Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878643-APR---Chapter-One-Part-2
by Sha123
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1878643
Secrets, lies, drugs, enemies and illegal relationships what else could go wrong?
I pulled into the car park of the shopping centre and found a parking space near the entrance. I got out the car and waited on tweedle dee and tweedle dum to get out the car. Once they both got out I locked the car and made my way into the shopping centre. My heels clicked against the flooring of the shopping centre. Amy and Cole ran up behind me out of breath.

“Slow down” Amy said huffing.

“That’s what she said” I said mocking her Irish accent.

She burst out laughed and so did I.

“Nice one” She grinned.

I was walking behind Amy slightly minding my own business when I bumped into her. I stumbled back a little and stared at the back of her head.

“What the hell!?” I shouted.

She was basically licking the window. I walked over to her and nudged her.

“I’ve found my dress for tonight!” She squealed.

She grabbed my arm not waiting for a reply and dragged me into the shop. Cole was hot on our heels. She pulled me to the back of the store and was eyes a goldish, sparkly, short dress. She looked through the dresses until she found her size and raced to the dressing rooms. Cole and I sat on the soft plush chairs outside the changing rooms. I began to tap my foot against the floor. Two minuets later she came out and twirled.


“If I was straight I’d do you” Cole beamed.

I laughed and she looked at me for my approval as always and I nodded. She started jumping up and down clapping.

“If I were you I wouldn’t do that unless you want everyone to see your superman undies” I laughed.

She laughed and went back into the shop and got changed. She came back out and paid for her dress and we exited the shop. We were walking along just looking at the displays of clothes in windows when I was suddenly grabbed into another store. Amy grabbed something and then a pair of high red heels. She threw me both items and shoved me into the changing rooms. I sighed.

I pulled off my clothes and heels. I pulled on the blue and white ‘dress’ with a red bit around the neck. I pulled on the red heels. I pulled the curtain and stepped out and they both looked at me.

“This is not a dress it’s a freaking t shirt Amy!” I cried.

She snickered.

“You can pull it of babe I mean come on it makes your boobs look great and shows of your flat stomach” She grinned.

“Are you trying to hit on me again!?” I asked giggling.

She laughed and shook her head.

“Yeah Hayley you should defo wear that Evan will be well impressed” Cole chimed in.

I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever you say but I’m not wearing this to impress him” I snapped.

I walked back in to the changing room and pulled of the t shirt and heels. I put back on my own clothes and heels. I exited the changing rooms and went and paid for my things. We left and went into Cole’s favourite shop. He bought a white shirt and light brown chinos. We were all happy with what we bought for tonight so headed home.

Once we all got out of the car and into the flat we put some music on and opened a bottle of wine. I was last in the shower as always because I take less time to get ready than those two. I dried myself and put on a red laced thong and matching bra. I sat at my dresser and dried my blonde hair. After it was dried I curled it. I then applied foundation and dusted powder over it. I then applied blusher and fixed my fake eyelashes so they were sitting right. I went over my lashes with mascara and then applied eyeliner then added pink lipstick. I looked in the mirror and was happy with my appearance. I pulled the ‘dress’ over my head and put on the red heels. I grabbed my black clutch that had everything in it I need and exited my room.

Cole and Amy where already sitting waiting on me in the living-room. They both turned around once I opened my door and smiled at me, Of course I returned it. I looked at the clock hanging on the living-room wall and it was quarter to 9.

“You guys ready?” I asked.

“Yeah!” They both scream in unison.

I laughed and nodded while pulling out my blackberry from my clutch bag. I dialled a taxi number and told them were to pick us up and where we were going. We didn’t wait long it came at 10 to. We all climbed into the taxi and told him the address. The taxi pulled up out side Sugar Cube bang on 9. We paid him and climbed out of the taxi. I put both hands on my hip, Cole link his arm through my left and Amy through my right. We walked into the pub and found our friends almost immediately. We hugged everyone and chatted. Jessica then arrived.

“Is everyone here?” She asked excited.

“Yup” I said popping the p although I was lying.

“Nope” Amy looked and gave me an annoyed look. “Evan’s not here” She said.

“He went to the toilet” Kelly smiled.

My heart beat increased and my palms got clammy. Ewww gross I thought to myself. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Evan came out of the gents toilets and walked over to us. About half way over he made eye contact. He ran his eyes over my body which made me feel self conscious. His eyes then made contact with mines again and he smirked. He was standing next to me now smiling at everyone.

