Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1888230-Narrow-Escape
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1888230
Action adventure, passion and excitement when worlds collide
Gloria Torrence is tired of her job. The most exciting part of her day is fetching coffee for the boss. The majority of her time is spent behind a desk, answering numerous calls from potential clients and occasionally typing memos to send out into the work place. She wants something more from her life and having just turned 30, well, Gloria is in need of a change.

The clock strikes five o'clock and Gloria is gathering her belongings. Across the room, Ivan Hoffstetter stands watching Gloria as she slips her long coat over her beautiful, slender figure. She brushes her black hair back from her neck and folds the collar down. Ivan stares into her intense blue eyes and he can see a spark inside of her. Gloria is in need of something and he is just the man to give it to her.

Gloria notices Ivan staring at her. He is an attractive man, thirty-eight, tall, dark hair and fierce dark eyes. What more could a woman want? But he is not interested in someone such as herself. She is merely a secretary, nothing more. Gloria thinks of herself as below extraordinary and that nothing exciting can ever be made out of her. Ivan thinks differently but she is not aware of this yet.

She grabs her purse and starts for the door, walking past Ivan as she exits.

"Have a good night, Mr. Hoffstetter." She smiles sweetly, her luscious pink lips glistening in the fluorescent lighting. Ivan watches as she strolls past him with her long legs gliding smoothly beneath her skirt. Her heels are clacking against the floor.

"I will indeed, Miss Torrence. I will indeed." And just like that, Gloria is out the door and hailing a cab.

It is starting to rain outside and the city always feels much colder to Gloria when it rains. That and it always seems to take a lifetime to catch a cab. Ivan steps out into the cold, his long winter coat flapping in the cool wind. He has an umbrella opened up and is ready and willing to share it with his sexual interest. He watches as Gloria's raven hair blows in the wind. He approaches her from behind.

"Here," Ivan holds the umbrella over her pretty head. "I don't want to see a lady such as you getting wet on the street."

Gloria smiles gently. Ivan has never really spoken to Gloria. The most he has ever said to her was good evening' or good morning'. He was always followed by some cute blonde or brunette waiting to be in bed with him that following night. But never Gloria; no, she wanted a man to come to her. She is not the type to appear desperate.

"Thank you. That's very kind of you to share your umbrella." Gloria's smile is pleasant and sweet. There are tiny beads of rain on her skin causing her to have an exotic appeal that any man would not be able to resist.

"You're quite welcome," Ivan turns to Gloria. "It is exceptionally chilly out this evening. How about I give you a lift home so you do not have to wait on the public?"

Gloria is taken off guard by his offer. Should she take it or politely say thanks and walk away? She knows nothing about the man or what he may have in mind for the car ride to her place. But that is something the old Gloria would do.

"Alright," Gloria says. "I'll accept a ride from you. You seem like a decent fellow."

Ivan smiles and places a hand on the small of her back. The touch gives Gloria chills up and down her spine. She looks away from Ivan, casually biting her lower lip. She is nervous but she has never been this excited, at least not sexually, in quite some time.

Ivan guides Gloria to his car which is parked down the street. The rain is picking up now and the streets will soon be flooded with the salty water. The streets and even sidewalk are no place for a lady in heels to be walking.

Gloria and Ivan stop in front of a black Mercedes. It is sleek, sexy. This is just the kind of car she imagined Ivan driving.

"Wow, this is some ride you have here; looks very professional." Gloria stares on at the car, wondering what it would be like inside, wondering what it would be like to engage in sexual acts with Ivan inside. These and other thoughts give Gloria the chills and begin to make her thighs ache for some male attention.

"It does tend to draw a crowd. This is actually my professional car. I only use this when going out of town or on various business trips."

"So you're planning on going out of town tonight, are you?" Gloria asks. Ivan nods in return.

"Yes but only if I can find a suitable companion to travel along with me; I hate travelling alone."

Gloria is now blushing and feels as if Ivan is speaking about her and no one else. Is she the one he wants to take out of town? That would almost be a dream come true; to have the man that every woman in the office wants take her away and sweep her into his arms. But where is Ivan planning to go?

"Where are you taking this trip? Is it somewhere exotic by chance?" Gloria is falling hard for Ivan right now but not in love, just lust.

