Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1873232-Sorrowful-Night
Rated: E · Poetry · Young Adult · #1873232
Ramblings and poetry of a tragic night.
Tonight there was a tragedy during a senior's bonfire celebration at Alki Beach, Seattle.

Before I start writing, please read the story: http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Five-teens-burned-during-Alki-Beach-bonfire--...

Summary: Seniors from a nearby high school went to Seattle to celebrate their upcoming graduation. They decided to have a bonfire and one of the students decided to "stoke" the fire with lighter fluid. The fired turned into an explosion, attacking 5 of the students there. Many people ran to the teenager's aid, attempting to put the fire out, however, the burns were so severe a witness stated that one of the students looked like cut up raw meat. The teens are still alive at the moment, but are currently in the ICU at the nearby hospital. Although they have not passed, their conditions are "touch and go." It is an extremely sad day.

I discussed this situation with others and we agreed that every year, around graduation, there are always tragedies. Many of them are considered "freak accidents." Kids are celebrating and having fun, when something happens to cause a celebration to turn into a tragedy. Right now, there are at least 5 families in mourning.

It makes me think back to a documentary I saw on the Sea Turtle. The adult Sea Turtle lays hundreds of eggs on the beach. When the eggs hatch they have to make a mad dash to the water, before the birds attack and eat them. I used to think it was horrible, then I figured it was God's version of "population" control if you will; the ones that made it to the ocean were blessed. In any case, when looking at this situation, I can apply that to our lives. We take so many things for granted, for example, we expect to go to school, graduate, and live our lives. We are at the point of "hatching" (to become adults, mature, move out, and live on our own) and we are always trying to "make it" in the world. Sometimes we don't because some fluke, or event, occurs and we are gone. We don't make it to the next stage, we don't even make it to the proverbial water. Those of us who have made it into adulthood and attempt to live our lives (surviving in the ocean) are blessed.

I am deeply saddened by the events that occurred, and will be praying that the families find some sort of piece.

In the mean time, I have thrown together a poem. It probably needs to be tweaked, edited, possibly re-written, however, I am expressing myself. They say we have freedom of speech, but they did NOT state that it had to be grammatically correct.

Mourning: Sorrow

Oh how my heart skips a beat, when I think of the tragedy of those down the street
The happy times that were to be had, when the celebration ended - good times turning sad
Lives have been jeopardized by silly little things, all because they wanted to have a party, so happy these teens
The gaiety of it all feels like it'd last forever, but then the mortality comes crashing down taking forever to never

To those who were hurt and traumatized within, you must remember faith, never letting fear within
See you must stay strong for those you love, encouraging, wiping tears, and giving "emotional hugs
Oh God I know there's a purpose, of this I am sure; holding fast to the truth, it helps us endure
The sorrow, the grief, the blame and the hurt; all things work for good, well so says Your word

Oh friends and family that are patiently waiting, looking for that miracle, the one God could be making
This being a nightmare of burnt flesh in our minds, wiped clean and replaced with these students standing in graduation lines
To leave, move on, love, and live life; never knowing what really happened on this very night
Oh God again I come to You, bless all those effected, giving peace to all, especially those who fear you.

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