“Hello” He said smiling in mines, Amy and Cole’s direction.

Cole shot his hand out and grinned.

“Hi I’m Cole” He beamed.

Evan shook his hand and returned the smile.


Cole and Evan dropped each others hand. Cole came right next to me and his lips came to my ear.

“Well hello! Now I know why you have a thing for him” He said giggling as I blushed.

Evan looked at me and smirked again probably at my blush which caused my face to heat up even more. I spun on my heels and headed over to the bar. I order a shit load of shots and of course the barman was to busy chatting me up to even notice everyone else that wanted served.

“I don’t think your customers are very happy” I laughed while nodding my head to the angry mob.

He turned to face the crowd and his eyes widened slightly.

“Well I best get back to work” He laughed, winked then walked over to the crowd.

I picked up one shot glass and put it to my lips and tipped it into my mouth letting the liquid run down my throat burning it. I put the glass back down. I had a few more shots when I felt someone’s arm rub against mines. I looked up and locked eyes with Evan. I turned away from him and looked back down at my shoots and finished the other 2 that were sitting there.

“Something tells me you’re not normally a drinker” He said observing me.

“Something tells me you have major mood swings” I said without caring.

His eyebrows pulled together and he stared deep in my eyes as if he could read my thoughts.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” He asked.

“One minuet your happily smirking at me and being nice I guess the next your looking at me like you want to kill me” I said while flagging the bartender over.

“What can I get you babe?” He said while smiling.

“More shots and a vodka and orange please and whatever he wants” I smiled nodding my head towards Evan.

The bartender looked and Evan and he shook his head smiling. He nodded and went of to pour me my drinks I’m guessing. Evan shifted from foot to foot and then decided to sit on the bar stool next to mines.

“I don’t suffer from mood swings and I was not looking at you like that Hayley” I groaned inwardly. I love how my name rolls of his tongue.

I turned my head towards him and stared into his eyes this time as If I could read his thoughts.

“I think you have a problem with gays” I blurted out.

Stupid drink is going to my head already. That’s what happens when you don’t eat much before coming out.

“What?” He snapped.

“Well after you – when – in the class – when Amy and I almost kissed” I finally got out without blushing.

“What about it?” He asked.

“That’s when you went all funny” I pointed out.

The bartender came back with my shots of absence and my vodka. I gave him the money and told him to keep the change which earned me a wink. I took another shot and placed the empty shot glass my down. I turned to see Evan studying me. He didn’t bother to respond to the statement I made which leads me to believe that he is homophobic.  I saw his eyes flicker to my lips then back to my eyes again. I picked up two shot glasses one in each hand. I handed him one and he took it. We clinked our glasses together and I brought the glass to my lips and swallowed the liquid setting the glass back down. Amy came bounding over and wrapped her arm around mines and Evan shoulders.

“Hey kids!” She shouted over the music.

“Kids? There’s only one kid here” Evan said.

“I’m not a kid” I snapped.

“Sure kido” He smiled.

I groaned and knocked back more shots. He thought I was a kid? I was nearly 19 that’s hardly a kid! I could fell a blush making its way to my cheeks.

“Woah there! What’s got into you I’ve never seen you drink so much before” Amy shouted.

“And for someone who doesn’t normally drink you’re handling it well” Evan laughed.

“Amy I’m right next to you no need to effing shout!” I said annoyed.

“Sorry” She sang while swaying a little.

She still had her arm around mines and Evan’s shoulder. I then realised she wasn’t swaying in time with the music which meant she was swaying because she was steaming drunk.

“Are you alright Amy?” I asked.

“Yeah you look steaming” Evan chimed in laughing.

She squeezed her arms around mines and Evan’s shoulders more so now our faces were practically in her boobs.

“You guys would make such a cute couple!” She beamed while I chocked on the air and Evan looked confused.

“I thought you both were – you know gay?” He said.

Amy laughed.

“No we just like to pull pranks on new teachers – Surprise! If you listened to me introducing my partner today you’d know I said she’s shy round boys and hasn’t had it in – ages” She said through laughter.

Evan looked at me and I blushed like mad. He burst out laughing and nodded.

“So you are both straight then?” He asked.

I shook my head and his face fell for a split second then he smiled slightly.

“I’m bi like Hayley said today while introducing me to the class, but Hayley’s as straight as they come why’d you think she fell off her chair when I tried to kiss her?” She laughed again.

