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Rated: 18+ · Documentary · History · #1884109
This isn't 100% correct. Does not include Black Ops 2 storylines.
Hello. I present before you my storyline. It is my personal work, a feat that I've been working on for many months. What I am trying to achieve is practically an essay about EVERYTHING in the storyline from start to finish. I am very confident in the accuracy of my storyline, but I do know that it is not 100% correct. But I want it to be.

I've worked very hard on this storyline. I did a lot of work on a local website I use, as well as the Zombies section of the official Call of Duty forums (before MW3 came out and Infinity Ward killed the site). I joined this site because I saw extensive research about the storyline. Some of it is... well believable, but some isn't.

I was hoping that people could critique my storyline, try to find errors and things that need to be fixed. If this goes the way I plan, there will surely be conflict on some issues. Sorry, but there's not much I can do about that (except debate of course). This is just my storyline, I don't have the facts supporting it, but I know them; and I have my documentation resource to use when an issue is brought up. If I listed all of it, well this thread would be much longer... Anyway, I hope this works. Thank you for your time.


1. Meteors
2. Group 935
3. Beginning of World War II
4. The First Teleporter
5. The Pyramid
6. Double-Cross
7. Inventions
8. Other Facilities
9. Peter, Nikolai, and Takeo
10. End of World War II
11. The Marines
12. Mounting Problems for 935
13. Betrayal
14. The Rise of Samantha
15. Linking the Four Outbreaks
16. After Der Riese
17. Reverse Engineering
18. Soviet Issues
19. Kino Der Toten
20. Outbreak at the Pentagon
21. The Plight of Gersch
22. Late 20th Century
23. "Call of the Dead"
24. Shangri-La
25. The Rise of Richtofen
26. Unanswered Quandaries
27. Epilogue [/b]

[b]1. Meteors [/b]

On June 30, 1908, meteors began to fall towards Earth. There were several meteors; the first caused the Tunguska Event in Russia; one was seen in Shi No Numa; one landed in Groom Lake, near Area 51; one landed in the future Der Riese; one hit a remote forest in what is now the Central African Republic; one crashed into the altar at Shangri-La; one, or many, landed on the Moon; the last one hit Pennsylvania on June 24, 1938 at 9:21 A.M. The meteors all contained an unknown material: Element 115. The Tunguska meteor was the largest, and the Pennsylvania meteor was the smallest.

[b]2. Group 935[/b]

Dr. Edward Richtofen was a politically-fluent, secretly homosexual, backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany, and he was supportive of the brief democratic regime there. However, in 1933 the Nazi Party took control of Germany, and Dr. Richtofen became obscure in politics. In 1939, the Rising Sun facility was formed in what became to be known as Shi No Numa (Swamp of Doom), Japan. Later that year, another facility known as Group 935 formed, with headquarters in a facility known as Der Riese (The Giant), near Breslau, Lower Silesia, Germany. It was an organization with the motto "to improve the human condition." Doctor Ludvig Maxis, M.D., was the leader of the organization. Group 935 allied with the Rising Sun since they both had access to meteors with Element 115. Dr. Richtofen joined the group because of his medical background, however illegitimate, but started to diverge from his typical work. He and another scientist, Doctor Schuster, worked together to try to create the very first Teleporter.

[b]3. Beginning of World War II [/b]

Then, World War II began. The Nazi Party of the Reichstag High Command of Germany began the Wunderwaffe Program with several institutions devoted to science to win the war. The first Wunderwaffe was the Uranium Club that aimed to create an atomic bomb. The second Wunderwaffe was Aggregate Rocket series that developed the V-2 rocket that was the first to reach space. The third Wunderwaffe was the development of supersonic reconnaissance planes with prototypes DFS-228 and DFS-346. The fourth Wunderwaffe was the Rocket U-Boat that was supposed to fire ballistic missiles. The fifth Wunderwaffe was the prototype Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster that fired the 800mm Schwerer Gustav artillery gun, the largest yet seen.

[b]4. The First Teleporter[/b]

On September 4, 1939, Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster teleported a walnut using only the Teleporter and a microgram of Element 115; this was the very first teleportation in human history. Dr. Richtofen told Dr. Maxis the results, but Dr. Maxis was not pleased. Dr. Maxis did not believe the Teleporter experiment would ever bring practical results. However, Dr. Maxis let slip a comment about the war that had just begun. So, Dr. Maxis told Dr. Richtofen in confidence that Group 935 would start making new weapons for the Nazi Party in exchange for funding. Thus, Group 935 became the sixth Wunderwaffe of the Reichstag High Command. Dr. Maxis wanted to keep this fact secret; the only people that he allowed to know were Dr. Richtofen, Dr. Schuster, and his secretary, Sophia. If people found out, there would be massive defections, because the scientists at Group 935 were from many nationalities. However, Dr. Richtofen was upset that Dr. Maxis wasn't taking his Teleporter project seriously, but he believed that Dr. Maxis would steal his designs.

