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Progeny of the Apocolypse: The Book of Astarte It was so that I looked, and behold, a door in the earth opened, and the voice came unto me like a thousand screaming souls and it sayeth, “Hark unto me Peregrine, for thou art with thy creator.” I looked unto the shadow that sat upon the throne in the world. And he that sat was to look upon like a great inferno within the bowels of the earth. And round about the throne a wreath of flames burned like the scorching furnaces of Hell. And before the throne there was a sea of embers like unto burning crystal. And in the midst of the throne and all about the throne, were the eight princes. Their eyes fell upon me and they were like the fierce lions that walked the earth. And they rest not day and night and spoke fire unto me saying, holy, holy, holy Lord Azaal which was, and is, and is to come. And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and bound in the flesh of man and it was sealed with the eight seals of the princes. I saw Ithaca proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof, and no man on earth neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereof. And Ithaca sayeth unto me, “You Peregrine, son of Azaal, shall take this book to the earth of men, and thou shalt bury it beneath the sands of time that none may look thereof, for none are worthy. The Daemon has broken the covenant and the earth above and below and within has shattered.” And I sayeth unto him, “Ithaca oh son of Azaal, thou hast commanded of thy servant to do thy bidding and I shall, but I know not of the Daemon you speak.” And it was so that the fires burned beneath the earth as he spoke unto me “Peregrine, I see you in your wisdom that you do not know of our betrayer. He has forsaken our father and in so doing has condemned the earth of men And it will be so that he shall rise again from whence they cast him down. We call him Baalberith, the ninth son of Azaal. It was so that our father gave unto man the breath of life and hast made us unto our lord kings and priests: and we shall reign on earth until the return of the ninth son. ” And I did as I was commanded by the flames of the earth above and below and within, and I brought the book unto the earth of men and I buried it beneath the sands of time. I roamed the deserts for eternity in the light of our lord and creator, Azaal. And it was so that the ninth day of the ninth year, he gave unto me, a vision. And I saw a fire burning in the heavens above, and in the earth below and within. And it was so that the eight princes came unto men, and the fires of heaven rained upon the earth. And I saw daemons descend from the skies above. They held in their arms the fires of the earth, and the winds of the earth, and the waters of the earth. And they sayeth unto the men of the world, “Hark unto us men of the earth, for thy creator has condemned thee. Come unto our embrace that the claws of thy creator cannot harm thee.” And it was so that the men of the earth came to their embrace. And Baalberith, the ninth son, fell from the sky. And he brought with him the box of the makers. It held within, the fall of the world of men. And poured it upon the earth and the men of the world fell to their knees as they looked upon the light of the fires that scorched the ground. And it was so that he gifted unto their leaders, all the wealth of the world. And he said unto them, “I grant unto thee oh men of the earth, the fires of the heavens and earth. And I give thee the power to control the creations of thy lord and creator, Azaal. And I give thee the army of daemons that his powers and his sons cannot harm thee. “ And it was so that the daemons rose from the earth below and they had the heads of horses and the body of locusts. And it was so that they descended upon the fires within the earth and the two great armies stood against one another. I saw the flames of the earth raise through the ground and came unto man and their grass was burned and their grains were scorched. And it was so that the men of the earth starved in the flames, and their stomachs were empty with the fruits of the earth. And the fires descended upon the seas and oceans and they boiled to nothing. And the men of the earth grew thirsty and their lips forgot the taste of water. And I saw the world fall to the fires of Hell and the fires of Heaven, and Baalberith quenched the fires with the winds of the earth. And he poured the waters back into the world of men. And he said unto them, “Look upon the gifts that I give thee. Your lord and creator has forsaken thee, and has punished thee. I have returned thy food and thy water and your stomachs will not go hungry, and your mouths will not go thirsty.” And I saw that the men of the earth rose against their lord and creator and they came unto his throne and they cast him down. And the princes stood against the men in defiance, and they held their shields high upon the falling of their swords. And it was so that the eight princes stole away the powers of men, and they could no longer control the fires of earth, and the winds