“Ohh” He said while smirking at me.

I blushed slightly and downed another shot.

“Well I’m going back to Cole I’ll leave you two love birds alone” She smiled while rubbing the top of our heads and staggered away.

I groaned and smacked my head off of the bar. She was really going to be the death of me. I just wished the floor would swallow me up. I heard Evan laugh really loudly. I groaned again but he wouldn’t be able to hear because the music was so loud and I’m face planting the bar. I felt that all too familiar touch on the lower part of my back and I shot up. I turned to see Evan smiling at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing” He said while moving his hand from my back.

I finished all my shots and then moved on to my vodka and orange. I was really starting to feel the effect of the alcohol. I ordered more drink and drank them obviously. By now I was extremely drunk. I got off of my stool ignoring Evan and walked over to where Cole and Amy where.

“Hi guys!” I shouted and hugged them.

“Someone’s drunk” Cole grinned clapping.

“Yayayay I love drunk Hayley” Kelly chimed in.

“So do I” I replied giggling.

We all started dancing and Amy took it upon herself to grind against me. Making most of the guys that were straight stare at us with lust. Evan was staring but he looked more annoyed than anything. I was just laughing and to drunk to care about him right now. After about 3 songs I got thirsty so decided to go get more drink. I called the bartender over and ordered lots of drinks for me, Amy, Cole, Kelly and Tom. He put down the tray of drinks in front of me and wink. He walked off to serve other people.

“Ok guys bottom up!” I shouted while downing a shot.

Amy cheered while Cole laughed causing him to spit out the drink from his mouth. He wiped his mouth and took another one. We all had about 5 each and if I was even more drunk than before. They all went off dancing but I stayed put at the bar sitting on a stool because my feet hurt a little. Evan came over and sat next to me. I could smell the drink that was coming from him which made me wrinkle my nose.

“You know that stunt you pulled back there? Made you look like a slut” He said looking me in the eyes.

“W-what?” I stuttered due to the alcohol.

“Having Amy grind on you” He said laughing while shaking his head.

I could feel the tears pricking at the corner on my eyes.

“I didn’t ask her to” I said annoyed.

He looked at me strange.

“What I can’t understand you Hayley?” He said annoyed.

“I didn’t ask her to!” I shouted angry now.

“You didn’t tell her to stop either” He pointed out.

I grabbed my vodka and orange juice and stood up off of the stool. I downed it and slammed the glass back on the bar. I pushed the stool out of the way and stumbled across the dance floor. I grabbed my clutch bag as I passed the table my college friends were sitting at. I made my way through the crowds of people and up the stairs to the exit. It was so dark and cold. I was absolutely freezing which caused me to start to shake. I stumbled towards the edge of the pavement and stopped while fumbling with my bag. I pulled out my phone and seen that it was only 11. We were all heading to the night club soonish from what I remember. I put my phone back into my bag and shut it over.

I heard a smashing sound as if someone dropped a glass. I jumped and turned around to see a man standing there maybe in his mid to late 20’s. He dropped a beer bottle and it smashed near my foot. I looked back up to his face and instantly regretted it. He had this look in his eyes that screamed ‘I’m going to murder you’ I began to panic and stumbled back a little but he only moved forward. My butt was up against a car and I felt like a caged animal. He was now standing right in front of me our feet almost touching.

“Hey there pretty lady” He said in a heavy English accent.

“Hi” I replied in my Scottish accent.

“Scottish I like it” He mused closing the space between us.

I gulped and rested my hands on his chest and I shoved but he didn’t budge he just laughed at my feeble attempted. I looked up at his face; a smirk was playing on his lips. Oddly enough that smirk only looked good on Evan’s handsome face. I mentally slapped myself. I’m about to be killed and all I can think about is that jerk. If it wasn’t for him making me feel like shit and wanting to cry I wouldn’t have came out here. I mentally slapped myself again for not sticking in at kick boxing. He roughly grabbed onto my waist which caused me to cry out in pain. He shoved his body against mines and started to kiss my neck, which made me feel sick. I shoved against his chest again but he shoved back knocking the breath outa me. I screamed but my scream was silence when his lips crashed down to mines. I’m not going to lie I was fucking shiting myself. I started to panic when he bit my lip hard. I brought my right knee up and it connected with his groin. He slumped over slightly and groaned in pain. I pushed him away from me and he stumbled back giving me space to escape. I ran, but he caught my wrist dragging me back. He pulled me to him and grabbed my hair roughly. His lips went to my ear.