[b]5. The Pyramid[/b]

So Group 935 developed, and they developed many things. Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster worked together on the Teleporter despite pressure from Dr. Maxis. By January 4, 1940, they had advanced the Teleporter enough to begin human testing. Dr. Richtofen volunteered to be the human subject. Dr. Richtofen was to be teleported from the Teleporter to the receptacle 30 feet away. However, the Teleporter instead sent him to the Moon. He was within a cave with a Pyramid, which he later named the MPD. The MPD was an ancient machine that produces vril energy, that is a gateway to Aether, and that was created by extraterrestrials. Dr. Richtofen, curious, touched the MPD. From the moment he touched it, he began to hear whispering; he became schizophrenic. The next thing he knew was that he was teleported to a civilization in the Himalayas known as Shangri-La. When he appeared, the locals revered him as a god. Shangri-La was an ancient temple with a local Asian village. At the top of the grand temple in Shangri-La were two skulls on top of an altar: one of a humanoid creature and one of an extraterrestrial. The locals allowed Dr. Richtofen to write his name on the altar to pay him respect. 19 days later, Dr. Richtofen finally made his way back to Der Riese, for on January 23, 1940, he announced to Dr. Schuster they must begin working on the Teleporters. Dr. Richtofen did tell Dr. Maxis of Shangri-La, but not of the other events prior to it. So Group 935 created a station at Shangri-La, and they commenced tests there. Group 935 is largely responsible for the advanced technology at Shangri-La. Somehow, the Fly Trap appeared in Der Riese, if it was not already there; it may or may not have been caused by Dr. Richtofen.

[b]6. Double-Cross[/b]

By 1941, Group 935 had come a long way in development. The Ray Gun was the first Wonder Weapon that was invented, and it was produced in fair numbers by Dr. Maxis, who had seized the designs from the Rising Sun facility. Also, it was discovered that Element 115 reanimated dead cells, and the Reichstag High Command urged the use of these Zombies as an undead army. However, Dr. Richtofen had secretly orchestrated the construction of a base on the Moon with the help of members of a secret organization known as the Illuminati, and the Illuminati contained several members of Group 935, such as Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster. They went to and from the base, known as Griffin Station, with the use of Dr. Richtofen's Teleporters. Dr. Maxis did agree to build some, but Dr. Maxis's Teleporters wouldn't work. Dr. Richtofen knew what Dr. Maxis needed to do to work the Teleporters, but he never let Dr. Maxis know that he knew. Dr. Richtofen also gave the name MDT to the Teleporters, and he also found an extraterrestrial artifact known as the Vril Generator. He studied the Vril Generator as well as the MPD. He then called a meeting with his fellow Illuminati members to reveal the MPD to them. He appointed Doctor Groph as the lead scientist at Griffin Station. Dr. Schuster was also assisting Dr. Richtofen. However, Dr. Maxis wasn't stupid. He was suspicious of Dr. Richtofen and his strange mannerisms. Dr. Richtofen did try to act like everything is normal, but he failed often in that respect. Dr. Maxis even created a number of devices behind Dr. Richtofen's back. He found Dr. Richtofen's Vril Generator and used it to create the Egg, which was a device with a current unknown purpose, based on vril energy. Dr. Richtofen did not notice the disappearance of the Vril Generator, as he did not need it at the moment.

[b]7. Inventions[/b]

On January 20, 1942, Dr. Maxis created the Datenbediensteter (Data Servant), which was the computer network of Der Riese. Later that year, the Reichstag High Command cut the Uranium Club from the list of Wunderwaffes for being too expensive. They also attempted to cut funding for Group 935. Between 1942 and 1945, Dr. Richtofen kept in contact with Griffin Station, but he also kept up his ruse in Der Riese. He also occasionally visited Shi No Numa to check up on the tests there. There, he developed his greatest invention—the Wunderwaffe DG-2. The Wunderwaffe DG-2 was his most prized invention, and both Dr. Richtofen and the Reichstag High Command urged Dr. Maxis to mass produce it. However, Dr. Maxis refused, claiming there was still much work to be done with it, saying that he will when it is ready. His real motive was that he did not want the Nazi Party using such a deadly weapon. Also, Doctor Harvey Yena created the Scavenger, an explosive Sniper Rifle based on Element 115. Other inventions of Group 935 were the Pack-A-Punch, the Thundergun "MkI", the Zap Guns (or when put together were known as the Wave Gun), the Perks-A-Cola, the V-R11, the Electro-Shock Defenses, and the Fire Pit. The four Perks-A-Cola were sold for 10 cents per bottle, and they were Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double-Tap Root Beer, and Quick Revive. Dr. Richtofen created the designs for the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ, the upgraded Wunderwaffe DG-2, and inserted them into the Pack-A-Punch. Doctor H. Porter created the designs for the Porter's X2 Ray Gun and the Porter's X2 Zap Gun, which he inserted into the Pack-A-Punch. All Pack-A-Punch Wonder Weapons are presumably made by the same method. Dr. Richtofen created the Quantum Entanglement Device, but it was one of his lesser inventions. Then Dr. Richtofen created the Monkey Bomb, and Dr. Maxis began plans for a shrink ray. Even though the Reichstag High Command was in a contract with Group 935, Group 935 still had every intention of marketing its inventions, but since World War II was lasting much longer than anticipated, plans of selling were put off. Group 935 submitted many items anyway to be featured in the magazine owned by Tanbor Fudgely Company, which advertised German products and discoveries. Illuminati members even anonymously submitted information about the MPD, the Vril Generator, an astronaut suit, Used Data Tapes, and Gun Mule, a Perk-A-Cola that the Illuminati made. Dr. Schuster also created the Low Gravity Putty that was used to make artificial gravity and the Launch Pads in the Biodome of Griffin Station. Other notable items in the catalogue were a Zombie comedy show, a "Surprise Monkey", a Xenon Belt, an Idle Idol, "Space Ice", and Gamma Ray Specs.

