Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1869900-The-Manor
Rated: E · Short Story · Thriller/Suspense · #1869900
A man receives a mysterious phone call requesting help at a deserted manor...
The Manor
I have seen unspeakable things in my life, but none so terrifying as this. The manor loomed high into the sky, breaking through the clouds as if reaching to the heavens. I slowed down and pulled into the driveway. Opening my car door, I took a deep breath in wonderment, amazed at how undisturbed the manor and its surroundings looked. “Hello?” I said loudly. The echo of my voice slowly faded into the distance and the reality dawned; I really am alone. Slamming the door, I slowly walked towards the manor, hoping that my contact was here. Hoping that the phone call I received that night was not a prank, that it was real. “Juliette?” I stuttered. The wind whistled around the trees, causing the leaves to rustle eerily. Climbing a few dissipated steps, I finally approached the manors massive oak doors and with a deep breath raised my hand to knock, to announce my arrival. The doors suddenly swung open, causing me to stumble down the stairs. Regaining my stature, I stared deep into the dimly-lit manor, shocked by the immaculate interior decorating its insides. A deep red carpet adorned the flooring, coating its way up a large stairwell of many steps. “Is anyone there?” I said loudly. Silence answered me back. “It's all a prank”. I whispered. “The phone call. The job. Juliette. All a prank”. I turned towards my car slightly glad that I didn't have to enter the unnerving manor, when a girls voice from inside made me stop. “Don't go. Please!” I turned around in a rush, once again staring deep inside trying to catch a glimpse of who had spoken. “Juliette? Is that you?” No answer. No reply. Nothing. “Come on!” I whispered. “Don't be a coward! Just enter”. With a deep breath, my fear stifled by my curiosity and a strange compulsion to enter the manor; I walked inside.
A cold snap slapped my face making me realize the foolishness of coming here alone. I turned around to exit, when the large doors suddenly slammed shut, trapping me inside. The manor was dark, but my eyes quickly adjusted. I noticed large purple drapes covering the windows, and a small torch was propped up to offer some sort of light. “Why am I here?” I whispered. I closed my eyes and remembered the phone call that put me in this unsavoury position.

Hello? Is anyone their?

Yes, I need your help.

Well you have reached the right area. My name’s Tommy and I operate the Detective Agency.

Please I need your help!

OK, of course, calm down. How can I help?

You need to come to the manor on Oaks drive!

I know the place, but why, it’s been deserted for many years.

Don't ask questions. Just come please.

OK, I'll come. But you need to tell me. What am I going to help you with?

You will help me. Won't you!

Of course! But what’s your name?

My name?

Yes your name?

My name is Juliette!
“Juliette!” Are you here? I yelled loudly. My voice echoed through the manor and again no answer. I suddenly noticed on top of the stairwell stood a woman. She was beautiful. “Juliette?” I yelled. The woman smiled at me and started to run. I ran towards the stairs, only stopping for a few seconds to evaluate my decision before jumping up the stairs two at a time. I saw Juliette run into a room to the right and slam the door shut. I approached the door fast and stopped, placing my shaky hands on the handle. My cold nervous hands slowly turned the doorknob, and with a gentle push I opened the creaky door. The room was dark. Against my better judgment, I stepped inside. I fumbled around looking for a light switch and after what seemed like hours, I found one and pressed it. A bright light illuminated the room causing me to close my eyes. I slowly opened them and to my surprise sat a small round desk, in the otherwise empty room. The desk was situated in the back of the room in front of a small window and on it was an old fashioned telephone. I slowly edged into the room, looking around nervously, hoping to catch a glimpse of the illusive Juliette. RING RING. The phone suddenly rang, causing my heart to throb loudly, sending my already shot nerves over the edge. I cautiously walked towards the phone and picked it up. “Hello?” I said nervously. ”Tommy! Is that you?” It was the same female voice that I had spoken to that had requested my so called help. “Juliette? What's going on? Where are you?” The girl laughed, “look outside!” she said gleefully. I peeked out the small window and saw Juliette, exiting the manor carrying a small suitcase, hopping into my car and laughing. “Juliette!” I yelled, the once polite demeanor leaving my voice. “What are you doing!” “You saved me!” she laughed. “The manor needs a keeper and you are the lucky one!” “What?” I said confused. “The manor needs a keeper and you are the lucky one!” She repeated. “The only way to leave is to coax a kind soul into the manor, who wants to help! Good luck!” She yelled. The phone went dead. “Juliette?” I said. “JULIETTE!” I again screamed into the dead phone. I threw the phone at the wall and pushed over the desk in a rage. I ran out the door, sprinted with a heaving chest down the red coloured stairs and approached the large doors that separated me from my freedom. I opened the doors with all my strength, ran through them and … appeared back in the same room, facing a desk with the same old telephone resting on it, situated neatly in front of the window. I screamed in frustration. After a few moments of exasperated yelling, I slowly walked to the telephone and dialled a number. “Hello, my name is Tommy and I need your help …”
By Nathan Atkinson
Thanks for reading, please review my other work including, 'The Dragon Fang'.
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