“Try that again and I won’t think twice about hurting you” He said roughly in my ear.

I gulped and licked my lips. I could taste blood. He must have split my lip open when he bit down on my lip. He roughly pulled my hair again and I cried out. I stumbled backwards of the pavement and was now standing on the road as was he. Why the hell did this pub have to be in a secluded area of town. Why was there no one around? No smokers? I wished Amy, Kelly, Tom even bloody Cole came out right now to help. He was kissing my neck again. He then decided to suck and bite.

“Please stop it” I said through my tears trying to push him off again.

“Hayley?” That all too familiar voice said.

“Evan” My voice came out as a whisper. “Help me please!” I cried out.

The guy was ripped from me in seconds I lost my footing and tripped up over the curb and I tumbled to the ground landing on the broken bottle. I bit down on my lip holding in my scream. My breath went jagged and more tears spilled over. I quickly shut my eyes not really paying attention to what was happening around me. I heard a grunting noise and prayed it wasn’t from Evan. I then heard shouting from 2 men.

“What the hell is going on?” Came a gruff voice.

“He attacked my – girlfriend” Evan said.

“Liar” I mumbled.

“What? I can’t understand you Hayley” He said.

Someone was next to me pushing the hair out of my face.

“Get away from me!” I cried squeezing my eyes shut.

“Hayley? It’s me Evan” He said in a worried tone.

My eyes shot open and the tears escaped my eyes and ran down my check. I was staring into his amazing blue eyes and he was smiling down at me. He grabbed my hand and went to help me up but I cried out in pain and flung myself back against the concrete.

“What are you doing Hayley?” He asked.

“It burns!” I gasped.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me and leaned over me slightly.


“I landed on the broken glass” I whimpered.

His eyes widened slightly and looked down at my body. He put his hands under my hip and slightly lifted it up. His eyes widened and placed my body back down carefully. His eyes then made their way back to me.

“Stay here-“

“What!? No don’t leave me” I said while gripping his hand with my left and grabbing a first full of his shirt with my right.

“Ok but we have to get you to hospital” He said.

“Why?” I asked yawning and dropped my right hand back to my side.

“Because there’s bits of glass imbedded in your back”

I groaned but nodded while he whipped out his phone and started dialling a number.

“Hello ambulance please?” He said into the phone.

I groaned.

“Why couldn’t we just get a taxi I don’t want everyone coming out the pub when they hear the sirens”

He snickered slightly.

“Yes my – friend has been attacked and she fell on a broken bottle” He said.

“Friend now huh?” I mumbled.

“What?” He said looking confused.

“I said I’m your friend now huh?”

He rolled his eyes slightly. I love how his hand was still in mines. What I’d do for me to actually be his girlfriend. Ok that was the drink talking, I hope.

“Sugar Cube” He said into the phone again.

“Yes on Main Street – ok thank you” He said then hung up his phone and stared back down at me.

“He said It should be here in approximately 2 minuets” He smiled down at me rubbing his thumb along my cheek bone.

“Ok” I said gasping for air.

He looked at me funny.

“What’s wrong?” He said panicking.

“Nothing I’m just cold” I said chittering.

“Sorry Hayley, I didn’t bring a jacket” He said.

“I-it’s ok” I stuttered.

“So why did you say to they men that I was your girlfriend?” I asked curiously.

“It’s easier than saying you’re my student?” He questioned.

“Fair point” I said.

I could hear sirens a bit ahead in the distance. They seemed to be getting further away thought. Suddenly someone was shaking me. My eyes snapped open.

“Hayley stay with me, don’t fall asleep do you hear?” A magical voice came from somewhere.

“Ok angle” I smiled to myself.

I heard him snickering.

“Angle really?”

My eyes flashed open and I was back to reality and I groaned at my own stupidity.

“What don’t you like it?” I slurred.

“No Hayley” He said annoyed.

“Sorry angle” I said to annoy him more.

He groaned and I shut my eyes again. A few more moments passed and then I heard this annoying noise getting louder. I groaned annoyed.

“Will you stop that god awful noise I have a sore head and I want to sleep” I said sleepily.

“What? Hayley? I can’t understand you” He said, frustration creeping into his voice.

“Your stupid” I said more clearly.          

He burst out laughing and squeezed my hand.

“Don’t move the paramedics are here and so is half the pub” He said whispering against my ear.

