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The first mission of a top secret Super Soldier in WW2 |
1943 Secret US Headquarters Matchiko Minoru watches as doctors inject a strange substance into her body. “Do swear allegiance to the United States Army? Col Bobby Federico asks. “Yes.” A burning pain rages through her body. The chemical is super soldier serum, Matchiko’s family will be rewarded with money and secure housing with a ranch in Texas. Her muscles grow stronger, her eye sight increases, her senses improve tremendously. She is released to her quarters. The next day Bobby Federico watches as Matchiko runs around the obstacle course. She was gorgeous. She surpassed the previous course record easily. “You run pretty fast for a Jap.” He comments as Matchiko runs towards him. “You don’t get to call me that anymore.” She remarks angrily. “You’ve got to calm down. The regular Army man won’t know your power, so you’ve got to be in control. Matchiko drops the man, Bobby picks up a M1 Carbine. “I’ve never shot a gun before.” Bobby hands her the rifle. “Well we’re here to teach you how.” He answers. Over the weeks he watched as this woman code named Oyama, get hit, insulted. He helped her survive the training. He became her confident and lover. 2 months later She spots two Germans walking in the streets of France. They’re carrying the German made MP40. She watches from an alley way, she stalks them before smashing their heads together. She grabs one MP40 and continues on her mission towards the resistance fighters. The streets were completely empty. Matchiko spots a French man carrying a Gewsher 43 rifle. She tails him into their base hidden in a bar. She walks into an ambush, a man points a Tommy gun at her. “I’m an American.” She states quickly. The man puts out a cigarette. He thinks about the resistance’s security. He leads her to an interrogation room. “Bobby Federico sent me.” The man laughs a little. “He told me that he was sending a unique agent here.” He lowers the gun. “The names Raymond.” “Matchiko.” Raymond shakes her hand. “I thought the US was at war with Japan.” He gives her a cigarette. “I was born and raised in Los Angeles. When the war started we were thrown into a prison camp.” She answers lighting a cigarette. He leads her back to the bar. “She’s from the US.” Raymond says. “The names Remy. I’m a sniper.” The man states shaking Matchiko’s hand. “We’re going to rob a German armory. We need an extra hand on deck. She is our American ally. “Raymond this is it. One woman.” Third in command Jean Pierre asked. “Look they could’ve sent no one.” Remy shot back as he began cleaning his sniper rifle. Raymond pulls out a homemade map of German base, the map has detailed information. Bathrooms, food bunkers, a makeshift mess hall. “We should steal from the armory. Get some better weapons and TNT, then we come back and annihilate them.” Matchiko says as she scans the room. Their weapons were out of date. Double barrel shotguns and revolvers weren’t going to stop the Germans. Luckily the rebels had an American radio with them. Matchiko grabbed it and tuned it to frequency 1410 AM. “This is Oyama calling for Wolf.” “Transferring.” Matchiko waited patiently. Bobby Federico relaxed in his office as his assistant brought the radio to him. “How are things on your end Oyama?” He asked lighting a cigar. “The ingredients are spoiled.” Bobby knew what this meant, he taught Matchiko the code words. The ingredients were the weapons, obviously this meant the rebels were outgunned. “What’s on your shopping lists?” He asked grabbing a pen and some paper. “TNT, Carbine Williams, Valentine cards, Roses in a box.” Bobby smiled, Matchiko remembered the code. She needed TNT, M1 Carbines (invented by Carbine Williams), and Thompson Sub Machine Guns (used by Capone’s thugs on St. Valentine ’s Day.) And Trench Gun 1897’s. “Oyama” Bobby asked. “What?” “Be careful I love you.” Bobby stated exhaling smoke. Matchiko watched as Remy and Raymond setup their attack. One four man team would help with extraction. Four men would go in and grab the weapons. Matchiko would be forced onto the sidelines, she needed to gain some respect. Before the extraction team left Matchiko gave the team radio equipment. She didn’t like being left out of this mission. Stupid Macho Assholes. All that training for nothing! “Oyama we’re dropping the supplies to your location.” Matchiko picked up the radio. “Good.” She answered hanging. The supplies landed on a stolen German truck. “Ox go out and get the weapons.” Raymond ordered. Matchiko followed the brute to the supplies. Ox was the strongest man in the resistance, yet he couldn’t lift the big iron box that contained the weapons. Matchiko smiled and picked up the box easily. She carried it into the bar. “Weapons for all Comrades!” She exclaimed happily. Raymond and Remy looked at her in disbelief. “She’s stronger than Ox.” Raymond quipped as Matchiko tore the door off and began sorting through the weapons. “Come over here American.” Remy beckoned. Matchiko walked over