Ivan's smile widens. He has Gloria right where he wants her. She is perfect for the trip and will be of a great assistance and use to him.

"Possibly although this trip is not just for pleasure but also for business; I have some clientele to attend to in Paris."

Gloria is being reeled into Ivan's life already. He seems powerful, intelligent, and sexy. He is all the things that Gloria has ever wanted in a man and he is standing behind her now, his hand on her lower back, helping her into the car. This is it. Things are going to happen fast now. Gloria just hopes it never ends.

Ivan helps Gloria into the leather passenger seat, watching as she pulls her long, smooth legs into the vehicle and neatly tucks them inside. Gloria catches a glimpse of Ivan out of the corner of her eye. She can see that he is watching her legs and she is more than happy to keep the view going for him. Ivan closes the door and walks around the front of the car and gets inside. Gloria is seated comfortably with the belt across her chest, accenting her well-endowed breasts.

The engine is started and Ivan puts the car into gear. They pull away from the sidewalk and leave their workplace and city behind. Gloria is feeling a little nervous but feels that something is going to happen and it will change the rest of her life. There is just something about Ivan that screams excitement and adventure, both in and out of the bedroom no doubt.

"So what do you think?" Ivan asks Gloria, who is sitting quietly beside him. Gloria raises her eyebrows and looks to Ivan.

"What do I think about what?" She asks. At this point Gloria was a little confused but had an idea that he meant Paris and wanted her to possibly join him.

"I'm talking about Paris, silly. Would you like to join me?" Ivan is hoping Gloria's answer will be yes. He has never had a woman tell him no and he is not about to start accepting it now. He can have any woman he wants but Ivan only wants Gloria and will stop at nothing until he has her.

"Well, I have never been to Paris and I have heard it is very romantic. I would love to gaze at the Eiffel Tower while underneath the stars."

"Then you shall, my lady. If you tell me yes then we can leave for Paris tonight."

Gloria is stunned by Ivan's response. How can she go to Paris with a man she does not even know? What about her job? What will her boss say? It was decision time and the old Gloria would not let her dull job stop her from going to Paris. She decided to say to hell with her work, her boss, her boring life. She is going to Paris. Gloria takes hold of Ivan's hand.

"Okay. I'll go to Paris with you. I need a change. I know you take these trips a lot and it is mostly business related. I have seen you take some of the higher executives with you, mainly the girls. I am going to quit my job. I don't need it. I am worth much more than what I am making there."

"You certainly are, Gloria. You certainly are. I have had my eye on you for quite some time now."

Gloria is blushing now. The heat inside of her body is uncontrollable and now she is beginning to feel the ache in her thighs grow stronger. She wants to tell Ivan to pull over somewhere dark and secluded so she can fulfill her every fantasy in the shadows. She is hoping Ivan does not yet sense what she is feeling for him. She does not want to spoil the trip by telling him she loves him or by getting too emotional too soon.

Ivan is staring at Gloria now. He is wondering what she is thinking about and if he is involved in any way. A strong part of him wants to pull the car over and see what exactly is under that skirt of hers. All of his sexual thoughts are causing a fire in his loins and he can no longer control his urges. He quickly turns the car down an empty street. There is only one street lamp and it is barely lit. The rest of the scene is shadows.

Gloria is startled by Ivan's actions. She is unsure where this is going but thinks she likes it just the same. Maybe he feels the same way and wants to relieve the sexual tension that has built between the two of them in the past hour.

"What are we doing here?" She asks, already having a possible answer in her own head.

He wants me. She thinks to herself. And I want him. I want every part of him. I want him inside of me. Oh, God, please let him take me.

Ivan shuts off the engine, quickly removes his seat belt, and leans across to Gloria. He grabs the back of her neck and pulls her close. Gloria can feel his lips touching hers and she closes her eyes. The air feels hot now and so does her body. Ivan's hands slip down the top of her coat, pulling it free to reveal her bare shoulders in her dress. He starts to kiss her ears, neck, and begins to unbutton her top. Gloria removes his coat and then starts to unbutton his shirt. His skin is hot and his body has a muscular build and would be irresistible to any woman.

