Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1892541-Be-Grateful-for-the-gift
Rated: E · Article · Community · #1892541
Am just complaining on those people who don't value their parent for being strict to them.
If you think your life is miserable about how your parents teach you
how your parents protect you how they discpline you then think twice
of how lucky and bless you are for they love you so much think of
people who lost their mother their father maybe both of them

think this is selfish maybe other may say self pity but think what will you be if they
aren't there anymore who will support you who will guide you to do right and wrong
and if you went outside see kids running and walking with their parents wont you
say i miss them, i envy those kid or am jealous for they have them

so sit and think of how lucky you are for having them in you life think of how
special you are to them that they have to ground you for a week how they
protect you and give you want you want but don't hate them for not
giving all of the things you wanted for you need to learn that all of materialistic

things can be replace but parents love cant even if we do wrong they accept us
they protect us from the eyes of those who judge without knowing the real reason
love them for they are the only few people who will accept who you are for they
are given by god to change us to who are needed to be in the future .
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