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Cardinal High. Story of crossed teen lovers. |
Shaking her head back and forth, like a sparrow shaking the water from its feathers, she balled her fist tightly at her sides, her eyes boring tiny daggers into his back. Kelly grits her teeth, “That fucking dick, I’ll show him.” Her friends only giggled at her, slamming their lockers, breaking her spell before calling out “Come on Kel, we’ll be late for class.” Tiny fists lug the heavy burden of books from her locker, while the sound of her sneakers squeak as Kelly follows behind the gang. Her head cast down as the chirpy chatter of her friend’s conversation fills the air. Her mind wanders back again to him. Dave Thomas, football captain, at first someone she never would have dared to speak to, let alone even bothered wasting her time day dreaming about. After all, Kelly was not a pretty girl; she was more awkward. She had long stork, like legs, mousey brown hair that hung down her back, and pigeon eggs for breasts. Didn’t the boys like big boobs like Emily Johnson flaunted? No, she wasn’t what you called a hot girl. Why did Dave ask her out two months ago? Dave was part of “that crowd”, one of “those people.” The ones that everyone was envious of, those everyone loved to “hate on”, those everyone secretly wanted to be just like. Funny thing was, Kel found they were just like the rest of her friends, only more afraid of losing their “precious” positions. She often wondered if Dave dated her just because she wasn’t part of his crowd. At the same time, she heard the kids in school whispering behind her back, “poser”, “she’s trying to become one of them.” At first it didn’t bother her, but now she was starting to wonder to herself. Was it true, maybe at least in part? What person doesn’t wish to be more popular? Who doesn’t crave for others to like them? The shame made her hate herself, and Dave for liking her. Kelly let out a long sigh, how she dreamed for a simpler relationship. Dave stared down the hallway at Kelly, her words echoing like a mocking bird, “That fucking dick, I’ll show him.” He saw her gritted teeth and for a moment worry creased his brow, shaking the fear thinking to himself, “No not yet.” Dave’s eyes glanced quickly to his friend Gavin and the football players stared at him, swallowing the lump in his throat before his eyes moved to find Kelly. He let his gaze drift down resting upon her breasts as they strained against her soft pink sweater, teasing him. Licking his lips before he blew her a kiss, calling out to her, “Love ya too, babe.” His friends roared out in laughter. Dave watches as she spins turning on slender legs, storming off down the hall, enjoying the sight of her firm ass. Gavin, Dave’s friend, asks, “What is she so pissed at now?” Dave shrugs as he responds, “Who knows? You know chicks, probably that time of the month.” More laughter erupts down the hall, while the bell signaled the start of the day. Gavin looks directly at Dave exchanging a knowing glance. Dave only nods; “At lunch?” knowing his friend will keep his confidence. Earlier that day Shae’s eyes followed Dave like a hungry hawk. She was determined to capture her prey. She would obtain her newest conquest, just as she had obtained head cheerleader. The entire school knew not to cross clique lines. Shae knew they should be together, that girl Kelly was a no account “poser.” Kelly would be crushed in her talons, just like all the other social climbers before her had been. Dave belonged to her group. Diving in next to Dave in the hallway, Shae puts on her most charming smile before brushing her breast up against his arm, her hot breath whispering in his ear, “You understand our homework assignment?” Dave grins down at Shae, part of him wanting more of Shae, a deep sound erupting from the back of his throat. The faintest memory of Kelly snaps him to reality causing him to step back from Shae. “Yeah, I understand. Why?” “I thought you could give me a little one on one.” Shae’s hand caresses Dave’s arm while she steps in closer to her prey. Like a caged bird Dave looks around for an escape, his shoulders slump, “I will help you…, Shae, but that is where it ends. I am with Kelly, Understand?” Shae leaps up giving him a quick peck upon the cheek, “Thanks Dave, I’ll see you after school… it’s a date.” Giving him a quick wink, she hops off having scored the first hit. Gavin stares over, his jaw near his knees, “Did you just agree to a date with Shae Miller?” Dave looks at his friend feeling like an ostrich with his head stuck in the sand. “Oh… My… God…. I hope not dude. I’m fucked!!!” Two hours later, the gossip had spread, though out the school. Trinity flew over to Kelly chattering like a parrot. “Kelly, you must be horrified. I can’t believe Dave is doing this to you. Shae Miller is such a slut.” Kelly snapped her head over, “What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean? Dave and Shae?” Kelly’s brows crease, she glances over eyeing Dave and Gavin at their lockers, before snapping back to Trinity. Trinity whispers, lowering her voice, “Why Kel, it’s all over school, even Shae is bragging about it. Shae