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An american super soldier fights with her husband against communists in North Korea. |
1952 August 5th 1952 Matchiko Minoru was making dinner for her husband Bob Federico. Her children were setting the table. Dee and Sarah were folding napkins. Her sister O-ren walked into the room with oil all over her. “What did you do?” She asked throwing O-ren a towel. “We struck oil.” Matchiko leaned against the counter. “Oh my god!” Matchiko whispered. The thoughts of riches danced through her head A knock on the door brought Matchiko back to real life. She spotted a familiar green car with a star on it. It was General Adams, Matchiko’s commanding officer. “O-Ren get Bobby.” Matchiko orders as she opens the door. Adams hands her a folder. She looks at the maps of North Korea inside “This is in Communist territories. What’s the mission?” Adams scratched his head. Bobby opened the sunlight cascaded onto him “How are you doing General?” Bobby asked walking towards them. “We need to take you to the base for a secret mission.” Adams said as he handed the same file to Bob. “We’ve lost a very special item.” Adams admitted. “We need it back as fast as possible.” He continued. Matchiko began walking towards the house. “I’m in, I just have to say goodbye to my family.” She states walking into her house. Her daughters Dee and Sarah ran up to her crying. “Will you come back?” Dee sobs. Matchiko kisses both of her daughters. “Maybe, but I will always be with you in your mind.” Matchiko says she stood up and walked to the car. Matchiko and Bobby got in the car and waved goodbye to their family. Dee and Sarah watched as their parents drove away. They cried before going back to play with their dolls. Top Secret US Air Force Base Bob looks at Adams, Matchiko leaned up against a wall. The room was filled with silence. “So we’re trying to find a computer.” Matchiko asks breaking the ice. Adams nods and stands up. “A computer that can decipher our codes, We can’t let this fall into the enemy hands.” Adams answered. Bob sighed and stood up and yawned. “It’s just a single computer.” He adds lighting a cigarette. “I can’t believe you trust a machine.” Adams gave him a dirty look. “You’ll be equipped with crossbows and bow and arrows. We will send you in without any weapons that can be traced back to the US.” Adams states calmly. Matchiko smiles, Bobby groans. “Remember our mission in Paris?” Matchiko jokes. “I prefer to use actual weapons, not caveman tools.” Bobby remarks angrily, he gets up and walks out of the room. Matchiko follows him outside. “Something wrong honey?” She asks putting her arm around him. Bobby exhales smoke and looks around. She follows him into the hallway and confronts him “Yeah, I don’t think I can continue this.” Bobby answers. “I’m not like you.” Matchiko looks at Bobby’s face. “What do you mean?” Matchiko asks bewildered. Bobby stares into her eyes, and puts out his cigarette. “You’re a freaking super soldier. You’re faster and stronger than everyone else.” Bobby admits. “You don’t even age.” “You scared?” Matchiko questions, Bobby sighed and looked his wife in the eyes. “Every mission I fear that we will die and leave our children without parents.” He states as Adams walks up to them. “Look Bobby you’re a soldier, soldiers fight for their country.” Matchiko reminds him. Bobby sighed and agreed They walked towards the air plane wearing Russian air force garb. Bobby wanted to punch Adams for giving them the uniforms and dying his hair blonde. “I hate this stupid crap!” Bobby exclaims angrily. “You’re a natural blonde.” Matchiko jokes, Bobby gave her the finger. They board the plane. Matchiko sharpens her throwing knives; Bobby prays holding a small cross. The flight was quiet, the two of them never talked to each other before a mission. Over North Korea Matchiko and Bobby are ready to jump, the two of them jumped together. For a few seconds it felt like they were flying. They landed in a jungle. Matchiko pulled out a radio. “This is Rose.” She stated as she looked around at the trees, they were beautiful like her children’s finger paintings. Before she could think of her life at home, the radio sparked with life. “Rose this is Raiden. We’ve got a defector coming towards you. She’s a Russian super soldier named Nikkita and she’s an ally.” Adams answered. Matchiko hung up, she turned towards Bobby. “I’ve spotted her.” He answered pointing towards the woman walking towards them. Nikkita was an attractive blonde with blue eyes. She carried a bag full of AK-47s and Makarov pistols. “My name is Nikkita, I’ve brought you guns.” She gives