Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1894761-In-Lieu-of-Faith-and-Magic
Rated: E · Poetry · Scientific · #1894761
He interviews for the job of editor-in-chief.
Once an ad for a new editor-in-chief ran;
it aroused every ounce of intrigue in the man.
It was Science that ran it so Alan Magee,
got all set for an interview down in D.C.

He was not the great shake with the technical stuff;
when he took engineering he found it quite tough.
Not an Albert Einstein nor Hawking for sure;
with his limited background guffaw could occur.

But he knew he had something that science reveres;
a regard for the truth with no bias or fears.
So he sat with the members of the Science staff,
and there was not the hint of a scoff or a laugh.

So began what is now known to be Magee’s spiel;
it flowed basic and sound with the focus on real.
As Magee freely owned up to ken scarcity,
he made points with the board with his free inquiry.

“It was Sagan who once said,” (Al wasn't aloof),
“that exceptional claims need exceptional proof.”
“We begin with a view and let that lead the way--
  and of course Aristotle espoused A is A.”

So the board took a vote and they were of one mind;
and then Alan Magee left his old life behind.
Now as chief he reviews all the science he can,
for he knows how it works as an asset of man.

24 Lines 

© Copyright 2012 Don Two (dannigan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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