of the earth, and the waters of the earth. And it was so that Baalberith stood against the princes with his army of men and daemons. And he said unto the men of the earth, “Look upon thy former masters and know that they do not control thee anymore.” And I saw that the men again rose to power and they cast down their mortality and dressed their naked flesh in crimson cloth. They called themselves the scarlet ones, and they betrayed their mothers and their fathers, and cast them back to the earth from whence they came. I watched as they felled their brothers and their sisters and they claimed the world for their own and cast down their masses into servitude. And I saw their queen rise to power, and she held in her hands a gold chalice that within held the blood of the fallen martyrs and the filth of the wicked men. And she was drunk from the blood and spilled her mysteries forth upon the earth. And the scarlet ones rejoiced in her glory. And it was so that their faith came to be and they loved her and worshipped her as a god. And she came to the world and stood within the depths of its oceans and cried unto the earth and sky, and her voice had called the dead back to the earth. They walked among the men and were as they were and did as they did. And she came unto the mouth of the world and into the fires of hell and held Baalberith’s hand in hers. Fire shot from her eyes and lightning and thunder spilled from her voice as she spoke. “I am Azul. Mother and Father of thy daemons of hell and the queen of men. I cast you down and reject your reign upon the earth which you created. I am Azaal’s wife and lover and he has betrayed me and his creations. They come unto me as my servants and do as I command. And it is so that you shall do as I command or your earth shall be no more.” It was so that Baalberith stood before the Daemons and he said unto them, “Hark unto me oh great Daemons, for I am your light. Look upon the world that men have claimed from their creator. This world is ours. Men are ours. Your father is weak and denies you your birthright.” The eight princes rejected the Daemon that stood before them, and Ithaca said unto him, “Baalberith, great Daemon, like a forgotten god our father is to be treated? He created this world. He created man. He created us in his own image. His love brought unto us our power and we will not cast him down.” It was so that Ithaca stood in defiance against the Daemon, and Baalberith sent forth the great army of men. They were young and courageous and bore the mark of their leader. Upon their right hands the Daemon had branded them with a five pointed star. Upon its tips circles lay atop the peaks. And Baalberith said unto Ithaca, “Behold oh mighty Ithaca, the wrath of my vengeance. I shall boil the seas and bring forth the rain of flames. This world shall be scorched of the taint that thee and your kind have brought unto us.” It was so that he cast forth his hands toward the sky and fire rained down upon the lands of Arlia. He placed his finger in the churning waters and they boiled. And he said unto him, “Your world shall perish oh mighty Ithaca unless thou surrenders to my wishes.” Mammon stepped forward and lowered his shield, and he said unto him, “Baalberith, oh mighty Daemon, we shall not surrender our birth rights to your betraying ways. Azaal’s wrath shall be eternal unto thee.” It was so that Mammon threw his shield toward the heavens and darkness descended upon the army. Their eyes went blind and they fell over one another as they ran, and he said unto him, “Thou hast no power here.” And I saw the queen of men, and mother of the Daemons bring light to the darkness and water to the fires. And it was as it was before. And she called unto the scarlet ones and they did as she commanded. And she raised her hands to the heavens and brought upon them the winds of the earth. And it was so that the army of Hell was swept away and the princes stood alone with their wounded father. I saw the rise of Jezebeth, the mistress of Azaal. And she came unto the army of men and cast upon them the great pestilence. And their weak fell, and their strong fell, and their leaders fell. And it was so that the scarlet ones retreated from whence they came. And Jezebeth said unto the daemons, “Return Baalberith, ninth son, and return Azul, to the fires of Heaven from whence you came. It is so that thy power has failed against thy masters, and the world is no longer yours. The beast within the furnace of hell calls unto thee for thy flesh. Are we not merciful for sparing thee from thy fate?” And the fires returned from the earth as they were before and it burned their flesh and scorched the land and parched the earth. I saw the queen and the betrayer retreat from the furnaces of hell and they came unto the men of the earth and the men rejected them as they had rejected their creator. And Baalberith left the world to the scarlet ones, and Azul stole away the powers of the scarlet ones and punished them for their betrayal. And it was so that the princes came unto her and banished her spirit and imprisoned her body into the box of the makers. |