them the weapons. Bobby checks out his AK-47. “Finally a real weapon.” He joked. Matchiko smiled as she looked Nikkita over. Nikkita just looks at her. “I see I’m not the only one that lives forever. I can tell that the Immortal formula is in you.” She said attempting to shake hands with Matchiko. “What’s the immortal formula?” Matchiko asks worried. “A formula that only gives immortality to a person, it’s only worked for five people so far in human history.” Nikkita answers pulling out a map. “I was given the same formula.” Matchiko was stunned that there were others like her. “How is this possible?” Bobby asked. “In ancient times a doctor found the secret to eternal life. Over the centuries he helped five people gain immortality. Obviously the United States found an artificial variant.” Nikkita answered. Adams looked over the maps eating a doughnut. He heard a knock on a door and turned around. “Noseferatu.” Adams looked around the empty room. “Come in Adrian.” Adams answered. The door opened and Dee entered the room, Adams smiled at the vampire mainly because she had the appearance of a ten year old but, was actually 250 years old. “ I really envy Matchiko and Nikkita. They get to do the fun stuff. Have they met each other yet?” Adrian asks. Adams smiled a little and nodded. “So how is the Super Natural Agency (SNA.)” Adams asks finishing his doughnut. “We’ve been looking into having Matchiko become an agent.” She answers quickly, Adams turns back to his maps. “I think she wants to retire.” He said picking up another doughnut. Adrian sighed sitting next to Adams. “Some people can’t walk away, no matter how hard they try.” Adrian admits as she glances at the maps. Bobby looks around the jungle, the feelings of isolation have begun to set in. He pants as he tries to keep up with the two super soldiers. They approach a soviet out post, Matchiko spots the computer as it is unloaded. The soldiers move it inside a building in the middle of the base. She regroups with her team. “ We need a distraction, Bobby steal a jeep and drive south on that road over there. We’ll catch you on that road. Nikkita do you have any explosives?” Matchiko asked. “No but they’re in the shed across the base.” Nikkita answered. “After we regroup we’ll send the jeep into the base where it will explode. Bobby thought a moment. “I’ll give you the distraction. Bobby give her the crossbow.” Matchiko stated, Bobby gladly gives Nikkita the weapon. Later that night Matchiko is perched in a tree completely camoflouged. Nikkita was also ready and Bobby was in place. She grabbed an arrow and fired it straight through some poor souls head. Nikkita killed another man, the sirens started blaring. Matchiko shoots another soldier in the head. As the communists were attacking the two super soldiers, Bobby moved quickly with his AK-47. He makes his way towards the shed. Busting down the door he grabbed TNT and C4. He spotted a jeep and stole it and drove off the base heading south. Matchiko and Nikkita started running away from the fight. The bullets barely missed them. They were enjoying defying death, a mile away from the base. Nikkita and Matchiko paused. Bobby Drove forward he tries to not think about the fact that Matchiko and Nikkita were on their own for a while. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Stopping the truck he parked the truck and set himself up to ambush any communists. He began waiting for Matchiko and Nikkita. He thought about his daughters as he put out his cigarette. Soldiers fight for their country. Bobby thought as he waited for his comrades. Matchiko approaches the road, while Nikkita watches for any patrols. She signaled for Nikkita to come closer. “We’re on the right track.” Matchiko states. “You and Bobby are married right?” Nikkita asks “I see the ring on your hand.” Matchiko smiles a little and nodds. “Yeah.” She answers, standing up. “We met after I was injected with that Immortal formula stuff.” Nikkita smiled a little, remembering her long life. “One piece of advice. Fight for what you believe in.” She answers quickly. What do I believe in? I’m fighting for a country that treated me like I was a monkey. Matchiko thought looking at Nikkita. She pulled out her radio. “This is Raiden. Rose what is your status update?” “We’re working on it.” Matchiko answered. Normally Adams Never called them, they called him. “I’ve got some news for you the Super Natural Agency is interested in you.” Adams answered. Matchiko swore under her breath. “I’m not doing a job interview for now.” She answered hanging up. Bobby watched as his wife walked up towards the truck. He jumped out of his