[b]8. Other Facilities[/b]

During this time, Group 935 set up a testing facility in Wittenau Sanatorium, Germany, known as Verrückt, to test on people and Zombies and to develop new devices. Shi No Numa was kept as a preliminary test site with direct access to Element 115 because of the meteor's close proximity. For unknown reasons, a single Zombie was seen next to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Also, Dr. Maxis's daughter, Samantha Maxis, lived with him at Der Riese because he took her everywhere with him since her mother died, and he gave her a dog, Fluffy, to entertain her. Dr. Maxis would occasionally visit what is now known as Kino Der Toten for his studies, and he would bring Samantha along, who would play with her friends, Abigail and Emilia. His prized test subject, Subject Two-Six, was promising for controlling the Zombies, but alarms made him go berserk, which resulted in his death. By 1943, Doctor Friedrich Steiner created Nova gas, a war chemical, the seventh and final Wunderwaffe. While Dr. Maxis was at Kino Der Toten, he accidentally created the Gas Zombies using the German Nova gas in an experiment that went awfully wrong. Kino Der Toten was a forum for 935 experiments, showcases, and attempts of Zombie mind control. Dr. Richtofen began to strongly agree with the Reichstag High Command. So, he joined the Nazis' army, and he gained the nickname "The Butcher". By 1944, Group 935 sent four finished Ray Guns back to Japan to use in the Battle of Peleliu, but they didn't make it to the Japanese soldiers' hands. At the Battle of Peleliu, the Marine, Tank Dempsey, emerged as a war hero. He was a devoted American with the nickname "The Tank", while he had a 5-year-old son back home in the United States.

[b]9. Peter, Nikolai, and Takeo[/b]

The Illuminati were not the only people that infiltrated Group 935. The United States had sent some spies, seeing Group 935 as a Wunderwaffe of the Reichstag High Command instead of the benevolent organization it had been. The United States' most important spy was Doctor Peter McCain. Dr. McCain was inserted into Group 935 by his handler Cornelius Pernell, who was stationed at Der Riese. Dr. McCain went to Der Riese, but they soon restationed him at Verrückt. Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph also finally found out how to power the MPD: souls. Dr. Richtofen began sending over captured prisoners of war for Dr. Groph to shoot and kill next to the MPD, so that the MPD's tank would be filled with souls. Dr. Richtofen began trying to uncover the secrets of the brain in an effort to make the Zombies more controllable. To do this, Dr. Richtofen acquired three human test subjects. The first was Nikolai Belinski. Nikolai had been married nine times, and he usually ended up killing them. He killed his first wife with a shotgun for being fat and ugly. He killed his second wife with a shotgun for also being fat and ugly, however, he expresses remorse for killing her and often says that she was both beautiful and ugly. He killed his third wife with a Sickle because she complained about him snoring. He tried to kill his fourth wife by strangling, however, she escaped, and he chased her, killing a couple people, and finally killing her with a shotgun. He killed his fifth wife by trying to drown her and then cutting off her unconscious head with an axe. No one knows what happened to his sixth wife, and he his seventh wife was the only wife known that Nikolai did not kill. No one knows what happened to his eighth wife. He was currently unhappily married to his ninth wife. He also wasn't on good terms with his sister, his only known living relative. The second was Takeo Masaki (codenamed N3WB). Takeo was a notorious Bushido warrior who brought honor to the Masaki name. However, he killed his entire family for being insolent. The third was an unnamed Mexican subject. Group 935 also developed a container that could store a Zombie. They made many and shipped them throughout Kino Der Toten, Shangri-La, and possibly other places.

[b]10. End of World War II[/b]

Things became very tense on by September 2, 1945, which was the end of World War II. The German forces had surrendered shortly before the date, so it was not an extremely fast process of collapse; the Nazi Party tried to hold strong. Group 935 continued to operate anyway, but funds were very tight. On the same day, Dr. Richtofen carelessly killed the Mexican and took his spleen as a memento. By September 10, 1945, a spy was found in Verrückt. The United States feared that the spy that was caught was Dr. McCain, but it was actually someone else that was captured. Within the next seven days, a series of events happened. The United States became worried about whether Dr. McCain was compromised, so the United States decided to retrieve Dr. McCain as soon as possible to obtain his knowledge of Group 935 experiments before it was too late. However, Verrückt was very unstable, and the Zombies broke out and started running amuck.

