Every Breath (Rated: 13+) : Itchy Water~fictionandverse @ 05-23-12 @ 5:55pm A free verse poem that is on the darker side. Honest reviews please. LIVING IN THE HOLE OF DEPRESSION (Rated: 13+) : ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy @ 05-25-12 @ 9:04pm What a wonderful page. Where in this world did you find the Monkey typist...I like that he's at the old typewriter that i was so proud to own back in 1958...ANN Drive it Home (Rated: 18+) : Joto-Kai @ 05-29-12 @ 7:34am 11 pages. A man quests for help against his own rage; meanwhile, his wife fears something else entirely. (Love it, hate it, Lemme Know!l! Tell me how much and why! I'm cool ) Counterstrike (Rated: 18+) : Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 @ 06-04-12 @ 9:38am A story I wrote for the Rising Stars Contest for the May Competition. It's about May 1 last year and how two men whose sister respective wife died on 9/11 deal with the news of Bin Laden's death. Thought I'd share it. Curious about what you think.  A Precious Face (Rated: 13+) : ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy @ 06-23-12 @ 10:35pm Clinical depression has power, for the hope and healing began when i 'see' the precious face. The Search (Rated: E) : brom21 @ 06-24-12 @ 8:14pm total rewrite Schizo (Rated: 18+) : john h. @ 06-25-12 @ 11:14pm Schizo is a pretty intense, subjective expression of the experience of schizophrenia. i welcome any/all constructive responses. Bea Leaver-Gentle (Rated: E) : john h. @ 06-25-12 @ 11:22pm Bea Leaver-Gentle is a poetic depiction of the joyful and sorrowful feelings of a mentally ill homeless woman. i welcome any/all constructive responses. Over Cups of Coffee (Rated: E) : ~*Arpita*~ @ 06-28-12 @ 8:14am This is an Indian story, but I hope everyone will be able to relate to it! Would like some in-depth review SQUIRRELY SQUIRREL (revised) (Rated: E) : mystic angel @ 08-30-12 @ 6:40pm I hope someone sees this. Monkey soup don't seem to see much traffic. Where is everyone? Please review this. Moving anxiety and Asthema attacks (Rated: ASR) : Gifted Young Writer @ 10-09-12 @ 3:56pm Some stuff i've been going through latly
There's that feeling again... (Rated: E) : KerrieAnnS @ 10-27-12 @ 8:42pm I wrote this earlier in the month when I was having a particularly low moment. Since then I feel I have been really improving but I like to look back on this to remind me of that improvement. I'd love feedback on this please :D Your eyes are my Salvation (Rated: E) : KerrieAnnS @ 10-29-12 @ 7:46pm This was written for an interactive story; the prompt made me think of the many times I have fallen prey to panic attacks. There is one person who I always wish was there, because when they are they can bring me back from the brink. Reviews appreciated :D Fear(1) (Rated: 13+) : john h. @ 12-12-12 @ 7:59am Fear--edited version: i would welcome any constructive comments to the poem on the left. note: one line is out of line. thank you, j. Total Displayed: 14 |