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story of my childhood with a pet goat. |
Rudolph The Slippery Goat One day my father brought me home a surprise. It was the cutest little fuzzy goat that I named Rudolph. My mother had a look on her face that she couldn't disguise. I knew my dad was in trouble,so I ran and hid in the barn loft. He was so adorable while he was small,not much trouble at all. But the day came when mother was hanging clothes on the line, Rudolph must have thought her rear end was giving him a call. It looked like a target to him and he ran and butted her big time. From that day forward the war was on between my mom and the goat. What he didn't chew up he pooped on, but he was such a good playmate. When he ate mom's new Easter bonnet, I just knew that was all she wrote. But he was so cute, And I loved him so mom saved his killing for another date Christmas time was close at hand so my three brothers built Rudolph a sled. They hooked Rudolph up, and put me in it so I could be Santas Little elf. I thought it was a great idea until he went under the house instead. I hit my head on every beam. I didn't duck to protect myself. The house was on pier and beam and high up enough to look inviting. I guess Rudolph thought ,well fluffy can go, so ill follow the cat. With every bump,bruised and bleeding I still thought it was exciting. Untill I heard mother call me to come inside for my bath. My brothers panicked and knew that mom couldn't see me like this. What on earth would they tell her that happened while they were in charge? And poor Rudolph,his days would be numbered with a death kiss, Or at least he'd be on the run and targeted like a felon at large. While I sat and pulled splinters from forehead and toes, My brothers put their heads together to decide what to do. My oldest brother said "We'll spray her down with a hose And tell mother shes had a bath,she's in bed and being read to." Mom was so impressed with such an act of kindness that she let it slide. Rudolph was spared to live another day and luckily I was still en tact. By the next day my wounds didnt look so bad ,so I lied, And I told mom I had tumbled down the clay hill in back. Summer came around and we decided to go on vaccation. Everyone was excited as we piled into our van and off we went. We had such a great time,Dad had picked a wonderful location. We went to Carlsbad Caverns where two weeks were spent. We were all tired and glad to be home.......Oh no.. Something is amiss!! The wooden door has a big hole in it and the screen door is off. Then we walked into the house to find a mess. And on the pillows of mom and dads bed lay RUDOLPH!!!! The chase was on to try and catch him as he kicked and reared. He ran and leaped like a gazelle knocking pictures off the wall. Not one of us could touch him and all of a sudden he dissapeared. We searched and searched with no avail and disgust was felt by all. Mother decided to cook supper and no one made a peep. Our stove sat catty-cornered and when the oven got hot Over the stove Rudolph bounded in a leap. Mom almost had a heart attache, and I wet myself on the spot. Two weeks later we had the pastor and his wife over for sunday lunch. We all gathered round the lovely decorated table, the adults gave a toast. The prayer was said and mom served a wonderful punch. Her main course was a beautiful roast. |