“What!” I said snapping my eyes open.

“Ohh My God! Hayley!” I heard Amy’s’ voice.

“Hey get off of me!” I heard her scream.

“What’s wrong with Amy?” I asked Evan.

“The bouncers are holding her back to let the paramedics do their job” He smiled lightly.

I saw a guy hover over me, smiling down at me. He had a bright yellow/green paramedic’s jacket on.

“Hello love my names Sam can you tell me yours?” He asked.

“Hayley” I said.

“Right well Hayley I need to lift you up and to put you on the stretcher is that ok?” He said.

I shook my head and he laughed.

“Why not? If I don’t get you to hospital you’ll bleed to death love”

“Death?” I said sobbing now.

I could see his shocked face through my tears and Evan’s horror struck face.

“Hayley he means if you don’t go to hospital you could bleed out, come on be brave and let him carry you onto the stretcher” Evan said stroking my cheek.

I set my lips in a thin line and stop crying. I turned my head to Sam.

“Not cool I thought you said I was going to die! You made me cry for nothing” I said in a huff.

Evan laughed.

“He didn’t say you where going to die – right enough of this” He said standing up.

He put one arm under my legs and another around my back away from my sore bit and lifted me up. My body was against his and I loved it. I snuggled my face into his neck and breathed in his aftershave. I could feel him walking and his muscles tense on his back as my hands were wrapped around him. He went up a few steps then set me down on something soft. I winched as my back made contact with it. I looked around and seen I was in the ambulance. Evan was sitting next to me rubbing circles into my hand with his thumb. I could hear Amy and Cole shouting things. Paramedic Sam told them which hospital I would be going to and shut the doors.

“Right ok ano she has been drink that’s a given so since you’re her boyfriend do you know anything she’s allergic to?” He asked.

“He’s not my boyfriend” I said annoyed because he wasn’t’.

“Sorry” He said laughing.

“He’s actually my lecturer” I said not really caring right now.

Evan’s hand left mine and he sat back against his seat. I didn’t bother to look at him because I knew he would have a face like thunder. Paramedic Sam’s eyes widened slightly then composed himself. He turned to Evan and I thought he was going to shout at him.

“Really you look so young?” He said as if holding your soon to be students hand is a normal thing.

“I’m a trainee lecturer and yeah I’m 24” He laughed.

Sam nodded and then turned back to me.

“Can I have a look at your cuts please?” He asked.

“No way! You have to take my t shirt off and I don’t want to” I said annoyed.

Sam’s eyes furrowed and turned to Evan.

“I can’t understand her has she been like this all night or just after the attack?”

“Before the attack she’s had too much alcohol” He stated.

“I’m right here you know!” I snapped.

They both laughed and Sam turned and faced me. He had blue rubber gloves which looked so cool. He pulled me out of my thoughts when his hand grazed my thigh. I looked down and seen he was going for the bottom on my t shirt. I swatted his hand away.

“Stop it! I don’t think it would be very appropriate if I were to get naked in front of my soon to be lecturer” I said blushing.

He laughed.

“I don’t think he really cares he just probably wants to make sure your back isn’t to bad right Evan?” Sam said facing Evan.

“Yup” he said popping the p.

“Don’t encourage him Evan” I cried.

They both laughed at my out burst and I folded my arms over my chest and sulked.

“Come on stop being a child and let him see your back” Evan said.

“Fuck you” I said annoyed.

“You’d love to babe” He said smirking at me.

My eyes widened and I blushed. My heart picked up speed at being called babe. Although I hope he wasn’t calling me that because I look like babe the pig?

“Are you saying I look like a pig?” I said turning my head to Evan.

“No!” He laughed.

I went to whack him but paramedic Sam pushed me back down against the bed.

“Sexual tension?” Sam said as more of a question.

“No!” I cried.

He burst out laughing and so did Evan.

“How about I take your dress off ano you’d love that?” Evan said his eyes twinkling with lust.

“No thank you Mr Gray” I said showing him he’s suppose to be my soon to be lecturer. “I’ll let a lady nurse do it” I said.

“Ohh yeah forgot you were a lesbian” He said smirking.

I groaned and blushed.

“Am not”

“Are to”

“Am not”

“Are to”

“No I’m not” I shouted.

He just snickered and the ambulance came to a halt. I heard a door behind me shut and then the back doors opened to revile another paramedic and a team of doctors.

“Hello” I said all cheery.

