Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878095-Anthonys-Weight-Gain-part-4
by Me
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1878095
Anthony continues to gain weight and decides between Dean or Luke
Anthony had just finished listening to the message from Dean saying that he wanted to talk to him when Luke called from the kitchen asking if Anthony wanted protein bars. But this message could mean a number of things. Dean wanting to talk could mean that he wants to pretend like their make-out session never happened, or that he wants to continue their relationship, or some other thing. It's hard to say. While Anthony does want to be with Dean, he has no idea how Dean feels about Anthony being fat. And ever since Luke had gotten the idea of gaining even more weight into Anthony's head Anthony has really started to imagine getting bigger and he's realized that he wants it to happen. And not only does he want to be bigger himself, but he also likes the idea of other guys getting bigger. That brings him to Luke, who openly admires and accepts Anthony's weight, and wants Anthony and himself to gain more. Both Luke and Dean are very attractive, and while he's been friends and has probably always wanted something more with Dean, Luke may be a better choice. As he's thinking this, Luke walks into Anthony's room. When Anthony turns to look at Luke he sees that Luke shed his shirt, displaying what Anthony thought was a small layer of fat but was actually a toned and tanned torso that looked like it belonged in a Calvin Klein catalog. Luke looks down at his body when he notices Anthony staring at it.

"Sorry, it got a little hot with the oven and the stove running, I hope you don't mind." he said with a smile and raised eyebrows. Anthony cleared his throat and tried to cover his slight erection to no avail.

"No...no, uh...yeah no that's totally fine. It's just that, well listen, Luke-" but Luke came up to Anthony and put his hands on his stomach before Anthony could tell him about Dean.

"You know, I can't even begin to explain how jealous I am of your big, hairy, squishy gut." he says. "I can't wait until my body looks just like yours, and then even bigger." he says while rubbing his tan abs. Anthony swallowed a lump in his throat as he tried to pry his eyes off of Luke's abs, and tried to clear his thoughts of the thought of a chubbier and softer Luke, which was even more appealing. Anthony had made his choice.

"Listen, Luke...I really like you, and I mean I REALLY like you, but there's someone else." And when he said it, Luke's face immediately dropped.

"Oh...okay. Yeah I should've known. A sexy guy like you, of course you already have a boyfriend." And Luke started to walk out.

"No he's not my boyfriend! I just really want him to be. He's in Chicago for two weeks but when he comes back we're going to talk about what our relationship means. Last week was sort of an unexpected coming out for both him and I, and it was awkward, but I know he likes me. I'm really sorry."

Luke nodded his head and with a slight smile he said, "Well that's good, Anthony. I hope you and him are happy together. But...in two weeks, if things don't work out, or if they do, call me okay? I'll wait for you. I won't even gain until I'm sure you won't be there to do it with me. Please?" Anthony was shocked. Anthony had basically just rejected Luke, after Luke had totally opened up to him and showed that he really liked him, and Luke was still willing to wait for him? Luke is such a great guy.

"Yeah, Luke, I'll call you. I promise."

"Thanks." he said, and with that, he left.

Once Luke was gone Anthony sat down on his bed. He felt his bloated belly push out. It is large and firm since it's still stuffed from breakfast this morning. He pats his stomach and rubs his hand over the large expanse of fat and hair. He sighs and puts his head in his hands. He feels his cheeks which have also gotten chubbier over the past weeks. He decides to call Dean to see if it's possible for him to talk right now. The phone rings a couple times and goes to Dean's voicemail. Anthony groans and sets his phone back on the night stand and flops onto his bed. As he's lying on his bed he starts to play with his belly a little bit. First he puts his hands on the bottom of it and pushes it up as far as it'll go, and then lets go and lets it flop around and jiggle. Then he grabs at his love handles and squeezes them and then uses his love handles to shake his stomach. Then he runs his hands up his hairy gut and moves to his man tits. He starts to slap them and then goes onto squeezing them. His body was warm and squishy and he absolutely loved it. He decides then and there that he wants to get bigger, and that he wants to be with someone who wants to get bigger too. If Dean doesn't share his dream, then he is going to choose Luke.

