Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1875524-Guardian
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1875524
When we were little our teddy bears were more then we thought they were.
         There once was a little girl name Amelia she had short blonde scruffy hair and loved her little teddy bear that she made sure was always around her for some reason she always felt safer with it. One night she woke up for some unknown reason. She had never done this before, she had always slept soundly through the night.She sat up on her bed and realized that her teddy was gone. She became instantly frightened and began searching frantically for it. She scooted out of bed and headed towards the light switch when she heard a low creepy voice coming from the closet door.

         “Amiliaaaa…” it hissed sickly sweet. Amelia was a naturally curious child and headed towards the door. Whatever was behind the door seemed to sense she was closer now. “Amelia…..open the door sweet child...” it hissed again sending a chill down the little girls spin. When Amelia did not open it she started hearing scratching from inside. Amelia put her tiny hand on the door and could feel the vibration of it scratching on the door. “Oh sweet little child I promise not to hurt I just want to see you and show you something…please open the door…..” Again Amelia did not move she was afraid where was her teddy? There was a loud bang on the door making her jump “OPEN THE DOOR!” Amelia frightened quickly open the door. At first little Amelia saw nothing but blackness in her closet when two red eyes slowly came into focus. She stared at them frighten yet curious never has she seen eyes in her closet. After a while of staring a bright smile formed in the darkness. The smile made Amelia squirm uncomfortable; the teeth where unnaturally white and appeared to be fangs. The smile came off as fake and overly sweet like the voice.

         “Hello Amelia I have waited so long to see you and now I finally get the chance to show you my world.” “Where…where is it?” She asked trying to mask the fear in her voice. She saw the eyes begin to move and she took a step back from the door. The creature stepped into the moon coming from the window. The hairs on the back of Amelia’s head stood on end; it was a giant spider but with a human head. Its body was huge it had taken up most of the room making Amelia wonder how it even fit in her closet. The color was a blackish green that seemed to shine in the pale moonlight. The head was the most frightening it had the shape of a human head but it wasn’t exactly normal. The eyes and mouth were unrealistically large. The eyes seemed to bulge out her. There was almost no hair on its head except for a few strains of long black grease hair. It was also very tall making Amelia to have to look up at it. The creature bent down close so it was in eye level of Amelia. It smiled again flashing its fangs.

         ”Well sweet child it is right in there.” It explained pointing to her closet. “It may look like it will go nowhere but if you come with me I will show you my world and perhaps if you are a really good girl give you a treat.” The creature straighten up and crawled back into the closet. “Come with me Amelia….I promise nothing bad will happen. Don’t you want to see?” Amelia stood there for a moment pondering what to do before swallowing her fears and marching into the closet after the creature. At first she saw nothing just darkness but she kept slowly walking towards the sound of the creature breathing heavily in front of her. But soon in the distance a light appeared. It wasn’t very bright but it was a sign of a way out. Amelia ran towards it seeing as fear started to creep its wake back into her chest. She burst through the entrance of the other world let the light warm away her fears. Amelia looked around and saw that this place wasnt very nice. It smelled funny like mold, there was very little vegetation but a few dead trees and brown grass. The sun was covered by brown clouds casting an eerie yellow shadow over the land. Amelia didn’t like this place and decided to turn around to head back to her room.

         “Where are you going Amelia? Don’t you like me land?” Asked the creature which had suddenly appeared behind as she was heading back to the entrance of the world.

         “It’s….kinda strange…I think I’ll go home now.” She tried getting around the creature but it got in her way.

         “Now that’s not very nice to say little girl.” It hissed at her. “I came all this way just to share my world with you and I have waited oh so long.” The creepy smile appeared again on the creatures face making Amelia realize she had made a mistake. She became terrified at this realization.

         “I don’t care!” She screamed at the creature, “I am going home right now!” She started running through the creatures legs but she did not get far because the creature kicked her sending her flying in front of it. Amelia screamed while flying through the air and started crying when she hit the hard unforgiving ground. The creature scurried to her and pinned her to the ground. He tied her up with his spider string denying her the ability to move. “Now I have you! After being guarded all this time I can now taste you’re flesh!” It opened its mouth wider and wider and wider becoming twice the size it originally was. The fangs grew as well and Amelia saw that it had more fangs lined up all the way down its throat. The creature’s mouth head towards her little body and all Amelia could do was watch helplessly. Right before the creature was about to swallow her whole Amelia saw a bright object heading towards the creatures head. It smacked it hard causing the creature go flying back, away from Amelia. Amelia looked down to see what the object was it was a shield. It was bigger then she was and it was bright blue and silver with a giant G on it. She heard the crunching of dead grass and dirt to her right; something was walking towards her. It was a man but twice the average height of a normal one. He was covered in medieval armor that was also blue and silver and, just like the shield, in the center of his chest a G was there. His hair was long flowing down his back it was a dark brown which seemed oddly familiar to the little girl. He had a long beard that was braided down to his chest and his eyes where strange. There were a charcoal black and they shined just like…”TEDDY!” Shouted Amelia. She didn’t know how but she knew that this was her teddy bear and he had come to save her. Teddy picked up his shield but did not face the little girl for the creature had overcome the shock and pain of being hit and was now facing the two of them. “Guardian!” Hissed the creature, its eyes widening at the surprise. “I thought you gone!” The guardian stared coldly back at the creature. “This human child is under my protection now and forever creature. You shall not harm her.” The creature howled with rage he had waited so long to get his hands on this child. In his anger the creature rampaged towards him screaming. Teddy swiftly took out his sword and with one quick swish of his sword the creatures head came clean of and its body fellow over crumpled up dead. Teddy turned to Amelia and smiled softly calming the little girl. He bent down and uncut her bindings before scooping her up in his arms and heading back to her room. Amelia gripped her teddy for dear life nuzzeling up to his chest. “Teddy?”

         “Yes Amelia?”

         “Where did you go?”

         “You’re mother took me from you’re bed while you slept she felt you were getting to old for me.”


         “Yes, I will never leave you again Amelia I promise because there are many more creatures like that in this world which I am here to protect you from.”

         “Thank you Teddy.” Amelia said smiling.

         “I love you too Amelia.

         As Teddy cared little Amelia backed to her bed she gently fell asleep in his arms. When they arrived back in her room he softly put her down and cover her up before changed back in the a teddy bear. When Amelia woke up the next morning she remembered everything. She grabbed her teddy and held it close. She would make sure she never lost sight of Teddy ever again. The End
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