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How many Angels can sit on the head of a pin? |
"How can an intelligent God exist in a universe of imploding galaxies?" Christopher Hitchens said to Sean Hannity. Imagine your God. I know plenty of people, who live that way. You are the only intelligent being: nothing has been created. Do you create more God's? That would make things difficult to run. One Napoleon is a dictator; a thousand is anarchy.. . But, back to the problem with creation. Where did it all come from? Richard Dawkins would argue that creation was an event that happened in a vacuum of nothingness. Christopher Hitchens said to Sean Hannity, "Our brains cannot understand it." That sounds like faith. What is the essence of reality? Nothing is really solid. Everything is made up of particles of energy. And energy is a mystery. No one knows what gravity is. They know what it does. The entire Milky Way: our galaxy, not the candy bar, is floating around a black hole. Centrifugal momentum is a property of gravity. Larger bodies attract small bodies. So, the Moon orbits Gia. And all the planets in our solar system orbit Apollo. These are our laws of gravity. It can be speculated that in the beginning there was no gravity just energy. But, how can we know what really happened? At that point in time all the laws of physics and knowledge were in chaos. The key is in the atom and all the fusion it holds. I wonder if Christopher Hitchens still exists? He died from lung cancer, but is his consciousness still a part of the universe? Our brains are bio-electrical and Steven Hawkins believes he can transfer his consciousness into a computer. Steven Hawkins is a physicist. He thinks brain patterns can be put into computers through an electrical pulse. All of these scientist are atheist, but they make assumptions that sound like a leap of faith. I still feel a connection to Gia. I believe the planet is a living organism with an unconscious desire to live. That is Wiccan. But, I don't have the skills to call myself a witch or shaman. I just have my intuition and a little family kinship to kabbalah and the Tree of Life.+ None of which is scientific or worth anything in today's market. Just my two cents. . Vertago |