[b]11. The Marines[/b]

The United States kept a watchful eye on Group 935, but it was a distant eye. The United States sent a Marine Recon unit. Unfortunately, four of the Marines crashed on the way to Verrückt. They landed in the middle of a wasteland, and they found a small fortification. The Marines were too late; with the Zombies had overrunning Verrückt, many had made their way here. The Marines fought against the Zombies that night, known as Nacht Der Untoten. The last communication that they had with the United States was when one called in and mentioned that there was a Radio present that played music, plus that he was getting attacked by Zombies. They died. The other group landed in Verrückt and fought the Zombies. One of them, named Smokey, was killed, and then he turned into a Zombie. He tried to kill one of the other Marines, John "Banana", but John decapitated him. John and the other Marine started to go insane due to the Zombies and Element 115. Only one of the Marines survived, and that was only because someone in Group 935 apprehended him and brought him to Der Riese; it was the leader, Tank Dempsey. One of the Marines left a map of the asylum. When he was captured, the United States was no longer able to keep in contact with them. Dempsey was Dr. Richtofen's newest test subject, and Dr. Richtofen had just finished modifications to memory reconfiguration tests with Nikolai and Takeo.

[b]12. Mounting Problems for 935[/b]

Dr. Richtofen had announced his victories in memory configuration at Kino Der Toten, and they hung pictures of the group to commend his success: a large picture for Dr. Richtofen; smaller ones for Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo; and a blank one where the deceased Mexican would have been. Dr. Richtofen also discreetly tested on Samantha. He wiped the memory of Nikolai, Takeo, and Tank. He also wiped Samantha's memory of the experiments done to her. Dr. Maxis secretly believed that the Zombie experiments were doomed for failure. He also began to fancy Sophia, the secretary of Der Riese. They started to hang out with one another, but Dr. Maxis was concerned his work was suffering; he started to become paranoid due to Element 115. Dr. Richtofen was suspicious of Dr. McCain, so he had him transferred, again, to Shi No Numa. Cornelius knew that things were not going well at Der Riese, so he called Dr. McCain over the Radio to leave him some information about how things are going. Unfortunately, Dr. McCain never responded; Shi No Numa became overrun with Zombies as well, although it is unknown which happened first—the Radio call or the Zombie outbreak. Meanwhile, a Soviet recon team entered Nacht Der Untoten. It is unknown what happened to them, but they reported the very same Radio that the Marines had reported. An unknown Allied Power unit entered Shi No Numa. They were outnumbered by the Zombies, however, and they died. The United States sent a recon team to Shi No Numa after that, and they found a map of the swamp that the Allied Power unit had left. This recon team was evacuated before they were killed by Zombies, but they talked of a strange Radio signal that was at Shi No Numa, the one from Cornelius.

[b]13. Betrayal[/b]

Dr. Richtofen still urged for the Wunderwaffe DG-2 to be mass produced. Since the Reichstag High Command was nonexistent now, it would have to be sold to someone else. Dr. Richtofen did not care who bought them, he just wanted them distributed. Dr. Maxis refused, believing them too powerful for the world to use against itself. Dr. Richtofen started to eye Dr. Maxis, Samantha, and Sophia, making Dr. Maxis uneasy. Dr. Maxis took the V-R11, and the Scavenger along with it for presumably protection purposes, and sent them to an undisclosed location far away on German cargo ship. Then Dr. Groph, the leader of Griffin Station, contacted Dr. Richtofen, telling him that the MPD was filled with souls and that it needed the Vril Generator to proceed. Everything else for the MPD was ready. Dr. Richtofen knew the capability, even if just abstractly, of the MPD and planned to use it. Since his use of it required it to be done in a vacuum, later documented as the Kassimir Effect, Dr. Groph removed the oxygen from the cave-like room with the MPD. The remaining prisoners of war that weren't killed were sent to Kustover Posten, a member of Griffin Station, and it is unknown what became of them. The rest of the Illuminati also sent Dr. Richtofen coded messages, reminding him to kill Dr. Maxis. So, right before he began the next test with Dr. Maxis, Dr. Richtofen stole the Vril Generator back and stole the Egg as well, both to be used with the MPD. He sent them ahead of himself to Griffin Station. Dr. Richtofen then started the next Teleporter experiment with Dr. Maxis. Dr. Maxis's Teleporters were coming along well; they had already passed beyond using Zombies as test subjects, so Dr. Maxis needed a living specimen. He chose Fluffy. Samantha was appalled and started to complain to her father, on the verge of tears. When they teleported Fluffy, she did not reach the Mainframe. Instead, she appeared in a ball of electricity before them. They ran to leave the room, but Dr. Richtofen locked them inside the room. Dr. Maxis did the only thing he could do to survive. He grabbed Samantha and his prototype shrink ray, ran to the Teleporter, and teleported away with Fluffy behind him. All three of them ended up in different places since Dr. Richtofen had not calibrated the Teleporter like he had during the tests. Dr. Maxis teleported to Shangri-La with his shrink ray. While he was there, he used the locals' materials to finish the shrink ray, which they treasured. They wrote a name on it in their own language, which seemed to be a mesh of languages. The weapon was called the 31-79 JGb215 because that's what the writing on it resembled. Fluffy was teleported to an unknown location. She was pregnant at the time, and she became the first of a new breed of dog and Zombie, the Hellhounds. Samantha was teleported to Griffin Station.