Gloria can feel Ivan's hands slide under her lacey bra, using his fingers to trace her nipples. She can now feel beads of sweat dripping down between her breasts and between her thighs. Every touch, every whisper was more than she could take.

Ivan opens the passenger side door and has Gloria exit the car. He needs more space if he is to do his deed and he does not believe a car is the right place for any lady. It is not as exciting as other things. He leads her away into the darkness. She is feeling the anticipation rising and almost finds herself jumping him.

Ivan takes Gloria into a dark corner and proceeds to hitch up her skirt. Gloria unbuckles Ivan's slacks and presses her hand firmly against his throbbing cock. A quiet moan escapes Ivan's mouth and he licks his lips as Gloria begins to stroke him. He begins to knead her breasts and eventually slides his hands down her body once more. Gloria's skirt has been hitched all the way up, revealing a lace thong. Ivan grabs the string on the side of the thong with both hands and tears it away. He thrusts his hand in between her thighs, feeling the heat from her body.

Gloria guides Ivan into her and she can feel the pulsing as he plunges in and out. Every thrust is bringing her extreme pleasure. He is exciting and he gives her thrills and arouses feelings that she has never had before. She is up against a brick wall, in the cold, being fucked by one of the higher executives in the office. She does not care. The only thing Gloria cares about right now is having the biggest orgasm she has ever had in her whole sexual life.

Ivan places his hands behind Gloria and under her small, tight bottom. He squeezes her as he moves in and out and he can feel her grabbing, almost clawing at the back of his neck. She is biting his ear now and is licking his neck. He has always had this effect on women but something was different about Gloria. The way she carries herself is professional, sophisticated. She is not easy and is not so desperate that she needs to wear revealing tops or hitch up her skirt a little higher before coming to the office. No, Gloria leaves a bit more for the imagination and Ivan has always been attracted to that feature.

"Give it to me! Harder! Harder!" Gloria screams. There is no one around to hear them and the night seems empty. Ivan, hearing her cries of ecstasy, gives her what she wants. Within seconds Gloria is having the biggest orgasm she has ever had and Ivan as well. His breathing begins to slow and his grip relaxes on her buttocks.

"You are absolutely amazing. You are even better than the stories I have heard the ladies tell each other in the restroom at work." Gloria pulls Ivan closer and kisses his soft lips.

"I tend to have that effect on women. They all want me but only a select few can have me."

Gloria smiles, feeling exhausted. Her legs are shaky and she is sore from tonight's activity. She does not think she can walk back to the car. Ivan helps her dress and walks back to the car, hand in hand with Gloria."If you enjoyed tonight, sexy, just imagine what it will be like in Paris." Ivan says to Gloria, who seems to be glowing. She laughs. She can only imagine what it will be like but knows that it will be nothing compared to tonight, no matter how good the sex is or what they do together. Tonight will always be the one that sealed the deal. Gloria is sure she has him now and he will never be able to escape....ever.

"I'm sure it will be spectacular. It may even be more than I can handle but I guess we'll see now won't we?" Gloria lets go of Ivan's hand and gets into the car. Ivan closes the door. He is sure that he has her where he wants her and that she will never escape him, either. He plans to keep her around for a long time. In fact, Ivan is sure that Gloria just might be the one for him and that all of the other ladies out there that he has been with were and still are nothing to him. It was good while it lasted but now it is time to get serious and it is Gloria he wants to be serious with.

They pull out and away from the empty street and drive away into the night. Ivan is going to take Gloria back to her place long enough for her to pack some personal items and anything of importance she may need on the trip. The one thing that Ivan has not mentioned to Gloria is that the trip to Paris might be his last. Ivan may not be coming back to the states and the nature of his business will eventually be seen by Gloria. Will she still want to be with him or will she cut out early?

The black Mercedes pulls into a quiet suburb and parks in front of a modern brick home. Ivan is giving the house a once-over, noting that it is much too big for just one individual. Surely Gloria has a cat or small dog to keep her company on those lonely nights.

"This is nice. But it's kind of big for a lonely girl such as you, don't you think?" He asks Gloria.

Gloria smiles as she opens the door to get out. She has a secret of her own, but she does not wish to reveal it just yet.

