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by Maddy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1893292
Just a little look into what goes on in this wonderful mind of mine!
This is just a journal of all the dreams I've had since February 23, 2012.

I'd love feedback on what my dreams could mean, or just your reaction to what's in my head!

Enjoy, and please don't think I'm crazy! ;D
October 7, 2012 at 8:26pm
October 7, 2012 at 8:26pm

I'm playing a computer game (Drawn), but it's as if it's all real.
There are broken ledges, and I keep clicking objects with the mouse. I'm confused and have no idea what to think.

Then I'm on a bridge with my dad and siblings, and we're in the car. Traffic is moving slowly; we're practically at a standstill.
There are whales in the water, and also some weird, freakishly large seal swimming with them (it's like, 10 times bigger than the whales). I'm scared of the big creature. I feel threatened.

There is an accident that my family and I get in. My siblings and I are alright, and we only got minor cuts and bruises. I was so scared my parents, brother and sister were hurt/dead.
The firemen come. My parents are both alright as well, and my mom ends up helping the firemen.
Even though the car is totaled, my dad tells us we have to keep going. My mom tells us that it's alright, that she'll catch up. We walk for a long time.

That's where my dream ended. It was a weird dream, and I remember being really confused when I woke up. I had thought it was all real, but as I was writing it down it sounded so silly so I wasn't sure if that was what I'd actually dreamed about.
September 25, 2012 at 10:50pm
September 25, 2012 at 10:50pm

It's been a few days since my last meditation session, so I decided to do one tonight! I'll record what I saw, felt, and did once I'm done!

I think to myself: Inhale relaxation, exhale stress. I repeat this a few times and I feel my body start to relax.
At first, everything's dark, but there's a hint of red behind my eyelids.

I start out lying down, my eyes closed. I feel soft grass all around me, and I can feel it with my hands. I open my eyes, but my vision is blurred by the blinding sunlight. I feel the warmth of the sunlight on my skin, and I also feel a breeze. Once my eyes are accustomed to the light, I'm able to open them all the way, and I slowly sit up. I'm in a field of soft green grass with patches of purple, blue, and red flowers, and the field is surrounded by a forest. I just sit for a little while, soaking up the sun's rays and taking in the beauty of the scenery.

I know that my brown hair is down, but that there's a white headband holding my bangs out of my face. I'm also wearing a long white, flowy dress; there are no grass stains on it. It almost seems as if it's impossible to get grass stains on it.

Then I stand up, slowly, and walk a few steps. The soft grass feels wondrous on my bare feet. I do a few 360 turns, just for the fun of it and just to see my dress fan out around me. I do this a few more times, take a few steps and do 360 turns, then I see a clearing in the woods; a path. I slowly walk towards it and I realize: I've been here before.

Once I'm in the woods, I hear birds all around me, and there's a slight drop in temperature, but it's still peaceful and warm, and there is still a breeze. There is nothing foreboding about the forest. As I get deeper into the woods, I finally start to see animals, and an array of flowers. There are white and red roses, sunflowers, azaleas, and so many more. I see rabbits and squirrels and butterflies and bees on the trail or in the flowers, and they make me smile. I wonder off the path, just for a few minutes, so that I can pick two red roses. I twine them together and stick them under my headband, but behind my ear.

I continue down the path, and as I'm starting to see the end of the path, I hear crashing water, like a waterfall. I make it to the end of the woods and I see the most beautiful scene ever. There is a waterfall, and on the cliff around it, there are vines and red and blue flowers, just dotting the cliff. Then I see a stream made by the water from the waterfall, and there are two rocks on either side of it. There is a flat one close to the ground, and I see my best friend, Brandi, laying on it, with her fingertips just brushing the water. Her black hair is pulled back into a curly side ponytail and she's wearing a purple beach dress. I try to yell her name, but cannot speak. I just start waving, and she looks up, smiles, and waves back at me. I run towards her, my dress flying in the wind. I take a seat on the other rock; it's a bit higher than Brandi's. I pull my dress up a little, so that it's out of the water, and slowly dip my feet into the water. I feel all of the stress leave my body as I sway my foot back and forth in the water. My feet are actually feeling a little cold, but it's a nice kind of cold. I look at Brandi, and she looks at me, and we just smile. Then we both get up and walk towards the actual waterfall. We sit down next to it, just playing with the grass around us, and even the hems of our dresses, then we start to play with the fish that swim up to the edge of the water.