[b]14. The Rise of Samantha[/b]

Samantha was scared. When she teleported, she arrived in the airless room in Griffin Station with the MPD. She desperately ran, and she accidentally smashed one of the soul tanks of the MPD. The MPD then locked her inside itself, and, being a gateway to Aether, it gave her many powers. Dr. Groph and Dr. Schuster immediately refilled the room with oxygen and contacted Dr. Richtofen to tell him what happened. Dr. Richtofen talked to Dr. Groph via wireless device and told Dr. Groph to find Dr. Maxis by whatever means needed. It took a couple weeks at minimum, but Dr. Groph developed a computer-linked Teleporter that was hooked up to the MPD. The Vril Generator was sent to Griffin Station, and he used it in conjunction with the array. During this time, Samantha had wreck havoc across Griffin Station. The array was able to locate Dr. Maxis in Shangri-La and automatically teleported him to Griffin Station. Dr. Maxis was furious at Dr. Schuster and Dr. Richtofen. Dr. Groph told him they had a much bigger issue: Samantha. He wanted Dr. Maxis to talk to her. However, Dr. Maxis was not stupid. He knew that the Illuminati's ultimate goal was world domination. He had become talented in computers, which was first developed with his Datenbediensteter. He had created an A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) that he downloaded onto Griffin Station's network when Dr. Groph was not looking. He was able to do it quickly since he had already had the A.I. made beforehand in case something happened to him. Dr. Maxis then went to talk to Samantha before the entire population of Griffin Station. However, instead of calming her like they wanted him to do, he told Samantha to kill them all. An unknown employee at Griffin Station screamed "No", and a gunshot went off. Dr. Maxis was shot and killed. Samantha killed them all. One tried to run away with the Vril Generator using the German ship with the V-R11 and Scavenger that was only now departing for its journey, but Samantha killed him. The ship crashed. Soon afterwards, Shangri-La, Der Riese, and Kino Der Toten lost control of the Zombies with no one around that knew how to control them. Dr. Richtofen had deliberately let the Zombies loose on Der Riese, and he grabbed Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo and escaped from there.

[b]15. Linking the Four Outbreaks[/b]

Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Dr. Richtofen then started to work as a team, unaware that Dr. Richtofen was pulling the strings. Dr. Richtofen then visited all of the sites of the Zombies battles, where Zombies had overrun, trying to find the things he needed for his master plan. The group went to Shi No Numa first. The United States found out about the group's arrival in Shi No Numa. However, they found out that their recon unit had changed; it no longer consisted of four Marines but Tank Dempsey, a Soviet, a Japanese, and a Nazi. They did not interfere with the group, as they needed whatever help they could get, but the United States did do a background check and identified each of the four, along with their past. The four then went to Nacht Der Untoten, but they didn't stay long. The four then went to Verrückt, and Dempsey did not remember ever being there. There were two survivors of Der Riese. One had left for the United States. He was interrogated by his government, and he had told them that he saw a "mirrored device that allowed the viewing of images from the past". He died shortly thereafter either from a systematic murder or element 115-related illness. The interview was done by case officer Chase Rettland. This would later be described by Jr. Analyst Ryan Jackson in 1948 in a report to Chief Analyst John Abrams. The other, however, left for the Soviet Union; his name was Pavel Gorki. He told some Russian government officials about Der Riese. The United States began to try to breach Der Riese. They had recovered blueprints to the place and used engineers to predict its conditions. Then, they sent in recon units. Unfortunately, they died. One man did leave behind a piece of intel that listed all of the known weapons that the Pack-A-Punch could upgrade. In 1946, a solar eclipse occurred. The solar eclipse coincided with the return of Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen to Der Riese. Meanwhile, during this solar eclipse, in Shangri-La, Brock and Gary, two British explorers, were uncovering the secrets of the temples when they fell into a trap and died of starvation. They couldn't leave because they were surrounded by the Zombies that were at Shangri-La. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen fought off the Zombies at Der Riese, but when one of them overloaded the Wunderwaffe DG-2 in the Teleporter, the Teleporter reacted by changing function of transfer of place to transfer of place and time. The Teleporter sent the group to 1965 in the abandoned Nazi theatre, Kino Der Toten.

[b]16. After Der Riese[/b]

In the western desert of the United States on July 8, 1947, an extraterrestrial spaceship crashed in an event known as the Roswell Incident. The United States found two extraterrestrials within the spaceship, dead, and sent them to Hangar 18 in the fairly new classified location known as Area 51. At Der Riese, Soviet troops finally arrived from the word of Pavel Gorki and clashed with the troops of the United States. The result was a standoff that wasn't solved for years. On July 14, 1954, the United States realized the capability of the technology when Doctor Vannevar Bush was looking through the Datenbediensteter. As leader of the Majestic-12 group, the group that handles the top secret technologies of the United States, he sent a message to notorious users of the CIA database, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard McGarrah Helms, Richard Kain, Richard Milhous Nixon, and William Frances Raborn, Junior, many future presidents and directors of covert operations, telling them only Majestic-12 members are hereby given access to these files. T. Walker was a man who had previously had access who was now banned for that reason. Dr. Bush and Doctor Julius Robert Oppenheimer began to work together to uncover the secret Nazi technology. However, the McCarthyism movement in the United States, the one that condemned anyone for having influence to communism, which was often incorrect, caused Dr. Oppenheimer to have a huge tumult in his career. Dr. Oppenheimer made a successful last-ditch effort and gave all of his files to his trusted companion Dr. Bush. Even with Dr. Oppenheimer's clearance revoked, the United States began reverse engineering.