and Dave have a date.” Narrowing her eyes, her face flushing crimson, Kelly shakes her head in denial. Kelly grits her teeth, “That fucking dick, I’ll show him.” Later in the quad “Ha Ha Ha” Gavin doubles over amused at his friends dilemma as they entering the quad. “It’s not funny. How am I going to explain this to Kelly?” Rubbing his temple, Dave slams his book bag into Gavin’s side. “Hell tap that, just go in double bagged. I’ll keep Kelly… company.” Gavin snickers. Dave glares at him, “Fucker, I’m serious!” Gavin grins, “This isn’t complicated man. You know Shae’s M.O.; easy enough. Just switch leading men. I’ve always wanted a piece of that.” Dave groans, “Come on even she isn’t that dumb. Shae is going to know the difference between me and you.” Gavin shakes his head, merriment still on his face as he thinks for the first time he might actually get a chance at Shae, he continues to attempt to convince Dave, “Lights out, dick’s a dick to that hen. Listen… you want my help or not?” Dave throws up his hands, “Okay, Okay, whatever. I just want out of this mess. I really could care less about Shae. You want her? Here’s the address. I don’t even want to know the details. I would say have fun….but whatever man.” Meanwhile in the cafeteria Trinity whistles toying with her chicken salad, “Ya know, Shae did tell me where they were supposed to meet and what time.” “Fucking vulture! I hate her! ” Kelly blurts out. Lowering her voice, she whispers “Why did he do this to me? If he wanted someone else just break up with me. Shae!!! Really? Trinity I feel like such an idiot.” Kelly’s eyes shine like glass, as tears stain her cheeks. Giving up she slumps her head down upon the table hiding from the world around her. Trinity reaches out tentatively, placing her small hand upon Kelly’s shoulder, “It’s going to be alright. He’s just a dumb jock anyway.” Mischief plays upon Trinity’s face as she grins, “You could get even.” “How?” Kelly’s curiosity piqued as she leans in close to listen. “Well… I can delay Shae say 20 or 30 minutes, if you’re lying in wait, so to speak” both girls giggle. “Wouldn’t that just put a cock in Dave’s rooster?” Kelly could just see Dave’s cheating face when he realized who he jumped in bed with. Kelly’s face lit up, a bright brilliant smile graced her features as she turned to Trinity. A few moments later in the Quad Trinity was the cat who ate the canary and told Gavin almost immediately the plot she and Kelly had laid. “Your dude is busted!” “Trinity, what do you mean? Sometimes I think you need to mind your own business.” “Kel, knows about Dave’s little fuck date with Shae, Gavin. Kelly plans to be there in place of Shae when Dave arrives” Trinity blows on her nails sarcasm dripping. Gavin’s eyes widen realizing he needs to act fast. Gavin runs out of the quad to find Dave. Gavin eventually meets up with his friend near their lockers. “Dave, you have a problem.” “How so? I assumed you were taking care of that for me, man.” “Well that was before Kelly decided to replace Shae.” Gavin chuckled. “But hey, if you want me to pitch hit for you. I’ll do a brother a favor.” Dave glares over at Gavin, “What the fuck are you talking about?” “Kelly found out about Shae. Yeah I know” Gavin shakes his head seeing his friends discomfort “She plans on switching places with Shae.” Gavin rubs his head as he confuses himself “Huh?” Dave looks at his friend confused “Look Dave, tell Shae to meet you someplace else, you go meet Kelly at the original planned site and deal with Kelly. I’ll go meet Shae and tell her you are not coming.” Gavin thinks to himself this is such a mess. Chicks they are so much trouble. Dave and Gavin finally iron out the details of their plan and head off. Gavin grins, if he were real lucky Shae would allow him to console her wounded feathers. This might work out for him after all. Later at a downtown Hotel Kelly’s sneakers fell upon the smooth carpet in the hallway outside the hotel room. Her palm slowly turned the door knob of the waiting bedroom. The room was dark and inviting as she stepped inside. Closing the door behind her, hearing the click of the locking door, she ventured forward. Her soft clothing slowly peeled away pooling down around her feet, left in a puddle on the floor as she entered the warm bed and an awaiting embrace. Lovers unite. Hours later as the two allowed light to filter the solitude of their union soft giggles erupted from Dave and Kelly’s lips. Whispers of promised apology erupt from Kelly’s full soft lips to Dave. Dave pulls Kelly closer to him, his hand slowly trailing down her smooth skin. His finger hovering just above the cleavage of her full breast mesmerized momentarily…. “I cannot believe you thought I wanted Shae, Kelly.” His mind remembering back to Shae realizing he did allow the thought to enter his head, and a flash of guilt consumes him. Dave combats his emotions by gripping Kelly’s soft curves, and lifting her hips planting her harshly onto his rigid shaft. Kelly’s soft moans are all that can be heard escaping though the closed door. WordCount: 1848 © Copyright 2012 Melitta Calael (UN: poprouge at Writing.Com). All rights reserve |