to him. “The ammunition lockers are on the south east part of the camp. We’ll use our homemade bombs to distract the Germans. We’ll have to move quickly and quietly. If we have time we’ll take some extra weapons.” He gave her a wrist watch. “We only have fifteen minutes tops.” Raymond added. “Three of us will destroy the weapons. Three men on the extract team. Let’s get moving.” He finished. Matchiko, Raymond and Ox approached the camp moving in the dark. Going under the barbwire was easy, the hard part was avoiding the search lights and German troops. BOOM! BOOM! Matchiko set her watch, five minutes. The Germans didn’t see them hiding beneath a truck. Soon the coast was clear and, they rushed over to the ammo shed. It was filled with weapons a safe stood to the side. Matchiko tore it open, the safe was filled with vials of an unknown substance. She put them in her bag along with as much Ammo as she could find. She turned around and noticed a confiscated Browning M1919 heavy duty machine gun with drum magazines. She gave Ox her bag of weapons and setup the TNT “I’m going to take this gun and as much ammo as I can carry.” Ox nodded. They needed a Light Machine Gun to use as a turret. The Germans were too distracted to catch them. The mission was a success. At the bar Matchiko and Raymond lit a cigar. “You got any family?” Raymond asked puffing on the cigar. “A brother and two sisters in a Determent camp. The US government promised me that I would have a small Ranch in Texas for having a serum pumped into me…What are those chemicals?” Matchiko wondered. She turned on the radio. “Wolf I need information about the Germans and I think we found their super soldier serums.” Bobby jolted awake, he fumbled for his microphone. He knew very little about the scientists who made the serum. The creators were Joe Dorn and Patrick West, came from Milwaukee Wisconsin. “What’s up Oyama?” “Wolf. Good to hear you.” Bobby sighed with relief. He loved the woman, they bonded and wanted to get married. “ Wolf I think the Germans have formulated the same formula that was pumped into me.” Bobby sighed and leaned back into his chair. “What makes you think that?” He asked quickly. Matchiko might be in some serious shit “It was in a safe inside an ammunitions cache. It could be something.” Bobby puts his head in his hands. “See you later. Don’t get yourself killed, I want to see you on the ranch in Texas.” Bobby replied hanging up. He get up and walked to the underground laboratory. Opening the doors he saw Joe and Patrick injecting a man with the same chemicals used on Matchiko. “Joe, Patrick can you come to my office?” He orders. The scientists walk over to the office. The trio sits down. “Bobby there’s a lot more going on here than you know.” Patrick states. Bobby lights another Cigar. “Like what you two defecting to the Nazi’s.” Bobby shot back angrily. Patrick and Joe expected this. “Bobby our work has been funded by one group, the Minute Men. They stole some vials and gave them to the Nazi’s. They were supposed to be found by Matchiko, right now the Nazi’s are going to attack the resistance.” Joe states lighting a cigarette. Bobby started laughing. “You guys are really funny.” “You can laugh all you want but the Nazi’s will attack her.” Patrick shoots back. Bobby picked up the radio. Matchiko awoke with a start, “Matchiko the Germans are coming!” The noise jolted the resistance awake. In twenty seconds they were getting ready. “Why are they coming?” Matchiko asked as she picked a M1 Carbine. “You stole the Nazi’s super soldier serum.” “What do I do with it?” Matchiko asked walking over to Remy and Raymond. “Destroy it.” Bobby answered. Matchiko destroyed them under her foot. She walked back over towards Raymond. “What the hell do we do know?” She questioned. Remy smiled and blew smoke from his cigarette. “We’ll establish multiple snipers and machine gun emplacements at the at all entrances to the town. Then we use the sewers to ambush the bastards. You might want to tell your superiors.” Raymond suggested. Matchiko grabbed the radio. “This is Oyama. Wolf are you there?” Silence. “Oyama we will be sending Para troopers into the area.” Matchiko was stunned Bobby knew the code words, it sounded like him. She went about the mission preparations like normal but something was wrong. 