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Manager : You're way past your dateline!!!!!!
Me : Sorry..... |
--------------------------------------------------- | Chapter 7 : Love < = > Study ? Strive for | | Excellence! | --------------------------------------------------- Exam is around the corner. All students in Mahora Academy start their cramming study as they looking forward for future. Every corner of Mahora Academy filled with students with books in their hands. 3-A Class is not exceptional, as Negi tried to stuff as much knowledge as he can to his student head. As for Takusa, he didn't need to study more as all the knowledge already runs on his head. Even so, his role as 'super utility player' is still going on, as students and teachers ask him to be a tutor. The sheer niceness on him makes him difficult to refuse any offer, and makes his schedule fills out day and night. It's already evening when Takusa done his lecture to 3-A Class in place of Negi. Takusa : Well, that's about it for today. Remember the points I give you, as they might go out in exam. All : (sigh)...at last... Negi : (open door) Takusa-san, are you done? Takusa : Ah, Negi-kun. Did you finish your business already? Negi : Done. Sorry that I ask you to take over the class today... Takusa : (smiling) Don't worry. They're my classmates, so I should help whenever I can. Negi watch the blackboard full with the study note, and he is shocked. Negi : (sweat) You already cover this much? That's quick... Takusa : Well, it's only about the study method... Negi : Can they understand what you teach them? Asuna : (sigh)Don't worry, we got it... Ku Fei : (sigh)Yeah, it's all on our head... Negi : Well, okay...but...(watching the class)...all of you seems on the brink of life and death... Takusa : (thinking)Hmm... in my experience, I think they are bored with surroundings. Maybe we should change place for study... Negi : What do you suggest then? Takusa : Let's see... we got 2 days off starting tommorow... Iinchou : Takusa-san, how about we going to beach? All : BEACH? Let's go!!! Negi : Iinchou-san, you don't have problems with supporting the class? Iinchou : (smiling)Anything for the class. Besides, we need to defend the cup that we receive last year...(looking) since the Baka Rangers is in on our class... Asuna : (angry)You seems very harsh, Iinchou... Negi : Now, now...no need to fight. We go to the beach tomorrow.... All : (cheering) YEAH! Takusa : ....BUT, you need to follow the schedule that I make for this 2 days, okay? All : (sigh)...okay.... Moving to the day of tommorow, the scene changed to the side of the beach. It's empty, since Iinchou already booked one island for the class alone. It's not summer holiday yet anyway, so the scene is quite common at this time. In front of the beach, Negi, Takusa, Evan, Chachamaru, Kotaro and Takamichi seems standing. Evan : Takusa-sama, are you okay with me coming along? Takusa : Why not? I ask Principal and he give me an 'okay'... Negi : (sweat)But, the last time Master is out of academy, Principal had gone sick because of stamping the papers... Takusa : I got my own method of lying to the guardians around Mahora. So, Principal have no need to stamp any paper. Evan : Takusa-sama, I might take this chance to ran away, you know... Takusa : (smiling)Don't worry. I trust you fully. Evan : (blush)Takusa-sama... Takusa : Besides...(grining)...if you ran away, I will beat you so bad you don't want to get out from Mahora for the rest of your life... Kotaro : (sweat) Scary... Evan : Ahemm...putting that aside, why Takamichi is following us too? Takahata : Well, Takusa-san has offer me, so... Takusa : He is our offical guardian for this trip, aside of Negi-kun of course. Today is Takahata's day-off, so I invite him to come. Evan : Then, why that dog come too? Kotaro : (sweat)Can't you call me by my name? I come because I want to see... Takusa's touching Kotaro's shoulder, before giving a silence sign. Takusa : (sigh)You want 10 year old kid like Negi-kun comes here and play alone? You're harsh... Evan : (angry)What? I have 10 year old body too!!! Takusa : (grining)Are you saying you