position but didn’t drop his weapon. “It’s me honey.” Matchiko says getting back into the truck. Matchiko looks around and notices extra AK-47s and RPGs. Nikkita got in the drivers seat, Bobby hopped in the back. Matchiko looks at Bobby. “Is something wrong?” He asks looking at Matchiko. “I don’t think I can do this.” She answers. “I just think of our kids and, why I’m fighting for the good old USA” Matchiko finishes. Nikkita turns around. “I hate to break it to you but, you’ll out live your kids. I outlived mine myself.” Nikkita states. Matchiko looks at Bobby, the thoughts of outliving her kids made her sick to her stomach. They drove back to the outskirts of the base and setup the explosives in the truck. Matchiko grabbed an RPG, and jumped in the driver’s seat. Nikkita and Bobby set themselves up. Matchiko drove into the base heading straight for a building, she jumped out of the cabin before, the explosives went off. The explosion injured her, she lay on the ground unconscious. Bobby screamed and went nuts charging into the base, Nikkita screamed running to Matchikos side. Picking her up on the fly Matchiko came to. Hiding behind an equipment shed, Matchiko patched herself up as Nikkita hotwired a jeep. Bobby seized the opportunity and moved closer to the computer. He needed someway to transport the computer. He noticed an unmanned turret, thinking quickly he got behind it and began mowing down rows of communists. Nikkita ran towards the building protecting the computer. “I’ll cover you!” Bobby yelled. Nikkita busted down the door and noticed the huge computer. “It’s to big! I’ll have to move it out in pieces” She screamed. Then a truck backed into the building. “Nikkita hurry!” Matchiko yelled as she was shot in the chest. “Uggh.” She whispered passing out. Nikkita began throwing the computers parts into the truck. She threw Matchiko in the back Bobby continued shooting down enemies. Nikkita finished grabbing the computer and drove towards Bobby, without thinking Bobby jumped in the front seat. He looked at his wife who was critically injured. Nikkita floored it and the truck flew through the base. Bobby began treating Matchikos wounds, she needed medical attention. “Raiden we need help Rose is dying. We need medical attention as soon as we cross the 38th Parallel.” Bobby exclaimed. Adams and Adrian looked at each other. The perfect soldier was dying. “Adrian keep talking to them. I’m going to alert the closest American base for their arrival. The President walked into the room. “The Soviets want Matchiko dead, we agreed to put her in a cryogenic facility.” He stated, Adams looked at him and thought a moment. “So this whole mission was to have her be exposed so she can be studied?” Adams questioned. The President pulled out a gun and shot Adams in the head. He looked at Adrian and shot her in the head. “Tell our boys to get ready, she’s coming in.” The President ordered They passed into South Korea with Matchiko almost dead. An army medical unit was there to inspect them. Bobby and Nikkita watched as the doctors took care of Matchiko. “I guess I’ll need a place to live.” Nikkita smirks. Bobby thinks for a moment. “We have a room in our ranch.” Bobby answers. Nikkita smiles, and gives him a hug. “Thanks.” She answers. The next day Bobby went to Matchiko’s room, opening the door. Nothing was there, it was like no one stayed there. Nikkita walked into the room. “What the hell happened? Where is my wife!” Bobby yelled. Nikkita noticed a note on the floor. 06091993 Kahk Toten Uma “What does this mean?” Nikkita asked. “It could be a date or a location.” Nikkita stated. Bobby started crying, Nikkita comforted him. A month later Texas Funeral Bobby stared at the tombstone and saluted it. Nikkita was there with him. “One day we’re going to find her.” Bobby said as Nikkita put flowers on the grave. “Soldiers fight for themselves first and country second.” Nikkita stated. The two of them walked away from the grave. “One day I’m going to find my wife.” Bobby said turning towards Nikkita. “So I guess you won’t remarry.” Nikkita surmised. Bobby pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “Yeah.” Bobby answered walking away. They walked as the sun shown down on them. 06091993 Kahk Toten Uma Matchiko lay there helpless as the scientists treated her wounds. The President walked into the room. Matchiko saluted the manipulative man. “Stalin has threatened a nuclear attack against the United States unless we put you in cryogenic tube.” Matchiko listened to these words. “Whatever it takes.” She answered. Two days later she stepped into cryogenic tube and, entered the dream world. |