Anthony decides that he should probably see what he weighs now. Last time he was weighed Anthony weighed 215 pounds, but somehow he knew he was bigger than that. He could feel it when he walked. His immense size and weight weighed his every step down and he was much more jiggly than he remembered. He sits up in bed, which is not as easy as a task anymore, and walks over to the bathroom. He pulls out the scale and steps onto it. He looks down at the number and realizes he can't see the number. He sucks in his gut and looks at the number, and nearly has a heart attack. He reads 230 on the scale below him. 230 pounds! That's 15 pounds in just a week! That's impossible! That's incredible! That's...really sexy. The number 230 pounds flashing on the scale below turns on Anthony in immense amounts. He feels his cock pulse and grow beneath his boxers. He quickly strips of them and runs into the shower. He turns it on and lets the warm water run over his large body as he starts to stroke his erection. Again he starts slowly and then starts to whack at it more vigorously. He's gulping for air as he imagines Dean with a belly, and then he imagines Luke with a belly, and then he imagines both of them with large guts, feeding him large amounts of food and his gut growing and swelling with food. It was too much for him and he came all over his large stomach. He takes deep breaths as he felt the immense relief and he looks down at his hairy, jiggly stomach. He sees that there is some of his cum stuck in his belly hair so he washes it off. When he is done with his shower he towels off his doughy body and walks out of the bathroom naked.

He walks into the kitchen and notices that it's lunchtime. His masturbating session made him hungry so he popped two oven pizzas into the oven. He looked at the counter and notices a box of the protein bars that Luke was talking about. He also notices a large container of what looks like muscle powder next to it. It looks like you're supposed to make a milkshake with it. He opens the box of protein bars and counts 30 in all. He eats one and finds that they're delicious! Then he remembers that he didn't order them. Luke must have brought them on accident. Or...maybe Luke brought them because he knew Anthony would like them. Immediately Anthony was overcome with immense guilt. He felt so guilty that he needed to eat something, so he ate. He ate ALL of the protein bars, leaving no crumbs behind. By the time he was finished the pizzas were done and as he waited for them to cool off he scarfed down a bag of sour cream and onion chips. He loved the taste, he loved the feeling of becoming full. Once the pizzas were cool enough he didn't waste anytime in getting them in his mouth. He folded one of the whole pizzas in half and started taking bite after bite. Grease from the pizza was dripping down from the pizza and onto his hairy gut. Once the pizza was small enough he held it with one hand and started to rub the pizza oil all over his bloating stomach with the other. Tomato sauce was among the oil and some of that was spread on his stomach as well. As soon as he was done with the first one he did the same to the second one. He folded it in half and started chomping mercilessly away at it. When he was finally finished he rubbed his stomach which was immensely full. He belched so loud that the penguins in Antarctica probably heard him. He gave his gut a good slap and stood up from his chair. Most people would be practically immobile if they were as stuffed as he was, but Anthony has become a pro at this. He is no stranger to the pain of being stuffed to the max. He waddles over to the refrigerator and grabs a six pack of beer. The pizza sauce and oil is still all over his stomach but he went to sit down at the couch anyway. He looked down at his now 230 pound belly and gave it a good smack.

"It's just the beginning." he said to himself as he took a swig of beer. Once he was done with beers (and an extra slice of pizza he found in the fridge) Anthony was felling bloated, tired, and drunk. He flopped down on his couch and fell asleep.

In his dream, Anthony was with Dean. They were walking hand in hand down the street. Dean kissed Anthony on the lips and grabbed one of his large butt cheeks. "Let's go upstairs." Dean said to Anthony, and as soon as he said it Dean and Anthony were in the apartment. Out of nowhere Dean pulled out a large turkey and placed it in front of Anthony. The turkey was golden brown and when Anthony cut a piece off he found it was the greatest piece of turkey he ever had. He couldn't stop shoveling large succulent pieces of turkey into his mouth. Before he knew it the whole turkey was gone and Anthony leaned back on the couch. His stomach suddenly burst out of the white button down he was wearing so that each sides of the shirt fell to either side of his belly, exposing a gut that was much larger then 230 pounds. If Anthony had to guess he was probably around 350 pounds. His gut flowed onto his lap and jiggled and shook with every move he made. Dean came over and sat next to Anthony. Dean was suddenly shirtless and was probably the size of what Anthony is now, 230 pounds. His gut slightly fell onto his lap and he had a nice pair of man boobs forming. Dean rested his head on Anthony's large stomach and started to trace little circles all over his stomach with his fingers.

"Oh, Anthony, I can't wait to be as big as you are." he said. Anthony laughed, making his new double chin quiver and the rest of his body jiggled along with the laughter. Anthony rested his hand on Dean's stomach and gave it a couple of good slaps.

