Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1879272-Choosing-Chaos---The-start
Rated: E · Other · Young Adult · #1879272
Akiyo is a servant, shes cot late at night were her safety is in danger, arms trap her
                                          Choosing Chaos - The Start
Have you ever had thoughts day were things are just not going the way you want? Well, that is my life. I’m Akiyo, I do not no my last name or most of my past for that fact. The years before the age of 5 are unknown to me. The only things I remember are after 5, after that cursed man I no as my lord found me one day in the cold depths of the forest past out from the cold of the winter. I do not no about my family or what life I had before being a servant for the lord. I do wonder though what it would be like to have a family that was mine. What my father looked like, my mother. If I resembled them, if I had siblings. So that is my life goal, to find out my past. But for the most part I am stuck with what I have, which is scrubbing floors of the lord’s mansion.
      “Akiyo!” looking up I saw May, the top servant glaring down at me her long brown hair flowing down her back. “May.” I spoke simply; I refused to speak more win ive bin cot dozing off deep in thought. Most spoke a lot to get them self’s out of trouble but that is what idiots do and they look dumber speaking then not.
    May also hates win I act like she doesn’t intimidate me, it amuses me the look on her face win I do it. “Stop fooling around and do your work, I don’t want you up late agen.”
“Why not?” I new the answer without being told. The guards hate it win the servants work at night, they cant sneak around without being seen usually, and with my thoughts I’m cot working late to finish my dally chores quite often. You’d be amazed what you can find out at night win everyone is asleep.
    “The lord gets very angry win chores aren’t done in day light, it shows him that the servants are slacking”
So in short its making her look bad. I thought. “Ill finish up quickly may” I spoke wile turning back to the floor and scrubbing faster then I had the entire time id bin in the room.  “Thank you” she said wile walking out of the room.
        The sun had set long ago and I was just getting done with the floor. My arms were sore and I probably had burses on my knees with how long id bin kneeling. I got up and walked into the hall. The halls were dimly lit, and had the weary feeling to them that old houses usually had. You’d think id be used to it but it seems I never do. A sound drew my attention down the hall. A couple of guards had bin passing by with a couple girls, I couldn’t tell if they were servants or not. I immediately turned around, if they saw me they’d come my way. I new it would take longer to get to the servant quarters but it was something I was willing to do.  I quickly walked down the hall nearly running; a light on the wall flickered and sent my shadow towering down the hall. I was unaware of it until I hurd the guards and giggling stop. I quickly moved to the shadows of the wall and pressed agenst it. My blood ran cold as I hurd the footsteps start walking down the hall. The clinging of the keys they wore were like tonts for me to move.  The steps drew closer and I placed a hand over my mouth to hush my heavy breathing.  Another pair of steps made noise on the other end of the hall closer to me. Hearing more steps on each side of me made me want to start crying but I new if I had it would be worse if I was crying. The clinging got closer and closer.
“Hay you!” a male voice rang out. Hed spotted me, I was dead, no way to get out of this. Tears spilled out of my eyes as I panicked, fear tarred through me like a rapid wave.  The steps from the other hall had vanished and I had no clue were they had went. Taking a risk I stepped to the side as a pair of hands came from behind me one wrapping around my waist the other around my shoulders.
“Stay calm, hide your face” a male voice spoke as a whisper in my ear. I quickly turned and buried my face in a maroon shirt that smelled like faint cologne. The mans arms wraps around me pulling me closer. The clinging stopped.
“There is nothing to see “the man holding me said his voice a hint of a threat in it.
    “I thought the girl was alone”
“She is not, this one is mine”
“Alright, alright” the guard said walking away his keys jingling as he walked away.
Win the jingling was in the distance the arms around me loosened.
“Walking the halls at night is dangerous for a woman.” The man said.  I took a step back and looked at him.  His hair was a long black and his eyes an emerald green. He was wearing the solder get up telling me he was a soldier. I didn’t know what rank though.
“Why did you do that?”
The man gave me a some what confused look, “You mean the protecting you?”
“You are the servant that’s chores carry to the night, correct?”
“Then you no as well as I, what go on in these halls at night and how they treat you win cot.”
I nodded knowing exactly what he meant. First time I had my chores carry to the night I was 10, a soldier had saw me walking to the servant corers. That night was one of the worst beatings I had ever gotten being in the mansion.
The soldier looked down at me sincerity in his eyes. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt”
“You talk as if you care” I said looking away. No one cared about me but sakura, another servant who shared my pain and fear.
“You do not see but it is there” he spoke. “I will walk you to your room, come now”
He held out his hand as to show me the way. Walking past I headed tords the room, the soldier right next to me. His long strides keeping me from walking slowly. His hair flowed behind him as he walked. The glow cot by the light made me stair. The soldier glanced my way since id had fallen behind some.
    “Are you ok?”
“Huh?” I asked coming back to reality. His eyes look concerned. “Umm…. I was just wondering what yr name was”
“My name is Shinta”
  “Ohhh….. I’m Akiyo”
He stopped suddenly; it took me a few seconds to realize we were at the servant rooms.
“Sleep well” he nodded and watched me as I went into the room. I stopped short inside the room and turned to him.
“Thank you for helping me”
“Your welcome” he gave me a warm smile. I never really smiled because I didn’t have a reason to but I found myself smiling back. The door closed as I got to the bed. Sakura was already sleeping soundly. Her blanket had fallen half off of her so I picked it up and placed it on her shoulders.
“Goodnight Sakura” I whispered getting onto my bed. My blue hair was tangled beyond anything and my purple eyes burned from the tired
Laying down I rest my head on the pillow. Sleep immediately came and I was asleep before I could have time to think about Shinta.
© Copyright 2012 Arianna (starlessnight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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