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A story about the muder of two brothers |
A low humming created from the silence surrounded Jonse’s ears as he lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. It was early in the morning and his father, Ellison, had not risen. Jonse looked to his side to see his brother, Cap, gone. It wasn’t surprising; Cap was usually up first and immediately would go out to milk their cow. He could take care of himself, thought Jonse and he was proved wrong as a gunshot was heard. Jonse sprung up from his bed in a rush and ran out the bedroom door, through the kitchen, and out the back door. He didn’t care if his feet were splintered; his mind was on the gunshot. Was Cap hurt? Did Cap send off the shot? All these questions wandered through Jonse’s mind. As he ran down the steps, he heard the cry of the unmistakable voice of Cap. Jonse ran around to the side of the house but quickly backtracked and peered around the corner. A man stood in the middle of the open land alone. His head was bent and a rifle was in his hand by his side. Jonse’s breathing quickened when he looked through the long grass to see the outline of a body covered in the mystery man’s shadow. Jonse had no firearms on him and when he slowly took a step backwards his father burst through the backdoor, a pistol in his hand. He spotted Jonse and looked at him in suspicion of the gunshot but it slowly faded away as he realized Jonse didn’t have a weapon. Ellison stomped toward Jonse and made a move to pass him only to be stopped by an arm blocking his way. Ellison glared towards Jonse and slapped his hand down and moved along. He had never acted like he cared for his eldest son, but it was because he was born first that he treated him that way. Jonse needed to start acting like a man and start seeking a bride. Ellison wished he could guide Jonse throughout his life, but that wasn’t possible. He needed to learn on his own. Ellison ignored Jonse’s warning and walked out into the open. He saw the man, and then looked to the body on the ground. It was soaked in blood with a wound on his chest. It only took a moment to realize that the lifeless body was Cap. In a rage, Ellison shot wildly towards the unknown man but missed every time. It was only one shot that caught everyone’s attention. Mystery man had open fired, and aimed toward Ellison. The thing was, Jonse had ran in front of Ellison and took the shot. “I only wanted you to be proud of me and see me as a son you could be proud of.” Jonse spoke in a hoarse voice. Seconds later, his breathing stopped altogether. Ellison silently wept for another loved one was lost and the words unspoken would never be said. |