I know it's time to leave now, since it's getting a little darker, so Brandi and I stand up at the same time, then I hug her and wave goodbye as I make my way back into the woods and onto the path. The forest is a bit colder since it's getting late, but it's still nice and relaxing. There is also still a breeze. I see all of the same flowers and animals again, except this time there's a fox on my path. It's a friendly fox, so I'm able to pet it a few times before it runs off into the peaceful woods. Just as I see the end of the woods, I stop and take the two twined roses out of my hair and tie them to a low tree branch because I know I'll be back to add more flowers to the branch.

I'm at the end of the trees and back in the field of grass. The scene never ceases to amaze me, so I just stand there for a few more seconds. I then see where I had been laying before; right in the very middle of the field. I slowly make my way back to that spot, then slowly fall down onto my back, my arms outstretched and my legs crossed over each other. I can feel my eyes fighting to stay open, but I know that it's time to leave. I slowly let my eyes close and I start to remember that I'm in my room. I hear the ceiling fan around me and the music playing on my computer. I open my eyes and I'm fully aware of where I am again.

Tell me what you think of my meditation session! If you have any questions, or just some advice, all is welcome!
-Maddy ;)
September 23, 2012 at 10:24pm
September 23, 2012 at 10:24pm

Watching a scary movie with best friend Brandi, then it turns into a real life version of the "House of Night" series of books. (I think I remember seeing the main character, Zoey, and another character, Aphrodite. I talked to them, and I think I was a vampire, just like they are).
Then I'm at my dad and stepmom's house (but it's a mix of their and my grandma's house). I'm going through all of their rooms, but it's all so different from real life. I'm really confused.
I use their bathroom? (But I don't actually go to the bathroom, I'm just in that room.)
I start searching for things in random houses. (I don't remember much about this part, unfortunately)

I'm scared, but I have no idea why. It could be because nothing is the same, or what it should be. I almost feel vulnerable or like a wall of mine has fallen and I'm not safe.
September 23, 2012 at 10:23pm
September 23, 2012 at 10:23pm

Sister, uncle, friends bf, me, little brother, Aphrodite (from House Of Night series), Harry Clearwater (from Twilight series) are in it.
Something is killing our "tribe" (friends bf is killed, along with others)
I run up a hill crying because there's a dead body.
Future stuff (my little brother and some other kid are sitting and playing in a futuristic car)
There are secret passageways in the mansion on our reservation. (I actually am crawling through a little air vent tunnel and come into a secret room. It's like a kids room, and it's perfectly neat, but it's obvious it hasn't been used or disturbed in a long time).

DARKNESS (that's all I see. It's what's killing everyone and making everyone crazy and sad).
September 23, 2012 at 10:20pm
September 23, 2012 at 10:20pm

My little brother is in my dream (he's about 4 or 5 months old at this point) and I'm playing with him. (I'm very protective of him).
Then I'm running from someone or something. (I don't remember much about this part, but I know that I'm running away from someone/thing and that I'm scared)
My two other siblings in my dream (?)

I'm writing all of my dreams as I have them in my journal, so if you have questions, please ask me!
September 23, 2012 at 10:19pm
September 23, 2012 at 10:19pm

In teacher's classroom, then I'm on a beach with a cute guy. We almost kiss in the sand. (I remember that my heart is racing and I'm nervous. Just as our lips are about to touch, I wake up). *Angry*
I "wake up" in my dream and write down my "dream" in my dream journal. When I "woke up" my dad comes upstairs and gets mad at me for sleeping in (all of this is a dream).

I know, this dream was kind of boring. But it was exciting for me since it's the first dream in my dream journal!

© Copyright 2012 Maddy (UN: writeforfun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Maddy has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1893292-What-Really-Goes-On-In-My-Head