“I seriously think there’s something wrong with you, mood swings perhaps” Evan stated.

“Yeah well you’re homophobic!” I snapped.

“What happened to getting her dress off and looking-” The other paramedic began.

“Why do you three want my dress of so bad?” I asked annoyed.

The three men chuckled.

“She was being difficult didn’t want either of us seeing her without clothes on” Sam said.

“Aww makes sense” The other paramedic said.

Sam stood up and went behind my bed thing and pushed it. I screamed a little.

“Ohh my god! I’m going to roll out and land on my butt if you don’t stop!” I shouted.

He laughed.

“Calm down Hayley the trolley legs extend you won’t fall” He said through his laughter.

I blushed again. He wheeled me into the hospital once we got out of the ambulance with Evan by my side. He wheeled me into a room and a doctor or a nurse came in. He smiled at me.

“Hello Hayley” He smiled brightly. “I’m Dr. Henderson”

“Hello” I said looking at my shoes.

“So I need you to get out of your dress for me can you do that?”

I looked up at him.

“I’ll leave the room of course but its best if your boyfriend stays in with you just to make sure you don’t fall over”

I groaned I was getting sick of hearing the same thing and denying it.

“He’s not my-“

“That’s fine doctor” Evan smiled.

The doctor nodded and exited the room not before looking from me to Evan. The door shut and I looked over at Evan. He held out his hand and I looked at it.

“I’m only going to help you off the bed and make sure you don’t fall your still probably partly drunk Hayley”

I muttered colourful words under my breath but took his hand none the less and let him ease me off the bed. I put a hand in his and took off my heels and let them drop to the floor. I put both hands on either side of the dress and pulled it over my head. I groaned in pain at the movement because of my back. Just as well I wore matching cute undies. I seen Evan run his eyes over my body and smirked. I slapped him on the head and his eyes met mines.

“I seen that” I said.

“Seen what?” He said smirking.

“You checking me out” I replied.

“You wish Hayley” He said in a serious tone.

“You have no idea” I muttered under my breath as I climbed back onto the bed.  I lay back down on it and winched as my back made contact with the bed and sat straight up again. I saw Evan walk towards the end of the bed to get a better look at me back. I heard him gasp and I felt his hand on my back and I shivered at his touch.

“That bad?” I asked.

He didn’t say anything. The door opened and I snapped my eyes to the door and the doctor walked back in. He smiled at me and then came into the room and let the door shut behind him. He walked over to one of the work tops and put on blue gloves. He walked over to where Evan had been. Evan then stood next to me and placed a blanket over the bottom half of me. He walked over and leaned on one of the counters and I smiled at him.

“Ok I’m going to take a look at the extent of the damage ok?” He said.

I nodded but whimpered. Evan was now at my side holding my hand and rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand. I felt the doctor probing around my back. He then poked my back and it hurt so I cried out in pain and squeezed Evan’s hand. Evan squeezed my hand tight and I whimpered again. The doctor was still poking and prodding about and I hand no idea why. Another cry left my lips and Evan look furious.

“Can’t you tell your hurting her” He snapped.

“Yes I’m well aware ok that I’m just trying to make sure it’s not infected and I’m trying to work out were the bits of glass are so I can pull them out and stich the wounds-”

“What!?” I cried trying to get away from the doctor but Evan’s hand came down on either side of my shoulders and held me in place.

He was looking in my eyes and he smiled slightly. He rubbed his thumb under my eyes whipping away tears I didn’t know spilled over.

“Come on Hayley you’re brave you can do this” He smiled.

“What do you know? I only met you 15 hours ago” I snapped.

He looked taken aback and he looked at me sympathetically.

“I’m sorry I’m just tiered and sore” I complained.

“I know it’s ok” He said rubbing soothing circles on my hand then went back to lean against the counter.

“Ok I’m just going to get everything I need I’ll be back in 2” The doctor said exiting the room.

I felt really uncomfortable and self conscious in front of Evan with nothing on but underwear. I think he kind of figured that out because he looked anywhere but at me.

“I’m really scared” I admitted in a weak voice.

He was leaning against the counter but he pushed himself off of it and came over to me again. He pushed the hair of my face and kissed the top of my head. I was not expecting that one at all! I blushed and ducked my head down.

“It’s going to be ok he will give you a jag to numb it and then when it’s done I can take you home” He said.