2 hours later The Germans had just arrived, Remy spotted the unit advancing into a trap. They were mowed down relatively quickly. The teams in the sewers were ready they waited patiently. They heard the footsteps, finally the footsteps stopped. Matchiko and her team climbed out of the feces without making a noise. They easily slaughtered the Germans. Matchiko noticed an air plane flying over head, letting a strange gas into the air. Matchiko began coughing, she felt sleepy within seconds everyone in the town fell into a deep sleep. Bobby was being dragged to torturing chamber, his torturer threw him to the floor. The Minute Men drugged Joe and Patrick. His hands were tied not handcuffed, as soon as he was left alone. They had taken his gun and his knife. He noticed a small screw on the floor. He managed to cut through the ropes. With his hands free he waited until one of the guards entered the room. Bobby snapped his neck. He loved Matchiko, he couldn’t live without her. He grabbed his Smith and Wesson military and police hand gun. He exited the room through an air vent. It was cramped and hot, but it allowed Bobby to move through the base easily. He ended up in the laundry room, he quickly changed his clothes and shaved his mustache. He slipped a black ski mask on. He needed to free Matchiko or some other prisoner. Finding information is going to be key. He followed a soldier into the bathroom. He took the mans .44 magnum. “Who are the minute men?” Bobby asked putting the gun to the man’s head. “Ten people who control North America. They call themselves “the Committee.” Bobby didn’t lower his guard. “How do you know this?” Bobby asked. The voice sounded familiar to him. A woman’s voice. “Bobby right? It’s me Alex.” She was beautiful. “Your dead, I saw you getting hit by a car!” Bobby noticed the fangs in her mouth. “Look I’m a vampire. The Minute Men are trying to eliminate anyone or thing that’s not human.” Alex shot back. Bobby dropped his weapon, he needed Alex. They grew up together in Brooklyn she was his first love. Now she was something monstrous. She was his only way getting Matchiko back. “Alex did you see a Japanese woman in this place?” Bobby demanded. He looked at Alex’s eyes, determining if she was helpful. He remembered dating Alex, good times “I saw her in the infirmary.” She answered innocently. “Why is she there?” “They want to dissect her and use her for scientific research.” Alex answers calmly. Bobby sighed. “Where is she?” Bobby asked. “In the basement. Why is she important to you?” “She’s my girlfriend.” Bobby whispers. Alex thought a moment and examined Bobby. Matchiko managed to wake up, she was strapped to a table. The scientists were shocked. “Joe and Patrick must’ve altered the formula.” One said getting a needle ready. Matchiko broke out of her restraints. “She’s stronger than the failed experiments.” Matchiko grabbed the scientist’s scalpel and took another man hostage. Matchiko exited the surgery room. Bobby grabbed her. “Matchiko let’s go.” Bobby orders calmly. Alex injected herself with a serum that replace her need for blood. “What’s she doing here?” Matchiko asks. “I’m an agent of the Super Natural Agency. I set up bombs around the building. The Minute Men, have bet it all on the super soldier drugs. Without this place, they’ll crumble.” Alex states as the threesome run into an elevator. “What are the Minute Men?” Matchiko asked. “In the war of 1812 a group of military generals in England, Germany, Russia, the United States setup a secret group to keep peace in the world. They’ve been trying to create a group of enforcers. They experimented on vampires and werewolves. At the turn of the 20th century they came up with their own human super soldier formula. The side effects were paranoia making them useless assassins. Now they have one success.” Alex answered as they approached the outside air. The sun was rising. “This is where it ends Bobby.” Alex pulled out the detonator. “I’ll hold them up.” She pulled a purple flare. “Use this when you get away, it’ll signal a rescue unit.” Alex said giving Matchiko the flare. The Japanese American picked up Bobby and sprinted. The guards’ watched Matchiko sprint away. They went deep into the woods. Bobby set the flare up. “Thanks for helping me escape.” Matchiko said as Bobby kissed the plane landed close to them. Bobby got on one knee. “Will you marry me?” He asked. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Yes.” Matchiko answered the couple then got on the plane. Alex detonated the explosives destroying the buildings around her. The sunlight hit her causing agonizing pain. “FREEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOM!” She exclaimed crying as her body disintegrated into ashes. Her curse, her burden was finally lifted off her shoulders. The hiding from family and friends, the murdering of innocent people. All washed away as the ashes blew away in the wind. Matchiko walked down the aisle with Bobby on her side. The wedding was held at the determent camp with Matchiko and Bobby’s families watching. The wedding was quick. Matchiko sat down with her three sisters. 21 year old Rebecca 18 year old Emily and 6 year old O-Ren. “I can’t wait to we get out of here.” Rebecca lamented. Matchiko smiles. “I’ve got a ranch in Texas, we’ll live there.” She answers calmly. She looks to the sky waiting for freedom. Later that night A guard wakes Matchiko. “Phone call for you.” Matchiko soon found herself being carried away to a secret location. A gray building with no windows, she’s led inside. “We’ve got another mission for you and Bobby. You’ll be placed in Germany within a group of other soldiers. Do you accept?” Matchiko thought a moment, remembering the near death experiences. The adrenaline rush, she needed it. “Yes.” |