come along because you want to play with Negi-kun? This is unexpected... Evan : (blush)Th...that's not it!!! Takahata watch them quarrel from side, and scratching his head. Takahata : Are they always like this? Negi : (sweat)Yeah... it's hard to tell that they're both vampire when they're always fight like childhood friends... Takahata : By the way, where are all the students? Negi : They said they want to change, so they make a stop at the resort first. But, it's been a while... Suddenly, all the students appeared. All : Takusa-kun!! Takusa : Yes? He turns his head, and saw his classmates already on their swimming suit. Several of them gather around Takusa. All : (coaxing)How was it? Takusa : 'How was it' what? All : (coaxing)You know what... Takusa : I guess it looks good on all of you... Evan : (sweat)What a boring reply... can't you understand girl's feelings? Takusa : Then, you want me to do like this? Unexpectedly, Takusa push Evan down before he catch Evan and hold her by embrace her around the waist. He looked at Evan's eyes, and said... Takusa : (romantic)Evan-chan, you're looking sexy today... Evan caught herself in the middle of illusion, before all other students go "Whoo!!!". Evan : (struggle)Takusa-sama, let me go... Takusa : (smiling)Nope, you want this, right? Evan : (blush)Okay, okay, I got it!!! Let me go!!! Well, they spent their morning in the beach. Either swimming, breaking watermelons, playing volleyballs or just getting a tan, all of them has activities on their mind. Kazumi and Kamo seems to have a serious talk, before going to the group where Negi, Takusa, Kotaro, Evan and Takahata gather. Takusa : A game? Kazumi : Yes, a game. Can you think up of something? Takusa : (thinking) Let's see... Negi : How about dodgeball? Kazumi : Okay, but the prize is only for one person... Kotaro : One person? Takusa : Then, we make it a single match. Every player for herself. Kazumi : Okay, then.... Kazumi called all the students to gather. Kazumi : Let's make a match... a dodgeball match. Misa : Dodgeball? Like the ones we played back then? Madoka : I remembered that we fight for Negi-kun.... Sakurako : Then, what's the prize for this game? Kazumi : The prize is there!!!(pointing to Takusa)A kiss with Takusa-kun!!!! All : WHAT?!!!!! Even Evan who is having a drink at that time spilled it out from her mouth. All of them is looking at Takusa. Takusa : (scratching head)A kiss, huh...okay. Everyone is shaking, as they sinked in their delusion. Kazumi : Okay, then! Since there's only one prize, this game will be single match. All participant for themselves. Takusa : Adds one more rule. Fighters from Mahora Tournament, warriors and villans from activity on last night of Mahora Festival can't participate. Is that alright with of you? Asuna : Nah...we don't want to participate anyway. Setsuna : It wouldn't be fair if we join too, right Ojou-sama? Konoka : Right, right. Haruna : (grining)Setsuna-san has no interest since she already likes certain someone... Setsuna : (blush)What are you talking about... Kazumi : Okay, everybody's taking place!!! Evan : Takusa-sama, are you okay with this? Takusa : Why not? We didn't got any other prize so, this will do. Besides... The students spread out as Kazumi is taking a ball, before... Takusa : Kamo-kun.... Kamo : (shocked)Y...yes? Takusa : (grining)If I managed to know that two of you tried to make a Pactio for me and the girls, I will not letting you go that easily... Kazumi : (sweat)O...okay...(running) Evan : (sigh)You know it from the start, are you... Asuna : Those two always planning something like this... Takusa : Is it? You mean they had planned something like this before? Haruna : Yeah, Takusa-kun. Back when we are on trip to Kyoto, they make a pillow war at night, where teachers are running around... Takusa : Who's giving a kiss, then? It couldn't be Takahata... Takahata : Of course, not. I'm not going to Kyoto since I got a job to do... Konoka : (smiling)The prize is delivered by Negi-kun here. Takusa : (shocked)Negi-kun?! You're really quite some kid, are you... Negi : (blush)No, don't talk like that... Kotaro : (sigh)If you always play like