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Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1893770
A work in progess. This is a manual for kids growing up.
                                  Don't Tell Your Mom What You Did

Getting through childhood is a complicated task. The reason being is that there is no manual for raising a child. This is because every child is different. No two children are the same. Now you may think this is a help book for the parents, but it's not. It's for the child.

Now first of all, of course, no two mothers or fathers are the same. Just like you they are affected by their experiences. The big difference is that they have had a lot more experiences than you. Of course you can only go by what you've experienced. All along the only other information that you have received, without experience is from them. This is the problem, because you trust them. You have no reason not to, because, well, they are the only people you know intimately. They nurture you when you cry, and comfort you. This is the big problem, because you are not them. You are a totally different individual. What they had experienced as a child or an infant is so far removed from the way they are now, that they just don't get it. Crying out loud at the top of your lungs is not going to help. That will either make them spoil you, which won't work out later in life, or shut you off in another room, where they don't have to hear you scream. Yes, you may finally go to sleep, but the lack of caring for what you need may cause irreparable damage. You don't understand that it's annoying, you just know it's your only form of communication, to get something done, about a problem or need you're having. Hey, they're supposed to be so smart, why can't they figure it out. I mean you scream or cry and they clean your diaper, or give you milk, or cuddle you. That's all you know to do. I know that you probably have a different cry or scream for each thing, but they don't get that. They just try anything to get you to

stop. That's what they really want. Oh yeah, they do care about you, but the screaming, especially for Dad, is what he's thinking about the most. How do I stop it. That's what's going through his mind. They're just not paying enough attention to the different screams or cries. They're all the same to them. They just know that you want or need something, but don't know what. So they keep trying things until you shut up and go to sleep. That's the deal. You of course are wondering, well I cry one way for this or scream one way for that. Why don't they get it? It's pretty simple to you. You try to make it as easy as possible, but they're just not paying attention.

The next thing you need to learn how to do is talk, because obviously they don't get the different cries or screams. So you have to advance to the next level. The first words should be dada or mama that will make one or the other of them proud you picked them first. It really doesn't matter which one, but usually mama is the first, since she's around the most. Plus if she's a New Age mom you've gotten to suck her breast. That's always nice. Plus breast milk helps to keep you from getting sick.

OK, next you learn to walk. I know you've been crawling around , but you're just not mobile enough. Besides it's hard to carry things while you're crawling. It won't be easy at first. The easiest way is to try to stand up. Grab on to a wall or something. It helps if it's somewhere near your baby carriage. That's the thing they roll you around in. Alright, grab hold of it and push it around a bit. They will be so thrilled that you're walking, they won't care if your cheating. If you don't do it this way for awhile

you'll fall down. If they noticed you fell and react you'll start crying. The best thing they can do is laugh. That will make you happy. The worst thing you can do is cry, because then they'll pick you up and comfort you, and that's not what you need. So just laugh back. Alright after you push the baby carriage around for awhile, try to walk without it. You've got the idea, you've just got to get your balance. Balance=not falling down. OK, now that you're walking they're going to expect you to use the toilet. In another words no more diapers. Hey, that way you don't have to cry if you have to pee or crap. You can handle it yourself. It'll make it easier for them and you. Just tell Mommy or Daddy you need to pee. It really doesn't matter if you need to crap you end up in the same place. You are on your way to being a child not a toddler.

Now that your a child, you have a whole new world ahead of you. The only problem is once you're a child, if you do something they don't want you to do or they think is wrong, they might spank you. This is the intentional causing of you pain. This is called corporal punishment. It's supposed to make you do what they want. They figure if you get the idea that if you disobey them you will get pain, that you won't do it anymore. Unfortunately it may just make you think of ways not to get caught. If you go down that road, you may lead a life of crime. It's not worth it. So just play along. You can have a lot of fun at this age. You're pretty much carefree. You can play with your friends outside or play on the computer, and learn things while your having fun, and maybe watch a few cartoons. Don't watch too much TV yet. Be innocent for a few years at least. You'll be happier, longer that way.Soon though you'll start asking questions that Mom and Dad will feel uncomfortable answering.

Questions like, where do babies come from. If they say the stork brings them, they're really old fashion and lying. If they say they come from mommy's belly they're essentially telling the truth, but not exactly. If you ask how babies get in to mommy's belly, they will either lie or tell you, we'll talk about that later, when you're older. You might as well ask a different question, because you'll get nowhere if they don't want to talk about it. Why, won't work. Just move on. I know you're not asking these questions to bother them. You just want to know. It doesn't make any difference, if they don't think you're old enough they won't tell you.

Next is preschool, then kindergarten( a German word. I don't know why) and then school. This is to get you used to going away from home everyday to do something. In this case, to learn. Later, to work.You'll find that now that you've grown up, that adults still don't pay much attention. Then it will be, as long as you go to school and get good grades, they're happy. If you don't get good grades then it's your fault, You're not working hard enough, even though there's some kid kicking your ass every day at

school. Of course you can't get good grades. You don't even want to go to school. You can't blame them too much though.. Maybe they've never experienced that. They're thinking that they just want you to get a good education, so that you don't have to end up in some dead end job, and hate your life, but it still comes down to paying attention.

Alright now you're a teenager. It won't be long before you think you know everything. You don't, but because of this again, they won't pay attention. If you want green hair, because the other kids have it,than obviously, you think, your not fitting in. They don't understand that. It's just no, you can't have green hair. Instead of trying to find out why you really want green hair. They'll just make some comment like, if Johnny jumped off of a cliff, would you do that too? They're just not paying attention. They are to far removed from your experiences. I'm sure in some way they went through the same problem, but they know better now. They've grown up. Even though if they don't have an HDTV or half a million dollar house, or the newest smart phone, or an expensive

car, they think they don't fit in. Wow, growing up didn't make much of a difference, did it?

So if you get a tattoo get it somewhere it can't be seen, and don't tell mom. If you become a parachutist don't tell mom. Just keep these things to yourself, because Mom and Dad won't understand it. They'll just think, well I guess junior would jump off a cliff if Johnny did.

                                                          The End
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