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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #1888443
I want Colorado to know my heart goes out to them and thoughts and prayers are with them.
Friday, July 20,2012 was a very heart breaking for Aurora, Colorado. A dark angel fell upon these folks. Families and friends at a midnight showing waiting to watch the new," The Dark Knight Rises," batman movie. Folks excited and happy to get away from a rough day from work or just to have alone time with friends or with love ones. They sitting there waiting patiencely for the movie to start. Not knowing among them is a killer. Movie starts, in about 20 or 30 minutes into the movie a man dress in blackclad that appeared at the front of the theater with a rilfe, handgun, and gas mask. He tosses a canister that release some kind of gas and he starts shooting into the crowd. They smell smoke and thought they heard fireworks going off, they thought it was part of the premiere, but when they saw people dropping to the floor, some screaming with blood on their clothes, some shot in the arms, backs, legs, heads, and hips. And gun shots are constantly going about 20 to 30 rounds. People running to get out hopeing to get out alive. People screaming, crying, protecting their ones, they taken the shots so others stay alive. Small children in the theater a 6 year old girl life taken away not getting to see her future. A total count 12 dead and 58 wounded, 2 critical. Gunman give his self up to cops, he looks at the cops and tell them his apartment is explosive booby trap. Gunman looks at the cop and say to him,' I am the Joker," not careing for his action and what he did to these people and their families. Remember the 12 names that was taken from this world and from their love ones, while they morn infront of the theater in their memory. God open up his gates and reach out his hands to the 12 spirits that enter into Heaven. God sent his Angels to protect the 58 that was wounded. The, Angels wrap their wings around each victim families and shared their heartaches and tears. So when you wake up be sure to give your love ones a hug and a kiss because you don't know if you will see them again!!!

By: Misty Joseph
© Copyright 2012 misty joseph (whiterose38 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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