[b]17. Reverse Engineering[/b]

So the United States reverse engineered, but so did the Soviet Union. This is due to both countries acquiring substantial territory of Germany after winning the war. United States successfully directly reverse engineered the Ray Gun, Electro-Shock Defenses, Monkey Bomb, Perks-A-Cola, and Pack-A-Punch. The Soviet Union directly reverse engineered the Pack-A-Punch, Ray Gun, the Thundergun, Nova gas, and Perks-A-Cola. Both countries also made strides in their own development of Element 115, utilizing information from reverse engineering, just adding their own twist. The United States made their own Teleporters, similar in function but different in practicality, and the United States also created the Winter's Howl, the ice gun. The Soviet Union not only reverse engineered the Perks-A-Cola, but it made two new ones: Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper. The Soviet Union increased the deadliness of Nova gas by creating a new and improved version under Project Nova, and the Soviet Union also turned the Fire Pit into the Fire Traps. Also, the Soviet Union tried improving the Thundergun, which they renamed Project Thunder. The new Thundergun "MkII" was issued sparingly throughout the Soviet Union and the Communist Bloc: one was found in Kino Der Toten. The Thundergun was even improved upon further, and the Thundergun "MkIII" was issued in Kowloon City, China.

[b]18. Soviet Issues[/b]

However, the Soviet Union wasn't as stable as the United States. Doctor Gersch was the head scientist at the Soviet cosmodrone facility where the Element 115 tests were done. His pet project was Project Mercury, or the Gersch Device. Dr. Gersch also created the Kassimir Mechanism prototype, which he drew from knowledge of the MPD. The device's function was to interact with Aether. Dr. Gersch transferred another scientist, Doctor Yuri Kravcheski, to the Space Monkey program, where he was to be involved with sending monkeys into space for research purposes. Later, Dr. Kravcheski found a diary from Der Riese containing information about Element 115. Samantha came along with it however, and Dr. Kravcheski started to see Teddy Bears, Samantha's favorite form of possession, along with Matryoshka Dolls, scattered around the place. Samantha then began to try to control Dr. Kravcheski by piercing his thoughts and communicating to him mentally, making him effectively insane. Dr. Kravcheski then edited the Gersch Device, according to Samantha's specifications, and confronted Dr. Gersch. He demonstrated it to Dr. Gersch, and the device created an enormous black hole. Then, Samantha unveiled herself, speaking aloud for the first time in years, and Dr. Gersch fell into the black hole. Dr. Kravcheski was never seen again. It brought him to Aether to be with Samantha. She had orchestrated that because she was lonely, and she heavily tortured him for her amusement.

[b]19. Kino Der Toten[/b]

In 1965, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Dr. Richtofen finally reappeared after their 19-year disappearance, as a result of teleporting through time. Kino Der Toten was a relic from Nazi Germany. It still stood because Kino Der Toten was located in Eastern Germany, which was controlled by the Soviet Union. The democratic countries rebuilt Western Germany and Europe to the point of self-sustainability. However, the Soviet Union only rebuilt Eastern Germany and Europe to be a buffer in case of invasion and to be puppet governments. So it was not surprising to find a Nazi building still standing. Group 935 had brought fragments of the Meteor with Element 115 in Shi No Numa to Der Riese. The group's rest didn't last that long; as soon as they teleported, they had to fight off Zombies again. Gas Zombies and Hellhounds also ran amuck. The group fought the Zombies in Kino Der Toten until they were finally able to make a break for it, when Dr. Richtofen teleported to the Soviet cosmodrone where the Tunguska Event occurred, in 1962.

[b]20. Outbreak at the Pentagon[/b]

A few days after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the heat of which occurred between October 22 and 28 of 1962, President John F. Kennedy arranged a meeting with Prime Minister Fidel Castro to try to make some diplomatic agreements. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara was present at the meeting, and Kennedy even invited his political opponent in the recent election, Richard Nixon, to attend the meeting. Just when they were about to break some ground, Zombies started to break into the Pentagon. The Zombie outbreak had originated alongside all of the Nazi technology that was reverse engineered, presumably because the United States had brought live Zombies back to be tested upon. Many Gas Zombies were present here because of Nova gas tests, and one scientist became corrupted by Element 115 and the reverse engineered Teleporters and became the Pentagon Thief. The Winter's Howl, Monkey Bombs, and the recently invented Death Machines were fully functioning, but the Thundergun, which the United States had reverse engineered from the Soviet Union, was not operational. Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon, and Castro were the only living things that were not Zombies, except for the Pig, which was only alive because it was out of arm's reach of the Zombies. Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon, and Castro fought the Zombies and lived to tell the tale, but since Zombies are top secret, they didn't tell anyone.