"I'll only be a few minutes then we can go." Gloria says. Ivan opens his door and walks up the walkway with Gloria.

"I can come inside and help you carry out your things if you like." Ivan notices Gloria shy away from his offer.

"No, really it's okay. It's best you wait out here anyway."

Something odd is going on but what? Maybe Gloria really does have a dog and it gets cranky when strangers enter with its master. Ivan does as Gloria asks and waits outside by the car.

Gloria removes the key from her purse and opens the front door slowly. She steps inside and closes the door behind her, leaving Ivan alone outside. She places her purse and keys down on a table next to the door and then slips her shoes off. She then quietly strolls back to her bedroom.

Gloria leaves the light off so as not to disturb anything. There is a rustling coming from the bed. It is Mason, Gloria's husband. No one at the office even knows that she is married. She always removes the ring before going inside. She never even mentions his name.

"Hey babe I was just taking a breather after my shower. Work today sucked and we had one guy about kill himself."

Gloria smiles as she removes her office attire and slips on a black dress. She then slips on some black heels to match. She seems to pay no mind to Mason.

"So where are you running off to now?" Mason asks. Gloria turns to him as she is putting on some diamond earrings. She gives him a shy smile.

"Well, I was planning on going out with the girls tonight. We are supposed to have dinner and a few drinks, that's all really."

Mason rolls over onto his back, shirt off, watching Gloria as she dresses for the evening. She had only worn that black dress once for him and that was for their first anniversary. It is supposed to be her special' dress.

"Well, okay. I mean, I had a nice dinner planned for the two of us tonight but it looks like you already have other plans. Just wish I would have known about them sooner."

Gloria sighs. She hates it when Mason tries to put a guilt trip on her. It never works and they always end up fighting.

"Mason, please don't do this. You never tell me when you are planning things either."

Now it is Mason's turn to sigh. He is getting frustrated with Gloria. Always out with her friends and leaving him home alone. He never thought her life as a secretary at the gallery was so thrilling.

"I'm not trying to argue with you. I just think I deserve some time with you, too. You are always going off with some clients or executives or your artsy friends and you never tell me about it until afterward. In the meantime I am home cooking, preparing a special evening for you and when you get home, it's always oh, I have plans. Sorry'."

The only thing that Gloria can think of to shut him up is to give him a quickie. That always seems to quiet him except this time will be the last time.

Gloria walks over to the bed and climbs up beside Mason. He pretends like he does not notice and turns away. Gloria then straddles him and puts his hands above his head.

"Do you think that by performing something kinky for me now will let you off the hook later?"

Mason is smiling now. Gloria rubs her hands down Mason's chest.

The two then proceed to engage in some hardcore activity. Gloria was hoping she could be in and out without running into Mason but since he is home, she might as well feed him a line or two and give him a piece of ass to make up for it.

Mason bent Gloria over the bed and pulled her dress up over her backside. He left her heels on because it always got him excited when she would wear heels during sex. Gloria can feel Mason's hands as he squeezes her ass and caresses her back. She can feel his throbbing penis move in and out, in and out. He is always able to hit her spot in this position and soon enough, for the second time tonight, she is experiencing another extreme orgasm.

When Mason is finished he slaps Gloria's ass and then lies back down on the bed. Gloria stands up and strolls to the bathroom to clean up. She does not want any part of Mason on her when she leaves with Ivan tonight. It is getting late and she really must hurry.

"Okay, I have to go now. I'm running late and the girls are waiting for me." Gloria says as she leans in to give Mason a quick kiss on the cheek. He really did not seem to notice as she walks away. He is too tired from the romp.

Gloria is upset that she was not able to pack any of her things. But that is okay, she has a credit card that she has kept back for emergencies.

Ivan watches as Gloria walks back toward the car. He notices that she is not carrying any luggage.

"Don't you think you might need more than a little black dress while in Paris?" He asks. Gloria smiled.

"No, I have a credit card that I keep for emergencies. I'll just use it. I had to tend to my dog. That's why I didn't want you to come in. He'll bark and wake the whole neighborhood."

Ivan wasn't sure if he should believe her or not but what choice did he have now? She's already with him. The two get into the car and drive away, leaving the quiet suburb behind.

