Improvements - We must stop sending money overseas, invest in our own country, and start doing the following here at hone:

Invest in medical research and technology - We must vow to conquer and eliminate our greatest enemy, which is all the diseases that kill, compromise and threaten the lives of every American, every hour of every day, such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Autoimmune Disease, Alzheimer's Disease and too many more to list.  We must set a goal to eliminate or have better more advanced treatments for every one of these conditions within the next 5 years.

Invest in the infrastructure of our country to repair and update it

Invest in updating the National Grid

Invest in new and more efficient methods of transportation

Invest in new advanced computer and nano technologies

Invest in clean alternative energy and fuel options

Invest in cleaning up the environment and put regulations in place to prevent future pollution

Invest in finding more ways to recycle and reduce waste

Invest in increasing & strengthening our existing agricultural resources

Invest in our vast natural resources

Invest in improving and streamlining our military, and give them the tools they need so they are better equipped to handle the challenges they face in the modern world.  Do whatever it takes to keep them here in America to protect the homeland, and stop using them to be the "police force" of the world.  Invest in doing whatever is necessary to properly take care of our military men and women during their time of service, and especially after they have served our country.

A Blast From Our Past - Excerpt From The Declaration Of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

It is the goal of this pledge that if each and every person does their part, it will result in peace, health, happiness and prosperity for ALL Americans.  Please sign the pledge, make a difference & Reboot America today!

Reboot America 2012 Pledge - Change.org

©Copyright 2012 - LJ Fullerton - Reboot America 2012 - Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited!
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