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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1866889
Chapter 7: The Mysterious Island
Chapter Seven

When Zero reached the docks, a strange boat with a cage covered by a large cloth was sitting in the water with the keys in the ignition. Zero knew it was pretty much stealing, but he had no choice but to take the boat to go see what was up with this strange island. Zero would try to return the boat in the same condition…if he lived through whatever was on the island. Zero turned on the boat, and stepped on the gas to get going. Little did he know, there were tons of Shadow Sharks swimming around in the water. He drove for about an hour when it started getting really foggy. “Fog? What’s up with this?” Zero thought as he continued driving, but he heard the sound of something swimming on the left side of the boat. He was about to unsheath his sword, but he knew it wasn’t a threat yet. Something soon swam to the right side of the boat, but Zero didn’t pay attention to it up until he heard a low growling coming from the water. Zero stopped driving, and walked over to the right side. All he could see in the fog was a set of glowing red eyes coming from a short distance away. Zero felt an evil presence coming from where the strange set of eyes was until they were gone as fast as they arrived. “That was…weird.” Zero thought as he started walking back towards the wheel before the boat was hit by something underwater. Zero stumbled back a bit, and looked at the water, but saw nothing. Zero started the boat up again, and started driving again, but he had a suspicious feeling. The boat was hit from underwater again, and Zero nearly fell back, but he held onto the wheel and kept going. Soon afterwards, Zero heard something crack, and then heard the loud noise of something being ripped apart by sharp teeth. The boat soon stopped dead in its tracks, and Zero looked around. “This isn’t good. The boat’s dead at sea.” Zero said.
“Looks like the engine’s busted.” Zero said in the engine room, noticing there were large teeth marks all over the now destroyed engine. He also briefly saw a black fin moving in the water for just a moment. Zero thought it was a bit weird, but paid no mind to it and went back up to the deck. The fog seemed to have thickened, and even more suspicious growls could be heard coming from the water. Zero got his sword out, looking around. Soon afterwards, the side of the boat was hit by something from underwater, rocking the boat a bit. Afterwards, a Shadow Shark jumped out of the water and took a large bite out of the boat before jumping back into the water. “What the hell was that?!” Zero said, surprised up until another Shadow Shark lunged at him, but it missed and took another chunk of the boat into the water with it. “At this rate, these things will end up destroying the boat…and I’ll be next.” Zero thought as the Shadow Sharks continued destroying the boat with their razor sharp teeth. After a lot of destruction, the boat soon fell apart, and Zero landed in the Shadow Shark infested waters. More growls could be heard from the water, and Zero started to swim away as fast as he possibly could while the Shadow Sharks gave chase. Zero and the Shadow Sharks entered even deeper fog, and things got far worse then.
Zero awoke a few hours later on a beach. He was wounded pretty badly. He had bite marks all over his arms, legs, and his clothes, and a few teeth stuck in his skin. Zero looked around, and noticed he wasn’t in Star City at all. He was on the strange island. After walking along the beach for a while, he stumbled upon a rather large jungle. “Trees everywhere…” Zero thought as he walked, but thought something was off. The jungle was far too quiet for it to be normal. Zero walked around the jungle a bit up until he stumbled upon an old temple that looks like it’s been visited recently. Zero walked into the temple, and the strange marks on his right arm started to glow for some reason. When he reached the end of the hallway, Zac was waiting for Zero. “This temple holds many secrets. At least it did…at a time.” Zac said. “What are you talking about?” Zero asked. “The Red Moon Shadow. It destroyed all the inscriptions on the walls.” Zac answered, showing Zero the dustruction. “I had a feeling something like that would happen.” Zero answered until Zac handed him some type of gun. “It’s a portable sun gun. It can stop a Red Moon Demon in its tracks, but only for a bit. Be warned, though, it’s low on energy. I’ve been testing it on the demons. I suggest you get out of here.” Zac said before he walked away. “What does he mean by get out of here?” Zero thought until the strange fog rolled in, and the red moon started to rise. “Oh. That’s what he meant.” Zero said.