Mother of god a jag? This was not looking good at all. This night had to be one of the worst nights ever! Accept meeting Evan, him kissing my head. I felt like a silly little school girl that had a crush on her teacher. In a way it was sort of it but I wasn’t a school girl and well he was in training to become a lecturer. The crush part? Well I wasn’t sure what the hell I was felling I know I’m attracted to him but who isn’t? Ugh I. Hate. Life.

“Sure” I mumbled.

He rubbed my shoulder and I flinched away from his touch. He took a few steps back and leaned against the counter again, arms folded over his chest. We sat in silence for god knows how long. The door opening and the doctor entering broke the silence. He wheeled in a try with all different things init. He stood next to me with his blue gloves still on. He picked up a needle from the tray and I gripped onto the blanket that was covering me waist down. I scrunched my eyes shut as tight as I could. A few moments later I felt the needle being inserted into my back and I whimpered lowly. I didn’t dare open my eyes and I just kept them scrunched shut and tightened my grip on the blankets. I felt the needle come out of my skin and go into it again. This happened a few times and then I heard him placed the needle back onto the tray. I opened my eyes and turned my head to the left to see the needle had fresh blood on it being my own. I gagged slightly.

“I’m just waiting for the anaesthetic to kick in then I can get all the glass out and get that stitched up” He said smiling.

“Ohh and the police will be here soon” He said.

“What!?Why?” I said sneaking a look at Evan.

“Because you got attacked and they want a statement from you” He said.

“Ohh” I said and turned my attention to Evan. He didn’t look fazed at all in fact he looked calm and collected.

“I will be back in one moment” He said and exited the room.

I turned my attention back to Evan.

“You have to leave” I said.

“Why?” He said rising an eyebrow.

“Well let me see you’re my lecturer in a way and we were out together at a pub and well you’re in the same room as me naked. Doesn’t sound too good?”

“Lecturers go out with there students all the time big deal it’s not as if we’re sleeping together or anything” He said and I flinched.

“Yeah you’re right” I said in a whisper.

The doctor came back followed by to police officers. I groaned and just wanted to get out of here.

“Can you fix my back now?” I asked.

“Sure” He smiled.

I hugged the blanket close to my chest covering everything up. The doctor went back to his tray and picked up tweezers like things and I felt a little pressure on my back letting me know he was picking out the glass. The dead give away? The sound of the glass landing on the tray.

“Hello I’m Jane and this is Harry and we just want to have a chat with you and you’re friend here” Jane said pointing to Evan.

I just nodded as if to tell her to go on.

“So what happened tonight?” She asked.

“I got into a fight with Evan and I stormed out the pub and went outside for some fresh air and I was checking my phone and then put it back in my bag. I heard glass smash behind me and I turned around and he was there looking at me as if he wanted to kill me. So I back up away from him and he came at me and shoved against me. I tried to get him off but he was to strong so I needed him in-between the legs and he loosed his grip. So tried to get away and I almost did but he grabbed me back to him and threatened to stab me. He started – “I cut myself off.

I didn’t really feel like saying the next part. Jane had stopped righting as I had stopped talking and looked at me.

“Its ok, take your time” She smiled.

I nodded. I could see Evan from the corner of my eye; he kept tensing up making his hands balled into fists when he heard something he didn’t like. I looked back at Jane and she was staring at me. 

“He began to kiss my neck and touch – Well you get the point anyway I asked him to stop but he didn’t and Evan came out and pulled him off of me but the man still hand a grip of me and I tripped over the pavement and fell to the ground on the glass” I finished.

She nodded and then looked up at me.

“Who’s Evan?” She asked.

“I am” Evan said.

The police officer looked up and her eyes twinkled. I looked back down at the blanket over my bottom half.

“Are you nearly finished Dr?” I asked politely.

“Almost pet” He said.

“Ok so you’re the one that pulled the attacker off of her?” She asked.

He nodded.

“Are you the one that also gave him a sore eye and ribs?” She asked amused.

I gasped and turned my head to Evan. I seen him nodding and I turned back around to face Jane.

“You do know that’s assault?” The male officer chimed in.

“Yes” He said as if it was nothing.

“But –“ I said and was cut off.

“Don’t worry we aren’t charging him with assault just a fine and warning” The male officer said.

Evan nodded.

Harry began to right something and then handed Evan the piece of paper. I looked over at him.

“Name?” Jane asked me.

“Hayley Hunter” I said.


“112 Tallen Road” I said.

“In those fancy harbour flats?” She asked.