Mason is still recovering from Gloria. He rolls over on the bed only to see that Gloria has left her purse on the bed. This does not really matter to her since she has taken another but Mason assumes that she needs it. He stands up, grabs the purse and looks out the window to see if she has left yet.

Mason can see Gloria standing outside talking to some strange man he has never seen before.

"Going out with the girls, huh? I don't think that's one of the girls' sweet cheeks." Mason says as he removes his cell phone from his pocket. He dials a number and his call is connected.

"Yeah, let's get ready to roll. I have them in my sight. I can even see a plate number for you to run. Alpha, Jones, Bravo, three, two, four; get on it."

Mason hangs up the phone and watches as Gloria gets into the vehicle without looking back.

Gloria is feeling anxious and her adrenaline is running high. She feels as if she could fly right now, which is funny because she is going to be on a private jet to Paris soon. Ivan is as cool as can be, not showing any more excitement than Gloria. He has been on these trips before and everything always starts out the same way; a quick stop by her place, gather a few things, and then it is off to Paris, Australia, wherever it is the journey needs to be taken. But this time things are going to be different because there will be no returning from this trip. Gloria seems like the kind of girl who would gladly give up the everyday routine for some action and fun. This trip will definitely be loaded with plenty of both.

Mason is dressed and waiting inside. A black Cadillac pulls up to the curb side. Two men exit the vehicle dressed in business suits. Mason leaves his home to greet them.

"Did you run the plates? Is it him?" He asks the men. One of the men, John, answers.

"His name is Ivan Hoffstetter, an art dealer at the gallery where Gloria works. He has made several other trips like this one with many other women before but we feel that this time he will not be returning."

"I knew it," Mason says. "This must be the final deal. We have to follow them now before we lose track of them both."

The other man, Nathan, agrees. They have been tracking Ivan for quite some time now and they are not about to let this man go.

Mason stares into the horizon, wondering what Gloria is really feeling and if she ever gives him any thought at all.

Ivan turns into the private stretch of airport and parks his car near an open hanger. From here, Gloria is escorted from the car and onto a small private jet. Ivan is standing at the bottom of the steps, taking in one last view of the place he has come to call home. But now it is time to find a new home, preferably some place warmer.

"Are we ready, my love? Paris is waiting." Ivan says. Gloria turns to him, staring at him admirably. This man is so fascinating and so charismatic. He was able to sweep her off her feet and now fly her away to Paris. It is just too bad that her secret will have to come out and then it will all be over. She is sure of it.

The two take a seat together next to a window and watch as the road beneath them becomes smaller and smaller.

"The view is incredible from up here. You do this all the time?" Gloria asks. Ivan places an arm around Gloria. He loves her excitement and how she seems to get a thrill out of his lifestyle. There is much more to come.

"Well, to me it is normal and I have no thrill for it, actually. I have done this so many times that it is almost habitual."

Gloria is amazed. How could someone do this every day and lose the thrill and excitement that it brings? She is always excited when on a plane. Her trip to Vegas with Mason was wonderful. The lights, the sky; everything was amazing then.

The flight seems to last forever to Gloria. Paris. Ivan moves in closer to Gloria, smelling her perfume and touching her hair.

"You look absolutely stunning up here with me."

"Thank you but you are the one who is stunning, not me."

Ivan slips his hand up the black dress feeling her soft, silky legs. He also notices that she is not wearing any panties. Gloria bites her lower lip.

"Just what is it that you want now, mister Hoffstetter?" She asks seductively, her tongue lightly licking her lips.

"Perhaps a little in-flight entertainment," Ivan replies.

Gloria leans back into her seat and allows Ivan's hand to roam freely. She can feel his fingers caressing her private places, making her want to scream. He is breathing heavily against her neck, giving her chills up and down her body. Ivan's free hand is pulling one of the straps of her dress down her shoulder, revealing one of her small, ample breasts. They are the only two in the passenger cabin of the plane and the pilots never interfere with Ivan when he has a lady friend on board with him.

Gloria turns to look into Ivan's eyes. He is seductive and very mysterious. She knows that there has to be more to his lifestyle than meets the eye. He cannot be just some ladies man who happens to take expensive trips to exotic and seemingly romantic places. Gloria is actually pretty sure that there is more to him than what anyone at the gallery knows.