[b]21. The Plight of Gersch[/b]

While the President was fighting Zombies, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Dr. Richtofen reached the Soviet cosmodrone. Zombies had already overrun it by the time they got there. Samantha was more demonic than ever; she invented the explosive Matryoshka Dolls. The Gersch Devices were fully functioning and deadly. The monkeys sent in the space shuttles started hammering back towards Earth, and they were Zombies now, Space Monkeys, killed from the Soviets' living-organisms-in-space procedures and reanimated by Element 115. Kennedy, Nixon, and Castro tried to call somebody at the cosmodrone, maybe another of the United States' spies, but obviously, that person did not respond. Dr. Richtofen and crew did manage to hear the voices of Kennedy, Nixon, and Castro, but no communication between the two groups was reached. At the cosmodrone, the group was contacted by someone else. Dr. Gersch had become stuck in Aether like Samantha, but he wasn't evil. He begged for help. He told them how to release him; he knew that the Kassimir Mechanism prototype could release a person from Aether when configured correctly. So he told the group how to configure it and release him. Dr. Gersch thanked them, and he was freed from the MPD in Griffin Station. Where he went after that is unknown, but the Gersch Devices in Griffin Station are relics of his presence. During all of this, Tank began to realize that he didn't remember much before Shi No Numa. Nikolai only remembered his family. Takeo, however, remembered everything, and he vowed to make Dr. Richtofen pay one day. The group teleported away to 2013. A year later, a tragedy occurred when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

[b]22. Late 20th Century[/b]

In 1964, the Soviet Union perfected the Nova gas into a chemical known as Nova 6, which was far deadlier than both the Soviet and German variants of Nova gas. Within the next thirty years, the Soviet Union developed a new Perk-A-Cola: Deadshot Daiquiri. The Soviet Union also discovered Shangri-La and easily came and took it over due to influences in the Communist Bloc. The Soviet Union brought along with it a couple of Russian writings and the three Russian Perks-A-Cola. They excavated and made a couple of advancements, however, they were quickly removed from Shangri-La by the Zombies. The United States reverse engineered Dr. Richtofen's Teleporters as opposed to one of Dr. Maxis's Teleporters. They also reverse engineered Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper, and Deadshot Daiquiri. The United States put these many technologies in Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada. Other technologies that were present were a hexagonal array that was used as an anti-gravity mechanism and a force field that reflected bullets, both of which were most likely reverse engineered from the spacecraft of the Roswell Incident. However, both of those technologies were merely in prototype stages. A Pack-A-Punch and Perks-A-Cola were also brought to Area 51. The United States teleported to Griffin Station and learned a lot about the technology. They made a new institution in Area 51 and Griffin Station that studied the Zombies known as Call of Duty Zombie Labs, or CODZL. They renovated the Teleporter at Griffin Station, but when messing with it, they unfortunately cost the station some oxygen; it became impossible to place oxygen in the room with the MPD due to the simple fact that the room was no longer sealable. They brought the Russian Perks-A-Cola with them to Griffin Station. The United States also reverse engineered Gun Mule into Mule Kick, which was a Mexican beer; there was a lot of Mexican influence in the southwestern United States. Around this time, a Spetsnaz team tried to steal technology from Hangar 18 within Area 51. The results of the fight are meaningless since the Zombies that were at Griffin Station overran Area 51. In 1968, Ryan Jackson, who was now the Chief Analyst, sent a report to Richard Kain, the Associate Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, which detailed that Pavel Gorki ran the front company of Nova 6 and that he was the survivor of Der Riese.

[b]23. "Call of the Dead"[/b]

In 2013, George A. Romero, popular Zombie director, discovered some Nazi documents that detailed Element 115. It was so interesting, that he thought he would go to one of the sites referenced in the documents to shoot a movie, "Call of the Dead". The place was off the northern coast of Siberia in the Soviet Union. It turned out to be the location of the crashed German ship that Dr. Maxis had sent. He recruited four actors to star in his movie: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, and Michael Rooker. Sarah, Robert, Danny, and Michael were famous for their roles in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Machete", and "The Walking Dead", respectively. They began filming the movie, but their activity, lights, and noise awoke the dormant Zombies there. Sarah, Robert, Danny, and Michael began to fight the Zombies, but George was abducted by one and turned into a Zombie himself, more powerful than all the rest, possibly due to his electric stage light. Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Dr. Richtofen teleported to a locked room within the lighthouse on the island, and Dr. Richtofen had gone too far into the future; he didn't mean to go to 2013. From within the cell, Dr. Richtofen asked Sarah, Robert, Danny, and Michael to help them. The actors assisted, fixing the Teleporter. They also found the Vril Generator and delivered it to Dr. Richtofen. Samantha awarded the actors with a Wunderwaffe DG-2, possibly feeling sorry for getting them mixed up in the issue. Dr. Richtofen teleported himself, Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo to Shangri-La, better known as "Paradise".

[b]24. Shangri-La[/b]

The group arrived at Shangri-La sometime between 1964 and 2013, but it is more likely that it had to be at minimum a couple of years after 1964, considering the amount of things that happened at that time. They fought off the Zombies there, but there were many new kinds of Zombies. Napalm Zombies were Zombies that had gathered napalm in their systems. When the Zombies started rising from the ground here in Shangri-La, the ancient bodies in the tombs also became Zombies, known as Shrieker Zombies. The local monkeys in the region became infected with Element 115 and no longer resembled any known species of monkey; they became known as Monkey Zombies. The 31-79 JGb215 was available for use in Shangri-La because it was left by Dr. Maxis. The group found four buttons which were apparently linked to a Teleporter underground, but nonetheless, it caused the group to travel back in time, to 1946. This form of Teleporter is temporary, however, and it sends them back from 1946 after so long a time. The result of the temporariness is that they teleported back and forth repeatedly. They found Brock and Gary, the two British explorers that died in 1946. They saved the explorers, which altered time. They went back and forth in time, subsequently altering time, until the explorers lived. The group then went back in time, and freed them from being trapped in the temple. When the group returned from 1946, they saw the Focusing Stone. The Focusing Stone was the meteor that landed in Shangri-La that the group shrunk, when they were freeing the explorers, with the 31-79 JGb215 with the aid of the Focusing Crystals that were nearby. Dr. Richtofen grabbed the Focusing Stone. However, the reason that the Focusing Stone existed in that time is because Brock and Gary did not take it. They did try however. It is unknown what the Focusing Stone did, but whatever it did, when Brock and Gary touched it, it reset all of the events. Thus, they became trapped again and needed the characters to help them again. As many times as Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen tried to help them, it did not matter. In the end, Brock and Gary kept having their lives reset by the Stone, and they died anyway.