She smiled.

“Date of birth?”

“31st June 1992” I said.

She nodded.


I gave her my number and she smiled.

“Ok so we will be in contact soon with a court date”

“Court?” I said panicking.

“If he pleads not guilty then the case will be brought to court in front of a jury don’t worry we have all the evidence and security footage we need” She assured me.

“All done” The doctor said and I jumped a little forgetting he was here.

“We will be in contact good night guys also your friend Amy has your bag with your phone and things” Harry said and Jane smiled and they both exited the room.

“Ok so that’s you there’s a dressing on it you should changed the dressing every day you will obviously need someone to help” He said chuckling.

I nodded.

I hoped of the bed and pulled my dress on groaning in pain. I pulled my heels back on also.

“You can both stay in here until your taxi comes” He smiled.

“Thank you” I smiled.

“Not a problem, stay safe Miss Hunter” I nodded and blushed.

I forgot Evan was there until I heard his voice.

“Taxi please”

But I didn’t bother listening to him I lay back down on the bed on my right side and fell asleep. I don’t know who long I’ve been asleep but I felt someone pick me up and carry me somewhere. I didn’t bother to wake fully up I just stayed in between being asleep and being awake. I felt my body being shifted and heard a car door being opened. I was then being carried like a sleeping child. My head was resting on his shoulders my legs wrapped around a waist. We were now in a sitting positing and a car door was shut. I stirred slightly but cuddled more into the body.

I must have fully fallen back asleep again because the next thing I heard someone say my name over and over.

“What?” I moaned sleepily.

I heard a chuckle.

“I need to put you down so I can get my keys” He said while grabbed my legs and untangling them from around his waist. I blushed like mad. He set me down on the ground and I leaned into him, my head on his chest.

“Where am I?” I asked yawning.

“My flat”

“What?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Well you where asleep I didn’t want to wake you up so – If you want to go home I can call you a taxi?” He said opening his flat door.

“Do you want me to go?” I asked blushing slightly.

“Not if you don’t want to” He questioned.

I shrugged and he laughed.

“Ok stay here then” He smiled pulling me into his flat. He shut the door and I just stood there staring into the darkness. I felt something wet on my hand and I screamed and back up into Evans chest. The lights flickered on and I seen the cuties puppy ever. It started to whine and circle around my feet like a cat. I then realised Evan still had his arm wrapped around my waist so I walked forward out of his grip.

“How come you have a puppy if you work all day?” I asked.

“It’s my room mates puppy he works nightshift so I watch Harley during the night” He said while locking the door.

I nodded. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his bedroom I’m guessing. Harley followed his tail waggling from side to side. Evan steered me over to his bed and I plopped down on it. Harley sat down at my feet and whined so I picked him up and placed him on the bed. He started rolling about the bed barking. I burst out laughing and ruffled his head. Evan was staring at me and I looked down at my feet.

“Can I get pyjamas then?” I asked.

“Yeah” He said going over to his dresser and pulled out shorts and an orange spider man top.

He tossed them to me and I stood up stumbling forward a little but I balanced myself. I didn’t care he was there he’s seen me naked before so. I pulled of my dress and slipped into the top. I didn’t bother with the shorts cause it was roasting and the top was long enough. I plopped back down on his bed and lay back gently. Harley rushed over to me and lay next to my side. Evan went over to his cupboard and pulled out covers and I looked at him strange.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m sleeping on the couch” He said.

“What no I will” I said getting up causing Harley to bark.

“No lay back down on the bed Hayley” He said annoyed.

“Make me?” I threatened.

“Fine” He dropped the covers and came over to me. He shoved me slightly and I fell onto the bed. I groaned in pain but he didn’t take any notice. He grabbed the covers and ripped them out from under me and placed them over my body. He went to kiss my forehead for the second time tonight until Harley barked then growled and sat on my tummy. I looked down at the dog and laughed Evan just smiled and stood up straight.

“Night kido” He said.

He just had to spoil it didn’t he?

“Night” I said annoyed.

He laughed while picking up the covers and headed out of the bedroom door.



“Thanks for tonight if it’s wasn’t for you I could have been killed” I said blushing.

“If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have got attacked in the first place, Goodnight Hayley” He said walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

I lay on my back still with Harley lying on my tummy. I could hear the dog snoring and tossing and turning. It took me ages to fall asleep and I eventually did at around 4 in the morning.
© Copyright 2012 Sha123 (sha123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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