that, you'll never develope... Negi : (blush)No way!! It's not like I planned with them, you know... Takusa : I see...then, the winner should be one of us here, right? Yue : Right. (showing Nodoka)She's the winner. Nodoka : (blush)I can't say that I win, since I accidently kiss Negi-sensei... Yue : Even so, you kiss him again in Mahora Festival, right? All : Eh?!!! Nodoka : (stunned)How...how...how...how...did you know that?!!! Yue : It's a secret. Yue knows it from Negi himself, but she don't said it since it might shaking the current relationship of Nodoka and Negi. Even though she likes Negi too, it's better for her to not spilled her feelings and continue to be supporter for both of them. It's for the best......or is it? Back to the game ring, the athelics seems to have a dicussion among themself. Makie : Eh? Nothing happen after that? Yuna : Nope...I guess he is just being Mr.Nice Guy at that time... Ako : I heard that there's our senpai from high school district has confess to Takusa-kun, but Takusa-kun didn't give a proper answer. Akira : (thinking)There's also something that concerns me... Yuna : Hmm? Akira : Takusa-kun always address us girls with 'san', but there's only 2 girls in our class has exceptional. Makie : Right, one of them is Evan-chan, which is his childhood friend. Yuna : Then, who is another one? Ako : You don't know? It's you, Yuna. Yuna : Hmm...come to think of it... Akira : I guess that shows Takusa-kun has an interest in you, Yuna. Yuna : (blush)I see... Makie : Then, let's help Yuna win this game! Yuna : (blush)No, no, it's okay!!! I can't even stand looking at Takusa-kun face upclose... Ako : (smiling)It's alright. We're friends, are we? And then, the game begins. Since this is the sport event, it's obvious that the athelics can stand out 'til the final stage. Even so, there's still some people that need to be eliminated. Only 5 people remains ; Yuna, Akira, Sakurako, and the Narutaki twins. Akira : Are you okay, Yuna? Yuna : I'm fine...(thinking)...the twins seems to have some training with Ninja Kaede, so maybe they're tough to be taken out. Akira : Adds with Sakurako-san, they can be a great combination. Yuna : You got any plan? As Akira and Yuna having conversation, the threesome has different talk among themselves. Fumika : Did you really want to win, Sakurako-san? Sakurako : But of course. Having a kiss with prince charming is my resolution this year. Fuka : Just a kiss? Then, I should take one step further to be Takusa-san's girlfriend. Fumika : No way! I want to married him! Sakurako : (sweat) Both of you are so childish... Fuka/Fumika : How about you, then? Just having a kiss... Sakurako : (angry) Is it wrong?!! Yeah, a common fight is going on, with smoke and nasty words from each other. Only hands and faces can be seen, which making Akira and Yuna scratching their head. Akira's taking the ball, before throwing to the threesome. It hits their heads. Kazumi : Fuka-chan, Fumika-chan and Sakurako-chan is out. Threesome : (crying)Why... Akira is taking the ball. Akira : (throwing)Yuna, do your best. Yuna : (catch)Thank you, Akira. Yuna throwing the ball back to Akira. She didn't catch it, so Yuna can win the game. Now, for the prize... Takusa : (smiling)Congratulations, Yuna-chan. Yuna : (blush)Thank...thank you... Takusa : Are you okay? You seem kind of nervous... Yuna : (blush)This...this is my first kiss actually... Takusa : I see...then, maybe you should close your eyes... Yuna : (blush)O...okay... Yuna closed her eyes. Other students start to making noises, as Takusa makinga kissy face and approach Yuna slowly. Kazumi holds camera on her hand, to make sure that scene is copied to pictures. Evan looks the other way, can't comprehand about what gonna happen next. Suddenly... Takusa : Yuna-chan, I want you to hold tight. Yuna : Hmm? Takusa carry Yuna in princess style, before fleeing from the scene. Everyone is shocked as Takusa and Yuna getting further from them. Takusa : (shouting)Negi-kun, gather all of them by 6 in the evening! We will do revision by that time! Negi : (shouting)Okay! Yuna is still confused about what happen just now, as Takusa carry