[b]25. The Rise of Richtofen[/b]

Dr. Richtofen gained a crush on Nikolai. Surprisingly, Nikolai reciprocated the feelings. By this time, Takeo regained nearly all of his memory, and he actually began to feel sorry for Nikolai, even going as far as calling him Niki. Nikolai still hated Takeo, but Takeo didn't take note of it. Dr. Richtofen also lied to Nikolai, telling him he could join the Illuminati despite that the Illuminati, as Dr. Richtofen knew it, didn't exist anymore. With all of these conflicting relationships, Dr. Richtofen teleported the group to Area 51 sometime after 2013. However, with the Zombies overrunning the place like no other place had been overrun, it was now better known as No Man's Land. They used the Teleporter that the United States had reverse engineered and teleported to Griffin Station on the Moon. They fought the Zombies and restored Power to Griffin Station. They found two new kinds of Zombies: Phasing Zombies, which were mutated Gas Zombies that can teleport short distances, and Astro-Zombies, which were mutated Zombies that can teleport others and that wear spacesuits. They found the Egg, the key to the MPD, and inserted it after removing the security protocol from the system. They then filled up the tank with souls. Once that was completed, the MPD opened, revealing Samantha's body. They then grabbed two of the hexagonal plates from the array in Area 51 and teleported them to Griffin Station. Dr. Richtofen placed the Vril Generator in it, and it floated. He connected that with a wire to the terminal. He then began to hack the terminal, but he was halted by the Maxis A.I. The Maxis A.I. urged Dr. Richtofen not fulfill his master plan, but Dr. Richtofen deleted him and gained access to the Kassimir Mechanism prototype, wirelessly, in an attempt to eject Samantha similar to Dr. Gersch. The MPD then had to be filled with more souls, which they accomplished by killing more Zombies. When the entire process was complete, the MPD switched Samantha's soul with Dr. Richtofen's soul. Dr. Richtofen could now realize his master plan of controlling the world with limitless power. However, the Maxis A.I. left a message telling the remaining group to release him so he can minimize the damage caused by Dr. Richtofen. Dr. Richtofen had unknowingly failed in deleting the Maxis A.I. So Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Samantha, who was within Dr. Richtofen's body, started messing with the computers until they finally managed to free the Maxis A.I. The Maxis A.I. thanked them and fired four rockets laced with Element 115. They hit the Earth, killing every human on the planet. The Maxis A.I. laughed hysterically at this point, but he had an underlying reason for doing so. An obliterated Earth was better than an Earth controlled by Dr. Richtofen. Tank Dempsey was awestruck, but he was depressed at the sight. Nikolai was simply glad that his ninth wife was dead. Takeo was happy, feeling victorious. Samantha was happy, because she felt that her daddy had won vengeance. Dr. Richtofen was displeased. The group continued to fight Zombies at Griffin Station, and Area 51 had been charred. The structures still stood though.

[b]26. Unanswered Quandaries[/b]

It is unknown how Samantha was present in Nacht Der Untoten and Verrückt when the Marines were there, but one possible explanation is that she herself was sent back in time, concerning the messed up Teleporters. This would be how Samantha was present in Nacht Der Untoten and Verrückt when the Marines were there and how she placed weapons that did not exist yet in her Mystery Box. She then followed every Zombie outbreak to cause mayhem. She then messed with the group in Nacht Der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese, alongside her pastself, indistinguishable. This is how she messed with the group at Der Riese and the past version of Shangri-La when they teleport back to this time later on in the story. There is also evidence of the teleportation from Der Riese to Kino Der Toten, yet the evidence appears in Shi No Numa, before the teleportation even happened. How the Radio documenting this time travel is unknown. It is also unknown what the Thundergun "MkI" and the Egg were like and supposed to do, respectively. It is also unknown whatever happened to Dr. Peter McCain, whether he received Cornelius's warning. It is unknown why Richtofen went to many of the places that he did, but the biggest question is: What happened to the Focusing Stone?

[b]27. Epilogue[/b]

This is as far as the storyline has taken us. Is this the end? Do Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Samantha just die? Since time travel has been so apparent throughout the storyline, it is entirely possible that time can be altered in a future addition to the Zombies storyline. Thank you for reading this far. Let's wish the best of luck to our four heroes: Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Samantha Maxis, and let's look forward to their future adventures.

I would like to thank Treyarch and everyone involved in creating Zombies for doing so. I would like to thank MrEvakin1, Golan, MexicanIlluminati, nayrc, and Group935 for helpful discussions. I would like to thank EPIKmonkeySlaya, XxLegitManxX, and SHINOBIFURY777 for helping me test things in-game.
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