"I want you," Ivan says. Gloria moves in closer, grabbing Ivan's thighs. She wants him too of course and would take him anywhere she could possibly get him.

"I know you do. Why don't you just take me? I'd go anywhere with you lover." With that said, Ivan moves Gloria over to the leather sofa on the opposite side of the plane. He is now on top of her, his breathing steady but heavy and she is beginning to sweat from the body heat.

Gloria unzips Ivan's slacks and he pulls up her dress, placing his hands under her and raising her to him. Gloria can feel him enter her and as before, it is magnificent. She is running her fingers through his dark hair and biting his lips. Ivan is pumping harder and harder, listening as Gloria's breathing begins to speed up.

There is a brief announcement from the pilot about the sky conditions and giving them an estimated landing time. The two lovers ignore the announcement and continue with their hot and heavy activity.

Ivan is relishing giving Gloria such pleasure. He can tell that she has not been this satisfied in a long, long time. Most of the other women he had been with he could tell that they see this kind of activity on more than a normal basis and he considered himself lucky to get a rise out of any of them. But he gladly commended himself when he did.

Gloria begins to scratch her nails down Ivan's back, encouraging him to go harder. She can tell that Ivan is getting ready for the big finish and that is okay because she is on the verge of a big finish herself. She wraps her legs up higher on his body so as to get more friction on her spot. Ivan is now giving long, hard thrusts and is very close to coming. Gloria is now moaning and panting hard.

Ivan finally gives Gloria one last long, hard thrust and he is finished. Gloria can feel him come and feels that there is nothing more satisfying than when a man finishes inside. The two rest for a couple hours before waking up together and enjoying a few drinks; Kind of odd since the drinks are usually before the sex.

Back home Mason and the other men are meeting downtown to discuss further actions that are to be taken. The atmosphere is filled with nervous tension and excitement. This could be the largest bust in years.

"It appears our man is heading to Paris with a female companion. The female companion is Gloria, Mason's wife and partner. We are keeping an eye out for them and tracking them well. I do not believe our man knows any of the plans yet and is currently unsuspecting." Mitch Stevens, the Chief of Police, explains.

Mason is nodding along and thinking about what Gloria might be doing at this very second. She is on a private jet with a strange man and anything could go wrong. Anything.

After several hours and a couple of stops Ivan and Gloria arrive in Paris. The view of the private runway alone is stunning and Gloria cannot believe she is here.

"After you my dear," Ivan holds out a steady hand for Gloria to grab. She places her delicate hand in his and the two leave the plane and get into a black sedan together.

Back in the states, Mason and his team of men are boarding a jet of their own, in hopes of arriving in Paris and catching their man in the act. They will also be working with the authorities in Paris as well.

Ivan and Gloria sit closely in the backseat of the car and everything is still and quiet. Gloria is worried now. Something is different. Ivan seems different.

"Gloria," he begins. "I know."

Gloria is starting to feel panic now. He knows? How does he know and just how much? This could not be happening. Not now.

"Know what? I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about."

Ivan turns to her, his expression stern. He had his suspicions. There was something different about her and the fact that she would not let him come into her home. The way she acted at her place was too vague.

"I know that you don't just work for the art gallery. I know that you are not a single woman. Your actions are much too stiff and you seem to uptight at times. So tell me, who are you really and what do you really do?"

Gloria is feeling the pressure on herself now. She cannot tell him everything. She just can't. Part of her really does find this man intriguing and attractive. Ivan is much more than Mason and there is more emotion to him, more power. Gloria cannot confess what she really does when not with the art gallery. But she isn't afraid to tell him that she finds him attractive.

"I really do work for the gallery. Yes, I am married. But not happily mind you; my life is difficult. I need something more interesting, more adventurous."

Ivan is listening carefully. He knows she is not telling him everything. He knows that there is someone following them and that they are tracking the two of them through Gloria.

"I'll believe that part, woman, but what about the rest? Who is your husband? Is he an officer of the law? I'm positive that you are and that is why I will be taking this."

Ivan pulls the credit card out of Gloria's hand. She makes no effort to take it back; that would only stir up more trouble.

