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I suggest listening to Let It Burn by RED while reading |
Join me “Who’s there? What’s happening? Someone please help me! “ Join me! “No! No please! No!” I woke up screaming to the sounds of voices in my head. I could’ve sworn someone was here, whispering in my ear. I was warned. My parents warned me that this might happen, so I did what I was told and climbed out of my bed. My hair was still clinging to my sweaty face. I was scared to death. I stepped out into the hallway and hesitated. It was pitch-black; I couldn’t even see my own hand in this darkness. I sucked in a lung-full of breath and continued on my way. Step by step, a feeling in my gut grew. By instinct, I could tell something was wrong. The only sound heard was the eerie creaking of the staircase. Other than that, nothing. I turned one more corner before I froze in my tracks like a deer caught in a headlight. The door to my parent’s bedroom was ajar and a faint red glow peeked out from the cracks. I turned only to run into a wall, or so I thought. Standing above me was what most would call the living dead. It made no sense, how could I see him? Even in the darkness, he was still visible. A weak shriek was all that came out of my mouth before the creature lunged towards me. I was confused and didn’t know what to do. So I ran for the comfort of my parents. The cracked open door was slammed open as I thrust my body into it. The sight inside had me fall backwards from an abrupt stop and scream bloody murder. There were my parents, laying in bed cut into pieces. The white sheets were now covered in red. The blood leaked from the dead bodies and dripped slowly onto the floor to create a small puddle surrounding their bed. I just sat there on the ground screaming with tears soaking my face. I couldn’t stand the sight so I hid my face in between my knees. They were gone, my parents were gone forever. As I sat there weeping to myself, I didn’t notice I wasn’t alone. Standing in the corner hidden in the dark, was the creature that had made me flee from it and another figure that had a bloodied machete in one hand and a sadistic grin on his face. This time though, he was human. “Join me.” Was the first thing I heard from his mouth. My head snapped up and I gave him the coldest glare I could muster, which failed because I still had tears streaming down my face. Those words, they seemed familiar. Then it hit me, my dream! He took one step toward me and instantly my glare had disappeared from my face and a small whimper escaped from my lips. He chuckled as if humored by my misery. “Join me.” He said once again, rather demanded, “Or die.” He finished. At that time I only knew one thing for certain, I did not want to die. I had no choice but to accept. Over the years that strange man forced me to call him Master. The creature’s name was Kusaka and he was basically a zombie. Master had more following him as his army. I was their secret weapon. Master wanted to take over the world, and for those who didn’t obey him, they’re dead. I was always too scared to face Master or speak up to him. I usually just stayed quiet and did as I told no matter how much I didn’t want to. Master and his army taught me how to fight with swords, guns, hand to hand, all sorts of weapons. I became emotionless, as it seems. I have learned to hide my emotions. I usually act cold and cruel to those I meet because I fear that getting close to them only for them to end up dying would put me back into misery. That is, until the day I met him. I was back at the hideout in my room, if you can call it that. It’s basically just a mattress with some blankets and my clothes and weapons in piles in the corners. Master was planning something. I knew it. He hasn’t called me in a while and all he’s done is stay in his office all day, only coming out for meals. I decided to look into this later. It was almost lunch time and if I don’t make it in time then Master would get mad. Since I’m the only other human in the hideout, and girl for that matter, I was left to cook. It wasn’t so hard considering Master and I were the only ones who ate real food. I was in the kitchen making lunch. We were running low on food and I needed to run into town to buy some more. I used this as an excuse to get out of the hideout. I was unnoticed as a criminal because when I’m out on missions I usually wear my mask and long coat. No one knows what I really look like so I can wander wherever. Master’s a different story. He wants everyone to know who he is, to obey him, to fear him. That’s why I’m usually sent out to get supplies when needed. Otherwise I’m locked away, only free to walk around the hideout and train. I walked around looking at fruit stands with a basket in one hand. My face was emotionless, as it always is. I wasted no time in finding what I needed. I decided to walk around the city, only wanting to have a few moments of freedom before I’m locked up again. At first, it seemed like an ordinary city. The streets filled with people and food or supply stands on the side. I turned the corner only to find and empty street. There was literally nothing but buildings. It was more like an alley rather than a street. The light almost seemed to fade from this place. A DO NOT ENTER sign was placed at either sides of the street; at least, that’s what I thought. That’s when I sensed it. Something wasn’t right here. I knew a spell of some sort was cast here. But who would have a wizard with them? I though Master killed them all. I got a clearer look at the street on the other side and I was shocked. It was as if a mirror was placed over on the opposite end, because I could see myself and the ones behind me. I knew one thing; I wanted to find out what was going on. I took a few steps forward before I hit something that felt like an unmoving waterfall. I forced my hand through, then my whole body. While moving through it, I felt like my body was being pressured downwards as if standing under an actual waterfall. Once I got through my mouth literally dropped open. In front of me was a huge room only lit by lamps that were spread apart by a great distance. I