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Rated: 13+ · Article · Educational · #1869254
Just as Ships Go Forth and Return With Cargo, So Do Our Actions and Works.
In the ancient world, ships were the vessels that went forth to search for many things. Sometimes the search itself was the
purpose for the journey, more often than not it was for specific purpose and not to satisfy a curiousity. A voyage took many
long months, and sometimes the ship never even returned, forever lost at the bottom of a dark and troubled sea. A man
could spend all his wealth on one voyage, only to hope for a good return.

In the days of early exploration, tales traveled faster than ships. Stories of exotic spices and rare silks intrigued merchants
and rulers. They saw visions of increased wealth with the return of ships full of precious cargo. The seas were feared and
uncharted on much of the earth. It was a time when men believed in sea monsters and a flat earth that spilled it's seas
into a dream abyss of space. Women often idolized the brave and daring seamen who ventured forth to face the unknown.
They too had dreams of recieving a portion of the precious cargo their men searched for. But there were times when the
voyage was very disappointing. In the more recent past, In1976 The Edmund Fitgerald sank to the depths of Lake Superior. It was carrying some
23 tons of steel ore bound for Cleveland. The families were awaiting their men, hopeful of the wealth that would have come
to them. Instead, all that was left was loss and heartache that inspired Gordon Lightfoot's haunting song. In case you're not
familiar with it, here is a link to the lyrics of the Edmund Fitzgerald.


Just like the great ships of the past went forth to claim precious cargo, so do our works and actions. What kind of ship we
send makes all the difference.

Are we sending cargo ships to bring back temporary wealth?
Earthly materialistic treasures are not eternal. They rust, break, fade, and disappear. The great shipwrecks reveal the rusted
remains of the once former vessels. We've all seen the pictures of the ill-fated Titanic's remains miles below the icy Atlantic.
The once lovely china tea sets and Victorian decorations all rubble and blanketed with the sands of the deep. Jesus warns us
not to trust in earthly treasures.in Matthew 6:20-"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
Are we sending out destroyer ships to decimate the enemy with a take-no-prisoners attitude?
Satan knows no mercy or love. He is focused only on decimating all life.
Revelation 9:11-Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is
[Abaddon,] and in Greek, [Apollyon]--the Destroyer.

If we focus on hurting others and harbor our ships in portsd of bitterness,
we cannot expect to send the ships out unharmed. We harm ourselves by seeking vengeance.
Hebrews 10:30 states:
"For we know him that has said, Vengeance belongs unto me, I will recompense,
says the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people."

Are we sending out tugboats?-
Too often we try to bear the burdens of this life without the help of the Saviour. He pleads with us to let him
help carry our loads, but we insist on doing it pourselves and getting in over our heads. But Jesus says in
Matthew 11:28-"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take my
yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Are we doing nothing but resting in cruise ships?
Do we think that we can let others do all the work while we never lift a finger? God wants us to be vigilant and
balance ourselves between work and rest. He expects us to put in a full day and rest and enjoy the fruits of
our labor.

John 9:4 says- "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh,
when no man can work."

Soon Jesus Christ will return for the saved. What have we done to enrich his kingdom
and show we are faithful servants?

Hopefully, we're sending out lifeboats.
God wants all mankind to be saved from eternal death. He wants all his creation to enter into rest with him.
In 2 Peter 3:9 in the Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)-
THE LORD JEHOVAH does not delay his promises as people consider delay, but he is patient for your sakes,
and because he is not willing that any person would perish, but that every person would come to conversion.

It is my hope that we all start sending out ships to bring back the right cargo. Let's remember that it is ultimately
God who owns our all our sea worthy vessels. Sometimes, we must change our route, or even the ship getting us there.The seas of life are hard enough, Go with God and bring back
precious cargo with you.
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