her to unknown location. That goes with the others, before... Kazumi : (shouting)Everyone after them!!! We must see them having their kiss!!! All : Okay!!! Evan : (sweat)What is Takusa-sama doing... Takahata : (smiling)It's better this way, since you can't stand watching them... Evan : (blush)No...no way!!! The scene shifted to Takusa and Yuna. Yuna : Takusa-kun, why are we running? Takusa : Yuna-chan said that this will be your first kiss, right? Yuna : (blush)Right... Takusa : 1st kiss should be memorable, and no one else can't see it other than us. Yuna : (blush) Takusa-kun... Takusa : So, you got any particular place for your 1st kiss? Yuna : Let me see... maybe we should change clothes first... Takusa : Then, to the resort... They go to the resort to change their swimming suit to more proper clothes. They got lucky, since other students still not searching there, or at least that's what they thinking. Yuna's looking at the mirror in her room. She's not bringing much clothes for the trip, so she worried if the clothes might be unattractive. She taken her hair down, and pound some make up on her face. Her thought of Takusa likes normal girls with same age lets her decide to put only gloss at her lips. As she still dancing with thoughts... Kazumi : (opens door) Aha! There's Yuna! Misa : Catch her! Madoka : Yeah, catch her! Yuna is cornered, since the only entrance for the room has been sealed by others. There's veranda at her back, but her room is on 1st floor, so she can't jump out recklessly. Suddenly... Takusa : (from downstairs) Yuna-chan! Jump out from veranda! Yuna : (looking from veranda) Takusa-kun! But... Takusa : Don't worry! I will catch you! Yuna : ....here goes nothing.... Yuna jumps out, unexpected by the others. As Takusa promised, he catches Yuna and again fleeing from the scene. Takusa : Sorry everyone... They stared at each other, before laughing as the others tried to catch them. Even though Takusa is carrying Yuna in his hands, he still running really quick. Even Misora with her artifacts beaten by that insane speed. Kazumi try to consult Team Negima on finding them, but no one wants to get involve, not even the nosy Haruna. The students passing a common tree near the street, not noticing that Takusa and Yuna is resting up there. Takusa : (looking at sky) It's afternoon already. Yuna : (laughing) It's really fun! I haven't had this exicement for a while now. Takusa : You're really loving this, are you? Yuna : I love any activity that involves stamina. Besides... (blush) carried with princess style is fun too... Takusa : (scratching head) It's the fastest way to move actually. Yuna : (notice)...wait a minute. You mean to told me that you can run faster without carrying anyone around? And...(looking) ...what's with the tuxedo? Takusa : Oh, this? This is resort butler's tuxedo actually. I borrowed from the staff, so I can look like Prince Charming for you. Yuna : (blush) You do look like Prince Charming... Takusa : Putting that aside, did you decide already where we should go? Yuna : About that... Time pass to 4 in evening. Most of students giving up on searching the 'runaway couple'. They gather back inside the resort, and cleaning up themselves before taking a quick rest. Kazumi and Kamo still on their search, gambling Kamo's nose as a guide. Even so, the art of 'leave-no-trace' has been mastered by Takusa, leaving Kazumi and Kamo almost pointless. Almost all students didn't notice about a cliff near the ocean at the back of the island. Ayaka already figure out that Yuna and Takusa should be there, but she act like she didn't know anything. Guess that just one of the traits that Ayaka have to be Iinchou. Being one of the smartest person in class, Ayaka prediction is quite right. Yuna and Takusa is there, standing towards ocean as they watch sun disappear slowly from their eyes. Takusa : So, why here, Yuna-chan? Yuna : (scratching head) I want to go to mountains actually, but there's none in this island, so here will do. Takusa : So, you prefer high places? Yuna : Yeah. (looking at sun) Some people said that a kiss can make a person felt like flying. So, I thought I want