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15 yr old boy O'Rieally has just been taken prisoner. |
(Feeling) O'Rieally sat in the back of the black SUV. The trees flew past his face as he rode down this long road of endless thoughts. The Road was dark and cold but the thought of the house burning kept O'Rieally warm. O'Rieally pressed his face to the window. It was so cold. The things his mind was seeing, the points inside of him being broken, every line being crossed, all of it was eating away at thing young man's heart, body, mind, and soul. (hearing) They didn't play music that you would hear on every day radio. They were afraid it would be too controlling for the patient's emotions and it would send them into a sudden rage. Instead they tried to play soothing ballads from classic opera artist. But O'Rieally was no fool. When the music filled with tension, he knew, that was the part of sadness, anger, and disturction. It only broke him more until O'Rieally reallized he was a broken boy. (Seeing) The sky was a light grey. It looked as if it could rain at anytime. In O'Rieally's mind rain was one of the best things on earth. It kept alive the green Nature around him and it always ended in a colorfully shaded rainbow. But today the only Colors O'Rieally could see was the colors of his torn appart life, and emotions. (Smeelling) The smell was one of the worst things for O'Rieally to be experiencing at the moment. The smell of smoke. He was unsure if it was from his still burnt clothes or from the cigarette that was burnning. BURNNING. what a terrible experience of life. The burnning wood from the house made him think of the time he and his father went for that camping trip. The wood burnned the same meaning the smell wasn't any different. Whenever the smoke emerged in his face from the cigarette a tear would fall from his face to his dirty black hands. (Tasteing) There was none...Just the taste of cold, tension filled, grey, smokey air. The car slowly pulled up to the river. O'Rieally wasn't sure wat was happenning and for a short second, he believed they brought him here to end it. the front door slammed behind as the first security general exited the SUV. He was a tall black man in a dark navy blue uniform. He had a shaved hair cut with brown eyes. He had a muscular build and a tattoo of the libra symbol under his eye, atleast that's what O'Rieally thought it stood for. The second one just sat and Kept his composure. The first general made his way around the SUV. O'Rieally could see a ship approaching through the fog. The general stood in salute until the ship came to a complete stop on the docks. The long stairs landed down from the boat and the captain emerged. The general and Captain spoke for a quick second and and the Captain Dissapeared of to the side. O'Rieally couldn't see anything behind him because of the black painted windows. He tried to sit up to see inside the Plastic gate infront of him. But the window was too small. He could only see out of his one window that didn't give him a view to the front or back of him. O'Rieally closed his eyes and wished for it all to be over. He prayed to his lord. He was affraid the prayer wouldn't make it to him because his hands were shackled behind him and he wasn't able to put them together infront of him. But he still tried. He bowwed his head and shut his eyes tight A tight grip wrapped around O'Rieally's arm and he was standing in front of the general. O'Rieally looked to his right and seen her was not the only patient standing with a security General. There was a long line of these black SUVs. All of the patients looked so frustrated. O'Rieally's mind was boggled. He didn't know what was going on but he was wishing that they had brought him here to end it all. The captain made his way back to the beginning of the line. That's when O'Rieally noticed he was the first person. O'Rieally's feelings were so mixed. it was like someone was interfering with the person he really was. The captain approached O'Rieally and his Security General. He was a tall white male in a all white uniform. his hair was dirt brown along with his eyes. Words started to escape his mouth. "Patient full name and I.D" "O'Rieally Dupri Scott Smith, 00226" The General responded. Something about the captain gave O'Rieally a bad vibe. It struck a nerve and it felt like something that was one together snapped apart. O'Rieally tried to free from the grip of the general to attack the captain. The shackles around his wrist and the tight grip prevented him from doing so. "I am not your enemy." The captain spoke. "But i will put you in your place if I must." O'Rieally fixxed his mouth and spit in the captain's face. The captain wipped the spit from his face. O'Rieally waited for his next move, but the captain kept his composure. O'Rieally fixxed his mouth again. This time a fist came across his face and soon O'Rieally was out cold. Blood, sweat, tears. None of that compared to the emotions O'Rieally was feeling right now. He could see back when he was 3 and his mother held him in the bathtub singing. she had the voice of an angel. O'Rieally could hear himself, "Mommy it's time to get out." His mother didn't answer. she just continued to sing. "Because the lord is my sheppard, i have everything i need. He lets me rest in the meadows grass and leads me beside the quiet stream." Her voice ring in his head" "Mommy" O'Rieally's three year old self started again. " It's hot." the water started boiling and it felt as though his skin was starting to do the same. "That's why i'm safe in his arms." His mother's mouth ring her last note and suddenly her ringing tone of song ended. She disappeared into the water and the flames came back. "Mommy help me! Help me mommy." O'Rieally called out for the love of his mother. but no answer. Just the heat of anger blew past his ever loving heart. When O'Rieally arose from his slumber he could see a wooden ceiling. It reminded him of the fire and suddenly he was hot again. He looked to his sides. His shackled hands were now shackled to two other males. The one on his right looked like he could be puerto rican. He had light skin with and afro full of curls. he had an athletic build but he was sleeping so for his eyes... The one to the left had a ponytail full of dreads. His skin was coffee brown and he had a trimmed mustache. His face had bruises and cuts. He was shaking as if he was having a sezuire. Tears were falling from his eyes. "No mama please mama no" His voice quivered in fear. "No mama i don't don't wanna go" his voice was deep he had to be in his atleast 19. suddenly his body was still. "You ok bro." O'Rieally asked. The boy's body shot up from his laying position. "How many more times am i going to have to do this for you?" His eyes were rolled completely back and all O'Rieally could see was the white part of his eye ball. It shocked O'Rieally and he jumped. It's was like he was in a transe. The boy's eyes came back to normal. "I'm sorry umm O'Rieally" "How did you know my name?" O'Rieally asked. "Your collar." The boy responded. O'Rieally reached for the collar around his neck. It read his full name plus the ID number he heard before he was knocked out. O'Rieally could feel the room rocking. He guessed he was on the Boat he had seen earlier. "Where are we going?" O'Rieally asked. "To the Bronx Asylum." The boy responded. "My name is Kyree by the way. Kyree Donte` Hogan ID 00225. And him on your other side is Eric. Eric Santísimo desde arriba Sanchez ID 00226." |