"I know that someone will be coming after me, and soon. I know that you are working with them. But I also get the feeling that you would rather not. Am I heading in the right direction?"

Gloria is stunned. This man seems to know more about her by the minute.


"Good. You have a choice to make. You either work with me or against me, but not both. I have to be able to trust you and if you wish to leave with me then so be it but if not, I'm afraid I must dispose of you. But be honest, please. I would hate to waste a beautiful creature such as yourself."

Gloria is feeling under pressure. The tension is rising. Choose? How could she choose? There is Mason, the man she has been married to for a while now and has grown to love. But she did not love him at first. She merely settled. Then there is Ivan. He is exotic, adventurous, and mysterious. He is all of the things that she has ever wanted.

"I wish to go with you. I have obligations back home but my heart wants you."

"Enough said. I'm yours. But if you are lying to me, then the consequences of your actions will not be pleasant I assure you."

Gloria nods. With a smile Ivan tells the driver where to take them. They are heading to meet Ivan's business partner.

Mason and his men lose the signal for Gloria once they reach Paris. They will have to track her down by other means. But this will be difficult. They are not on their own turf now and things will be much more complicated.

While Mason and his men are trying to arrange a new plan, Ivan and Gloria are meeting with Ivan's partner in crime, Raul Tahlea. Mr. Tahlea has been using Ivan to steal the original paintings from the gallery and replace them with fakes. Mr. Tahlea is here to give Ivan his final payment.

"Ah, Mr. Hoffstetter. I see you have brought a guest with you?"

Ivan stands in front of Mr. Tahlea and Gloria is just behind him. She is afraid to speak and decides that it is best not to do so under the present circumstances.

"Yes, indeed. Lovely isn't she?"

Mr. Tahlea is looking at Gloria with suspicion. Gloria is also looking back at him, wondering where she has seen him before and then it comes to her. Gloria and Mason were once sent to Italy, as a tourist couple, to see what was going down in Mr. Tahlea's business. They met once by Gloria bumping into the man and placing a small tracking device into his bag, leading the police to his arrest. She is hoping that he does not remember her face.

"Indeed she is, quite lovely. She reminds me of someone I met about a year ago. Well, we didn't officially meet but after our bumping into one another I was soon arrested at my house."

Ivan is growing nervous now. Is the woman his partner ran into Gloria? If so, Mr. Tahlea is going to assume that Ivan has been working against him and he will surely kill them both.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" Ivan says. He is trying to get Mr. Tahlea's mind off of Gloria's face.

"Very well then, I believe I owe you for this last conquest."

Ivan nods. As soon as he gets his money, he and Gloria can leave. This is supposed to be Ivan's last illegal deal with anyone.

Just as Mr. Tahlea is handing over the leather bag full of cash for Ivan the front doors of the office break open. It is Mason and his team of men.

Gloria is now forced to make her decision final. She steps away from Ivan. She turns her head to him.

Ivan nods. As soon as he gets his money, he and Gloria can leave. This is supposed to be Ivan's last illegal deal with anyone.

Just as Mr. Tahlea is handing over the leather bag full of cash for Ivan the front doors of the office break open. It is Mason and his team of men.

Gloria is now forced to make her decision final. She steps away from Ivan. She turns her head to him.

"Get ready," She whispers. Ivan nods. Mr. Tahlea is standing firm, his hands out. He has been caught yet again and by the same woman.

"Gloria!" Mason shouts. "Move, move!"

Gloria shakes her head. "I'm sorry but I cannot do that." She reaches into a small hidden pocket on her dress and removes a small vile containing a high explosive.

Mason is stunned. Is his wife and partner turning on him for a life of crime and running?

Ivan is smiling. Yes, she is the one for him after all.

Gloria throws the vile toward Mason and his men and just as it hits the ground, there is an explosion and smoke rolling out everywhere. Ivan takes Gloria by the hand, grabs the bag, and they flee the premise.

The two caught a plane to Tahiti and have never looked back. Not once. Gloria does not regret her decision to run, to be free of pressure and be herself; life is no longer forced upon her. Her life is no longer boring and feels exhilarating.

© Copyright 2012 Laurak2394 (laurak2394 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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