to go somewhere high and windy to grasp that feeling. Takusa : That's just one of the feelings that you get... Yuna : How about you, then? What feelings did you get? Takusa : Hmm? What do you mean? Yuna : (blush) No... I guess that with your looks, you should had kiss someone already... Takusa : (smiling) No use of lying. You're right. Yuna : You're still not answering my question, Takusa-kun. Takusa : About the feelings? (holding Yuna) Why don't you experience it yourself? Yuna : (blush) Okay... And then, the prize has been delivered. It's just waste of time to describe what a kiss feels like, since one that experience it always comes out with different explanation of their own. Takusa secretly put a sleeping spell on Yuna as they watch sunset. Yuna's asleep for a while, before she wakes up and notice that Takusa is carrying her flying around the island. She thought that it was just another dream, and fell asleep again. When she wakes up again, Takusa is carrying Yuna at his back walking back to the resort. Takusa : You're awake, Yuna-chan? Yuna : Umm... I had a strange dream actually... Takusa : Tell me about it. Short silence. Yuna : Takusa-kun, why did you pay attention to me so much? Takusa : Is it obvious? Yuna : No... but I just get a feeling... Takusa : (laughing) You know, your behavior reminds me of certain someone. Yuna : Your... lover, perhaps? Takusa : Hmm... can't said that, since it was only one-sided. Yuna : Then, that girl didn't like you? She's the one with loss... Takusa : Nope, love is not something that can be decided with looks. Besides, she's a woman, not a girl. Yuna : (blush) Am I that matured in looking? Takusa : Don't get me wrong. You're only same in behavior, not looks. Yuna : (blush) Then... do you had the same feeling to me like your feeling to that woman? Takusa : ................yes. Yuna is smiling, as her first lover appears in front of her eyes. Takusa : .....but, I don't think now is the right time to be a couple. Yuna : Why? Takusa : We are still studying, are we? Being in love when we still at school can destroy us. Yuna : I don't think that... Takusa : Besides, Prof. Akashi surely want you to finish your education first, right? Yuna : I guess dad will be saying something like that... Takusa : Let's remain close friends until we graduate from high school. After that, you should talk with Prof. Akashi about our relationship. Yuna : If we talk now, dad will surely understand... Takusa : No, Prof. Akashi will definitely rejects us if we talk now. I know your father for some time now, trust me. Yuna : Okay, then... Takusa didn't mention that the woman he talks about is actually Yuna's great grandmother. Even though they don't go together, Takusa still have a good terms with Akashi family until now. Yuna also still didn't know that her family is a mage family. So, Takusa pick the time after high school graduation since Yuna should be mature enough to know about the truth about her family and Takusa himself. Yuna : Come to think of it, when did you know my father? Takusa : (sweat) Hmm... how should I say it... That question remains unanswered. It's almost 6 in evening when they're back at the resort, and others already equipped themselves with thousand bullets of questions. Even though the questions shoots out in immense pressure, Yuna remains silent as Takusa try to handle the situation. Makie : Did you get any card? Yuna : Card? Ako : Nodoka-san gets that prize last time... Yuna : Nah... I guess spending a day with him is enough... Haruna : (grinning) Eh... is there 'ero-ero' going on? Yuna : (blush) Don't even go there!!! Takusa- kun is not that kind of person!!! Kazumi : (grinning) Yuna is overprotective with Takusa-kun matters, does that mean something really going on between them? Yuna : I'm not going to tell you! As students crowded near Yuna, Takusa is taking the stairs to go to his room, before... Takusa : Yuna-chan! Yuna : Yes? Takusa throws a card to Yuna as Yuna catches it. Takusa : (smiling) That's your card. Keep it, okay? Yuna : (blush) Thank you... It's a card with Yuna's picture on it. Is it a Pactio card or just a plain card? No one knows... |