Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1868269-Monkey-Soup
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Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Other · #1868269
Request reviews from other Brainstormers

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Welcome to Monkey Soup where Brainstormers can request reviews for items in their portfolio. If you need some input on a poem or story of yours, this is the perfect place. If you are looking to provide honest feedback on a fellow Brainstormer, look no further. All requests are reviewed by you, our wonderful team of Brainstormers. Don't be shy. Follow up a request with your thoughts in a review.

Guidelines for Requests:
*Bulletb* Requests can be on any topic
*Bulletb* If the request is for erotica, please mention in the description
*Bulletb* You can have up to 5 requests on the board at any given time
*Bulletb* You may delete a request and add a new one

Guidelines for Reviews:
*Bulletb* Reviews can be submitted by any Brainstormer.
*Bulletb* If you'd like to receive review credit for the review, make sure the reviews are public and affiliated to the group.
*Bulletb* Affiliated reviews from Monkey Soup will receive extra review credits (Yea, that means extra GPs!)
*Bulletb* Be sure to post your review at "Peaceful Pursuit ProjectOpen in new Window. to receive group points. Posted reviews that are from Monkey Soup will receive an additional Pursuit point. Don't forget, to receive credit for Pursuit points, reviews must be at least 500 characters.

Reviewing Monkey 2Review QuoteAnimated Monkeys image

Brainstormers Group Links

Every Breath  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 13+)
: Itchy Water~fictionandverse Author Icon @ 05-23-12 @ 5:55pm
A free verse poem that is on the darker side. Honest reviews please.

LIVING IN THE HOLE OF DEPRESSION  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 13+)
: ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Author Icon @ 05-25-12 @ 9:04pm
What a wonderful page. Where in this world did you find the Monkey typist...I like that he's at the old typewriter that i was so proud to own back in 1958...ANN

Drive it Home  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 18+)
: Joto-Kai Author Icon @ 05-29-12 @ 7:34am
11 pages. A man quests for help against his own rage; meanwhile, his wife fears something else entirely. (Love it, hate it, Lemme Know!l! Tell me how much and why! I'm cool*SnowMan*)

Counterstrike  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 18+)
: Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 Author Icon @ 06-04-12 @ 9:38am
A story I wrote for the Rising Stars Contest for the May Competition. It's about May 1 last year and how two men whose sister respective wife died on 9/11 deal with the news of Bin Laden's death. Thought I'd share it. *Bigsmile* Curious about what you think. *Smile*

A Precious Face  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 13+)
: ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy Author Icon @ 06-23-12 @ 10:35pm
Clinical depression has power, for the hope and healing began when i 'see' the precious face.

The Search  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: brom21 Author Icon @ 06-24-12 @ 8:14pm
total rewrite

Schizo  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 18+)
: john h. Author Icon @ 06-25-12 @ 11:14pm
Schizo is a pretty intense, subjective expression of the experience of schizophrenia. i welcome any/all constructive responses.

Bea Leaver-Gentle  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: john h. Author Icon @ 06-25-12 @ 11:22pm
Bea Leaver-Gentle is a poetic depiction of the joyful and sorrowful feelings of a mentally ill homeless woman. i welcome any/all constructive responses.

Over Cups of Coffee  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: ~*Arpita*~ Author Icon @ 06-28-12 @ 8:14am
This is an Indian story, but I hope everyone will be able to relate to it! Would like some in-depth review

SQUIRRELY SQUIRREL (revised)  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: mystic angel Author Icon @ 08-30-12 @ 6:40pm
I hope someone sees this. Monkey soup don't seem to see much traffic. Where is everyone? Please review this.

Moving anxiety and Asthema attacks  Open in new Window.   (Rated: ASR)
: Gifted Young Writer Author Icon @ 10-09-12 @ 3:56pm
Some stuff i've been going through latly

There's that feeling again...  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: KerrieAnnS Author Icon @ 10-27-12 @ 8:42pm
I wrote this earlier in the month when I was having a particularly low moment. Since then I feel I have been really improving but I like to look back on this to remind me of that improvement. I'd love feedback on this please :D

Your eyes are my Salvation  Open in new Window.   (Rated: E)
: KerrieAnnS Author Icon @ 10-29-12 @ 7:46pm
This was written for an interactive story; the prompt made me think of the many times I have fallen prey to panic attacks. There is one person who I always wish was there, because when they are they can bring me back from the brink. Reviews appreciated :D

Fear(1)  Open in new Window.   (Rated: 13+)
: john h. Author Icon @ 12-12-12 @ 7:59am
Fear--edited version: i would welcome any constructive comments to the poem on the left. note: one line is out of line. thank you, j.

Total Displayed: 14

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1868269-Monkey-Soup