“Alright men, tonight, we will continue the hunt for souls to revive our king. The human with the sword ruined our chances last time. Although, we will eliminate these foolish humans when the time comes.” The Red Moon Shadow said to a large group of demons wearing hunting hats. Some of the demons nodded up until one of them caught Zero’s scent. After a few seconds, another one caught Zero’s scent, and soon, the entire horde including the shadow caught Zero’s scent. “Men…slight change of plans. It appears we have a human on our island. In fact, it’s the boy with the sword. Tonight, our prime threat will be defeated. After him!” the Red Moon Shadow said before the demons went savage and went after Zero. At his location, Zero heard the roars of demons, and prepared himself with his sword and the sun gun before they dashed towards Zero. He pressed the trigger on the sun gun, and a burst of light came out of the gun, causing the two demons in front of him to let out a loud cry of pain before stumbling back, covering their eyes. “Man, that’s bright. At least it works. Now, I need to get off this island before I’m ripped apart.” Zero said, tackling through blinded demons until he was outside in the open jungle with a horde of Red Moon Demons hunting him down. “I have to get back to the beach. I’m a dead man otherwise.” Zero thought, running through the jungle as demons jumped out and attacked him with their deadly claws. As Zero ran, he had only used two other shots from his sun gun to make a quick escape from demon attacks.
After a while, Zero finally reached the beach. “Crap! I just remembered something! My boat’s gone!” Zero said as demons surrounded him. Zero’s only other choice was either the water full of Shadow Sharks, or a horde of Red Moon Demons. The demons quickly attacked Zero in groups, slashing at him at every opportunity, dealing a lot of damage on Zero. After many attacks, Zero had taken a lot of powerful slashes. Zero stepped forward, far too weakened to attack before he fell to the ground. The demons didn’t hesitate, and prepared to finish off Zero until they were all blasted by a burst of light coming from somewhere nearby. Zac jumped down from a nearby tree, and picked up Zero. “It is not your time for death yet. I will be the one to end you when the time arrises. For now, you will be spared within an inch of your life. Do not fret. I will take you somewhere in Star City where you could be saved.” Zac said to Zero as he wasled towards a small boat sitting on the beach.
Zero awoke in some type of sword graveyard. There were swords as tombstones, and a strange red fog instead of its usual color. The ground seemed to be some type of flat gray landscape, and Zero appeared the way he did after the demon attacks on him. There were only tombs and fog for a few miles, and Zero had no idea what to expect. His weapons were away from his posession, so he wouldn’t be able to fight off any threats in the mysterious graveyard. “This is new. Just what is this place?” Zero wondered as he wakled through the graveyard path to the place it ended. It took a lot of walking, but Zero encountered a strange hooded figure looking down at one of the graves. “The cursed eclipse…it will soon come.” The hooded figure quietly said telepathiclly. “Cursed eclipse? What are you talking about?” Zero asked. “The demons of the moon of blood red will unleash their fury on the day of the eclipse of the moon.” The masked figure replied. “Dude, at least provide a decent response to your creepy talk.” Zero said to the hooded guy, but he simply walked towards Zero. “We will meet again, hero. Through the walled prison-like city of shadows, in the castle frozen in the cursed darkness of the lord of mayhem, the hero will arrive. It’s a quote from the prophecy of light. Good luck…hero.” the hooded guy said before vanishing in the fog.
Back in Star City, a group of doctors were rushing in the hospital to bring Zero to the emergency room. “Get this kid to the emergency room now!” a doctor said as a nurse ran over as the doctors were running with Zero on a stretcher. “What happened to this kid?” the nurse asked. “Demon attacks. Someone brought him in. Guy had a big sword.” One of the doctors answered before the group arrived at the emergancy room. “We’ll need to stitch up all of these wounds. Get to work.” One of the other doctors said as they soon got to work on trying to save Zero. Outside the hospital, Zac was walking around, holding a large bottle of some strange gray water. “The anestesia I gave him will ware off soon. After that, he’ll have to take care of the seven Red Moon Brute clones before that day arrives. You’ll need a lot of strength in order to survive the fights to come. If you fail, the prophecy written in the Book of Fear will be fulilled.” Zac thought as it started to rain, and he walked away. The end was soon to come for the events occuring in Star City. If the end would be either good or bad, Zero had to kill the seven Red Moon Brute clones…or die trying.
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