"Don't worry, with my help, you'll get there." And Anthony got up off the couch and walked over to the refrigerator. When he opened the refrigerator he saw it was an endless space of just food. Anthony reached into the fridge and grabbed a huge tray of lasagna which magically warmed up when Anthony pulled it out of the fridge. He walked heavily over to Dean and placed the lasagna in front of him and handed him a large fork. "Eat up, if you need my help I would be glad to feed you." Anthony said. Dean smiled and excitedly grabbed the fork out of Anthony's hands and started to shovel the lasagna into his mouth.

Dean looked amazing stuffing his face. His once chiseled jaw line now had a layer of fat over it and tomato sauce covered all around his mouth. When he was bent over the tray of lasagna his man boobs were clearly visible and seemed larger, and his belly pushed out even farther over his waist line. Dean finished the whole lasagna and splayed himself out on the couch, rubbing his swollen belly. Anthony started to kiss it all over . "Oh, Dean, you did such a good job! You'll be my size before you know it!" Anthony continued to kiss and rub and massage Dean's swollen stomach. Dean just moaned in part pain and part pleasure. As soon as Anthony was about to take it further he realized he was no longer unbuttoning Dean's pants. When he looked up over the swollen belly he saw Luke's face staring back at him with a look of pleasure spread across it.

"Anthony, let's feed the cake to each other." Luke said. Anthony turned towards the coffee table and saw a large wedding cake on it. Luke held up his hand and Anthony saw a silver ring on his newly chubby ring finger. Anthony wasn't sure what to make of it, but he was filled with a great pleasure in knowing that Luke was his. Anthony smiled and grabbed a hand full of cake and shoved it in Luke's face. Luke swallowed the cake and started to undress Anthony, and Anthony did the same with Luke. Soon the two were down to nothing but boxers. Luke too was probably 230 pounds and Anthony was 350. Their guts pushed up together, warm and squishy, as the two kissed passionately. Anthony's hairy gut tickled Luke's tan one and the two were in such immense pleasure. Luke pulled away and pushed Anthony down onto the couch. he grabbed a handful of cake and smushed it on Anthony's hairy belly, so that there was a large mound of cake on the middle of his stomach and a bunch of icing spread all over. He smiled seductively as he got down on his knees and started to lick the cake off of Anthony's stomach. He sucked and chewed on Anthony's fat. Anthony's erection pressed up against Luke's neck and when Luke was done with the cake he pulled down Anthony's boxers and to Anthony's amazement, grabbed another handful of cake and covered Anthony's throbbing penis with it. Before Anthony knew it Luke started licking Anthony's cake covered penis like a lollipop and Anthony moaned in pleasure. Luke pulled his head up and looked at Anthony. He put his hands on his stomach and said, "I love you." and that's when Anthony woke up. His vision was hazy and when he looked at his naked body he noticed he had cum all over himself in his sleep. He sighed because it was the greatest dream he had ever had. He looked down at what he now considered his small belly. He saw himself at 350 pounds and he looked damn good. That is now his goal weight, 350 pounds, and he knows he doesn't want to do it alone.

*Two Weeks Later*

Anthony woke up on his couch surrounded by empty beer bottles. He actually had clothes on because he ordered some clothes over the internet. Over the two weeks he actually tried to cut back on how much food he ate because if Dean wants to help him gain then he doesn't want to already be so fat that there isn't really much more to gain too. Even though he tried to cut back he still weighed in at 245 pounds as of yesterday. His stomach was straining his shirts already but he ordered "growing room" clothes in advanced, so once he gets bigger he will still have clothes to wear.

Right now he's wearing a blue button down shirt that has been unbuttoned all the way down, allowing his slightly larger gut to spill out onto his lap, and a pair of black pants that have room to allow him to breathe, but are still a bit tight around his thighs and large squishy ass. He stood up and picked up the 7 empty bottles of beer and threw them all in the garbage. He was about to go to the bathroom when there was a knock on his door. He knew it was Dean, who said he would be arriving today. He hadn't seen Luke for two weeks. Some new lady delivers his food and makes bitchy remarks about how a fat guy like him should be wearing some clothes. He would just smile at these remarks because yeah, he is fat. Fat and proud.

He quickly buttons his shirt, having to suck in his hairy ball of flesh to comfortably button it, but he finally gets it. He takes a deep breath as he is about to open the door. He puts his hand on the door knob and turns it. This is it.

*If you like this you can check out parts 1,2, or 3 of Anthony's weight gain, and also my three interactive weight gain stories. They desperately need chapters and any additions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading!*
© Copyright 2012 Me (wildflowerlove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1878095-Anthonys-Weight-Gain-part-4