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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Other · #1885119
No Internet for a week? What would I do without the World at my finger tips?
My week with out the internet. This is pure Fiction all the events and people described do not exist unless there on the internet, But I don’t have the Internet for a week. What would take out my access for a week. Solar flair but that would probably be longer that just a week if my guess it right?
There are hundreds of things. “ Name one” said ? “Who are you?” said the author. “I don’t know you just created me to deal without the Internet for a week” said ?
“So I have lost my mind in this lack of access?” said Author. “Don’t know you did say Solar Flare’s and there is always some strange conspiracy theory to go with.” said ?
“Like the President decides it’s a national emergency like the up coming election?” said Author. “ Or the electrical combines decide they want some of that Federal bailout money they have been handing out?” said ?.
“But all this is not getting to dealling without the internet its possible causes?” said Author. “Yes that is true what are you going to due without access?” said ?
“Well I can look over the shoulder of someone that does have access.”said Author
“Rude and they will not like it one bit” said ? “ Alright that leaves all the old methods of information delivery Radio Ug TV and OMG the news papers.” said Author. “Don’t foget the Library’s and all those books you have lying around this place.” said ? “ Lets leave this place out of this for the time being.” said Author. “Alright so whats the plan?” said ?
“plan? find out if any of my radios still work and see what I can get over the air in the way of TV I suppose?” said the Author. “ That’s a start.” said ? “ So what do I call you?” said Author. “Your the one who can’t go without a name remmber let alone with out the Internet you will figure it out i suspect.” said ? “Ok ok I will deal with you and your name later.” said the Author.
Day one was spent by the Author finding out if it was his equipment that was faulty or just something that everyone had experienced. You guessed it just him, so much for the conspiracy theory number one. So the rest of the day was spent gathering various books and seeing if any of the radios still worked in the unmentioned place where the Author was currently located.
And no no name for ? What was he reading? The art of war by Sun Tzu. But which translation <side note go through the library and list the various versions that I have on the shelf>
No that would not take all day. There was the preparation of food and the cleaning after word. Plus all the things one does during the day.
Day 2 “ Hey ? I have an idea I’m going to the local coffee house and see if I can shoulder serf while I read this rag of a paper.” said Author “ Which rag and are you picking it up on the way there or ...”said ?. “ I will grab one at the coffee house I suspect there will be a few there, and besides its a add for all things rich folk.” said Author “Nothing else available around here to read or pick up on the way there?” said ? “ Well I can look and see what the gas station accross the street has on the way there.” said the Author
After Author gets out of the unmentionabl place and walks down the street he gets to the Railroad tracks and while crossing over a car or was it a truck thows a paper out the window? or does if fly out of the broken back window any way it lands on are Author. “Hey uf a paper from some random driver ?” Said Author “Mabey the editor thought it would be cute?” said ? “ What editor?” The randomness is nessisary to get to 1000 words right? “Well its here now off to the coffee house” said Author. “Ah we have a problem.” said ? “Whats that?” said the Author.
“We need to condense a weeks worth of what you are doing without the Internet in to 300 words or less.” said ? “ I see.” said Author while he looks at the paper and trying to come up with a coherent way to put the next 5 days into such a short span. “We could list the books and radio shows you plan on reading or listening to?” said ?. “Or maybe I could write something?” said Author. “About how you deal with the loss of the Internet by going a little off?” said ? “ Yes that would be one way to describe this.” said Author as he walks down the street to the smells of fresh roasted coffee beans.
word count 814
© Copyright 2012 saltzom88 (saltzom88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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