seemed as if the lights only appeared upon the places that were most important, like one table in the corner of the room with some piece of paper on it. That was the station that interested me the most so I made my way through the crowd unnoticed. Everyone was too busy with their work. I walked around the table observing it. The piece of paper turned out to be a map with what looked like a battle plan on it. So this was their army. Interesting. Realization hit me. I had heard Master talking about a city that disobeyed and refused to follow him. This must be the city and the reason why Master is always in his room is because he’s also trying to figure out a strategy. This city was planning a rebellion against Master. I turned to leave when I was suddenly grabbed. I screamed in surprise. That caught everyone’s attention. “What are you doing here?! Are you a spy? Were you sent to spy on us!?” A deep husky voice questioned me. “N-n-no. I’m no spy. Please let me go.” I said in a high squeaky voice. I needed to act innocent if I were to escape. A figure came out from the shadows. Assuming he was the leader by the way everyone dropped their heads and stood stiff. “Let her go Cade.” He demanded. His voice was as smooth as silk and flowed through his lips like water. He had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes, almost the opposite of my dark hair and grey eyes. The man holding me immediately let go and did the same as the others. I pretended to cower in fear and hold my head in my arms. “We’re not going to hurt you, so don’t be afraid.” He said in a softer voice. Slowly I lifted my head and stared into his eyes. “Why are you here?” He asked in the same tone. “I was just curious.” I replied. It was true, I was curious. “Very well,” he said believing me “I’ll escort you out.” He nodded his head towards the entrance and started walking with me following like a lost puppy. He made a gesture with his hand and I once again stepped out into the light. With that, I made my way back to the hideout. I was questioned and I told him everything, except the part about the army. I felt as if I couldn’t betray them. It was weeks before the rebellion started. Master called everyone into the gathering room. He told us the plan and everyone dispersed. Over these few weeks, all I could think about was that man that set me free. Without me knowing, the feeling that grew was love. I loved that man without knowing it. That’s what happens when you lose your emotions. I was dressed in black baggy capris and a red crop top with my long black coat over it. The collar reached up to my nose and I wore a mask that covered my entire face. It was black with red markings on it. My hair was tied up in a pony tail. We marched towards the city with Master leading. Everyone dispersed and raged upon the city. Buildings were crumbling and many innocent lives were already crushed. I was too overwhelmed. I didn’t want to kill these people. I ran into an alley and leaned again the brick wall trying to catch my breath. I didn’t want to do this. I kept repeating this in my head. Footsteps were quickly running to and I had no time before I was held against the wall with a throat at my neck. I looked into the eyes of the stranger and my eyes widened. It was the one who let me go. I didn’t struggle, I didn’t do anything. I was speechless and frozen. His touch had warmth spreading throughout my cold body. He moved to take off my mask, I didn’t stop him. He let it fall to the ground and a gasp escaped his lips. He stumbled back surprised. Then with a glare, he said “You were on their side the whole time?” He was furious. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t for he had his arm wrapped around my neck once more. His face showed anger but his eyes showed that he didn’t want to hurt me. He looked down to the ground and shook his head, having a battle with himself in his mind. I then sensed him. My eyes widened and I snapped my head from side to side. The man had a confused face. “He’s coming.” I whispered. My eyes showed fear. He stared into my eyes then replied, “You don’t want to follow him, do you? You were forced.” I only nodded my head. His eyes became caring and he said, “You don’t have to follow him. Fight back. You can. Don’t be afraid anymore. Find the courage in yourself and walk away from him.” I let his words flow through my head and I finally understood what I’ve been doing. I was a coward. I knew I was stronger than him, but still, I never stood up for myself. I lived in fear, hurting others for scared of being hurt if I didn’t. He let go of my neck and stretched out a hand. “Come with me, join us. Please?” He said it as if he was desperate. I reached out my hand but before I reached it, the wall next to us was blown away and there stood Master. “How cute,” he said with a hard voice, “Too bad this is the end for you. I always thought you were loyal, now look at this. Well, too bad but this is the end for you.” With that he took a hold of his sword and dove for me. I closed my eyes and braced myself but no pain came to me. I slowly opened my eyes and stood there shocked. The man had jumped in front of me and took the hit straight in the heart. “I don’t know why, but I know I’ve fallen in love with you. Remember what I said.” Were his last words before he fell to the ground unmoving and breathless? I’m not exactly sure what happened after. All I knew was that I was furious and the only thing I saw was red. Next thing I knew, Master was dead. I stepped out into the street. The city was burning and everyone was dead, not one living soul apart from me. I remembered what the man had said to me then I remembered that he took the hit for me and was now dead. A tear rolled down my face. The first emotion I’ve shown in years. I lay down and curled into a ball. Tears were now streaming down my face and quiet sobs could be heard echoing through the streets. The man I had unknowingly loved had sacrificed his life to me, the enemy. I just wish I had known him more, but what moments I had had with him burned themselves into my memory. The one memory that I will hold onto until the day I die. I will let it burn. |